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The OECD is currently engaging in a world-wide feasibility study entitled International Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes (AHELO). This feasibility study seeks to develop measures that would assess student learning outcomes... more
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      GlobalizationHigher EducationInternational organizationsPost-Colonialism
En este artículo proponemos un análisis de algunos relatos del escritor argentino Alberto Alabí desde la noción de colonialidad en sus tres dimensiones —del poder, del saber y del ser— y sus implicaciones en las formaciones identitarias.... more
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      RepresentationsIdentityArgentinean LiteraturePower
ISBN 978 0 7453 9915 7 Hardback ISBN 978 0 7453 9910 2 Paperback ISBN 978 1 7868 0138 8 PDF eBook ISBN 978 1 7868 0140 1 Kindle eBook ISBN 978 1 7868 0139 5 EPUB eBook
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      PhilosophyDecolonial ThoughtColonialityColoniality and Decolonial Thinking
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      HistoryClimate ChangePostcolonial StudiesClimate Change Adaptation
By bringing together two sets of qualitative fieldwork conducted in 2016 and 2017 with humanitarian organizations and migrant women on the two sides of the Eastern Moroccan-Spanish border, this article examines the ways in which women... more
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      Gender StudiesHumanitarianismBorder StudiesCritical Race Theory
Há algum tempo pretendo escrever sobre meu tema de pesquisa tendo espaço e liberdade suficientes para sistematizar, de forma mais ou menos descompromissada, várias das angústias que surgiram desde que comecei a trabalhar com a temática "... more
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      Queer StudiesQueer TheologyColonial AmericaQueer Theory
Nature is the source of human subsistence but the transformation of nature into food is a cultural process that is not independent of power relations. The colonization of America comprised the systematic repression of indigenous ways of... more
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      Food StudiesLatin AmericaColoniality
En este artículo se propone valorar las limitaciones de la historiografía decolonial que derivan de la herencia recibida del programa de investigación desarrollado por Immanuel Wallerstein. Se trata de un ejercicio al interior de giro... more
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      World Systems AnalysisDecolonializationColonialityAnálise de sistemas-mundo
Contemporary social movements challenge dominant discourses about democracy, freedom, independence, and autonomy; the daily experiences of the marginalized show these ideals have not led to decolonization. When one examines academic... more
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      AutoethnographyColonialityCritical University Studies
Decoloniality is, in the first place, a concept whose point of origination was the Third World. Better yet, it emerged at the very moment in which the three world division was collapsing and the celebration of the end of history and a new... more
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      Cultural StudiesEpistemologyGlobalizationHigher Education
Colonial knowledge production has left an archival echo. Between the hissing and crackling of old shellac records and wax cylinders, voices can be heard that speak, announce, musick, whisper, chant, narrate, sing, and criticize. These... more
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      ColonialismSound studiesSound archivesSound Recording
Tras los acontecimientos de Black Lives Matter distintas estatuas han sido retiradas o derribadas por manifestantes en las prin- cipales ciudades del mundo. Sin embargo, en España los debates sobre la memoria histórica del colonialismo... more
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      Commemoration and MemoryMigration StudiesBarcelonaColoniality
This chapter seeks to decolonize critical theory by exploring the limits of the concepts of crisis and critique, and showing the theoretical relevance of the concept of catastrophe. Catastrophe (literally a “down-turn”) calls, not for... more
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      Critical TheoryCritical Race TheoryIdeology CritiqueCritique
Taking Boaventura de Sousa Santos' argument that there is no global social justice without global cognitive justice as its starting point, this article suggests that there is no global climate justice without global cognitive justice... more
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      Political EcologyPolitical OntologyClimate JusticeColonialidad
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      ColonialityAnibal QuijanoImmanuel Wallerstein
Decolonial studies from Latin America is a vast and multifaceted field of research, thought, and sociopolitical praxis (Aquino Moreschi, 2013; Curiel, 2016; Moraga & Anzaldúa, 2015; Díaz Gómez, 2004; Espinosa-Miñoso, 2014; Leyva et al.,... more
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      Latin American StudiesEducationCurriculum StudiesCurriculum
'On the Nature of Botanical Gardens' at Framer Framed in Amsterdam features nine contemporary Indonesian artists who look critically at botanical gardens, colonial power, knowledge building and the economics of nature, its legacies and... more
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[Índice e Introducción] "Esta edición de Mabel Moraña quiere ayudar a definir la trayectoria de la mujer latinoamericana, desde su representación en los albores de la Conquista hasta su progresiva incursión en el discurso durante el... more
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      Cultural StudiesLatin American StudiesGender StudiesWomen's Studies
My thesis is a call for the need of an intersectional awareness in the field of the commons, or the common or commoning. For that reason, I focus on a rather undertheorized subfield, the feminist commons because I deem that it promotes a... more
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      CommonsIntersectionality TheoryIntersectionalityColoniality
This e-book is a collection of papers focussing on the discursive dimension of the 'eastern enlargement' of the European Union, relying on lessons from post-colonial scholarship, world-systems analysis and critical race studies. The... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistorySociologyCultural Studies
Architectural discourse has traditiona\ly represented buildings as art objects or technical objects. Yet buildings are also socia\ objects in that they are lnvested with social meaning and shape social relations. Recognizing these... more
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      Urban GeographyGender StudiesQueer StudiesMedia Studies
The 10th anniversary of the Middelburg Decolonial Summer School is devoted to "The Consumption of Life and the Regeneration of the Communal."
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      Philosophy Of ReligionDevelopment StudiesSpiritualityDecolonial Thought
The intricate histories of Maroon ecology contain complex, layered histories of agency that shaped and redefined Maroon experiences. Rather than relying on one-sided colonial narratives of Maroon spatiality and ecological praxis that... more
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This essay uses a fusion of queer and Puerto Rican studies, and a small sample of literature by Puerto Rican women writers, to initiate a conversation about representations of colonized subject positions through articulations of sexuality... more
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      Latino/A StudiesLatin American StudiesGender StudiesWomen's Studies
This Article investigates how contemporary laws of war rationalize civilian deaths. I concentrate on two specific legal constructions in warfare: the definition of civilian/combatant and the principle of distinction. (The categories of... more
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      Islamic LawComparative LawInternational RelationsEthics
This introductory essay considers the critical purchase of “relationality” in current scholarly debates in Comparative Ethnic Studies and Comparative Literature. It foregrounds Blackness and/as incommensurability as they are treated in... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAmerican StudiesComparative LiteratureEthnic and Racial Studies
A call for changing the terms of the conversation, after an account of the history that lead to current global disorder.
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      Political PhilosophyGlobalizationPolitical TheoryGlobalization And Postcolonial Studies
This mini-zine (foldable media + text) was published at It is a pedagogical experiment that invites conversations about our collective existence in a planet facing unprecedented crises. Each side presents a... more
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      Environmental EducationIndigenous educationEthics & Social SustainabilityEcopsychology
Este texto argumenta que a “colonialidade” é o lado mais escuro da modernidade ocidental, uma matriz de poder que surgiu entre o Renascimento e o Iluminismo durante a colonização das Américas, e que está culminando com o neoliberalismo... more
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      Social SciencesModernityColonialidadColoniality
This article departs from the discussion by Stephen Castles on the migration-asylum nexus by focusing on the political and cultural effects of the summer of immigration in 2015. It argues for a conceptualization of the asylum-migration... more
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      Race and RacismMigrationIntersectionality TheoryPostcolonial Feminism
From The South Atlantic Quarterly 112, no. 4 (Fall 2013): 725–736, this article examines the theodicean dimensions of blackness in Euromodernity.
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      Black Liberation TheologyColonialismTheodicyModernity
Social theories are always produced somewhere. Their contexts of origin, including specific geopolitical as well as historical, social, economic, and political settings, of necessity colour the theories produced (Fanon 1967;
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      Latin American StudiesSocial SciencesCapitalismRacism
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      Cultural StudiesEuropean StudiesItalian StudiesPostcolonial Studies
America latina e modernità. L'opzione decoloniale: saggi scelti Traduzione italiana di Clara Ciccioni (per Colonialità del potere ed eurocentrismo in America latina e geopolitica e la corpo-politica del sapere), Monica di Girolamo (per... more
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      SociologyLatin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesSocial Sciences
Desde los años ochenta, los estudios sobre las mujeres árabes y/o musulmanas han experimentado un auge espectacular en los ámbitos académicos, entre otros. Los debates sobre mujeres, feminismo e Islam y también sobre lo que ha venido a... more
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      Feminist TheoryIslamic StudiesWomen and Gender Issues in IslamPostcolonial Feminism
In this article we will review the anthropological work of the Prussian philosopher Immanuel Kant, in its relationship with the scientific instrumentalization by imperial policies of the time, and from the point of view of the Latin... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryEthnohistoryEthnic Studies
In Morocco, gender and sexual norms have strict guardians, potentially in the person of every citizen. There are diverse situations which entail multiple reactions depending on the class and race relations that permeate Moroccan society.... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesTraumaDecolonial ThoughtColoniality
This article is an exploration of the dynamics of contemporary colonialism in the Canadian settler nation-state in the context of programs of teacher education. From my perspective as a settler-scholar-teacher working in teacher... more
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      Teacher EducationColonialitySettler colonialismDifficult Knowledge
This paper attempts to avoid both overly optimistic and pessimistic accounts of the ‘on-demand’ global economy and of ‘platform labor’ in the Global South. It instead considers both how the socio-cultural and economic complexities of the... more
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      EconomicsGlobalizationDigital MediaPhilippines
Résumé : Cette thèse s’intéresse au contrôle migratoire en actes à la frontière maroco-espagnole et ses effets sur les personnes ciblées. Mettant en lumière les processus de minorisation des ressortissant-e-s d’Afrique centrale et... more
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      Gender StudiesViolenceEthnographyBorder Studies
While education is an inherently political field and practice, and while the political struggles that radical philosophy takes up necessarily involve education, there remains much to be done at the intersection of education and radical... more
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      Sociology of EducationDeaf studiesPhilosophy of EducationAnimal Studies
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      Queer StudiesIslamophobiaIndiaDecolonial Thought
El escrito parte de uno de los objetivos específicos del proyecto de investigación en el que se enmarca, consistente en indagar por los estudios decoloniales y su contexto, para que luego puedan servir como plataformas para teorías... more
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This chapter’s main concern is to draw out the implications for critique of bridging relationships between thinking about coloniality, about the questions the posthuman and more-than-human bring, and so also about ontology. It argues that... more
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      OntologyPolitical TheoryPosthumanismPolitical Ecology
A transoceanic comparative study of Caribbean modernista and Filipino propagandista essays and poetry written between 1880-1910, contextualized by Spain’s loss of its final colonies in 1898. The works studied show the development of a... more
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      ModernityLatin American literatureColonialityModernismo
Despite unprecedented access to information and diffusion of knowledge across the globe, the bulk of work in mainstream psychological science still reflects and promotes the interests of a privileged minority of people in affluent centers... more
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      Cultural PsychologyDecolonial ThoughtColonialityLiberation Psychology
Ce rapport d'HDR a été conçu comme un « super-rapport d'activité » d'un chercheur aux deux tiers de sa carrière. Il reprend donc, et met en perspective, les grands thèmes de la recherche menée sur l'Afrique de colonisation portugaise au... more
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      MarxismPostcolonial StudiesPost-ColonialismPostcolonial Theory
Publié dans Benoît Awazi Mbambi Kungua (dir.), Philosophies africaines, Études postcoloniales et Mondialisation néolibérale. Variations africaines et diasporiques, Afroscopie VIII/2018, Le Cerclecad-Harmattan, Ottawa-Paris, mars 2018, 716... more
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En los orígenes de la nación chilena se ocultan una serie de elementos raciales que pueden remontarse a muchos años antes de su establecimiento formal como institución política. Las ideas de “raza” y “racismo” son el eje central sobre el... more
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      American LiteratureChristianityHistoryAmerican History