Contract Law
Recent papers in Contract Law
Disciplinary action is used within an organisation to remedy undesirable workplace behaviour and to redirect employee effort towards the achievement of organisational goals. However, to achieve this goal, principles of substantive and... more
In questo saggio, l’a., utilizzando esempi relativi al trattamento dei dati personali per lo sviluppo e l’uso di sistemi di intelligenza artificiale, espone il concetto di liceità sostanziale del trattamento dei dati personali, intesa nel... more
Εισαγωγή στην πολιτική φιλοσοφία του Θωμά Ακινάτη
Please see introduction to Harriet Zetterberg Margolies, Part 1. The letters here describe her life as a Law Student at University of Wisconsin, Madison and her year at Yale as the first woman awarded a Sterling Fellowship.
Con riferimento alle vicende modificative ed estintive del rapporto obbligatorio, il contributo, tenendo conto dei diversi interessi che le parti possano avere in limine solutionis, ha ad oggetto l’analisi dell’assunzione del debito pro... more
Among these applications are smart contracts. Entries into the ledger may consist of computer code that executes the terms and conditions of a contract between parties. Such parties will usually be parties to contracts, private... more
This chapter restates choice theory, which advances a liberal approach to contract law. First, we refine the concept of autonomy for contract. Then we address range, limit, and floor, three principles that together justify contract law in... more
This concise landmark in law and jurisprudence offers the first coherent, liberal account of contract law. "The Choice Theory of Contracts" answers the field's most pressing questions: What is the “freedom” in “freedom of... more
Uma plataforma digital para a aprendizagem, em Acesso Aberto. Beja, 2025 (ISBN 978-989-33-6862-6).
Appellant, Alvin B. White, moves this court to set the above matter as an oral argument. After consideration, we deny the motion. This matter continues to be set on the court’s March 21, 2025 docket as a non-oral argument. It is SO... more
Este artículo plantea la posibilidad de generalizar el remedio de rebaja del precio por incumplimiento contractual en el derecho chileno. Se sostiene que el sinalagma contractual y el principio de equivalencia de las prestaciones, que... more
L’articolo riflette, a partire dal libro di Francesco Gambino, In sala con il diritto (2024), sul rilievo del problema della formatività dell’esperienza in relazione ai caratteri dello statuto del sapere normativo. Prendendo in... more
Recensión sobre libro de historia política/constitucional mundial moderna.
Versão adaptada, em função das enchentes de abril e maio, da Conferência convidada ao V Congresso Internacional de Direito Amazônico : "Direito Amazônico e os Espaços Peculiares na Produção de Alimentos - Importância da Amazônica e do... more
Versão original e integral da Conferência convidada ao V Congresso Internacional de Direito Amazônico : "Direito Amazônico e os Espaços Peculiares na Produção de Alimentos - Importância da Amazônica e do Provo Amazônida - Compreensão... more
Od početka čovječanstva ljudi su uvijek trgovali robom i drugim stvarima. U početku su to bili jednostavni oblici trgovine poput trampe i razmjena no protokom vremena javljaju se sve složeniji oblici trgovine i iz toga se razvija potreba... more
Over the past thirty years, the Italian Banking Law Act (Testo Unico Bancario) has been amended to reflect the growing influence of the European Union on the Italian legal system, leading to the formation of a «regulatory private law».... more
El objeto de este trabajo consiste en el análisis de la normativa en materia de plataformas digitales de intermediación de servicios de alojamiento de corta duración, prestando especial atención al Derecho de la Unión Europea.
В статье анализируется роль судебной практики в регулировании социально-обеспечительных отношений. Автор сформулировал понятие судебной практики как совокупности унифицированных судебных решений по единообразным делам, характеризующей... more
The article researches the different approaches for regulation of the liability of the heirs for hereditable obligations. Historical and comparative researches were made. The European legislations can be divided in two big groups. The... more
The study explores the dual relevance of acts of the concept of ‘procedimento giuridico’ in private autonomy, with a focus on the renegotiation clause. The analysis emphasises the importance of 'procedimento giuridico' as a dynamic... more
The paper explores the relationship between private autonomy, contractual procedures and procedural justice, proposing an innovative view of the contract as a ‘contractual process’. This approach considers the contract not just as a legal... more
Disscussing the constitutional competence of senior judges in the context of whether Congress can limit the terms of Supreme Court justices to something different than life tenure.
- by Scott Stafne
In Revista do Direito [Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito (Mestrado e Doutorado) da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul], (71), 2023, 47-78; como pré-publicação de Capítulo do livro de Martins, Guilherme Magalhães e Longhi, João Victor... more
Le trasformazioni subite dal paesaggio giuridico – veicolando una visione ordinamentale orientata a realizzare una unità plurale (Grossi 2001, 66-67) – non possono essere soggette a forme di semplificazione o riduzionismo, il che delinea... more
Stafne's declaration begins: 1.) My name is Scott Erik Stafne. I make this declaration under the penalty of perjury. This declaration is based on personal knowledge. I make this declaration in my capacity as an attorney licensed to... more