Comparative Ethnic Studies
Recent papers in Comparative Ethnic Studies
Asupra omului văzut ca entitate dinamică cu tendinţe de perfecţionare (intelectuală, socială, economică) acţionează concomitent o serie de rituri cu valenţe diverse, uneori chiar contrare. Astfel, integrarea într-un nou context nu se... more
Despite a lack of applied research, social partnerships are increasingly being adopted by both government and non-government agencies to meet localised needs in education and other fields. This paper discusses the findings of an... more
Marek Jakoubek (ed.): Teorie etnicity. Čítanka textů.
Doshisha American Studies (March 2010)
The recent scholarship of civil rights historians and ethnic studies scholars have troubled the notion that appeals to a “common oppression” as “people of color” can unify multiracial coalitions. Rather, they have built their analysis... more
Background: The persistently high prevalence of girl-child marriage remains a public health and developmental concern in Nigeria. Despite global campaign against the practice and policy efforts by Nigerian government, the prevalence... more
Coming from the notions of AmartyaSen and Robert Chambers, on poverty as "capability deprivation" and "absence of well-being", this study seeks to portray a "political face" of the poor's condition. Beyond the usual depiction of the poor... more
This essay argues that the science fiction classic disguises its use of race, signifying blackness indirectly through metaphor rather than directly through bodies that conform to traditional notions of biological race.
Critical race theory" [CRT] is a body of scholarship that contests predominant understandings and usages of racial identities and institutions. Narrowly construed, the term refers to left-leaning legal scholarship on race. Broadly... more
This introductory essay considers the critical purchase of “relationality” in current scholarly debates in Comparative Ethnic Studies and Comparative Literature. It foregrounds Blackness and/as incommensurability as they are treated in... more
Background The persistently high prevalence of girl-child marriage remains a public health and developmental concern in Nigeria. Despite global campaign against the practice and policy efforts by Nigerian government, the prevalence... more
Collective identity in the so-called Byzantine Empire is a much-debated issue that has drawn a lot of attention over the years. The current paper attempts a critical assessment of the hitherto main lines of thinking about Byzantine... more
Somalia is generally thought of as a homogenous society, with a common Arabic ancestry, a shared culture of nomadism and one Somali mother tongue. This study challenges this myth. Using the Jareer/Bantu as a case study, the book shows how... more
What is “contagion”? What scientific, linguistic, cultural, visual, aesthetic, and affective cues imbue the concept with meaning and force? A roundtable discussion with artist Candice Lin and scholars Mel Y. Chen and Jih-Fei Cheng.
WENDY SUNG 1 saw my childhood in flames, it was all burning to the ground ... I was watching the laws and rules of society crumble .... We looted all the stores that said DAVID CHOE'S "KOREANS GONE': BAD" 1 91
The paper aims to contribute to the comparative study of Girish Karnad's Nagamandala and Wole Soyinka's Lion and Jewel. These prominent plays can be comparatively studied in light of gender issues and both plays have enjoyed immense... more
Dos suizos, dos libros, una única obsesión: la explotación del “oro negro” de la selva amazónica, en la época del auge cauchero en el Oriente de Bolivia. Con apenas unos meses de diferencia, Franz Ritz y Ernst Leutenegger trabajaron en la... more
This article examines how Junot Díaz's The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (2007) and Joaquin Mbomio Bacheng's Matinga: sangre en la selva (2013) engage theories of reparations and futurities through practices of decolonial love. Through... more
This essay argues that the cult hit represents non–white, Asian and black, masculinity as fragmented in order to narrate white masculinity as whole.
Çok uluslu ve çok dinli/mezhepli imparatorlukların 19. yüzyılda kendi varlıklarına tehdit olarak gördüğü farklı etnik ve dinî unsurlara yönelik uyguladığı yaygın siyasî pratiklerden biri, söz konusu grupları sürgün veya tehcir yoluyla... more
The 1983 manuscript published in "Calendars in Mesoamerica and Peru: Native American computations of time". Aveni, Anthony F. & Brotherston, Gordon, eds., BAR International Series 174, Oxford from the 1982 manuscript presented both at the... more
IpQNbvxSNKLgaYzPB6F9BPp6pqOAE?usp=sharing This course introduces students to contemporary race/ethnicity debates in Latin America and specifically examines the role of race/ethnicity in the region's politics. In this course, we start from... more
Abstract: Through ethnography, I examine how hip-hop's expressive forms are being used as the raw materials of everyday life by residents of the San Francisco Bay Area, home to what many regard as one of the most stylistically... more
In 2009, just prior to her death, Argentine revolutionary folk singer Mercedes Sosa chose to give concerts in Israel. These appearances were consistent with her increasingly public Zionism, staged through singing Israeli nationalist songs... more
Параўноўваецца вынаходніцтва этнаграфічных рэгіёнаў Беларусі і Літвы як інструментаў навуковай класіфікацыі і інтэрпрэтацыі тэрытарыяльных варыянтаў этнічнай культуры. Паказана выключная важнасць сацыяльна рэлевантных маркераў... more
This essay argues that the 1943 WWII combat movie scapegoats the Asian enemy by transferring the mark of anti-black racism from white to Japanese.
In social terms Arab American Christians lie both inside and outside the category of ‘white’ by race. Seemingly ‘white’ via their religious affiliation with the majority and non-white through their Arab and Middle Eastern backgrounds, at... more
20. yüzyılın başlarında ulusçu düşüncenin eyleme dönüşmesiyle yeni bir dünya düzeni kurulmuştur. Bu yeni düzende, tarihe şekil veren büyük imparatorluklar yerlerini kendi içlerinden çıkan ulus-devletlere bırakmak zorunda kalmıştır. Yüzyıl... more
This article examines the Lawndale Choir in light of U.S.-Mennonite denominational politics surrounding race during the late 1960s and early 1970s. The choir formed around 1970 at Lawndale Mennonite Church, a congregation that began in... more
This article situates the reception of Joy Kogawa’s Obasan within a comparative North American context, tracing the divergence and conver- gence of US and Canadian racial discourses in the canonization of Obasan in Asian American and... more
[This paper was written for an Anthropology course on citizenship and displacement in the 2nd year of my PhD program.] The Hispanic population has been the largest minority group in the United States since around the year 2000. This... more
Minnie Bruce Pratt (1946-) and Mab Segrest (1949-) are white middle-class lesbians that both came of age during the classical phase of the Civil Rights Movement in rural Alabama. Today, they are considered influential figures in feminist... more
Canadian immigration politics and policymaking are striking. Canadian admission targets have steadily increased since the global economic crisis of 2008-2009, regardless of the party in power and despite the COVID-19 pandemic. In contrast... more