Cyril of Alexandria
Recent papers in Cyril of Alexandria
La fortune d'un texte : Genèse 2-3 Chacun le sait, plusieurs religions dans le monde se réclament d'un corpus plus ou moins formalisé d'écrits fondateurs -Torah, Bible, Coran, Védas et aussi oeuvres d'Homère, etc. Qu'ils soient considérés... more
The article deals with the concept of ἐλευθερία in the work of Clement of Alexandria: in the Protrepticus he suggests the image of it as liberation from pagan idolatry, in other writings proposes the idea of freedom as the inner... more
This essay reexamines the stories of penitent women in early monastic sources, specifically the Apophthegmata Patrum, and proposes that these are not stories of penitence but rather stories of women forced into the sex slave industry who... more
A comparative analysis of the chapter titles and text of the first book of the late antique mili- tary treatise Strategikon allows to put forward the hypothesis that its text was constituted in several stages. Of particular importance... more
The translation history of a law of Theodosius II (abridged in Cod. Theod., Greek translation of the lost unabridged Latin original in the Acts of the Council of Ephesus, two Latin back-translations of the Greek) illustrates methods and... more
The essay aims to examine the historical and doctrinal traces of the controversy between Cyril of Alexandria and Nestorius within two of the main Eastern Christian liturgies, the Greek-Byzantine liturgy and the Coptic liturgy. The purpose... more
2 Corinthians 13:3-4 is hardly a locus classicus for Paul's theology of the cross, but arguably offers a needed corrective to a recent trend in theological interpretation of the cross that I characterize here as "power dissolved into... more
Chapter 4 - Eulogies at Funeral and Forty-Day Memorial (pages 46-62) • HH Pope Shenouda III • HG Ava Benyamin, papal deputy in Alexandria (at the time) and Bishop of Menoufia • HE Ava Mikhail, Metropolitan of Assiut • HE Ava... more
Sfinţii Părinţi, adunaţi în Sinodul I Ecumenic de la Niceea (325) au afirmat că Fiul este întru totul ca şi Tatăl şi nedespărţit de El, de aceea au utilizat expresia „de o fiinţă“ (homoousios). Preocuparea Sinodului a fost de a mărturisi... more
According to some current scholarly opinion, Julian's anti-Christian writings had been long forgotten by the time Cyril composed his Contra Iulianum (between 416 and 428). On this view, Cyril was no longer fighting an identifiable... more
This article critically engages Dermot Lane's proposal to move "beyond Chalcedon," which responds to critiques of the council's "one person/two natures" Christological framework as overly static and disconnected from modern exegesis. It... more
A non-judgemental survey of a religion in the Roman Empire during the first 600 years of the Common Era. This Paper is part of a series that includes: “Conception of the Great Religions”; “People who made Bibles”; “Handling... more
The article presents documents related to the history of St. Cyril's Church in 1929.
Studies of Christian literature of the first seven centuries have shown that the ecumenical councils, although they did not allow distortion of the Christian message, nevertheless did not consider the essence of the problems that were... more
introduction aux actes du colloque consacré à Nicodème qui s'est tenu à Paris en 2017, organisé par C. Ossola (Collège de France) et A.-C. Baudoin (École normale supérieure)
La courte prière du Notre Père est un merveilleux moyen de découvrir la présence aimante du Père. Les sept demandes qu’elle contient méritent une attention toute particulière. Il nous faut aussi répondre au fait que dans un certain nombre... more
Tamar Aptsiauri, Teona Gelashvili (Tbilisi) Lexicographical Studies Based on Euthymius the Athonite's Translations of Gregory of Nazianzus's 30 th and 31 st Orations and Gregory of Nyssa's The Life of Moses Examining original... more
This paper seeks to explore the paradox of God's suffering in the Person of Jesus Christ and God's essential nature of not being subjected to change by exploring the concept of divine impassibility as articulated by select theologians in... more
Patristic florilegia are paradoxical texts. On the one hand, they are very eloquent, as they often deal at length with clearly defined topics: on the other hand, however, they are obstinately mute, as they speak through the voices of... more
Die wahrscheinlich jüngste Schrift des Neuen Testaments bringt in der fiktionalen Form eines petrinischen testamentarischen Briefes (vgl. 2 Petr 1,13-14) späte Aspekte der theologischen und ethischen Entwicklung des Urchristentums zum... more
We can offer free accomodation, a welcome dinner, and refreshments. For further information or to contact the workshop organization, please write to
X. The development of the terms, ʺΟυσία, Φύσις, Υπόστασις, Πρόσωπονʺ.
جزء من تفسير القديس كيرلس الكبير لصلاة السيد عن المؤمنين به. دراسة وتعليق على بعض المفاهيم الأساسية
Arabic discussion about Commentary of Cyril of Alexandria on Jesus's prayer for believers (john 17), and main principles of salvation
Arabic discussion about Commentary of Cyril of Alexandria on Jesus's prayer for believers (john 17), and main principles of salvation
Il regolamento per l'uso dei contenuti e dei servizi presenti sul sito della Casa editrice Liguori è disponibile all'indirizzo
Orthodox beliefs in the universal Christian Church have been heavily influenced and protected by historical creeds. A creed is a statement of faith designed to summarise the main points of what Christians believe. Four Creeds that will... more
Entre démultiplicateur de notre potentiel relationnel et médium désincarnant les relations, le smartphone est ambivalent. Quelques clarifications anthropologiques et théologiques.
There is a long-standing polemic that the ‘moment’ of eucharistic consecration for the West is the words of institution and for the East is the epiclesis. Zheltov and Mckenna have previously analysed this issue with respect to the... more
Origen employs the words μετοχῇ θεότητος in Contra Celsum 3.37, which could be translated as "participating in divine nature." There are two academic perspectives on this phrase. One sees this phrase to be a deification reference to 2... more
Gregory of Nyssa’s important treatise On the Human Image of God is now made more accessible in a new critical edition, with English translation and comprehensive introduction, by John Behr.
The notion of a crucified deity has long sparked intense theological debate, with critics arguing it contradicts the idea of an all-powerful God. This essay builds on the previous work titled “The Deity of Jesus: Hermeneutical view of... more
The most important medieval theologian of the western church and the most representative theologian of the eastern church were very clear in the condemnation of the Nestorian heresy.
The broader context of this study is formed by the discussion about the way biblical interpretation functioned for pro-Nicene theologians and about its relevance for a modern audience (p. 3). Matthew Crawford wants to uncover assumptions... more
The publication presents a Russian translation of the surviving part of the Greek Catens «Interpretation of the Epistle to the Romans» St. Cyril of Alexandria. The Preface indicates the initial form of interpretation is determined and... more
Convened by M.R. Crawford and D. Zaganas, in the framework of the XIX. International Conference on Patristic Studies (Oxford, 6 August 2024).
Cet ouvrage présente une traduction française des commentaires des Pères de l'Eglise qui concernent le cycle biblique d'Elie et les oeuvres dont l'intitulé se réfère explicitement à ce prophète.
Les grands ancêtres de la libre pensée moderne jusqu’au grand barde gaélique irlandais Sean Eoghain ui Tuathallain (30 11 1670 / 11 03 1722); plus connu sous le nom anglicisé de John Toland, mais qui signait Janus Junius Eoganesius... more
there remains a very real sense in which ulimate perfection is an eschatological reality that can only be obtained eschatologically. In the meantime, we all live in the flesh, and even the best among us are beset with the weaknesses,... more
Among the earliest testimonies to a reception of the Council of Ephesus in 431, Vincent of Lérins plays a significant role in fifth-century Latin Christology after Augustine. It is true that Vincent is remembered on a theological level... more
Commenting on n° 22 of Gaudium et spes, the Christological and soteriological gem of the Council, the author shows how the text develops from the descending mediation of the Incarnation to its divinizing end via the ascending mediation of... more
Десятый том серии «Полное собрание творений святых отцов Церкви и церковных писателей в русском переводе» посвящен богословскому и полемическому наследию свт. Афанасия Великого, архиепископа Александрийского (297-373). Он содержит... more
Although Sūrat al-Ikhlāṣ (Q 112) is one of the shortest sūrahs of the Qurʾān, it has led to an extensive commentary on its structure and content in Muslim exegetical literature and in Western scholarship. This article takes the recent... more