Digital Ethics
Recent papers in Digital Ethics
With the institutionalization of algorithms as content creators, professional journalism is facing transformation and novel ethical challenges. This article focuses on the concept of Algorithmic Journalism on the basis of natural language... more
‘Becoming on YouTube: Exploring the Automedial Identities and Narratives of Australian Mummy Vlogging’ examines 37 Australian mummy vloggers on YouTube and explores how these women construct and present their automedial identities and... more
Artificial intelligence and data science are contributing to new patterns of innovation, value chains, and new business models that are adaptable and can be re-purposed across sectors, for example how different research had to be... more
Реквизиты: Международный форум "Цифовые технологии в инженерном образовании: новые тренды и опыт внедрения" (Москва, 28-29 ноября 2019 г.) : сборник трудов / Московский государственный технический университет им. Н.Э. Баумана... more
Der Beitrag interpretiert die Forderung nach einer Algorithmen-Ethik als exemplarischen Ausdruck für die verschiedenen medienethischen Herausforderungen durch die Digitalisierung der Kommunikation. Davon ausgehend zielt der Text eine... more
are two of a long series of studies conducted over the past decade on the status of cybersecurity. From year to year, data about cyber attacks and their impact continue to increase indicating that cyber attacks pose an ever-growing threat... more
PurposeThis research analyzed the existing academic and grey literature concerning the technologies and practices of people analytics (PA), to understand how ethical considerations are being discussed by researchers, industry experts and... more
The paper lays out a roadmap for implementing privacy principles in an enterprise content management implementation.
Ethical codes, ethics committees, and respect for autonomy have been key to the development of medical ethics —elements that digital ethics would do well to emulate.
Ethics is a growing concern in the realm of data science, artificial intelligence (AI), and data-centric technologies in general. There are good reasons for this. We are all familiar with concerns over such issues as data privacy,... more
What are the ethical problems that "catfishing" presents? A case study on the ethics of online deception. Authored by Alex Purcell & Scott R. Stroud. More case studies at
Webinar-Folien zur Ambivalenz des ethischen Prinzips Transparenter KI
Privacy is currently at the centre of a fierce battle. On one side, powerful data companies like Google, Facebook, and major data brokers are collecting and analysing as much personal data as they can. They are lobbying governments around... more
Investigations of the moral consequences of socialbots typically involve asking about the influence these mechanisms have on human users and the effect of this influence on the construction of human sociality. This chapter seeks to... more
The paper intends to analyze two timely trends: Digitalization and associated Digital Ethics, both of which are deepening their roots globally. Data is thought to be the cornerstone of these trends: where once firms were overwhelmed by... more
This course examines the ethical issues involved in communication. How ought we to play our part in all of the interactions we are party to? How should the media cover issues of a sensitive or potentially harmful nature? How do new... more
What ethical issues are raised by sharing too much about your children online? A case study on the ethics of "sharenting." Authored by Kaitlyn Pena & Scott R. Stroud. More case studies at
This course explores the ethical issues inherent in our use of digital and online media. We will engage a range of current issues and topics through the application of important moral theories, attending to how new technologies often... more
The data science technologies of artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), big data and behavioral/predictive analytics, and blockchain are poised to revolutionize government and create a new generation of GovTech start-ups.... more
In 2017, the WannCry and NotPeya showed that attacks targeting the cyber component of infrastructures (e.g. attacks on power plants), services (e.g. attacks to banks or hospitals servers), and endpoint devices (e.g. attacks on mobiles and... more
A case study on the use of artificial intelligence to make "Deepfakes," or realistic but fake videos using facial images of a celebrity or private person. The ethical challenges of using this technology to make fake porn videos or fake... more
Underestimated for a long time, serendipity is an increasingly recognized design principle of the infosphere. Being influenced by environmental and human factors, the experience of serendipity encompasses fundamental phases of production,... more
This article is an interdisciplinary critical analysis of personalization systems and the gatekeeping role of current mainstream social media. The first section presents a literature review of data-driven personalization and its... more
The main ethical challenges that arise for Information Sciences (with the daily use in different areas of Big Data applications) are not about the reliability of its professionals to carry out tasks in the organization area in an... more
In times of major crises or security attacks, governments and authorities tend to put in place certain programs and practices that would help them gain more information and hence control and authority over populations under the guise of... more
Digital 3D modelling is increasingly common in archaeological recording, but building the models is only part of the story. Sharing and interacting with these digital representations is essential in fostering engagement and ensuring that... more
The article outlines the nature and scope of data ethics.
We propose a formal framework for interpretable machine learning. Combining elements from statistical learning, causal interventionism, and decision theory, we design an idealised explanation game in which players collaborate to find the... more
Cyber attacks are escalating in frequency, impact, and sophistication. For this reason, it is crucial to identify and define regulations for state behaviour and strategies to deploy countering measures that would avoid escalation and... more
A presentation giving an overview of the ethics and practicalities of doing research projects using digital manuscripts, as well as questions of accessibility, intellectual labour and tools for digital humanities research.
Educational interventions on youth sexting often focus on individual sexters or would-be sexters, and are driven by the aim of encouraging young people to abstain from producing and sharing personal sexual images. This approach has been... more
Some companies are hoping to use AI--and the treasure trove of our social media postings--to create convincing chatbot simulations of us after we die. What are the ethical worries surrounding these "legacy chatbots" that promise to keep... more