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Uno spaccato della plurimillenaria storia dell'usura: l'usura presso i romani (Catone, Tacito, le XII Tavole, Legge Petelia-Papiria, Plinio il Vecchio, Tito livio, Giovanale, Cambiavalute romani).
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      Ancient economyHistory of RomeUsuryUsury in Ancient
Portuguese report to the Common Core of European Private Law volume on "immoral contracts". Report includes analysis of case scenarios on a range of issues, from sex work to surrogacy, from freedom to marry to inheritance issues, from... more
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      Comparative LawContract LawFamily LawComparative Private Law
This paper investigates the double standard of brothers and others present in two economic activities, usury and opium trade. Nelson indicated that the double standard of brothers and others refers to the unification of brothers and... more
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      ShakespeareOpium WarUsuryThe Merchant of Venice
Like many early modern writers, Bradstreet attempted to accommodate the worldly to the spiritual. The world of finance, agriculture, and genealogy are is both merged and set into conflict with the spirit in her father-poems. The poems... more
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      EconomicsEnglish LiteratureLiteratureCapitalism
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      Natural LawAquinasCatholic Social TeachingThomas Aquinas
"About the book: Los resultados de las multiples investigaciones sobre pobreza coinciden en que un porcentaje importante de lo habitantes rurales se mantienen con la cuarta parte de lo que se ha calculado como el nivel minimo requerido... more
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      Economic AnthropologyRural DevelopmentInformal EconomyMexico (Anthropology)
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      Economic HistoryUsuryModern AgeSacri monti
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      Medieval HistoryDante AlighieriUsuryMiddle Ages
Medieval Jews were perceived by their neighbors in two ways. On the one hand, as an integral part of the community, living among Christians, leading business or cooperating intellectually with them. Jewish philosophers were known and... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsUsuryMiddle Ages
This article compares the historical transformation of the prohibition of usury in Christianity and the current disagreement in Islam over what forms of finance are forbidden by the prohibition of riba, now often interpreted to mean... more
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      Theological EthicsIslamic BankingComparative Religious EthicsUsury
Through an analysis of the Scriptural treatment of usury, a constructive theological analysis of the question of the friend-enemy distinction as a political category, its relationship to a Christian conception of universalism as... more
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      Economic HistoryChristologyPolitical TheologyKarl Barth
The goal of the paper is to stimulate discussion about literary antisemitism in modern Slovak literature exemplified by one of its most notable writers, František Švantner (1912-1950). In line with the research trends in the Czech and... more
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      Antisemitism (Prejudice)Stereotypes and PrejudiceAntisemitism/RacismsImagology
Social attitudes toward usury (here defined using the archaic meaning as the taking of interest on loans) have changed dramatically over the centuries. From antiquity until the Protestant Reformation, usury was regarded as an inherently... more
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      Jewish StudiesUsuryFinancial ethics, moral and political philosophy, theory of knowledge, philosophy of mathematics and economics, game theory, and philosophical logicPawn Broking System
This open-access book adopts a geopolitical perspective to analyse the rise of cryptocurrencies. Perspectives examined include Judeo-Christian perspectives, gambling, usury and the Book of Revelation. Analysis also explores the notion of... more
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      ChristianityChristian EducationHistory of ChristianityEarly Christianity
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      Louis-Ferdinand CélineEzra PoundRoland BarthesGiorgio Agamben
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      Islamic LawInterestScience and ReligionQuranic Studies
This report provides a brief overview of some of the arguments and historical factors that were significant during the evolution of the Church's views on usury. Specifically, it surveys theoretical development in four areas—with regard... more
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      History of ChristianityHistory of Roman CatholicismChristian EthicsEconomic Ethics
Translation of the European Council for Fatwa & Research (Qaradawi, Bin Bayyah, Al-Judai, etc.) fatwa on mortgages for home-purchasing with Salah al-Sawi’s detailed response. Includes analysis of classical fiqh and usul including Hanafi... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic EconomicsIslamic Contemporary StudiesIslamic Studies
Perrier, E., « L’usure, injuste aujourd’hui comme hier », Revue thomiste 121 (2021), 113-60. Peu étudiée pour elle-même, souvent confondue avec d’autres propositions qui sont ses contemporaines, la doctrine de saint Thomas d’Aquin sur... more
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      Natural LawEconomic JusticeThomas AquinasMedieval Economy
Although Murray Rothbard gave high praise to the economic teachings of Thomas de Vio Cardinal Cajetan, portraying him as proto-Austrian, this article argues that the reality is more complicated. Examining Cajetan’s three major economic... more
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      Economic HistoryMedieval HistoryAustrian EconomicsThomism
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      Gender StudiesPeasant StudiesEconomic AnthropologySaints' Cults
Ouvrage collectif en deux volumes:
L'usure, excès d'usages et bénéfices de l'art
La chaleur de l'usure
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      ArtArt TheoryInstallation ArtArt Practice as Research
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      Economic HistoryCanon LawMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
Promotor: Prof. Dr. Rik TORFS
A thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Society, Law and Religion, KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT LEUVEN, FACULTEIT KERKELIJK RECHT
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      Canon LawLegal HistoryMedieval Church HistoryMedieval Canon & Roman Law
يهتم هذا البحث بدراسة مشكلة تكلفة رأس المال والصعوبات المرتبطة بها بهدف توضيح أهمية حساب تكلفة رأس المال فى المشروعات الاستثمارية لترشيد استخدام الأموال وتحقيق قدر متوازن من الاستقرار والاستدامة في المجتمع. وتحدد إطار الدراسة في تحقيق... more
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      FinanceProject Risk ManagementRisk ManagementUsury
Interest based financing is the bread and butter of the modern economy. It is a common practice in the modern economy to borrow money on interest to buy big ticket items, for example, house or car, or for new ventures. Even big... more
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      UsuryCredit risk management for Profit and Loss Princples with Mudharabah and Musharakah conceptInterest RatesRiba
Bulgakov’s psychological and spiritual evolution can be reckoned as representative for his entire generation. Moving from Marxism to Idealism and finally conceiving his best known theory, namely Sophiology, he was considered by many one... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophy Of ReligionTheologyPatristics
Utilizzando documenti inediti o finora poco valorizzati (statuti e matricole, estimi due-trecenteschi), il volume indaga sul ruolo che i professionisti del credito ebbero nella società e nella vita politica di Bologna fra XII e XIV secolo
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      Usuryhistory of BolognaStoria economicaEtica economica
This is a final draft. This article was published in Upstart Crow: A Shakespeare Journal 30 (2011): 18-41. "The subject of deep controversy in the late 1500s, usury was a necessary fact of life during this era of burgeoning... more
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      ReligionComparative PoliticsPolitical EconomyEthics
Examining practical applications of the prohibition on usury to modern banking and finance.
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      Catholic Social TeachingModern Monetary TheoryUsuryCaritas in Veritate
SOMMARIO: 1. Le sopravvenienze usurarie alle Sezioni Unite.-1.1. (…) limiti e confini di una fattispecie.-2. L'usura prima delle Sezioni Unite: una morfologia dei rimedi.-3. L'usura dopo le Sezioni Unite: la pretesa abusiva e la buona... more
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      Civil LawContract LawBankingPrivate law
Η εργασία αυτή έχει ως στόχο να αναδείξει τους βασικούς άξονες του φαινομένου της τοκογλυφίας σε σχέση με την Εκκλησία όπως αυτό λάμβανε χώρα την περίοδο του ύστερου Μεσαίωνα. Να επεξεργαστεί ποιοί την ασκούσαν και για ποιούς λόγους.... more
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      Jewish HistoryMedieval Church HistoryMedieval Jewish HistoryUsury
À partir de l’étude de deux documents conservés aux Archives du Vatican, cet article reconstitue le déroulement d’une enquête judiciaire lancée en 1338 par le pape Benoît XII au sujet de malversations financières imputées à l'évêque de... more
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      HistoryCriminal JusticeMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
The conventionally defined concept of Spending in God's Way or Zakat has a very narrow focus. It is deemed to be a charity to poor and needy people and for some shariah-defined purposes at a measly rate of 2.5% of wealth. If we, however,... more
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      Islamic LawSpiritualityInterestQur'anic Studies
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      GnosticismPolitical EconomyMarxismCapitalism
The treatise „Contra malos divites et usurarios” (Cracoviae, 1512) was the first of the renowned Polish anti-usurious texts which was not written by a university professor but by an official of the royal administration. Stanisław... more
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      History of Political ThoughtPolitical TheologyEthics and economicsUsury
"The canon Usurarum voraginem (VI 5.5.1), promulgated in 1274 at the Second Council of Lyon, called for the expulsion of foreign usurers and threatened recalcitrant authorities with excommunication and interdict. This article argues that... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Canon & Roman LawUsuryFlight and Expulsion
Véase el quinto ensayo de _DE REYES A LOBOS_: El autor sostiene que _Don Quijote_ de Cervantes puede leerse en clave económica, y que contiene lecciones sobre la importancia de la libertad política y monetaria. A través de un análisis... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLiteratureValue TheoryValue theory (Philosophy)
Saggio già edito in «Cristianesimo nella storia» 25 (2004) 55-98. Attraverso lo spoglio della documentazione proveniente dall'Archivio dell'ospedale di Santa Maria della Scala l'A. studia le forme di azione pastorale portate avanti nei... more
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      Religious HistoryUsurySiena (Middle Ages)Legati (disposizioni mortis causa)
In recent years, months, and days, Muslim “fundamentalists” or extremists excel in one thing – terrorism and violence. The recent spate of terrorist attacks and sectarian violence and atrocities has probably no parallel in modern history.... more
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      Islamic LawGender StudiesWomen's StudiesSpirituality
The Mughal exchange economy can be visualised as comprising twin circles of cash and credit. In the first, transactions were conducted in currency money (metallic and non-metallic) consisting of fresh imports and pre-existing stocks. In... more
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      Money and BankingUsuryMughal IndiaCredit
Si analizza la prassi della restituzione testamentaria delle usure, attraverso un campione di testamenti bolognesi dei secoli XIII e XIV, provenienti dagli archivi conventuali di S. Domenico e S. Francesco e oggi conservati presso... more
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      Economic HistoryUsuryhistory of BolognaEtica economica
Theories of choice, and their legal consequences, dramatically differ based on whether they are premised on rational or boundedly rational actors. This chapter describes the interactions between, and the regulatory implications of, three... more
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      Machine LearningComplexity TheoryDecision And Game TheoryArtificial Intelligence and Law
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval HistoryHistory of Economic ThoughtScholastic Philosophy
La presente tesi è dedicata alla questione della proibizione dell'interesse nell'Islam. Il lavoro è diviso in tre capitoli. Nel primo vengono analizzate le fonti del diritto musulmano, da cui vengono derivate le diverse definizioni di... more
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      HistoryIslamic LawHistory of ReligionArabic Language and Linguistics
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      English LiteratureShakespeareMoneyUtopia
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of Economic ThoughtUsury
In 1305, the usurer Jehan Bierenghier wrote his will on a chirograph or "charte-partie". He appended to this will a list of his 590 debtors. The aim of this appendix was to refund the usuries that he unduly had asked from his borrowers.... more
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      UsuryCreditUsureMedieval Credit Markets
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      Biblical LawUsuryBible Study