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Stratejinin oluşumundan gerçekleşmesine kadar olan sürece ışık tutan bu kitap, akıcı ve anlaşılır içeriği ile hem öğrenciler, hem öğretim görevlileri hem de ilgi duyan herkes için bir rehber niteliğinde olacaktır.
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    •   258  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryInformation TechnologyEntrepreneurial Economics
modernization plan
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    • Creative Strategic Planning
This research paper is a deep analysis of the marketing environment of Cellcom-Evertek Company and its strategy to gain a remarkable competitive position in the Tunisian market and abroad. A STEEP analysis of the environment in which the... more
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    •   7  
      Marketing StrategySWOT analysisMarketing Strategies in Competitive EnvironmentMarketing Logistics and Distribution Management
Tüm yaşamımız duygu ve düşüncelerimiz tarafından yönetilmektedir. Çoğumuz ağırlıkla gerçeğin farkına varmadan yaşadığımızdan düşünce becerilerimizi geliştirmeyi önemsemeyiz. Ancak düşünme, eğitim, psikoloji ve daha birçok alandaki bilim... more
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    •   262  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryManagementPsychology
In the era of the 21st century, the best higher education institutions have more than one role. Not only do they educate and train students but they also create new ideas and knowledge for the short-term contemporary issues as well as... more
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    •   249  
      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipInformation TechnologyEconomics
El propósito del presente ensayo, está centrado en el interés por establecer argumentos sólidos que sensibilicen a las organizaciones gubernamentales, civiles o empresariales para establecer sus propios ideales, así como trabajar en el... more
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    •   135  
      Business AdministrationPublic AdministrationPolitical EconomyPublic Management
Bu kitap, girişimci olarak yeni bir işe başlayan ya da girişimci olup işlerini sistemli ve stratejik olarak büyütmek isteyen kişilere girişimciliğin tüm yönlerini kapsayan pratik bir rehberdir. Özellikle 21. yüzyılda girişimciliğin... more
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    •   263  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipManagement
Esta tese de doutorado é escrita a partir do princípio de que para compreender a cidade é necessário considerar sua esfera cultural. Isso é especialmente verdadeiro na época contemporânea, em que a cultura passa a ser utilizada como uma... more
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    •   20  
      Urban PlanningUrban StudiesCreative CityBerlin
The agriculture it faces serious problems in terms of development since it is one of the most neglected sectors at present. Food security is expected to occur in areas that are highly dependent on the primary sector (agriculture,... more
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    •   14  
      Strategic PlanningStrategy (Strategic Planning)Technology CommercializationStrategic Spatial Planning
La investigación aborda la problemática del cambio organizacional en un corporativo de la industria automotriz (DICO), localizado en la ciudad de México, teniendo como principal objetivo diseñar, a partir de la evidencia empírica y a la... more
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      SociologyOrganizational ChangeQuality ManagementResearch Methodology
In this study, it was aimed to investigate the attitude of students on web based and mobile learning systems. Independent two groups were formed among the chosen 89 students using simple random method. The students were to use the... more
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    •   24  
      Teaching and LearningEducationTeacher EducationDecision Making
El documento básicamente describe y explica la lucha jurídica y social que el sustentante dió a la comunidad ejidal de San Antonio Soda para que esta contara con un servicio fundamental: agua potable. Ello en una coyuntura que... more
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    •   46  
      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial ChangeSocial Movements
La propuesta persigue diseñar, probar y validar la tecnología de producto que permita innovar –entre julio y diciembre del 2000- el prototipo actual de carro eléctrico Escorpión, de manera que para enero del 2001 se inicie el estudio de... more
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    •   25  
      Energy EngineeringManagement of InnovationElectric VehiclesTechnological Innovation
In recent years, educational technology and innovative programs have been introduced to many education systems. Although these technologies have a great potential to improve teaching, learning and management processes especially at... more
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    •   254  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipInformation Systems
The article deals with the subject matter of strategic planning within Polish self-government units. The author presents selected problems encountered by authors of development strategies referring to communes, district and regions in the... more
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    •   32  
      Public ManagementStrategic ManagementRegional and Local GovernanceLocal Government
The article discusses barriers in strategic governance of local development characteristic for Polish local governments, i.e. municipalities, which occurred within the first 15 years of the XXI century. These barriers were identified in... more
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    •   145  
      Community PsychologyEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsPublic Administration
Se presenta una estrategia poderosa para potencial los insumos bibliiográficas, en propuestas de investigacion a cargo de estudiantes y tesantes de ciencias sociales, de universidades publicas mexicanas. Consiste en incorporar estas... more
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    •   14  
      Social SciencesBibliographyStrategic PlanningHigher Education Law
Cultivating permaCultural resilience (pCr): The permaCultural dérive 1 as an Itinerant's approach to a techne of becoming. This chapter is presented as the transcript of an imagined interview between an artist A.Mckeown and Art Services... more
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    •   8  
      Art HistoryContemporary ArtCommunity ResilienceVisual Arts
Representasi laki-laki modern dalam iklan banyak dilakukan sebagai bagian dari strategi kreatif. Strategi kreatif iklan yang biasa digunakan dalam merepresentasikan laki-laki modern ini adalah tema maskulinitasnya. Maskulinitas laki-laki... more
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    •   3  
      MasculinitiesCreative Strategic PlanningEmotional Advertising
Problem Statement: Today’s ever-changing educational environment has created a need for new leadership styles that encourage positive change and improvement. In Turkish universities, the most commonly used leadership models are the... more
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    •   252  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipManagement
El documento gira sobre la propuesta de Plan de Trabajo que presentó, a la Junta Directiva de la Universidad de Quintana Roo (Mexico), en Julio del 2015, el aspirante a Rector Dr. Xavier Gamboa Villafranca. Esta entrega se realizó para... more
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      ManagementHumanitiesSociology of EducationKnowledge Management
Many organizations, ought to have strategic plans to achieve their set objectives and eventually achieve their success. In most cases, organizations do not consider the importance of strategic plans in organizations` performance.... more
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      FinanceEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsFinancial Economics
The system transformation of the 1990s for the majority of Polish small towns (STs) meant deep, unfavourable changes in the supralocal conditions of their local development (LD). As a result, they were affected by many negative phenomena.... more
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      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementRegional and Local GovernanceGovernance
While current systems-based methods of organization development provide some benefit to improving the ability of organizations to reach their goals, we are continually seeking to improve the way we support our internal and external... more
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      ManagementEducational LeadershipKnowledge ManagementLeadership
The best higher education institutions do not educate and train only the students who are the new work force for the global market for the future, but also create new ideas and knowledge for the shortterm contemporary issues as well long... more
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    •   251  
      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipInformation SystemsFinance
Restructuring of higher education and its management is one of the liveliest debated topics in Turkey. In this paper, this issue is approached by focusing on university-industry relations. Technological advancement and globalization have... more
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    •   251  
      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipManagement
Many organizations, ought to have strategic plans to achieve their set objectives and eventually achieve their success. In most cases, organizations do not consider the importance of strategic plans in organizations` performance.... more
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      FinanceEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsFinancial Economics
En las tierras ejidales de los tres estados que conforman la Península de Yucatán viene realizándose -gratuitamente- la captura de importantes volúmenes de bióxido de carbono y de otros gases de efecto invernadero. Los ejidatarios y sus... more
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      Rural SociologySocial ChangeSustainable DevelopmentCarbon Dioxide
This article is devoted to the problems of Polish communal authorities’ social responsibility in the process of local development planning. At the beginning of the article the author defines the concept of the social responsibility of... more
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    •   41  
      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementCorporate Social ResponsibilityLeadership
This book argues that culture is the very basic building block of a city. It argues that even infrastructure projects such as highways and bridges have a cultural impact and need to be considered in new ways. The book attempts to lay out... more
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      Urban PlanningCreative CitiesIntercultural dialogueInterculturality
As Brian Solis, Author and Principle of Altimeter Group succinctly puts it, " The businesses that aspire to a higher purpose will outperform businesses that focus on the bottom line. People aspire to be part of something bigger than... more
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      Social MediaCreative Strategic Planning
Many organizations, ought to have strategic plans to achieve their set objectives and eventually achieve their success. In most cases, organizations do not consider the importance of strategic plans in organizations` performance.... more
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      FinanceEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsFinancial Economics
The demand of innovation has been developing and transforming the higher education in which new understanding in research should be accepted in order to deal with this highly challenging demand. In other words, research does not... more
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    •   242  
      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipInformation SystemsCognitive Psychology