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As India successfully positions itself as one of the core, influential nations of the world, its security scenario has become more vulnerable and complex. The roots of India's security challenges lie not only at the regional and... more
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      HistoryModern HistoryInternational RelationsBorder Studies
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
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      Critical TheoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      RehabilitationInsolvency LawBankruptcyBankruptcy Law
Laws differ from one country to another in the European Union. When legal diversity is perceived as a problem, notably for the integration of the Internal Market, harmonisation is used as a tool to increase the similarity of legal rules.... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyInsolvency LawPsychology and Law
Bernard RA. Santen, Fabian A. van de Ven and Gert-Jan Boon follow up their previous article with further analysis, regarding what a judge in the EU should consider when opening a secondary insolvency proceeding, based on the text of the... more
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      European LawInsolvency LawCross-Border InsolvencyEuropean Union Insolvency Regulation
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    • Cross-Border Insolvency
Der Beitrag beleuchtet die Aspekte zur Zuständigkeit der schweizerischen Konkursbehörden und ihres Wirkens - sei es selbständig oder zusammen mit ausländischen Behorden - über die Grenzen hinweg.
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      Cross-Border InsolvencyBankruptcy and Insolvency Law
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      Insolvency LawCross-Border InsolvencyDiritto fallimentareDiritto commerciale
The European Insolvency Regulation and the Spanish Insolvency Act allow the celebration of protocols or agreements in order to coordinate the insolvency proceedings opened in different States. Nevertheless, none of the two instruments has... more
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      Insolvency LawInternational insolvency lawCross-Border InsolvencyInternational Aspects of Corporate and Insolvency law
Affrontati i problemi interpretativi e i dubbi di legittimità costituzionale sollevati dalla disciplina sulle proposte concorrenti e sui c.d. concordati preventivi espropriativi, anche alla luce della legge delega per la riforma della... more
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      ContractsCorporate LawContract LawInsolvency Law
This article examines the latest European initiatives in the area of cross-border insolvency and rescue law. In this respect, it assesses these developments against the background of the need for further harmonisation within the European... more
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      European UnionCross-Border InsolvencyHarmonisation
Cross-border insolvency is primarily a matter for private international law. In past, one some limited occasions it has resulted into cases brought before the International Court of Justice and the Iran-US Claims Tribunal. In recent... more
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      Public International LawInternational Dispute SettlementCross-Border InsolvencyInternational Investment Law and Investment Treaty Arbitration
Edited collection of papers from the INSOL Europe Academic Forum Conference in Warsaw, Poland on 4-5 October 2018 1. Tripping the Light Fantastic: A Comparative Analysis of the European Commission’s Proposals for New and Interim... more
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      Comparative LawSocial PolicyEmployment LawEuropean Law
An overview of the Cross-boarder insolvency regime and to what extent has the Kenyan regime followed the UNCITRAL implementation guidelines?
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    • Cross-Border Insolvency
This book shall address the problem of choice of law in cross-border bankruptcy. The reasons for that unfortunate state of affairs are numerous and shall be dealt with in this book. This book calls for adopting the center of main... more
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      Comparative LawCorporate LawPrivate International LawFrench Law
The author presents and discuss several issues related to the interpretation of articles 4 and 13 Reg. no. 1346/2000/CE recently given by the EU Court of Justice
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      Insolvency LawInternational insolvency lawBankruptcy LawCross-Border Insolvency
The organization of cross-border insolvency proceeding is not a simple or forthright task. The study of this field is enormous and multidimensional and the system is one of anarchy and chaos. It has attracted considerable academic,... more
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      Insolvency LawCross-Border InsolvencyInternational Aspects of Corporate and Insolvency lawBanruptcy and Insolvency Law
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      BankruptcyCross-Border InsolvencyCorporate Solvency and Bankruptcy Detection and PredictionsCommercial Securities and Partnership Law
This special issue addresses the possible connections and mutual benefits of examining together two analytic concepts – memory and periphery. These concepts receive much attention in various scholarly discussions, yet they have done so... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureDiscourse AnalysisComparative Religion
The European Parliament, after a lengthy debate, has eventually approved a reform of Regulation 1346/2000 on cross-border insolvency proceedings (hereinafter, the ‘Insolvency Regulation Recast’), which provides for significant innovations... more
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      Private International LawInternational insolvency lawCross-Border InsolvencyEuropean Union Insolvency Regulation
Absa Bank v Hammerle Group 2015 (5) SA 215 (SCA)
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      Corporate LawCorporate FinanceInsolvency LawInternational Financial Law
The paper analyses the bail-in, a bank-resolution tool provided by the BRRD (Directive 2014/59/UE),.
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      European integrationEuropean LawBankingInsolvency Law
Bilateral Investment Treaties
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      Critical TheoryBusinessInformation SystemsBusiness Administration
In transposition of the EU directive 2302/2015, the legislative decree n. 62/2018 sets out the insolvency protection schemes in relation to packages and linked travel arrangements. Given the organisers’ obligation to provide sufficient... more
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      Tourism StudiesEuropean LawInsolvency LawEuropean Union Law
The cooperation of European countries in matters of insolvency has a long history. It has been a 40 year project within the European Union, evolving in complexity and increasing in cooperation as the EU has expanded and changed. The... more
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      Social PolicyEmployment LawLabour LawInsolvency Law
Le disposizioni contenute nel Reg. n. 848 sulle procedure di insolvenza transfrontaliere e, se infine promulgata, nella Direttiva sugli strumenti di allerta, di ristrutturazione preventiva e sulla seconda opportunita` si pongono su una... more
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      Private International LawCross-border cooperationInsolvency LawEuropean Union
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      Insolvency LawCompany LawCross-Border InsolvencyBanruptcy and Insolvency Law
While the intent of dominant cross border insolvency regimes such as the UNCITRAL Model Law and the European Union Insolvency Regulation on Cross Border Insolvency is to “universalize” the resolution of corporations operating across... more
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      GlobalizationCorporate LawInsolvency LawCross-Border Insolvency
Debt has been a problem for millennia. The roots of the modern insolvency law are in the “jus mercatorum – merchant law”, which took shape in the North of Italy in the late Middle Ages: in case of financial distress, heavy financial and... more
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      Insolvency LawDeveloping CountriesMediationEuropean Union
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      Insolvency LawCross-Border InsolvencyInternational Aspects of Corporate and Insolvency lawUNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency
The framework in which cross-border insolvency and rescue law is construed focuses on the universalism and territorialism divide, which originated in academic scholarship in the US. This article argues that this framework is not the most... more
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      Insolvency LawCross-Border InsolvencyInternational Aspects of Corporate and Insolvency lawUNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency
Opening secondary insolvency proceedings in the EU: Bernard P.A. Santen, Fabian A. van de Ven and Gert-Jan Boon provide a concise survey of what judges should consider before opening secondary proceedings in an EU Member State after... more
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      European LawInsolvency LawBankruptcy LawCross-Border Insolvency
Recognition of foreign court orders on opening the insolvency proceedings
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      Public Private PartnershipsBankruptcy LawCross-Border InsolvencyDiritto fallimentare
Chetumal y la zona limítrofe de Belice, mantienen lazos familiares, sociales y económicos. Nombres, apellidos y actividades similares, existen, coexisten y se enriquecen continuamente, en ambos lados de la frontera. ¿Abarca ello,... more
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      Border StudiesCross-border cooperationBorderline Personality DisorderBorder Crossing
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      Arbitration LawInsolvency LawCross-Border InsolvencyEuropean Union Insolvency Regulation
This article is based on a short seminar which the Authors gave to the British Italian Law Association (BILA) on 22 September 2015 in London. It is also pointed out that in order to make comparisons between the avoidance regimes of the... more
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    • Cross-Border Insolvency
"El volumen se dedica al análisis de la disciplina normativa de los Estados europeos en materia de sobreendeudamiento e insolvencia de las personas naturales, materia ésta relacionada a su vez con el vertiginoso aumento del crédito al... more
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      European HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesLaw
This thesis explored the demise of Lehman Brothers, the underlying failure that served as a catalyst for the global financial crisis in 2008 and examined its derivatives portfolio from a legal angle. The main research question was... more
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      Business LawInternational Business LawDerivativesCross-Border Insolvency
The JCOERE Project, funded by the European Commission’s DG Justice Programme (2014-2020), addresses two aspects of the European Union’s strategy to respond to the problems of cross-border insolvency within the increasingly integrated... more
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      Insolvency LawEU LawCreditors' RightsCorporate Restructuring
Η αναγνώριση αλλοδαπών αποφάσεων και δημόσιων εγγράφων στην ελληνική έννομη τάξη σχεδόν μονοπωλείται στο πεδίο της προσωπικής κατάστασης και των οικογενειακών διαφορών. Ηκαταγεγραμμένη νομολογιακή συγκομιδή στο πεδίο του διεθνούς... more
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      Insolvency LawEnforcement and Recognition of Foreign Judgments and Arbitral AwardsJurisdiction and Enforcement of Foreign JudgmentsCross-Border Insolvency
Esta monografia aborda o problema resultante da ausência de regulamentação da insolvência transnacional no Brasil. O processo de globalização viabilizou a intensificação das relações comerciais internacionais, culminando com o surgimento... more
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      Comparative LawCorporate LawInternational LawInsolvency Law
This note examines some key challenges facing MNEs, policymakers and insolvency practitioners in resolving cross-border bankruptcies within the existing framework of law and regulation, while attempting to proffer broad based as well as... more
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      Dispute ResolutionInternational LawCross-border cooperationMultinational Enterprises
The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of the financial crisis on the employment protection rights in Greece, Portugal, France and the United Kingdom and to examine its impact on their corporate rescue regimes. In light of the... more
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      European LawEU LawFinancial Crisis of 2008/2009Global Financial Crisis
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      Private International LawCross-Border Insolvency
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      Private International LawCross-Border Insolvency
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      SociologyGeographyHuman GeographyPolitical Geography and Geopolitics
Commento a due decisioni relative ai casi Eurofood e Giacomelli
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      BankruptcyCompany LawCross-Border InsolvencyInternational Aspects of Corporate and Insolvency law
The breach of public policy is the sole reason in terms of the Regulation that justifies the exceptional refusal of an EU Member State to recognize the main insolvency proceedings and grant their effects. However, the application of ordre... more
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      International RelationsEuropean LawInternational LawInternational Arbitration
The perception of insolvency and restructuring law in Europe has been subject to significant changes in recent years; with a fresh breeze coming from national reforms, topped by a radical and substantive reform as reflected in the U... more
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      Insolvency LawFranceUnited KingdomGermany
Una delle maggiori novita` dell’ultimo triennio in materia di regolamentazione dell’insolvenza e` l’attenzione riservata dal legislatore dell’Unione Europea agli strumenti di prevenzione dell’insolvenza. Prima con una Raccomandazione agli... more
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      Private International LawInsolvency LawConflicts of LawInternational insolvency law