Face-to-Face Communication
Recent papers in Face-to-Face Communication
In this article, we analyze three cases in which subordinates' oral claims are refuted by superiors who draw on written documents of which the subordinates are the (in)direct authors. In this ventriloquization process (Cooren, 2012), the... more
This study provides a resolution for two contrasting hypotheses around media use, the augmentation and the displacement hypotheses. To do this, we conducted an online survey of 300 Korean adults examining the relationships among the... more
Interaction between people is a cornerstone of being human. Despite huge developments in languages and communicative skills, interaction often fails, which causes problems and costs in everyday life and work. An inability to conduct... more
Отчетное эссе (2013) по курсу лингвистической антропологии, посвященное анализу стратегий, применяемых игроками при игре в "Шляпу" (языковая игра, основанная на объяснении партнеру случайно доставшихся существительных без контекста).
This research examined the full range of tasks and activities that design engineers perform, how their working time is distributed among these, and how these issues influence their satisfaction with their work. Seventy-eight design... more
This chapter makes three central claims: first, that the term consensus has been used to identify two different phenomena, mental consensus and interactional consensus; second, that unanimity (everyone agrees) and consensus (no one... more
„Alles Lebendige bildet eine Atmosphäre um sich her.“ (Goethe 2016, S.55) An erster Stelle soll veranschaulicht werden, inwiefern der Atmosphärenbegriff für den Bereich der Pädagogik signifikant ist. Wie hat sich dieser, eher... more
Using data collected from focus groups and nonparticipant observations, this article explores how and why cross-talk by way of smartphone affects face-to-face encounters. The findings show there are three types of digital cross-talk:... more
The article analyzes the media logic of urban acts of communication in early modern German cities. As is demonstrated by Cologne and Hamburg in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, the growing use of print (particularly... more
Die "mikroelektronische Revolution" 1 seit Mitte der 80er Jahre verändert unser Leben in bisher unbekanntem Maße. Die vielfältigen Ausprägungen dieser zunehmenden Digitalisierung erfassen alle Lebensbereiche. Dabei gibt es eine deutliche... more
This course offers an introduction to linguistic anthropology and sociolinguistics. Some of the themes we will explore include the following: meaning in language, the use of language in context, the role of language in the organization of... more
Covid-19 has strongly influenced the education system globally as it has transferred the face-to-face system into digital system of education. The aim of this study understands the influence of Covid-19 in education system modernisation... more
Магистерская работа (2014 г.), основанная на анализе собранной базы данных, о фреймировании российской ролевой игры живого действия, о триггерах переключения фреймов, о вариантах оформления этого переключения и о преодолении "поломок"... more
It is a world of technology. We are living in a digital era. The most essential and indispensable technology we use every day is Internet. With the widespread advent of personal computers and portable smartphones, we are creating a... more
Abstrak-Media hadir untuk menjadi bagian dari kehidupan manusia. Kehadiran dan perkembangan internet membawa cara baru terhadap bagaimana berkomunikasi dalam kehidupan sosial. Media sosial menyajikan dan mengubah paradigma komunikasi di... more
Реферат к кандидатскому экзамену по антропологии (2016) для обоснования темы диссертации. Рассматриваются подходы к игре Й. Хёйзинги и Р. Кайуа, а также ролевая игра по отношению к таким феноменам, как ритуал, театр и взаимодействие лицом... more
The paper deals with communication failures in everyday spoken discourse. The spontaneous character of oral speech is its basic property and becomes a prerequisite for the appearance of such a phenomenon as communicative failures. By... more
El potencial transformativo de la tecnología en el ámbito de educación superior: Las carencias de los MOOC's, los beneficios del aprendizaje presencial y el modelo hibrido como una posible solucion optima (incorporando estudio empírico... more
The dramaturgical model in sociology was developed by Erving Goffman in his famous work "The Presentation of Self in Everyday life" published in 1959. This theoretical model views social life as a stage on which an individual plays a role... more
—With the rapid changes occurring in the last twenty five years, mobile phone technology has influenced every aspect of life. Technological developments within the Internet and mobile phone areas have not only changed communication... more
Parmênio Camurça CITÓ
Parmênio Camurça CITÓ
Este libro nace de una fascinación. Una fascinación por la idea de que el carácter moral de una persona pueda revelarse mediante signos corporales y, especialmente, faciales. Una fascinación que se extiende a todas las formas no... more
In any communication the person who has more information about interlocutor has an advantage. This advantage gives self confidence and control over situation. Thus many people would like to know a little bit more about their interlocutor.... more
What is the relation between words and action? How does a person decide, based on what someone is saying, what would be an appropriate response? We argue that (1) every move combines independent semiotic features, to be interpreted under... more
From Edward S. Casey, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Stony Brook University: "This singular book puts a number of leading figures in philosophy into conversation with each other -- and with the author himself, who manages... more
ATMs (Automatic Teller Machine) are becoming widely used in today's world because they are easy to use and offer convenience. However, today's ATM technology comes with some security risks such as the theft and misuse of cards, the... more
The objectives of the study were to show the basic differences between Distance, Blended and Online learning, and establish their common challenges from literature. Approximately 35 categories/sets of research results or findings from... more
Uzaktan eğitim uygulamalarının giderek yaygınlaşmasıyla öğreticiler uzaktan dersler de vermeye başlamışlardır. Bu süreçte öğreticiler yeni öğretim süreç ve araçlarıyla karşılaşmıştır. Yüz yüze öğretimden uzaktan öğretime geçiş sürecinin... more
The term chronotope can help us to examine the validity of existing terms such as 'context'. Seen as a merging of Gofffman's notion of the social situation and Bakhtin's literary chronotope, it provides us with a very accurate tool for... more
The rapid adoption of social networking sites (SNSs) raises important questions about the social implications of such usage. Drawing on unique longitudinal data, surveying a representative sample of Norwegian online users (N = 2,000, age... more
"Frühneuzeitliche urbane Öffentlichkeit war geprägt von "fliegenden Blättern" in allen Variationen – Flugpublizistik im weitesten Sinne. Mehrblättrige Flugschriften, obrigkeitliche Einblattdrucke, illustrierte Flugblätter, selbst... more
Till recent past, communication skills in general and face-to-face communication, in particular, have been profoundly for all intents and purposes viewed as the casual talk overlooking the role played by facial expressions and body... more
Por medio del estudio del rostro no estereotípico en jóvenes con labio fisurado y/o paladar hendido (LPH), esta investigación tiene por objetivo ahondar en el conocimiento de las representaciones culturales del rostro y su papel como... more
This study seeks to unfold interactional patterns of Thai EFL learners performing the problemsolving tasks in face-to-face (FTF) and synchronous computer-mediated (SCMC) contexts and explain to what extents that characteristics of each... more
Examining phenomena critical to sustaining everyday social life, this dissertation investigates how both previously acquainted and unacquainted parties open their face-to-face interactions. I use the methods of conversation analysis to... more
Die Begegnung mit der Philosophie Jede Einstellung zum Buch, die dem Leser einen besonderen Respekt abverlangt, eine andersartige Aufmerksamkeit, ist obsolet. Begriffe sind wie Töne, Farben oder Bilder -Intensitäten, die dir passen oder... more
Software development is a series of processes activity involving more than one person, especially in medium to large software projects. Each activity of software development is carried out by various combination of different individual.... more
This article is derived from a study of the use of Facebook as an educational resource by five dyslexic students at a Sixth Form College in north-west England. Through a project in which teacher-researcher and student-participants... more
Over the past thirty years, emotions and globalization have both become fashionable topics in sociology. But they have not been brought together, as one seems to be an extremely microlevel concern, the other is a macro issue. This essay... more