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The revolution taking place across the world and Nigeria are of diverse forms, some overt and some others covert. Among the covert ones are the gradual introduction of social robots in form of sex dolls, also known as female humanoids... more
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      Visual SemioticsApplied LinguisticsInterlanguage PragmaticsAnalyzing Multimodal Texts
The first part of this work deals with multimodality in stylistics, drawing from social semiotics in its understanding of multimodality. A critical overview of multimodality in linguistic research is given, with special emphasis on... more
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      StylisticsLiterary StylisticsMultimodalityMultimodality, Social Semiotics
Bumble brands itself as a feminist dating app that’s designed to empower women. According to Bumble’s website, the app was developed to “challenge the antiquated rules of dating” by requiring those who identify as women to initiate... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCommunicationCritical Discourse StudiesInternet Studies
This paper presents the qualitative examination of teacher recruitment commercials over fifteen years to reveal the evolution of education objectives and teacher requirements of the Singapore education system. The commercials analysed... more
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      EducationSociolinguisticsAdvertisingGender Equality
Follow this and additional works at: Part of the American Literature Commons, American Popular Culture Commons, Art Education Commons, Comparative Literature Commons, Creative Writing Commons, Curriculum... more
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      LiteracyVisual StudiesTeacher EducationCritical Pedagogy
Die Zeitschriftenforschung hat sich zu einem produktiven und interdisziplinär verzweigten Arbeitsfeld entwickelt. Auffallend ist dabei jedoch die bislang geringe Beachtung der multimodalen Beschaffenheit des Mediums. Die Beiträger_innen... more
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      SemioticsVisual CultureVisual SemioticsModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
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      Gêneros TextuaisMultimodalidadeAnalyzing Multimodal Texts
Recognizing the inherent value of refugee youth’s diverse and powerful linguistic and cultural capital, this case study adds to the growing body of research regarding refugee youth’s intersecting identities and multilitera- cies by... more
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      LiteracyMultimodal CompositionRefugeesIdentity
In contemporary literature for children and young adults, intermedial works are becoming commonplace. It requires experts from a number of different branches of art to carry out their analysis, interpretation and evaluation. In 2019... more
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      Literary CriticismLiterary TheoryMultimodalityChildrens' musical learning
First created as part of the Digital Humanities Praxis course in the spring of 2012 at the CUNY Graduate Center, Tandem explores the generation of datasets comprised of text and image data by leveraging Optical Character Recognition... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Computer VisionDigital HumanitiesNatural Language Processing
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      Children's readingComics StudiesVisual LiteracyChildren's and Young Adult Literature
The aim of teaching "religion and culture" is to develop a competence in dealing with religious issues and traditions. The teaching follows the concept of teaching about religion, which means that students should learn about religions... more
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      ReligionBuddhismTeaching and LearningEducation
When children enter public kindergartens in the current atmosphere of high-stakes testing, they often encounter an emphasis on correctness that casts doubt on the integrity of their personally invented messages, prompting them to ask not... more
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      Early Childhood LiteracyFirst Language AcquisitionWriting systemsEmergent Literacy
The challenges for young children learning to write are many, as they try to respond to their teachers' expectations, 'school language' and the complex, abstract notion of writing. Scaffolding the learning of young children is challenging... more
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      First Language AcquisitionWriting systemsEmergent LiteracyMultiliteracies
This paper details a multimodal practice of response and transmediation, called a Thought Chronicle, which I employ in my undergraduate work with preservice teachers. I position this intervention in relation to the theoretical discourses... more
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      PsychoanalysisLiteracyTeaching and LearningEducation
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      Genre TheoryFirst Language AcquisitionWriting systemsEmergent Literacy
Обложка журнала рассматривается как образец мультимодального текста. Дается теоретический обзор научной литературы, посвященной изучению мультимодальности в рамках лингвистики. Приводятся определения понятия «мультимодальность».... more
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      Print mediaMultimodal Discourse AnalysisMultimodalityAnalyzing Multimodal Texts
Multimodal fiction, as recently studied by Hallet (2009), Gibbons (2012), and Maziarczyk (2011; 2012), among others, is the phenomenon shared by those novels which combine various semiotic modes in the development of the narrative. The... more
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      MultimodalityMultimodality, Social SemioticsDiscourse Analysis, Multimodality,visual Social SemioticsAnalyzing Multimodal Texts
Most young children love to draw and they all need to learn to write. However, despite the research over the past 30 years which identifies a strong relationship between emergent writing and drawing, in some classrooms young children are... more
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      First Language AcquisitionWriting systemsEmergent LiteracyMultiliteracies
Historically, comics have been viewed as a "debased or simplified word-based literacy," explains Dale Jacobs, who considers comics to be complex, multimodal texts. Examining Ted Naifeh's Polly and the Pirates, Jacobs shows how comics can... more
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      Comics StudiesComic Book StudiesComicsComics/Sequential Art
TEACHING PRODUCTIVITY AND ITS ENEMIES is a distribution of my original doctoral dissertation "Language Tangle : Predicting and Facilitating Outcomes in Language Education" ( ) with a new title better... more
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      Discourse AnalysisGender StudiesEnglish LiteratureTeaching English as a Second Language
1 page brief looking at 2 children's picture books with goal of posing questions for teachers to consider as the prep for close readings of the visual modalities of texts.
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      Teacher EducationChildren's LiteratureClose ReadingAnalyzing Multimodal Texts
"Recently, educators have begun to consider what is required in literacy curricula and best teaching practices given the demands placed on the educator sector and on literacy in general. Multiliteracies and Technology Enhanced... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer GraphicsHuman Computer InteractionMusic
Synsemia means the deliberate and conscious disposition of elements of writing in the space in order to communicate in a reasonably unambiguous way and in a regular manner, through the space articulation. These regularities can be valid... more
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      First Language AcquisitionInformation DesignWriting systemsEmergent Literacy
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      Picture BooksText And ImageTransmedial NarratologyAnalyzing Multimodal Texts
In this article we highlight analyses conducted in two qualitative literacy studies to discuss various implications of a blended, or hybrid, approach to multimodal analysis. By investigating several prominent frameworks commonly used... more
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      LiteracyDigital LiteracyQualitative methodologyVisual Literacy
Influential research and policy documents on early literacy from the UK and the US (e.g., the Rose Report ]; the National Early Literacy Panel Report [NELP 2008]; and the National Reading Panel Report [NRP 2000]) have stressed that when... more
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      Educational LeadershipEarly Childhood EducationEarly Childhood LiteracyEarly Literacy
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      Language EducationEthnographyMultilingualismSociolinguistics
Comics—both digital and print—increasingly make their way to the classroom. Scholars in the field have illustrated the pedagogical value of comics, but there remains little discussion as of yet about how comics can inform critical... more
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      Composition StudiesRhetoricComposition and RhetoricRhetorical Analysis
Obra recém-publicada, organizada pelo prof. Francis Paiva, do Colégio Técnico da UFMG, com prefácio de Carla Coscarelli e posfácio meu. Vários capítulos de autorias de professores e professoras pesquisadores.
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      Applied LinguisticsMultimodalityAnalyzing Multimodal Texts
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      Visual RhetoricMultimodal Discourse AnalysisMultimodalityVisual Argumentation
Celem artykułu jest multimodalna analiza teaserów i trailerów filmowych towarzyszących kampanii promocyjnej produkcji Marvel Studios "Avengers: Infinity War". Ukazane zostało, w jaki sposób twórcy kampanii budują przekaz reklamowy,... more
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      Marketing ResearchMultimodal Discourse AnalysisMultimodalityAudience Research
Guest Editors' Introduction: Theorising Multimodality through Children and Youths' Perceptions and Experiences
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      Early Childhood LiteracyMultimodalityMultimodal learningMultimodal Literacy
The national exam was an unfortunate series of events and the troubles are pouring in like Lemony Snicket’s thought-provoking fiction. They keep coming and disturbing everyone, certainly for the test taker students, their parents and... more
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      EducationAssessmentFirst Language AcquisitionWriting systems
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      Multimodal Discourse AnalysisAnalyzing Multimodal Texts
Contemporary societies are grappling with the social changes caused by the current communication landscape and complex textual habitats. To account for this complexity in meaning-making practices, some scholars have proposed the... more
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      CMC and SLAMultimodal Discourse AnalysisMultimodalityComputer-Mediated Communication (CMC)
Poetry in motion presents activities and ideas for using visualized poems, with animation, film clips, or even just readings of a poem, to energize the teaching of lyric poetry in the EFL classroom. Visual literacy ranges from better... more
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      Teaching English As A Foreign LanguageMultimodalityAnalyzing Multimodal TextsTeaching poetry in the EFL syllabus and classroom
Multimodal digital communication is the main theme of this conference meant to attract multidisciplinary research on a wide range of issues from teaching and learning to analysing multimodal digital data appearing in multiple... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationDigital LiteracyIntercultural EducationDigital Media & Learning
Вторая часть монографии посвящена осмыслению истории и предыстории семиотики. Рассматриваются знаковые системы, относящиеся к моделированию универсума и его частей, таких как календарные системы, древо мира с его классификацией частей... more
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      SemioticsCharles S. PeirceFirst Language AcquisitionWriting systems
The purpose of the qualitative research was to assess models of education developed for the study to investigate how and when to incorporate second and third languages into the curriculum to improve language acquisition. Research... more
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      BusinessDiscourse AnalysisSystematics (Taxonomy)Japanese Studies
The article "The Old Axololt by Jacek Dukaj: Between Multimodality and Transmediality" attempts to revise the categories of hypertexuality, multimodality and transmediality in the context of the idea of multi-layered narration in Jacek... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePhilosophyLiteratureCyberpunk
Multimodal digital communication is the main theme of this conference meant to attract multidisciplinary research on a wide range of issues from teaching and learning to analysing multimodal digital data appearing in multiple... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationDigital LiteracyIntercultural EducationMultimodal Interaction
Multimodal digital communication is the main theme of this conference meant to attract multidisciplinary research on a wide range of issues from teaching and learning to analysing multimodal digital data appearing in multiple... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationDigital LiteracyIntercultural EducationMultimodal Interaction
Multimodal digital communication is the main theme of this conference meant to attract multidisciplinary research on a wide range of issues from teaching and learning to analysing multimodal digital data appearing in multiple... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationDigital LiteracyIntercultural EducationMultimodal Interaction
Multimodal digital communication is the main theme of this conference meant to attract multidisciplinary research on a wide range of issues from teaching and learning to analysing multimodal digital data appearing in multiple... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationDigital LiteracyIntercultural EducationMultimodal Interaction
Multimodal digital communication is the main theme of this conference meant to attract multidisciplinary research on a wide range of issues from teaching and learning to analysing multimodal digital data appearing in multiple... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationDigital LiteracyIntercultural EducationMultimodal Interaction
Multimodal digital communication is the main theme of this conference meant to attract multidisciplinary research on a wide range of issues from teaching and learning to analysing multimodal digital data appearing in multiple... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationDigital LiteracyIntercultural EducationMultimodal Interaction
This thesis adopts the Systemic Functional Multimodal Discourse Analysis (SFMDA) approach to investigate pedagogic discourse. Two lessons of the subject General Paper in a Junior College in Singapore are analysed. The meanings made... more
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      Discourse AnalysisGestureSystemic Functional LinguisticsMultimodal Discourse Analysis