Recent papers in Credit
The Economy of Endowments: the case of Roman associations,” In Koenraad Verboven, Katelijn Vandorpe and Véronique Chankowski-Sable (eds.), ‘Pistoi dia tèn technèn’. Bankers, loans and archives in the Ancient World. Studies in honour of... more
This study aimed at evaluating the impact of commercial banks' credit to agricultural sector under the Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme Fund in Nigeria. Until the mid-seventies, agriculture was the primary foreign exchange earner for... more
The development of financial systems is shaped by the high level of the global economy situation changeability indirectly influenced by interventionist economic policies as well as financial crisis and state of finances of a given... more
This paper focuses on the peculiarities of Cooperative credit Administration and the need to review it's traditional sources of funds and their application.
"Cooperative Finance in Developing Economies contains papers from notable members of the academia from four continents - Africa, Asia, Europe and North America. Specifically, twenty nine authors from nine... more
Si la protection sociale semble reculer, l’ tat n’a pas pour autant renonc prot ger ses citoyens. De la r glementation du compte en banque jusqu’ l’ ducation budg taire en passant par l’inclusion bancaire ou la proc dure de... more
Long before the Dana Gas Sukuk default highlighted how the legal complexity of Sukuk could be exploited in a default situation The Investment Dar company of Kuwait tried the same strategy. Did they succeed (like Dana Gas) or Fail? This... more
The Durkheimian divide between “belief” and “rite” remains a contested boundary in the study of religion. In response, this article takes up the concept of “credere,” the root of both belief and credit, to challenge the distinction... more
Now a day's online transactions have become an important and necessary part of our lives. It is vital that credit card companies are able to identify fraudulent credit card transactions so that customers are not charged for items that... more
Le crédit, en Suisse, est souvent décrié par les diverses associations de consommateurs : spirale de surendettement, impossibilité de régler ses dettes, faillite personnelle... Les banques sont-elles réellement des acteurs du... more
The MSEs contribution to the growth of the national economy continue to assume increasing significance especially in job creation. These enterprises are created to fulfill the primary needs of man and are formed under conditions of risk... more
O objetivo principal deste livro é compreender uma economia dita “de Antigo Regime” a partir do estudo das formas como o crédito era praticado na dinâmica das relações pessoais, tendo como pano de fundo uma sociedade católica,... more
Reflexión teórica a partir de los postulados schumpeterianos acerca del papel de la moneda, el crédito y el desarrollo en un contexto de inestabilidad financiera. Así, los postulados que se analizan en este capítulo fusionan... more
1 archivio di stato di firenze -d'ora in poi omesso -Catasto, 63, c. 644r. i due volumi editi di ser matteo di Biliotto -Ser Matteo di Biliotto notaio, Imbreviature. I. registro (anni 1294-1296), a cura di manila soffici e franek sznura,... more
A fairly detailed description of Rudolf Hilferding's book "Finance Capital", originally published in 1910, along with some discussion of how it stands up today.
Pour financer un véhicule neuf, le futur acheteur et le choix entre essentiellement deux possibilités: le crédit auto, ou le leasing. Le crédit auto consiste en un crédit personnel dont la somme servira à acheter entièrement la voiture,... more
The focus of this discussion is to examine the general business patterns associated with social entrepreneurial (SE) practice. Social enterprises inherently build their infrastructure with social and environmental impacts in mind (Dees... more
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar a eficiência do modelo de credit scoring na ação de cross-selling para proporcionar uma maior rentabilidade alinhada ao risco do novo produto. O estudo resultou em 3 cenários de rentabilidade e... more
УДК 327.54 ББК 66.4(0) М62 Р е ц е н з е н т ы : д. ист. наук проф. И. В. Быстрова (ИРИ РАН) д. ист. наук проф. Н. А. Цветкова (СПбГУ) к. ист. наук доц. И. А. Аггеева (ИВИ РАН) Печатается по решению кафедры американских исследований... more
Law of Credit and Security (2nd Edn) (Dublin: Round Hall, 2015) The 2nd edition of the Law of Credit and Security provides a fully up-to-date analysis of all relevant aspects of law and regulation in respect of lending, security-taking... more
Banking institutions encounter two broad types of risks in their everyday business – credit risk and market risk. Credit risk may be defined as the risk that borrowers might default on their obligations, whereas market risk reflects the... more
The official banking institutions for rural China are Rural Credit Cooperatives (RCCs). Although these co-ops are mandated to support agricultural development among farm households, since 1980 half of RCC loans have gone to small and... more
Se prezinta principalii indicatori ai creditului neguvernamental, aferenti anului 2004, precum si situatia si perspectivele indicatorilor privind calitatea acestui tip de credit.
Cours donné dans le cadre de la préparation de l'épreuve d'histoire de l'agrégation de sciences sociales
Prépa Agreg ENS-Ulm/ENS-Cachan
Session 2015
Prépa Agreg ENS-Ulm/ENS-Cachan
Session 2015
We present a simple adjustment to the single-factor credit capital model, which recognizes the diversification from a multi-factor model. We introduce the concept of a diversification factor at the portfolio level, and show that it can be... more
A comparative perspective on the economic and debt crisis of c. 600 BC, and on Solon's reforms and other responses
This paper in trying to examine and understand the banking system in Bhutan, particularly its infrastructure and banking penetration, undertakes a cross-sectional review of dzongkhag-wise statistics of Bhutan. It presents four broad... more
This paper is prepared as a partial requirement of BBA Program, BRAC University. The objective of this paper is to provide detail information about the challenges of credit sanction and recovering process of Southeast Bank Limited. I have... more
The money creation based on credit has been the practice of human being for at least 5000 years. In the past 300 years of industrial age, the vast majority of money in the World is being created as credit in banking institutions by means... more
This study sought to establish how various credit risk management practices affect performance of commercial banks in Nyeri County in Kenya. Even though commercial banks face several types of risks, credit risk stands out as the most... more
The purpose of this research is to analyze the database structure using object oriented. The advantage is to give the reusable data structure for developer team. The developer can reuse the objects if the business process need to be... more
As with any financial institution, the biggest risk in bank is lending money and not getting it back. This study examined the impact of credit management and bank performance in Nigeria. The study adopted cross sectional survey design.... more
Rezumat: Lucrarea analizează creditarea persoanelor fizice înainte și în timpul pandemiei cu coronavirus la Banca Transilvania și este structurată în două parți: cercetare teoretică și cercetare aplicativă
In 1784 the ship Empress of China set sail for Canton and initiated the direct tea trade between China and the United States. The United States thereafter grew to be the second-largest importer of tea, known as “green gold,” from China in... more
The researchers focused on this topic for the reason that only few people have been introduced and exposed to credit risk management and intend to evaluate the importance of credit management in financial institutions. It also aims to... more
{in Franck Mercier et Isabelle Rosé (éd.), Aux marges de l'hérésie. Inventions, formes et usages de l'accusation d'hérésie au Moyen Âge, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2017, p. 111-152} (La pagination est signalée entre... more
This book is a new paradigm for macroeconomics. It explains four pillars of economy. Money, capital, trade and credit are the chapters of this book. The book argues that monetary system changes real economy in a fundamental way. And it... more
An Article in Scandinavian Journal of History (2013), pp. 273-295.
This is a book about the psychological basis of concepts of credit, and how various different concepts of credit serve as the seed crystals around with cultures form. With this knowledge, it is possible to approach the definition of a... more
This collection of essays compare and discuss women’s participation and experiences in credit markets in early modern Europe and highlight the characteristics, common mechanisms, similarities, discrepancies, and differences across... more