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The restoration of wall paintings within the context of the living sacred tradition of Mahayana Buddhism poses several challenges, primarily the dichotomy between a studied scientific approach to pictorial integration and the religious... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationConservation of wall paintings
Григоров, Дмитрий Александрович (1860-1929). Русский иконописный подлинник / / [Соч.] Д.А. Григорова. — [Санкт-Петербург] : тип. Имп. Акад. наук, [1887]. — 147 с., 3 л. ил. : 28.
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      Russian StudiesIconographyArt HistoryArt
Il compito che mi sono prefisso è quello di fare un resoconto quanto più possibile essenziale del modo come si è deciso di intervenire sulla Camera degli Sposi e sul le decorazioni murali in essa contenute. La struttura dell'intervento... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageConservation of wall paintings
Rainer, L., Gittins, M., Camardo, D., Piqué, F., Arcudi, A., Barnaba, C. & Bonaschi, M.L. (2017) Investigations into the 1938 restoration of Roman wall paintings in the tablinum of the House of the Bicentenary at Herculaneum. In: Linking... more
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      Heritage ConservationHerculaneumPompeii and HerculaneumConservation of wall paintings
Laino, N., Santamaria, U., Pelosi, C. & Agresti, G. (2017) Una sfida conservativa per il sito archeologico di Ercolano: ridurre la perdità di coesione della pellicola pittorica dei dipinti murali. In IGIIC (ed.) Lo State dell'Arte 15:... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationHerculaneumPompeii and HerculaneumConservation of wall paintings
la découverTe eT la conservaTion de la peinTure murale caTalane La construction des églises du IX e au XII e siècle et leur décoration murale accompagnent la Reconquête des comtés catalans sur les musulmans. Elles témoignent de la... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationConservation of wall paintingsHistorical Painting Techniques
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      ConservationCultural Heritage ConservationRestorationScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
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      Graeco-Roman EgyptLate Antique Art and ArchaeologyGraeco-Roman Mosaics and Wall PaintingsRoman Egypt
Τα υπόγεια του Δικαστικού Μεγάρου της Τρίπολης φιλοξενούν τοιχογραφήματα (γκραφίτι) και τοιχογραφίες μικρών διαστάσεων, ιστορικά τεκμήρια της περιόδου της Κατοχής και του Εμφυλίου Πολέμου (1947-1949), περίοδο κατά την οποία λειτούργησαν... more
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      Conservation of wall paintingsGreek Civil War
“ΧΡΩΣΤΗΡΕΣ / PAINTBRUSHES. Wall-painting and vase-painting of the second millennium BC in dialogue” was an interdisciplinary symposium addressed to archaeologists, conservators of antiquities and artists specialized in the study of Aegean... more
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      Mycenaean era archaeologyMinoan art and archaeologyPotteryAegean Late Bronze Age
Kapadokya bölgesinde yumuşak ve gözenekli olan tüf kayaya oyulmuş kültürel miras kalıntılarımızın doğal nedenlerden kaynaklanan bozulmaları yavaşlatacak yöntemler saptamak projenin temelini oluşturmaktadır.’
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      Research MethodologyCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage ConservationMedieval Wall Paintings
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      Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)Conservation of wall paintingsAkrotiri auf Thera - Akrotiri on TheraTechnology of Wall Paintings
The paper attempts to analyse the codes of the wall-painting art, not in order to confirm the self-evident (the aesthetic value of the wall paintings at Akrotiri, Thera) but with the aim of detecting their technique from the viewpoint of... more
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      ArchaeologyIconographyPerforming ArtsMediterranean prehistory
The church of St. George the Victorious in Mlado Nagorichane was built in the second half of the 16th century, and the wall painting, which had long been covered by limestone coatings, was created toward the end of the same century. It... more
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      IconographyHagiographyConservationCultural Heritage Conservation
Νέα υποστηρίγματα αποσπασμένων τοιχογραφιών με τη χρήση σύνθετων υλικών με τρισδιάστατα υαλοϋφάσματα Γιώργος Κορκόβελος, Συντηρητής Αρχαιοτήτων και Έργων Τέχνης, Β.Χ.Μ. Μαρία Χατζηδάκη, καθηγήτρια Εφαρμογών, Τμήμα Σ.Α.Ε.Τ., Τ.Ε.Ι.... more
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      Conservation of Ancient and Historic Wall PaintingsConservation of wall paintingsConservation and Restoration of Wall PaintingsConservation and Restoration of Mural Paintings
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      Close-range PhotogrammetryConservation of wall paintings
Our current knowledge on early Christian wall painting is mainly gained through studying catacombs and vaulted tombs, where the largest painted decorative arrangements have been discovered. Contrary to this, in early Christian churches... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly ChristianityLate Antiquity
L'identificazione dei leganti nei dipinti ha presentato fin dall'inizio seri problemi analitici rispetto a quella dei pigmenti, a causa sia della difficoltà di separazione dei diversi materiali sia delle alterazioni cui vanno incontro per... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageConservation of wall paintings
La realizzazione dei pannelli di supporto per i frammenti di affresco delle volte crollate di Assisi richiedeva un’accurata controformatura che non poteva essere fatta fisicamente sulle volte stesse, perché non si disponeva di un... more
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      Heritage ConservationMedieval Wall PaintingsConservation of wall paintingsCarbon fibre reinforced plastics
St Alexander Nevsky cathedral-monument in Sofia recently celebrated its centennial anniversary. The construction and decoration were completed in 1913, but its consecration was postponed for a decade till 1924 because of political and... more
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      Conservation of wall paintingsMural painting conservationConservation and Restoration of Wall Paintings
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      IconographyBronze Age ArchaeologyLate Bronze Age archaeologyAegean Late Bronze Age
ORGANIZAÇÃO APOIO 5 AGRaDECIMENTOS HEROICA Health and Edibles in ROman Iberia -a Case-study for Archaeometry, referência PTDC/HI-ARQ/120236/2010 APOLLO Archaeological and Physical On-site Laboratory -Lifting Outputs, operação n.º... more
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      Heritage ConservationScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageConservación y RestauraciónConservation of wall paintings
awaiting villagers for an excavation display held in the courtyard of the Kommos storeroom in the village of Pitsidia, Crete, 1977 (photo by Robert K. Vincent, Jr.). PREHISTORY MONOGRAPHS 22
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      IconographyWall PaintingsConservation of wall paintingsAkrotiri auf Thera - Akrotiri on Thera
Sono presentati i risultati di uno studio multidisciplinare finalizzato alla conoscenza e alla valorizzazione di una eccezionale tomba a camera dipinta, di età ellenistica, rinvenuta nel centro messapico di Egnazia. Di questo importante e... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyArchaeology of pre-Roman ItalyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Graeco-Roman Mosaics and Wall Paintings
Dentro del actual proceso de restauración de la colegiata de Santa María la Mayor, en Calatayud, iniciada con la actualización y revisión del Plan Director en 2011, se inscribe la reciente actuación del Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureCultural HeritageConstruction Materials
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    • Conservation of wall paintings
The conservation-restoration process of the wall paintings dated between the 9-13th centuries, in the Cappadocia region started in the 1960s and continues today. Within the scope of this thesis, seven of the few wall painting... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationByzantine StudiesMedieval ArtScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
Ctitorie a familiei cneziale româneşti a Cândeştilor din Râu de Mori, biserica-sală cu turn masiv peste altarul rectangular decroşat din Suseni-Colţ (jud. Hunedoara) a fost ridicată după mijlocul sec. al XIV-lea şi decorată cu fresce... more
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      Art HistoryOld Church SlavonicByzantine StudiesHistory of Art
Introduction by Ittai Weinryb, Bard Graduate Center, New York City. Translation by Max Koss, Leuphana University Lüneburg. This essay was originally published in Mitteilungen der K.K. Zentral-Kommission für Erforschung und Erhaltung der... more
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      Art HistoryCultural HeritagePaintingCultural Heritage Conservation
Salt activity was causing serious loss to the wall paintings and tomb monuments in the Crypt of the Grand Masters at St John’s Co-Cathedral. A series of diagnostic investigations, including condition and environmental monitoring, provided... more
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      Biodeterioration od Cultural HeritageConservation of wall paintingsSalt deteriorationPassive interventions
Příspěvek předkládá základní přehled druhotných úprav monumentálního malířského cyklu v ambitu emauzského kláštera v Praze. Změny sleduje na pozadí možných posunů vnímání obrazu (proměnnými) řeholními komunitami, které klášter zpravovaly... more
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      Heritage ConservationMedieval Wall PaintingsConservation of wall paintingsBeuron Art School
Anatolia was the cradle of many civilizations for thousands of years and a melting pot of peoples of different ethnic origins and religions. Because of its coveted natural resources and trade routes, Anatolia was coveted by many... more
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      Anatolian ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyWood ScienceRepatriation (Archaeology)
Μετάφρασή μου στο κείμενο με τίτλο «ΤΡΟΠΟΣ. Ο ΧΡΩΣΤΗΡΑΣ ΤΟΤΕ ΚΑΙ ΤΩΡΑ. Ψηλαφώντας τα ίχνη των Θηραϊκών τοιχογραφιών», της Μαρίας Κρίγκα, ζωγράφου, εικαστικού & εκπαιδευτικού (ΑΣΚΤ & Newcastle University MSc). Δημοσιεύτηκε στο A.... more
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      ArchaeologyArt HistoryPaintingHistory of Art
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyIconographyArt History
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      Digital HumanitiesMuseum StudiesCultural HeritageDigital Archaeology
St Albans contains one of the most extensive sets of medieval wall paintings to survive in any of the great English churches, ranging in date from the early 12th century to the Tudor period. These provide a unique picture of how the... more
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      Medieval ArtMedieval Wall PaintingsConservation of wall paintingsSt Albans
Conservation of the historic 18thC. Sinclair Inn Museum, and of the recently discovered late 18 th /early 19thC. unique panoramic wall paintings located in an upstairs room, are co-dependent. This project was carried out with Canadian... more
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      Canadian HistoryHistoric PreservationResearch into FreemasonryHistory of Freemasonry
Nagaur's stunning complex of sprawling palaces, pools and ancillary buildings extends over 15 hectares, surrounded by massive fortification walls. From its 18th century golden period its decline continued through the 20th century until... more
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    • Conservation of wall paintings
Decorative wall paintings created in the Ottoman era are called kalem işi, and they are generally created using various pigments and binding media on dry rendering, or via lime-paint technique. However, detection of some decorative wall... more
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      ConservationScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageFrescoConservation and Restoration
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryHistory of ArtMedieval Art
operano nel settore della conservazione dei dipinti mu rali.
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageConservation of wall paintings
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      Cultural HeritageConservationHistoric PreservationHeritage Conservation
Resumen: Durante los recientes estudios previos realizados en el convento franciscano de Lorca, se han aplicado unos protocolos de intervención diseñados para sistematizar los ensayos de idoneidad en tratamientos de limpieza y... more
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      Heritage ConservationWall PaintingsBaroque Wall Painting (Quadratura)Conservation of wall paintings
Μινωική βίλα Επάνω Ζάκρου -Ξεστή 3 Ακρωτηρίου Θήρας: Εντοπίζοντας κοινά θεματολογικά, τεχνοτροπικά και τεχνολογικά στοιχεία σε δύο σύγχρονα μεταξύ τους εικονογραφικά προγράμματα Αφορμή για την παρούσα μελέτη στάθηκε η συγκυρία της... more
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      Conservation of wall paintingsMinoische Fresken - Minoan FrescoesAkrotiri auf Thera - Akrotiri on TheraMinoan, Crete, Zakros
Quali sono le sfide che dovranno affrontare in futuro i professionisti che si occupano di conservazione e restauro di pitture murali e quale ruolo possono svolgere le scuole di alta formazione nel preparare culturalmente e tecnicamente... more
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      Heritage ConservationConservation of wall paintingsICOMOS
Delivered at “Synagogue Wall Paintings: Research, Preservation, Presentation,” International Workshop, The Center for Jewish Art, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, September 13–14, 2016
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      HistoryAnthropologyFolkloreVisual Studies
Kitap, Myra kentinde Orta Çağ’a tarihlendirilen bir Doğu Roma yapısı olan Alakent Kilisesi’nin, kültür varlığı olarak keşfedilmesinden, itibaren gerçekleştirilen birçok bilimsel çalışma neticesinde kültürel mirasa yeni bir eser... more
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      Cultural HeritageByzantine StudiesConservation and RestorationMedieval Wall Paintings
Negli anni Settanta, fu notata la presenza di efflorescenze saline in alcune parti dei dipinti murali della 'Camera degli Sposi" del palazzo Ducale di Mantova, opera del Mantegna. Bisognava però stabilire la causa di queste efflorescenze.... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationConservation of wall paintings
Art historical research needs to consider the materiality of artefacts, but the character of the material and the state of preservation of any object change over time. Today’s restoration and conservation sciences provide the basis for... more
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      Art HistoryHeritage ConservationScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural HeritageConservation- restoration mural and canvas painting
Cada intervención de conservación-restauración se convierte en oportunidad para reconstruir el procedimiento creativo y pictórico empleado en la ejecución mural. Repasamos la secuencia de estos procesos en los grandes fresquistas... more
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      Spanish Renaissance and Baroque ArtConservation of wall paintingsTechnology of Wall Paintings