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The first part of this work deals with multimodality in stylistics, drawing from social semiotics in its understanding of multimodality. A critical overview of multimodality in linguistic research is given, with special emphasis on... more
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      StylisticsLiterary StylisticsMultimodalityMultimodality, Social Semiotics
This article explores how online videos with a pedagogical focus can possibly make an impact on our current language teaching and learning practices. The affordance of videos to create multimodal content that can be shared with the public... more
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      Mobile LearningMultimodality, Social Semiotics
This paper presents the qualitative examination of teacher recruitment commercials over fifteen years to reveal the evolution of education objectives and teacher requirements of the Singapore education system. The commercials analysed... more
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      EducationSociolinguisticsAdvertisingGender Equality
Die Zeitschriftenforschung hat sich zu einem produktiven und interdisziplinär verzweigten Arbeitsfeld entwickelt. Auffallend ist dabei jedoch die bislang geringe Beachtung der multimodalen Beschaffenheit des Mediums. Die Beiträger_innen... more
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      SemioticsVisual CultureVisual SemioticsModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)
Do they have to be the same?" The pre-service teacher asking this question was wondering if the essay she had written had to be the same, word for word, as the digital multimodal composition (DMC) she was creating. Similar to the way I... more
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      New MediaTeacher EducationDigital LiteraciesEnglish Education
Para citar este artículo: Manghi, D. y Haas, V. (2015). Uso de imágenes en clases de Ciencias Sociales y Ciencias Naturales: enseñando a través del potencial semiótico visual. Enunciación, 20(2), pp. 248-260. 1130684 and systematizes... more
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    • Multimodality, Social Semiotics
Alexandre, M.F. e C.A.M. Gouveia (2015), Introdução In M.F. Alexandre e C.A.M. Gouveia (eds.), Análise do Discurso: leituras funcionais, semióticas e internacionais, pp. 7-11. Lisboa: ILTEC, BonD.
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      Systemic Functional LinguisticsCritical Discourse AnalysisMultimodal Discourse AnalysisMultimodality
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      ScreenwritingCommunicationEducationMedia Studies
We document the language learning outcomes of an informant affiliated with a community of scanlation when participating in practices of reading, translation, typesetting and proofreading of mangas. We draw on a social-semiotic approach to... more
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      Informal LearningNew literacy studiesLanguage LearningMultimodality, Social Semiotics
The (ab)use of a highly scientific and quaintly specialised language characterises the American sitcom The Big Bang Theory as a geek-oriented production which, by means of its humorous multimodal discourse, seems to be addressed to a... more
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      Audiovisual TranslationCommunity of PracticeHumour StudiesMultimodality, Social Semiotics
Multimodal fiction, as recently studied by Hallet (2009), Gibbons (2012), and Maziarczyk (2011; 2012), among others, is the phenomenon shared by those novels which combine various semiotic modes in the development of the narrative. The... more
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      MultimodalityMultimodality, Social SemioticsDiscourse Analysis, Multimodality,visual Social SemioticsAnalyzing Multimodal Texts
Die prozessuale Wirkungsweise der Immersion beschränkt sich nicht nur auf technisch-apparative Medien oder computergestützte Mediensysteme, sondern zeigt sich innerhalb zahlreicher Forschungsdiskurse ebenfalls bei analogen oder... more
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      SemioticsHistoryCultural StudiesSociology of Culture
Institutional communication often needs to communicate to the general public by disseminating juridic and administrative content. The article analyses the institutional communication campaign that appeared on public administration... more
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      SociolinguisticsInternet memesMultimodal Discourse AnalysisMultimodality
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      Multimodal InteractionMultimodal Discourse AnalysisMultimodalityMultimodal learning
How moving image and multimodality could contribute to the image? How to get engaged into telling the kinds of mode of the narrative rather than standing back having a kind of a media studies approach to film? The aim of this paper is to... more
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    • Multimodality, Social Semiotics
Common patterns of interactions are altered in the digital world and new patterns of communication have emerged, challenging previous notions of what communication actually is in the contemporary age. Online configurations of interaction,... more
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      CommunicationInternet StudiesSocial NetworkingConversation Analysis
This article investigates how the COVID-19 pandemic becomes visible in the urban landscape of Vienna in public or commercial signage, posters, graffiti, stickers, and others. I argue that these signs are part of a pandemic inter-discourse... more
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      Discourse AnalysisAdvertisingLinguistic landscapesStreet Art
RESUMEN Observar y describir lo que ocurre en el aula desde una perspectiva multimodal es esencial para comprender el rol del profesor en el aprendizaje de un grupo de escolares Sordos 2 y el potencial semiótico de los recursos utilizados... more
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      Multimodal CommunicationMultimodality, Social SemioticsMultimodalidad
Umberto Eco (1975; 1985) has invariantly maintained that specular images have no semiosic status, basically because they stand in front rather than instead of an object. In his Kant and the Platypus (1997), Eco returns offering reasons to... more
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      SemioticsPhilosophy Of LanguagePerceptionCultural Semiotics
By drawing on visual data ranging from printed advertisements to digital photography, this book provides a fine-grained social semiotic analysis of a full range of visual texts in terms of specified periods, offering a complex... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageDigital PhotographyText And Image
Deep learning is a new area of machine learning research that imitates the way the human brain works. It has a great number of successful applications in speech recognition, image classification, and natural language processing. It is a... more
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      Deep LearningMultimodality, Social Semiotics
Nationalism, once declared an obsolete force, especially after World War II and the establishment of the European Union, has obviously returned with renewed vigour. We encounter passionate nationalist movements everywhere, in Africa,... more
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      Critical Discourse StudiesAntisemitism (Prejudice)Identity politicsNationalism
È estatico ogni discorso che, costruendosi nel linguaggio e col linguaggio, rappresenta nondimeno una fuoriuscita da esso, un bloccarsi della semiosi, un venir meno delle distinzioni che fondano il senso. Trattasi dunque di un’impostura?... more
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      SemioticsCultural SemioticsVisual SemioticsSemiotic Anthropology
Guest Editors' Introduction: Theorising Multimodality through Children and Youths' Perceptions and Experiences
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      Early Childhood LiteracyMultimodalityMultimodal learningMultimodal Literacy
Signatim è termine raro. Compare in un passo attribuito all’autore Caio, all’interno dei cosiddetti Gromatici veteres, una raccolta di testi di agrimensura compilata nel V secolo d.C. “Gromatico” è infatti tutto ciò che si riferisce alla... more
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      SemioticsCultural SemioticsVisual SemioticsSemiotic Anthropology
While it is crystal clear that communication can draw on many semiotic resources, research in the humanities has hitherto strongly focused on its verbal manifestations. "Multimodality" labels a variety of approaches and theories trying to... more
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      Visual StudiesPragmaticsVisual SemioticsGraphic Design
With this dissertation, I developed the first creation-as-research thesis accepted in the Department of Education at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec. This research methodology recognizes an interconnected process of creation and... more
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      SemioticsInstructional DesignCurriculum DesignCultural Semiotics
Contemporary societies are grappling with the social changes caused by the current communication landscape and complex textual habitats. To account for this complexity in meaning-making practices, some scholars have proposed the... more
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      CMC and SLAMultimodal Discourse AnalysisMultimodalityComputer-Mediated Communication (CMC)
Mobile-assisted Language Learning (MALL) is regarded as a new stage in the development of computer and distance learning. Recently, this new wave of technology has gained its popularity among students due to the widespread of various... more
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      Mobile LearningTeaching ListeningEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)Multimodality, Social Semiotics
This book is dedicated to bringing the stories of English language educators and learners to the forefront in discussions about global English. It is written for researchers, teachers, and students in the area of language education who... more
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      Discourse AnalysisTeaching English as a Second LanguageIntercultural EducationTeaching English As A Foreign Language
Photojournalism: A Social Semiotic Approach provides an analysis of press photography from a social semiotic perspective. It explores the role of photography in the news and how meanings are made in news photographs. It also investigates... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPhotojournalismText And ImageMultimodality, Social Semiotics
Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi membawa pengaruh kepada media. Dengan adanya era media baru, produsen iklan berlomba-lomba memproduksi iklan yang semenarik dan sekreatif mungkin untuk mencegah masyarakat dari rasa jenuh terhadap iklan.... more
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      SemioticsMultimodalityAdvertisementMultimodality, Social Semiotics
Memes are a common way for individuals to communicate online. Internet users often use memes to reply to each other on social networking sites or other online forums. This research argues that memes are successfully used for communication... more
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      MultimodalitySpeech Act TheoryMultimodality, Social SemioticsSemiotic Resources
This chapter explores the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze in order to understand classroom management in terms of the moving power-structure(s) in the teaching and learning context. The classroom dynamic presents a form of affective literacy... more
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      SemioticsTeacher EducationPhilosophy of EducationLanguage and Power
This study posits that using a range of modes and genres to construct argument can engender different ways of thinking about argument in the academic context. It investigates the potentials and constraints of adopting a multimodal... more
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricVisual RhetoricDigital Media And New Literacies
Using a vast spectrum of highly hybridized forms of contemporary filmmaking, animated documentary – an increasingly ubiquitous mode of representation – examines different aspects of representing reality. Likewise in academia, it keeps... more
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      Animated DocumentaryVisual GrammarSocial SemioticsMedia Representation and Reality
It is often thought that consciousness has a qualitative dimension that cannot be tracked by science. Recently, however, some philosophers have argued that this worry stems not from an elusive feature of the mind, but from the special... more
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      Information SystemsSemioticsLanguagesBuddhism
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      Early Childhood EducationMusic ImprovisationMultimodality, Social Semiotics
Di tutte le annunciazioni che popolano la storia umana e le sue svariate tradizioni, al semiologo non interessa la fonte in sé, il numinoso che all’umano si rivolge per significargli di volta in volta la propria presenza, intenzione,... more
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      SemioticsCultural SemioticsVisual SemioticsSemiotic Anthropology
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      Music EducationIntercultural dialogueMultimodality, Social Semiotics
Semiotics (sometimes spelled “semeiotic”) is the name first given by John Locke, and later reprised by Charles S. Peirce, for the “doctrine of signs,” or the study of how some things can stand for other things to still other things. This... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilologySemioticsLanguages
The phenomenon of multimodality has, as Jewitt (2009: 3) observes, generated interest "across many disciplines...against the backdrop of considerable social change". Contemporary societies are grappling with the social implications of the... more
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      Multimodal Discourse AnalysisMultimodalityMultimodality, Social SemioticsMultimodal Studies
The technological progress of the 21st Century has meant a great shift from the traditional ways of interaction between people, granting the opportunity to share instantly whatever information they want by any means (i.e. voice, text,... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationHigher EducationEducational Research
Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis iklan sunsilk nutrien sampo ginseng (SNSG) yang berbentuk audiovisual. Analisis dalam makalah ini menggunakan pendekatan semiotik yang difokuskan kepada multimodal sistem yang meliputi aspek... more
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    • Multimodality, Social Semiotics
The evolution of comparative literature has been revealing, for more than a century, a sinuous process of self-definition: as of the beginning of the 20 th century, it has been emerging like a diverse set of research, with studies... more
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      SemioticsComparative LiteraturePerforming ArtsDance Studies
IN MODERN MULTILINGUAL and multicultural societies the teaching of foreign languages is conducted within a communicative framework, thus, formally “registering” teaching as a communicative discipline (Tokatlidou, 2004: 108). In the case... more
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    • Multimodality, Social Semiotics
Drawing from recent analytical developments in semiotics and postmodern ethnography, this article exposes and assesses the combination of social semiotics and fieldwork as a form of qualitative inquiry. Approaches to semiotics and... more
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      SemioticsResearch MethodologyEthnographyQualitative methodology
Ironically, defining a hero, is a heroic endeavour in its own right, considering the diversity of hero types (mythological, epic, folk, national, local, up to family heroes), but also the diversity of cultural contexts, which underlie the... more
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      New MediaHeroesSocial SemioticsMultimodality, Social Semiotics
This study explores the image analysis practices of undergraduate translation trainees in a Greek university. The key research questions focused on the trainees’ perception of the role of visual literacy in translation, the nature of... more
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      Visual LiteracyIntersemiotic TranslationMultimodality, Social Semiotics