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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryDemocratic TheoryDewey
Podemos apostar que tudo no mundo é material (da ordem do físico). Ou podemos apostar que tudo no mundo é espiritual (da ordem do pensamento). Ou, ainda,
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      William JamesDeweyRichard RortyC.S Peirce
Recension de :
- Stéphane Madelrieux, "La philosophie de Dewey" (Vrin)
- John Dewey, "L'influence de Darwin sur la philosophie" (Gallimard)
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      PhilosophyPragmatismAmerican PhilosophyDewey
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophyPragmatismSocial Philosophy
Observations and interview transcript from Kamaroi Rudolph Steiner School in Sydney, Australia, focusing on how the arts are integrated into all learning in the curriculum, as well as how the school as avoided the use of technology. This... more
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      Music EducationEducationEducational TechnologyRudolf Steiner
Paper presented at workshop ‘Capabilities and Pragmatism: Between Social Sciences and Social Philosophy’
Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, April 21-22, 2016
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      EthicsEducationPolitical TheoryCreativity
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      ReferenceIdealismWilliam JamesDewey
Howard Gruber, a founder member of Psychologists for Social Action, reviewed the dissertation. His review, dated May 7, 1978, as Parkovnick (2015) points out, "... is worth quoting in full, as it captures the very essence of the... more
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      Critical TheoryOrganizational BehaviorCultural HistoryPsychology
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      SociologyDeweyJohn DeweyFilosofía
Dewey’s social ontology could be characterized as a habit ontology, an ontology of habit qua second nature that offers us an account of intentionality, social statuses, institutions, and norms in terms of habituations. Such an account... more
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      PragmatismReading Habits/AttitudesCollective ActionDewey
In this contribution I outline some ideas on what the pragmatist model of habit ontology could offer us as regards the appreciation of the constitutive role that imagery plays for social action and cognition. Accordingly, a Deweyan... more
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      PragmatismEmbodied CognitionDeweyExtended Mind
John Dewey (1859-1952), a father and pioneer of progressive education during the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries, continues to be the most acknowledged proponent of progressive and experimental education in the 21 st century.... more
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    • Dewey
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In this article I aim to establish a relevant connection between John Dewey’s educational philosophy and the hippie communes of the United States during the nineteen sixties and seventies. After an assessment of Dewey’s philosophy against... more
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      American HistoryCultural StudiesEducationPhilosophy of Education
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El presente trabajo, es una síntesis de los resultados de una investigación pedagógica realizada como tesis doctoral en Ciencias de la Educación, en el ámbito del Programa Multinacional de Doctorado organizado por O.E.A.,... more
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      DeweyJohn DeweyJ.F. HerbartEducación
Article tiré de la conférence éponyme, donnée le 17 novembre 2016 à Lille, 27 p.
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      DeweyJohn DeweyRichard RortyMadhyamaka School
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      EducationPhilosophy of EducationDeweyCapitalism
It is often thought that consciousness has a qualitative dimension that cannot be tracked by science. Recently, however, some philosophers have argued that this worry stems not from an elusive feature of the mind, but from the special... more
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      Information SystemsSemioticsLanguagesBuddhism
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      Evolutionary BiologyPhilosophyAestheticsWhat Properties Experience Represents
Simandan D (2005) "Pragmatic Scepticism and the Possibilities of Knowledge" Timisoara, Editura Universitatii de Vest/West University Press, 256 pp. This book distiled my own way of understanding the relation between epistemology,... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologyCultural Studies
This study explores the religious advocacy of the " untouchable " reformer, Bhimrao Ambedkar, during the 1950s to expand what we know about the nexus between religion, force, and the quest for social justice. Unearthing the sources of... more
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      ReligionBuddhismHinduismComparative Religion
Der Text in seiner deutschen Fassung folgt dem 5. Kapitel meiner -unveröffentlichten -Karlsruher Habilitationsschrift ›Handeln, Sein und Transzendenz. Heidegger im Kontext pragmatischen Denkens‹ (1997); in seiner englischen Fassung dem... more
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The philosopher John Dewey (1859-1952) is considered to be the philosopher of educational reform. This title does justice to Dewey’s authority and influence in the camp of the progressive educators, but easily leads to misunderstandings.... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationInstructional DesignScholarship of Teaching and Learning
The book seeks to demonstrate the following main points: * Current debates between realists and antirealists (as well as objectivists and relativists) are significantly similar to early 20th century debates between realists and idealists... more
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      IdealismWilliam JamesDeweyRorty
Alanyazında problem çözme yönteminin farklı uygulamaları olmasına rağmen bunların tamamının öğrencilerin başarılarını artırmada etkili olduğunu gösteren güçlü bulgular (kanıtlar) vardır. Bu araştırmada bu kanıtlardan destek alarak fen... more
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      DeweyProblem çöZmeMatematik EğitimiPolya
There is a general consensus that pragmatism’s twenty-year renaissance produced two readily identifiable versions. One is typically called “classical” pragmatism (or simply “pragmatism”), the other “neopragmatism” (which I will call... more
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In A Common Faith, Dewey rejects organized religion and belief in the supernatural, instead arguing for an authentically “religious” attitude which this interpretive essay analyzes in terms of four propositions: (1) Knowledge is unified.... more
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      Philosophy of EducationDeweyJohn DeweySpirituality and Education
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      PhilosophyDeweyJohn DeweyProgressive Education
"Progress in History: Dewey on Knowledge of the Past." The Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science, vol. 25, nos. 1 and 2. (2000) Debates among historiographers and philosophers of history frequently turn on the metaphysical... more
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      HistoryPragmatismDeweyPhilosophy of History
The book is co-authored with Andrew (Andy) Stables. The book received a 2015 book award from the Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia. Edusemiotics is a novel concept that addresses an emerging field of inquiry, educational... more
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      SemioticsPragmatismTeacher EducationPhilosophy of Education
Alanyazında problem çözme yönteminin farklı uygulamaları olmasına rağmen bunların tamamının öğrencilerin başarılarını artırmada etkili olduğunu gösteren güçlü bulgular (kanıtlar) vardır. Bu araştırmada bu kanıtlardan destek alarak fen... more
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      DeweyProblem çöZmeMatematik EğitimiPolya
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      ViolenceDemocratic TheoryJean-Luc NancyOrtega y Gasset
Like Wittgenstein and Dewey, Adorno often refers to our „natural history.“ This contribution articulates the idea of natural history as a disclosing gesture whose comprehension would be utterly helpful in the context of contemporary... more
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      Critical TheorySocial PhilosophyFrankfurt School (Philosophy)Theodor Adorno
On Peirce's Esthetics CONTENIDO SARA BARRENA. El sistema de Charles S. Peirce: conexiones clásicas y modernas de la estética peirceana ROSSELLA FABBRICHESI. La radice estetica della filosofia: Peirce e l'attrazione verso le idee... more
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      AestheticsPeirceDeweyCharles S. Peirce
This article critically examines two central concepts in normative theory—ethical life and morality—by comparing the pragmatist approach with that of Critical Theory. This is done by way of a close scrutiny of Axel Honneth’s reading of... more
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      Critical TheoryPragmatismDeweyHonneth
The classical pragmatists––Peirce, James Dewey, and Mead––all had important things to say about the self and there are clear continuities in their thought. Since little work has been done to connect them up, in this chapter I trace these... more
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      SemioticsCognitive ScienceDevelopmental PsychologyEmotion
This study explores the rhetoric of conversion developed by Bhimrao Ambedkar in his attempts to convert lower-caste Indians to Buddhism in the 1950s. Ambedkar, famous for being a political ally to the "untouchable " castes and a political... more
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Pour citer : Florent Le Bot, « Enquête sur le céramiste en ingénieur. L’École de céramique de Sèvres instrument de la reconfiguration de l’industrie, 1870-1940 », Pierre BOISARD, Claude DIDRY, Dima YOUNÈS (dir.), Les travailleurs de... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyPragmatismPragmaticsCeramic Technology
Uses Dewey's conception of art as experience to interpret the project of Hegel's aesthetics.
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      PhilosophyAestheticsPragmatismArt History
"Michel Weber (sous la direction de) et Diane d'Eprémesnil (avec la collaboration de), Chromatikon I. Annuaire de la philosophie en procès — Yearbook of Philosophy in Process, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2005.... more
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      AlgebraPhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy of Mind
Na intersecção entre o conceito de Primeiridade em Peirce e a distinção formulada por Dewey entre “estético” e “artístico”, propomos um diálogo entre os pensamentos de ambos para uma reflexão acerca da experiência estética. Embora... more
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      PragmatismPeircePragmatist AestheticsDewey
La didattica del diritto appare chiamata, in particolare in questo momento storico, fluido e in continuo movimento, ad accettare la sfida di attivare quel processo di conoscenza della cultura giuridica e di... more
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      DeweyJohn Deweydemocracy in education and John DeweyCittadinanza
Si les miracles de Lourdes sont célèbres, que savons-nous de la manière dont ils sont proclamés ? Portant un regard neuf sur un phénomène habituellement appréhendé uniquement dans sa dimension religieuse, cet ouvrage propose de se pencher... more
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      ReligionSociologySociology of ReligionAnthropology
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      PragmatismPragmaticsPeirceWilliam James
Draft d'un article proposé à la revue Théorèmes, dans le cadre d'un dossier coordonné par Yann Schmitt et Romain Mollard sur "Pragmatisme et religion". Résumé : Cet article poursuit deux lignes de discussion : la première regarde la... more
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      ChristianityPragmatismPhilosophy Of ReligionSecular Humanism
Comment articuler, sans les opposer, la démarche scientifique et les enjeux politiques de l’écologie ? Les conceptions pragmatistes de John Dewey, fondées sur le recours à l’expérience, à l’enquête et à l’exigence démocratique, peuvent... more
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      Political EcologyDeweyJohn DeweyPragmatism (Philosophy)
Ön söz Bir romanı tahlil etmek için kullanılan klasik yöntemin tutarlı, mantıklı ve gerekli tarafları olduğu şüphesizdir. Fakat zaman, mekan, şahıs ve olay örgüsü esaslı ve hatta müellifin hayatı ile eserinde ortak müşterekler bulup... more
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      PragmatismPragmaticsWilliam JamesDewey
Betapapun besar koleksi sebuah perpustakaan, keunggulan koleksi koleksi tersebut akan sia-sia belaka bila tidak digunakan. Untuk dapat digunakan oleh pembaca maka koleksi perpustakaan harus diatur menurut susunan tertentu. Pembaca dapat... more
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      DeweyDDCmelvil dewey
"Table Michel Weber, Préface I. Séminaires de recherche — Research Seminars François Beets, Le sourire d’Hachamoth ou la naissance du procès Jean-Marie Breuvart, La personne humaine selon Whitehead Jean Douchement,... more
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      BuddhismTheologyPhilosophy of EducationWilliam James