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This study draws from histories of “educationalisation” and neo-Foucaultian histories of English teaching in an archival analysis that revisits landmark pedagogical texts that coincided with the rapid expansion of the school subject... more
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      History of EducationCurriculum HistoryProgressive EducationSecondary English Language Arts
revised in John Dewey's Part: The Origin and Meaning of "Social Efficiency", chapt. 5 in Beyond Rhetoric: New Perspectives on John Dewey's Pedagogy (2022), pp.161-179.
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      John DeweyProgressive EducationJohn M. HobsonLester Ward
Fear is not the first feature of educational experience associated with the best-known progressive educational theorists -Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Dewey, and Paolo Freire. But each of these important thinkers did, in fact, have... more
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      EducationProgressive EducationEducational TheoryRole
This text investigates the intellectual legacy of "Hand and Eye Work", the first art-based curriculum officially introduced by the Gold Coast colonial government through the Educational Code of 1887. With a nod to Foucault's... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesDrawingArt & Design educationProgressive Education
As teacher educators, we are committed to the improvement of teacher practices and methods that increase student academic achievement. To this end we are constantly investigating and evaluating practices that get results, often called "... more
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      Educational LeadershipTeacher EducationLeadershipStudent Achievement Motivation
A dominating figure in the German Progressive education movement, Georg Kerschensteiner gained an international reputation as promoter of activity schools, civic instruction, and vocational education.
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      Vocational EducationProgressive Education
In: Michael Knoll: Dewey, Kilpatrick und "progressive" Erziehung. Kritische Studien zur Projektpädagogik. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt 2011. S. 235-266.
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      Progressive EducationProject-Based LearningReformpädagogikProjektmethode
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      Social ChangeMedia and Cultural StudiesDemocratic EducationAlternative Education
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      Sociology of EducationEducational LeadershipCritical PedagogyProgressive Education
come to know the other inside of oneself is an important prerequisite to cope with the other in the outside world. A mimetic approach towards the other is suggested for further elaboration. In the process of migration and immigration, the... more
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      European integrationTransformationAuthoritarian PersonalityCultural Identity
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      History of EducationJean PiagetPedagogyProgressive Education
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      History of EducationSpanish HistoryProgressive EducationHistoria de la Educación
Considers the educational praxis of Thoreau, Alcott and other Transcendentalists to help inspire best practices today.
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      EducationProgressive EducationTranscendentalist Movement /Emerson, ThoreauLouisa May Alcott
Evidence found in The New York Times from 1939 to 1945 and corroborating sources are used to demonstrate the impact of the Second World War on the progressive educational movement. We posit that December 7, 1941 initiated the waning of... more
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      Second World WarProgressive EducationSocial StudiesMobilization
A discussion of Dewey's Democracy and Education, focused on chapter nine, "Natural Development and Social Efficiency as Aims." Forthcoming in Waks, L. and English, A (eds.): John Dewey's Democracy and Education: A Centennial Handbook... more
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      John DeweyProgressive Educationdemocracy in education and John Dewey
In order to confront patriarchal values in music education, music educators must know the philosophies of historic women music educators. Music educators' general underestimation of the value of historic women is a critical concern. In... more
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      Music EducationEnvironmental PhilosophyEcofeminismProgressive Education
Deel 2 nu gaat wat verder en dieper in op de tegenstelling tussen wat beoogd wordt en wat er gebeurt, tussen de naam en het beestje. Ik doe het aan de hand van een concreet voorbeeld: de zelfbeschrijving van een daltonschool voor... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationCritical PedagogyLearning and Teaching
Lernen in Projekten hat sich als Unterrichtsverfahren inzwischen in vielen Schulen durchgesetzt. Es gilt als eine unverzichtbare Ergänzung des traditionellen Klassenunterrichts und wird in neueren Richtlinien und Lehrplänen empfohlen. Mit... more
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      John DeweyProgressive EducationProject-Based LearningWilliam Heard Kilpatrick
Kurt Hahn (1886-1974) gehörte als einer der Pioniere der Reformpädagogik und vielseitig begabter Politiker zu den schillernden Persönlichkeiten seiner Zeit. Politischer Berater General Ludendorffs, enger Vertrauter von Reichskanzler Prinz... more
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      Experiential EducationProgressive EducationKurt HahnReformpädagogik
This is a Persian translation of Henry Giroux's chapter "Is there a place fo cultural studies in colledges of education?, in Counternarratives: Cultural Studies and Critical Pedagogies in Postmodern Spaces. Describes the diverse... more
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      Cultural StudiesCritical PedagogyProgressive EducationPublic Pedagogy
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      SociologyAnthropologyEducationHistory of Education
Commentaar bij "Reflectie in het daltononderwijs" (2014) De Nederlandse Daltonvereniging heeft onlangs haar identiteit geherformuleerd. Het klassieke drietal vrijheid, samenwerking en verantwoordelijkheid is aangevuld met twee nieuwe... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeacher EducationHistory of Education
jetzt überarbeitet und erweitert in John Dewey's Laboratory School: The Rise and Fall of a World-Famous Experiment (2024).
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      Progressive EducationJohn Dewey Educational ThoughtLaboratory School Chicago
Wat is het Dalton Plan eigen? De vraag kan op minstens twee manieren beantwoord worden. We zouden het Daltononderwijs zoals het zich momenteel in ons land voordoet, in kaart kunnen brengen en vergelijken met ander onderwijs om het op... more
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      Educational reformProgressive Education
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      Progressive EducationProject-Based LearningWilliam Heard Kilpatrick
New insight prompts me to correct a claim I made in my book on the origins and theory of Dalton education. I wrote of the educational philosopher and educational reformer William Heard Kilpatrick, the man connected to the Project Method... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeacher EducationHistory of Education
In 2018 there were 193,657 children in state schools classified by their schools as having Social Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) needs that caused challenging behaviour and below average academic performance. This paper will explore the... more
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      Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity DisorderSelf-directed learningProgressive EducationSpecial Education Needs and Inclusive Practice
Steven Conn, "Nothing Succeeds Like Failure: The Sad History of American Business Schools" (Cornell, 2019) and Ethan Schrum, "The Instrumental University: Education in the Service of the National Agenda After World War II" (Cornell, 2019).
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsHigher EducationHistory of Social SciencesCold War
Middle-class progressives in the early 20th Century wanted to transform a corrupt and chaotic industrial America into an "authentic" democracy. But they were led astray by their privilege. Focused on enhancing the voices of individuals,... more
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      SociologySocial MovementsSocial TheorySociology of Culture
Eigenaarschap is een buzzword in het onderwijs. Intussen is het in de praktijk even problematisch als populair. Het lastigst zijn de paradoxen van eigenaarschap. De paradoxen van eigenaarschap raken kernvragen van de pedagogiek. Ze vormen... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationLearning and TeachingEducation for Citizenship
The progressive web application combines the best of web and mobile apps. It is a website built using web technologies that acts like an app. Recent advancements in the browser, availability of service workers, Cache and Push APIs have... more
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      Progressive EducationManifestosOffline Handwriting RecognitionOffline Marketing
Book detailsBlum, S. (2020). Ungrading: Why rating students undermines learning (and what to do instead). West Virginia University Press.
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      Applied EthicsEducationAssessmentHigher Education
Shujitsu English Studies, No. 31; pp. 1-54; 2014
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      EducationHistory of EducationApplied LinguisticsProgressive Education
Em abril de 1942, Carleton W. Washburne (1889-1968), um educador estadunidense, desembarcou na Colômbia. Aquela não era uma viagem qualquer, era o começo de uma missão de estudo sobre a educação sul-americana comissionada pelo... more
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      Latin American StudiesSocial NetworksHistory of EducationProgressive Education
A critical analysis of Patkau Architects' Strawberry Vale Elementary School through the lens of Kenneth Frampton's Critical Regionalism and Progressive Education as penned by John Dewey.
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      Critical Regionalism (Architecture)Progressive EducationEducational Architecture
The project method, also discussed under headings like project work, project approach, and project-based learning, is one of the standard teaching methods. It is a sub-form of action-centered and student-directed learning and an... more
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      Progressive EducationProject-Based Learning
The very notion of decriminalizing drugs in modern society can agreeably seem preposterous and absurd at first. The origins and rationale of the author of such a proposition can often understandably warrant suspicion and evaluation from... more
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      CriminologyCriminal LawDrugs And AddictionProgressive Education
This paper reconstructs the history of the reception across the Italian Catholic world of the first sex education film ever screened in Italy, the documentary “Helga” (Erich F. Bender, 1967). Most Catholics were initially fearful and... more
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      Cultural HistoryEuropean CinemaPopular Italian CinemaCatholic Studies
The following materials provide a comprehensive understanding of learning style within the school and home context. They can be used as stand alone resources or with the Paragon Learning Style Inventory (PLSI) or the Myers-Briggs Type... more
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      PsychologyTeaching and LearningEducationTransformative Learning
revised and extended in John Dewey's Laboratory School: The Rise and Fall of a World-Famous Experiment (2024).
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      John DeweyProgressive EducationLaboratory School Chicago
The International Handbook of Progressive Education engages contemporary debates about the purpose of education, presenting diverse ideas developed within a broadly conceived progressive education movement. It calls for a more critical... more
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      History of EducationCritical PedagogyEducational ResearchJohn Dewey
In: Michael Knoll: Dewey, Kilpatrick und "progressive" Erziehung. Kritische Studien zur Projektmethode. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt 2011. S. 145-192.
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      John DeweyProgressive EducationProject-Based LearningWilliam Heard Kilpatrick
Dissertation, Columbia University (2011).
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      U.S. Progressive EraLandscape ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryIntellectual and cultural history
Education has lost its soul. The idealism of the 70s was crushed upon the rocks of the back-to-the-basics movement of the 80s. In today’s hyper-testing environment, there is little room for real learning, creativity, innovation, passion,... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationTeaching English as a Second LanguageSpecial Education
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      Educational LeadershipTeacher EducationHistory of EducationCritical Pedagogy
De werkzaamheid van vrijheid en socialiteit heeft te maken met drie relaties: (1) de relatie tussen vrijheid en ervaring, (2) de relatie tussen socialiteit en ervaring en (3) de relatie tussen ervaring en leren. We lichten dit alles toe... more
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      Learning and TeachingEducational reformProgressive Education
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      Russian StudiesRussian LiteratureEducationAlternative Education
En esta investigación analizamos cómo se transformaron los vetustos Asilos para pobres de El Pardo en el modélico Orfanato Nacional de El Pardo. Para ello, estudiamos la trayectoria de la institución hasta 1931, fecha en que el Ministerio... more
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      EducationProgressive EducationEducaciónOrphans and Vulnerable Children
The essay focuses on curriculum history as the study of systems of reason. The first section considers curriculum as 'converting ordinances', inscribing Puritan notions of education as evangelizing and calculating designs in American... more
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      ReligionIntellectual HistoryMusic EducationMathematics Education