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Cities are key for sustainability and the radical systemic changes required to enable equitable human development within planetary boundaries. Their particular role in this regard has become the subject of an emerging and highly... more
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      Urban GeographySociotechnical SystemsPolitical EcologySocial-Ecological Systems
Cities account for the majority of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide with a large portion of emissions generated by the transportation sector. São Paulo, Brazil’s largest municipality, is in the early stages of a socio-technical... more
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      Socio-technical transitionsClimate Change MitigationSocio-Technical SystemsSustainability Transitions
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      Sustainable BusinessSystem Innovation For SustainabilityOpen InnovationDisruptive Innovation
This paper revises the multi-level perspective to analyse policy innovations within urban transitions. This investigation is concerned with demonstrating how live/work accelerates as a sustainability transition and which governance... more
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      Urban PlanningGovernanceHousingSustainability Transitions
Syllabus for an inaugural graduate/PhD seminar in Transition Design. Taught in spring 2015 at The School of Design, Carnegie Mellon University. An outline w/reading material for the course can also be accessed on this site.
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      Design educationDesign for Social InnovationDesign TheorySustainable Design
This paper seeks to critically assess how "radical" sustainability approaches that challenge "mainstream" development trajectories-and politics-are crafted and contested within local government. We explore the extent to which these... more
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      Organizational CulturePoliticsEnvironmental PoliticsEnvironmental Sustainability
This study employed a comparative case study of Kyoto City in Japan and Quezon City in the Philippines to examine local-level governance of low carbon and sustainable energy initiatives using emerging governance frameworks in the field of... more
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      Sustainability (Urban Studies)Energy and EnvironmentSustainability TransitionsClimate Governance
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      User InnovationTransition TownsStrategic Niche ManagementSustainability Transitions
Transitions to low-carbon resilient futures require structural changes in socio-cultural-technological-physical systems. Cities are increasingly becoming the focus of vision-driven transitions research, which pose creative as well as... more
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      Participatory DesignDesign ResearchUrban StudiesClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation Strategies
The study shows, how Finland has adopted the idea of sustainable devel-opment within the political framework and is applying the principle guiding the transition within the society. Additionally, the study shows how the gov-ernance model... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentAnthropoceneSustainability TransitionsEnvironmnetal Policy
OVERVIEW This project was undertaken by a small team of researchers affiliated with the Transition Design Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, U.S.A. It is "work in progress" shared with a specific group as an introduction... more
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      Design educationDesign for Social InnovationDesign ResearchInformation Design
Cities play a crucial role in shaping coupled human-environment systems at local and global scales. With a view to amounting sustainability deficits, urban stakeholders thus require transformative capacity to perform radical change within... more
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      Urban GeographyDevelopment StudiesSustainable Production and ConsumptionTransformative Learning
En el escenario actual de emergencia de discursos y prácticas de transición civilizatoria en América Latina ante la expansión de la crisis socio-ecológica, el presente artículo analiza los hallazgos de un estudio de caso realizado en el... more
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      Sociology of ReligionCommonsSpiritualitySustainable Development
Presented at the 6th International Sustainability Transitions (IST) Conference, August, 2015, Sussex. The paper argues that design (and designers) have a key role to play in the emerging fields of transition management and sustainability... more
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      Design educationService DesignDesign for Social InnovationEcological Design
Intermediary actors have been proposed as key catalysts that speed up change towards more sustainable socio-technical systems. Research on this topic has gradually gained traction since 2009, but has been complicated by the inconsistency... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentTechnological InnovationInnovation SystemsTransition
This thesis explores how ‘formalised’ policies, practices, and spheres of governance relate to ‘bottom-up’ activities in pursuit of new models of socio-political development in and around the planning process. In particular, whether... more
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      Political RegimesLocalismTransitionSustainability Transitions
‘Sustainability transitions’ has emerged as one of the most important and influential literatures on understanding the pathways towards a more sustainable future. Yet, most approaches in this literature privilege technological and... more
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      ReligionSocial ChangeSpiritualityCommunity Ecology
This document links to the 2020 doctoral seminar in Transition Design at the School of Design, Carnegie Mellon University.
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      Complex Systems ScienceDesign educationDesign for Social InnovationSystems Thinking
A 32 page overview of Transition Design, its origins and influences. The document also contains an expanded bibliography and teaching materials to share.
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      Ecological DesignDesign TheoryGoethean PhenomenologySustainable Design
Presented at the 6th International Sustainability Transitions (IST) Conference, August, 2015, Sussex. This paper proposes a method for integrating and contextualizing in everyday life micro and macro approaches to sustainablity... more
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      Ecological DesignSustainable DevelopmentDesign TheoryEveryday Life Studies
Sustainability transitions have formed a vast body of literature on theory and practice of transforming socio-technical systems to achieve sustainability over the past few decades. Lately, a new area has been emerging in the design for... more
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      Design TheoryDesign ResearchSustainability TransitionsSustainability
A co-edited edited edition between The University of Palermo, Buenos Aires and The School of Design, Carnegie Mellon University. This edition contains 13 papers on new directions in design education from academics, researchers and... more
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      Curriculum DesignDesign educationDesign for Social InnovationEcological Design
The journal Design Philosophy Papers, edited by Anne-Marie Willis has just published a special issue on Transition Design that contains 11 articles on the subject. The papers were submitted for a Transition Design Symposium held at... more
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      Design educationEcological DesignDesign TheoryDesign Research
Technology-based entrepreneurial mindset require regeneration in order to support the increasingly necessary energy transition. This challenge has been applied to electrical experts whose central role is complicated by the potential for... more
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      Renewable EnergyEngineering ManagementTechnopreneurshipSustainability Transitions
Agriculture plays an important socio-economic role in rural areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH); the rural population accounts for 61% and almost half of the rural households is still engaged in agriculture. Faced with several... more
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      AgricultureBosnia and HerzegovinaSustainability TransitionsMulti-level Perspective
Different governments and international organizations have shown interest in agroecology as a promising pathway for transition to sustainable agriculture. However, the kinds of innovation needed for agro-ecological transition are subject... more
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      AgroecologySustainability TransitionsSustainable Innovationsustainability-oriented innovation
A newly expanded bibliography for Transition Design, organized into the categories of the Transition Design Framework: Vision; Theories of Change; Mindset & Posture; New Ways of Designing
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      Ecological DesignDesign TheoryIndigenous Environmental WorldviewsSustainable Design
This is a working paper from the exploratory phase of Visions and Pathways 2040 project. The paper provides a review of system innovation and transition theories in the context of transitions to low-carbon futures in urban environment.... more
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      Urban PlanningSystem Innovation For SustainabilityUrban And Regional PlanningDisruptive Innovation
The ways in which companies address sustainability today shape the future for businesses, societies, and ecosystems at large. Yet, companies keep addressing the world’s most serious evolving challenges with varying degrees of concern,... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityCorporate SustainabilityBusiness SustainabilitySustainability Transitions
This new open access book develops a framework for advancing agroecology in transformations towards more just and sustainable food systems focusing on power, politics and governance. It explores the potential of agroecology as a... more
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      Political EcologyCommunity DevelopmentAgroecologyOrganic agriculture
TECHNOSCIENCE & SOCIETY BOOK SERIES Series Editor: Kean Birch Objectives Our futures are highly uncertain in large part because of the changing relationship between technoscience and society: artificial intelligence holds... more
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      History of Science and TechnologySocial SciencesHistory of ScienceSociology Of Technology (Science And Technology Studies)
The concepts of food security and food sustainability are two main paradigms in the food system discourse—however, they are often addressed separately in the scientific literature. We argue that this disconnect hinders a coherent... more
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      Food SecuritySustainable Food SystemsSustainability TransitionsAlternative Food Networks
Design for sustainability transitions is an emerging area of research and practice which integrates and expands theories of sustainability science, design and transition management. Recently sustainability transitions have been framed as... more
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      DeGrowthSustainability TransitionsDegrowth Sustainable LifestylesTransition Design
The acceleration of ecological crises has driven a growing body of thinking on sustainability transitions. Agroecology is being promoted as an approach that can address multiple crises in the food system while addressing climate change... more
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      AgroecologyFood and NutritionAgricultureFood Sovereignty
Contemporary, modern urbanisation and planning are largely concerned with the outer, exterior dimensions of the built environment. Even though the highly debated and contested paradigm of sustainable urban development is deeply value... more
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      Contemporary SpiritualityURBAN SUSTAINABILITYSocial transformationSustainability Transitions
Home Energy Management (HEM) offers the potential to help manage peak electricity demand and network constraints – crucial for efficient infrastructure – yet to date is underdeveloped in New Zealand. This presentation provides an overview... more
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      Smart GridHome Energy Management SystemsSustainability Transitions
The proceedings of the Transition Together Symposium (4th in the Transition Design Symposium series), held at Dartington, June 2018 bring together 10 papers by representatives of some of the leading transition and systems-change... more
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      Future StudiesSociotechnical SystemsDesign educationDesign for Social Innovation
Amidst rapid urban development, sustainable transportation solutions are required to meet the increasing demands for mobility whilst mitigating the potentially negative social, economic, and environmental impacts. This study analyses... more
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      Information SystemsRisk Management and InsuranceTransportation EngineeringInformation Science
Cities depend on a constant food supply from the outside. Current challenges (e.g. climate change, soil depletion, biodiversity loss) and their interrelatedness with modern, industrialised food production may compromise future food... more
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      Urban Food SystemsFood SecuritySustainability TransitionsUrban Gardening
This is a working paper from the exploratory phase of Visions and Pathways 2040 project. The paper presents a scan of futures inquiry trends, an outline of recent advances in relevant theory, and critically reviews similar... more
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      Urban PlanningFutures StudiesScenario planningVisioning
Sub-Saharan African (SSA) cities are growing at the fastest rates in the world, and are characterised by an emerging (but precarious) middle class, and a substantial youth bulge. These factors have elevated the Importance of SSA cities... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentAfricaUrban PlanningSustainable Urbanism
The multi-level perspective (MLP) is a prominent transition framework. The MLP posits that transitions come about through interaction processes within and among three analytical levels: niches, socio-technical regimes and a... more
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      FoodAgricultureSustainability TransitionsMulti-level Perspective
This review paper explores the complexity of relation between innovation and sustainability and relates it to the agro-food arena. Many scholars argue that meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires major transformation in... more
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      Sustainable agricultureSocial InnovationSustainable Food SystemsSustainability Transitions
This dissertation investigates emerging Alternative Agro Food Systems (AAFSs) in Turkey and does so by focusing on three niche initiatives in İzmir. Building on Regime Theory and the Multi-Level Perspective, it views these initiatives as... more
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      Strategic Niche ManagementSustainability TransitionsGrassroots InnovationsAlternative Agro-food Networks
Can ecological distribution conflicts turn into forces for sustainability? This overview paper addresses in a systematic conceptual manner the question of why, through whom, how, and when conflicts over the use of the environment may take... more
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      American LiteratureFinanceEngineeringElectrical Engineering
On March 7, 2015, the School of Design at Carnegie Mellon University hosted a Transition Design Symposium. Participants contributed short position papers that responded to this provocation and these formed the basis for the day-long... more
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      Design for Social InnovationEcological DesignDesign For Sustainable BehaviourSustainable Design
Agroecology started to amplify agroecology in Nicaragua in the 1980s and was translated into national policy in 2011. Using the Multi-Level Perspective on sustainability transitions (MLP), this paper explores whether the rise of... more
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      AgroecologyNicaraguaAgroecologiaSustainability Transitions