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The twenty-first century is the era when populations of cities will exceed rural communities for the first time in human history. The population growth of cities in many countries, including those in transition from planned to market... more
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      UrbanismEcological Urbanism
TEMI DEL SEMINARIO: Recentemente il geografo Massimo Quaini ha affermato che il paesaggio non è tanto interessante per leggere l’ambiente in “termini scientifici” quanto invece quale contenitore di miti, sogni e metafore utili ad... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureUrban PlanningEcologyEnvironmental Sustainability
This paper presents hybrid and nature-based solutions (NBS) for wastewater treatment that may be applied to diverse urban and peri-urban contexts. They offer multiple environmental and economic benefits, with the enhancement of human... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable UrbanismWater and wastewater treatmentSustainable Water Resources Management
Ainda que as mudanças climáticas, a arquitetura sustentável e as tecnologias ecológicas sejam questões perfeitamente assentadas no imaginário coletivo, o mesmo ainda não ocorreu com aqueles temas relacionados à sustentabilidade urbana.... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureSustainable DevelopmentUrban PlanningUrban Studies
In recent years, the world has seen the emergence of a number of urban projects which, under the banner of experimentation, have promoted alternative models of city-making capable, in theory, of creating sustainable built environments.... more
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      Urban GeographyPolitical EconomyUrban PoliticsRenewable Energy
Exhibition by SNSF Professorship for Architecture and Theory, Prof. Dr. Sascha Roesler and Dr. Lorenzo Stieger. Accademia di architettura, September 14 – October 31, 2020. Mendrisio, Switzerland This exhibition promotes the notion of... more
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      PalimpsestsEcological UrbanismEnergy LandscapesEnergy Infrastructure
While climate change, sustainable architecture, and green technologies have become increasingly topical, issues surrounding the sustainability of the city are much less developed. The premise of this book is that an ecological approach is... more
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    • Ecological Urbanism
“Urbanismo ecológico es una iniciativa de la Graduate School of Design de la Harvard University que entiende el proyecto como una síntesis capaz de conectar la ecología y el urbanismo. La iniciativa intenta poner de manifiesto métodos... more
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      Ecological UrbanismUrban DesignArquitetura e UrbanismoArquitectura y urbanismo
While climate change, sustainable architecture, and green technologies have become increasingly topical, issues surrounding the sustainability of the city are much less developed. The premise of this book is that an ecological approach is... more
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      Landscape EcologyLandscape ArchitectureUrban PlanningSustainable Urbanism
A library is a facility that support the educational curriculum and research at any level of education in institutions of learning at local, state and national scale. With the growing concern about and increasing interest in sustainable... more
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      Ecological UrbanismSmart CitiesLandscape architecture, Ecological urbanism, sustainable developmentGreen Urbanism
Si bien el cambio climático, la arquitectura sostenible y las tecnologías ecológicas son cuestiones perfectamente asentadas en el imaginario colectivo, no ha ocurrido lo mismo con aquellos temas que afectan a la sostenibilidad de la... more
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    • Ecological Urbanism
La riconquista di una visione del futuro urbano è una questione rilevante: il nostro orizzonte si restringe in modo considerevole con l’accumularsi del disastro ecologico in atto, la paura di avventurarsi aumenta di giorno in giorno. Per... more
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      CommonsUrban PlanningUrban RegenerationUrbanism
A cidade, como um sistema vivo, depende de fluxos de energia, matéria e informação para sintetizar a oferta e a demanda de serviços ecossistêmicos urbanos e assim, garantir a qualidade de vida de seus habitantes. A sustentabilidade urbana... more
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      Urban EcologyEcological Urbanism
While climate change, sustainable architecture, and green technologies have become increasingly topical, issues surrounding the sustainability of the city are much less developed. The premise of this book is that an ecological approach is... more
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    • Ecological Urbanism
This dissertation is a study conducted to draw on the Governance of an Urban River, which here is Mithi commonly refer to as a Nallah rather than a river in the city. The study has rigorously and comprehensively looked into the various... more
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      Wetland EcologyEcological UrbanismRiver Basin ManagementRiver Restoration
This book tells the story of visionary urban experiments, shedding light on the theories that preceded their development and on the monsters that followed and might be the end of our cities. The narrative is threefold and delves first... more
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      RoboticsGeographyArtificial IntelligencePolitical Economy
From the book: "With the aim of projecting alternative and sustainable forms of urbanism, the book asks: What are the key principles of an ecological urbanism? How might they be organized? And what role might design and planning play... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureEcological DesignUrban EcologyLandscape Urbanism
Reimagine fragmented cities and neighborhoods through a design blueprint for healthy communities to Reclaim the Public Realm, and improve mobility and connectivity. Urban Cores within these neighborhoods will comprise a more Livable,... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesLandscape ArchitectureUrban ForestryGreen Infrastructure
‘Defines biomimicry for sustainable design and translates ecological knowledge into practical methodologies for architectural and urban design that can proactively respond to climate change and biodiversity loss. Tests and exemplifies... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesEcological DesignSustainable DevelopmentUrban Regeneration
Since the early 20th century various planning movements have been developed. It would be useful to trace the evolution of these movements to see how their underlying principles have changed and how successful they have been in addressing... more
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      Modern ArchitectureModernismNew UrbanismEcological Urbanism
"The theory of metabolic and ecological rift has been elaborated by some scholars, especially by John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark and Richard York, to point in evidence the social and structural roots of the deep contemporary world... more
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      Political EcologyEnvironmental StudiesAnthropology Of NatureEcological Urbanism
In this text we construe affect as a conservative force, as glue that holds social life in place. With this starting point, we direct our attention towards the unfolding of the ecological crises. Using the case of ‘automobile supremacy’,... more
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      Cultural StudiesClimate ChangeMaterial Culture StudiesSociology of Emotion
There is a disconnection between commercial architecture and environmental thinking, where green features can be included as part of a strategy for gaining approvals and marketing projects, but those features are not reviewed after... more
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      Climate Change Adaptation And Mitigation StrategiesEcological UrbanismClimatic DesignClimatic Design of Buildings in Different Climatic Zones
This publication presents the results of a two-week Erasmus Intensive Programme organized in Barcelona’s Zona Franca during spring 2014 in order to explore potential convergences between urbanism, urban metabolism and industrial ecology... more
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      Landscape EcologyUrban PlanningSustainable UrbanismUrbanism
Il saggio dà conto del progetto del nuovo piano urbanistico comunale di Casoria, città di 80.000 abitanti nell'hinterland di Napoli.
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      Landscape UrbanismEcological UrbanismPublic policiesUrban Design
A discussion of ecological networks in cities.

Find open access link to the article in the 'Publications' section of
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      Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable Building DesignSustainable Urban EnvironmentsEcological Networks
En 1995, Marie-Claire Regniers escribió observaba cómo “en el paisaje contemporáneo de la arquitectura belga Luc Schuiten es una figura aparte”, que supera “las líneas de construcción rígidas y tradicionales [y] dibuja... more
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      Landscape EcologyArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureUtopian Studies
Banjarmasin and Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, feature prominently in the medium-term plan Indonesia 2014-2019 of the Indonesian government: as large cities, as priority location for a new town, as future growth center, and mainly as (the... more
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      Sustainable UrbanismUrbanismLandscape UrbanismEcological Urbanism
Climate change impacts, especially on coastal cities, can no longer be ignored and in order to avoid significant losses in the built environment, the economy, and, by consequence, human health and life, it is imperative to address these... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesClimate Change AdaptationUrban TransformationEcological Urbanism
Deakin University was commissioned in March 2016 by the Victorian Government Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) to develop a research report that would support DELWP’s work on the Moolap Coastal Strategic... more
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      EcotourismSustainable DevelopmentUrban PlanningUrban Regeneration
Today, design proposals like ‘Metropolitan Landscapes’ and ‘Metabolism of the Brussels Region’ aim at fusing natural and social sciences to restore the equilibrium between social and natural systems, and in extenso the urban and natural... more
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      Urban HistoryHistory and Philosophy of EcologyLandscapeEcological Urbanism
Creating spaces that have many concurrent purposes -- social, ecological, and infrastructural-- is a challenge in the urban realm where large infrastructural systems have been inherited and typically serve a single purpose. This study... more
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      DesignLandscape ArchitectureGreen InfrastructureUrbanism
Urban commons is a concept that is currently ‘trending’ in the social sciences. Most of this presently emerging research more or less uncritically builds upon the influential theory of the commons presented by Nobel laureate Elinor... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsCommonsPolitical EcologyActor Network Theory
Over the past few decades, both in the USA and Europe, many cultural landscapes (CL's) facing social and economic decline have been revitalized through processes embracing planning, design, touristic ideas, heritage resources, local... more
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      Cultural HeritageSustainable DevelopmentCultural Heritage ConservationSustainable Building Design
Il saggio introduce il tema del numero doppio 25/26 della rivista Piano Progetto Città, del Dipartimento di Architettura di Pescara. Il numero, dal titolo "Eco.Logics" è curato da Massimo Angrilli e si incentra sul tema del rapporto tra... more
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      UrbanismLandscape UrbanismEcological UrbanismUrbanistica Paesaggio Governo Territorio Piani Progetti
Resumen. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar la importancia de la ecología urbana para la gestión ambiental y el control poblacional de animales domésticos, considerandos un problema de salud pública y una amenaza a la fauna... more
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      Environmental StudiesEnvironmental ManagementEcologyUrban Ecology
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      ArchitectureUrban PlanningUrban StudiesUrbanism
Metabolism is an Analogy-based protocol for accounting the material and energy flows within a city, permits quantifying the balance of resource inputs and waste outputs. The concept can relate to urban efficiency account and be explained... more
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      RecyclingUrban EcologyEcological Urbanism
Saudi Heritage comprises many experiences, solutions, and values reached by the Saudi person in dealing with the surrounding environment through the ages. So it was passed to the next generations. This includes many of the material.... more
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    • Ecological Urbanism
The subject matter of this article is synthetic description of the idea of ecological housing estate, which take the beginning from the principle of sustainable development. This phenomenon is highly diverse since there are no precise... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureSustainable DevelopmentUrban PlanningUrbanism
Just across the Gay Street Bridge from downtown Knoxville there lies 1000 acres of urban wilderness. Complete with herbaceous cover and woody species, karst, wetlands, rivers and bluffs the area has become a safe haven for urban... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesConservation BiologyConservationUrban Planning
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      Urban StudiesLandscape UrbanismEcological UrbanismCall for Papers
L’interazione esplosiva tra aumento dell’impronta urbana sul pianeta e crisi di un modello finanziario di sviluppo, tuttavia, ci impone di rivedere i paradigmi che guidano le politiche urbane non più in termini esclusivi di crescita,... more
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      Urban RegenerationCreative CityEcological UrbanismUrban Recycling
Pamphlet outlining the principle traits of Panarchistic Architecture's 'pyroendurer' pyroachetype for use when exploring how the architectural and urban resilience paradigm may work in policy and professional practice. Part of the wider... more
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      ArchitectureEcological DesignNatural HazardsBioclimatic Architecture
The idea of applying biomimicry to cities is attracting increasing attention as a way of achieving sustainability. Undoubtedly the most frequently evoked natural model in this context is the forest, though it has not yet been investigated... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyEnvironmental StudiesUrban PlanningSustainable Urbanism
The paper discusses co-design, development, production, application of TreeHugger (see Figure 1). The co-design among community and trans-disciplinary participants with different expertise required scope of media mix, switching between... more
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      Collaborative DesignCo-DesignEcological UrbanismUrban Design
Installation in "The Competitive Hypothesis", an exhibition at the Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York City, in collaboration with Think Space, curated by Adrian Lahoud. January 2013. The image, a collage of corporate... more
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      Landscape EcologyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsUrban GeographyPolitical Economy
Il saggio fa parte di un volume che ricostruisce la consulenza fornita da tre scuole di Architettura (Pescara, Venezia, Ascoli Piceno) per il disseppellimento di un fiume urbano nella città cinese di Zhongshan, in collaborazione con... more
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      Landscape EcologyEcological UrbanismRiver RestorationUrbanistica Paesaggio Governo Territorio Piani Progetti
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      Landscape UrbanismEcological UrbanismCall for Papers
Panarchistic Architecture: Building Wildland Urban-Interface Resilience to Wildfire through Design Thinking, Practice, and Building Codes Modelled on Ecological Systems Theory - Literature Review in ebook format.
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      ResilienceEcological DesignSustainable DevelopmentBiomimetics