Discourse Analysis, Multimodality,visual Social Semiotics
Recent papers in Discourse Analysis, Multimodality,visual Social Semiotics
Las comunidades online de videojugadores se han convertido en espacios de debate sociopolíti-co, campos de lucha y disputa discursiva donde se dirime la hegemonía de los marcos dominan-tes. Convertidos en espacios... more
Studies based on Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA) do not only abound but have remained on the increase in recent times. However, focus has not been on the multimodal analysis of Children Bible stories through the linguistic framework... more
Multimodal fiction, as recently studied by Hallet (2009), Gibbons (2012), and Maziarczyk (2011; 2012), among others, is the phenomenon shared by those novels which combine various semiotic modes in the development of the narrative. The... more
This chapter puts forward a theoretical base for the design of a framework to assess multimodal listening. In order to support the need to adopt a broader perspective beyond speech, videotexts have been examined to describe significant... more
E n g l i s h E d u c a t i o n , V 4 0 N 1 , O c t o b e r 2 0 0 7 E n g l i s h E d u c a t i o n , O c t o b e r 2 0 0 7
It is within this wider debate that conflates gender with far-right resentment that this issue of Anglistica AION pursues its aims. The contributions all contend a common denominator: the need to remain vigilant and steadfast when dealing... more
Seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre hat sich im deutschsprachigen Raum in den Geschichts-, Sprach-und Politikwissenschaften, in der Soziologie und in angrenzenden Disziplinen eine lebendige und vielfach vernetzte Szene der diskurstheoretisch... more
Guest Editors' Introduction: Theorising Multimodality through Children and Youths' Perceptions and Experiences
Linguistic Stylistics is a book chapter contribution in which the author explains various concepts that introduces one into the discipline. Such concepts discussed are what stylistics entails, the relationship between Language and... more
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a dual-focused pedagogical approach in which a foreign language is used for the learning and teaching of both content and language. CLIL specialists have recommended different types of... more
The present paper focuses on the concepts of urban and linguistic space. It considers the city as a diamesic melting pot. Graffitism is seen as a communication channel that needs to be examined in order to better understand the urban... more
The aim of the present thesis was the observation of the adaptation techniques and strategies that localisers adopt within the context of international corporate website localisation when addressing an english, french and greek audience.... more
Das Buch entwirft eine Methodologie einer multimodalen Diskursanalyse. Sie geht dabei auf die besonderen medialen Bedingungen der Online-Kommunikation ein.
In recent years media of wider communication and dissemination are becoming increasingly visual. It seems that there are many more images than before and that all types of texts are becoming multimodal. The roles of these images are no... more
In this paper I critically analyze the work of Shepard Fairey, the street artist better known as OBEY, as a multimodal discourse. After introducing the notion of street art, I analyze Fairey’s aesthetics, inspired in Pop Art and Soviet... more
Conference presentation
Meine Abschlussarbeit an der Uni beschäftigt sich mit der Multimodalität im japanischen Manga und insbesondere von der Ansicht der Theorie Social Semiotics von Gunther Kress und Theo van Leeuwen. Es geht um eine relativ umfangreiche... more
Several nations of the world, such as China and Tanzania, have adopted one of the nation's indigenous languages as the national language. Consequently, the language becomes the language of classroom instructions. Concepts which hitherto... more
В статье анализируются два основных типа непрямолинейных траекторий в русской жестикуляции — круговые и колебательные движения — с точки зрения их семантики, метафорики и связи с сопровождающей речью. Для колебательных движений в... more
Discourse analytical scholarship has yet to agree on a shared approach to data containing, and significantly shaped by, images. The discipline continues to face challenging terminological and definitional tasks concerning important... more
This paper reveals the language presentations of the road signs in Singaraja, the capital city of Buleleng regency in North Bali, through multimodal composition theory proposed by Kress and Van Leeuwen, which includes information value,... more
This chapter is a case study describing the coverage of events involving the England football team in the British mainstream print media. It provides a stylistic account of humorous phenomena identified in the media reports, with a focus... more
Several studies have been carried out on verbal communication but with the recent trends and development of communication in conveyance of meaning, the importance of the cover-pages of news magazine in the print media deserves to be given... more
El arte -como espacio regulado pero alternativo a la oficialidad- ofrece la posibilidad de desarrollar discursos de disidencia, dada su consideración como herramienta valórico-educativa; por la mediatización de las imágenes artísticas y... more
In Germany, thousands of people have taken to the streets against the government's actions on Covid-19 since spring 2020. The protests are startling because of their heterogeneity and the ambiguity of their symbolism. This paper argues... more
This paper describes work in progress on the design of two comparable multimodal corpora of written tourism discourse about London and Moscow. Multimodality is defined for the purposes of the current project as a combination of several... more
Research on indigenous languages all over the world are attempts to save these languages from extinction. This paper will discuss one of the indigenous languages in Malaysia which is being threatened with extinction. This language is the... more
This study focuses on the iconographic channel of the graphic novel as a particular occurrence of silence. In Comics, images provide not only the data required for the development of narration; they also render available the concrete... more
While packaging is a common marketing subject, this illustration paper provides an alternative perspective through the linguistic examination of packaging as discourse, focusing on male grooming, masculinity and metrosexuality. Male... more
La significación de los sistemas estéticos en las artes plásticas contemporáneas tiende a destacar por los códigos establecidos en su sintaxis distintiva. La reflexión de textos de teóricos sobre la posmodernidad ha resultado ser un... more
The following investigation examines the linguistic choices and communicative practices used in and by the Twitter account Scholarly Queen to perform and display queer academic identities. As platforms such as Twitter are increasingly... more
In the language teaching and learning context, with the increase in communicative language teaching theories worldwide, the use of video as an audiovisual material has proliferated (Bal-Gezegin, 2014). Nowadays, many publishers produce... more
The present research is an attempt to explore the ideological representations of Pak-US relations in political cartoons published in Pakistani Urdu and English newspapers. Newspapers' linguistic and semiotic representations of Pak-Us... more
With this special issue, we aim to address visibility not just as a representation of the social, but as an aspect and element of social and cultural orders sui generis. The texts in this volume are dedicated to understanding the... more
Abstract: This research note deals with the so-called “political <k>,” i.e. the use of <k> instead of the <c> or <qu> prescribed by standard orthography in the Spanish linguistic landscape. This feature can be linked to the “politics of... more
How do fifth-grade students in a gifted class construct understandings of the opposite sex? In what ways do these constructions manifest in the visual texts created in literacy and language arts classrooms? This qualitative study... more
Innovations in information and communication technologies have allowed people to actively author multimodal content and engage in new meaning-making practices. New Literacies research has gone some way to understanding new meaning-making... more
This study explores how micro-bloggers react to disasters in social media by examining the discursive-semiotic activities activated in Twitter and Weibo in responding to the 2013 West explosion in the US and the 2015 Tianjin explosions in... more