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In the article the famous poem “Te Seasons” written in Prussia by the Lithuanian poet Kristijonas Donelaitis (1714 01 01 – 1780 02 18) is considered as a poem based on the classical tradition of the description of the seasons. In this... more
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      LutheranismNatural philosophyEast PrussiaKristijonas Donelaitis
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      Art HistoryArchitectureMedieval HistoryArchitectural History
On the basis of the memoirs, visits to the hunting castle of Wilhelm II in East Prussia by Russian officials and military officers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries are described.
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      Wilhelm IIHuntingEast PrussiaRominten
Testaments in Lübeck Law. Exemplified with the practice of Elbing from the 15th to the early 16th c. The article presents the practice of making testaments in towns governed by the Lübeck Law, illustrated with the mediaeval Elbląg... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval willsElblągEast Prussia
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      Urban HistoryMemory StudiesEast PrussiaPostwar period of Soviet History
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      Soviet HistoryEast PrussiaKaliningradSoviet-German, GDR relations
IVe Congrès de l'Association pour les Etudes nordiques (APEN), INALCO, Paris, 18 novembre 2021 Cette intervention a pour but de montrer l’ambiguïté des volontés étatiques concernant l’utilisation des frontières en prenant l’exemple de... more
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      Baltic Sea Region StudiesBorders and FrontiersEast PrussiaHistory of East Prussia
Описаны история и современное состояние императорского охотничьего замка Вильгельма II в Восточной Пруссии. Охарактеризован процесс его постройки, выявлено значение объекта для традиций охоты в провинции.
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      World War IIWilhelm IIHuntingGreat War 1914-18
Okupacyjne rozterki na pograniczu – czyli jak powiat suwalski stał się Sudowią 1 września 1939 r. Niemcy najechały Polskę. Na terenach przyłączonych do Rzeszy, zgodnie z zasadami Gleichschaltung, wiele nazw głównych miast i wsi zostało... more
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      World War IIArchaeology of ethnicityBorderlands StudiesNazi Germany
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      Art HistoryArchitectureMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      Medieval HistoryLandscape ArchitecturePolish HistoryBrick and tile (Archaeology)
Не секрет, что история всяческих эмбарго, санкций и запретов на пармезан или эстонский шоколад берёт своё начало не сегодня и даже не от Наполеоновских войн, а просто давно. В те времена, когда балтийским янтарём были украшены сети,... more
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      AmberAncient PrussiansArchaeological AmberAmber in Praehistory
Résumé: La Prusse-Orientale est souvent présentée comme unilatéralement conservatrice et arriérée. Pourtant, ce serait trop vite oublier qu’elle fut aussi le berceau d’un courant libéral et démocrate radical dès la première moitié du XIXe... more
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      German HistoryContemporary HistoryPolish HistorySocialism
""The book contains diaries, letters, notes and memoirs of Russian diplomats, military officers, scientists, writers and travelers with descriptions of East Prussia from the XVII century to the Second World War. В книгу включены... more
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      Eastern European StudiesGerman HistoryEastern European historyRussian History
Plans to modernize the fortifications of the former castles of the Teutonic Order in Neidenburg and Johannisburg by the Dutch architect Nicolaus de Kemp (1602) Johannisburg and Neidenburg, erected at the end of the 14th century, are... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Восточная Пруссия глазами советских переселенцев. Первые годы Калининградской области в воспоминаниях и документах / ред. Ю.В. Костяшов. — 3-е изд., доп. и испр. — Калининград : Изд-во «Калининградская книга», 2018. — 364 с. — ISBN... more
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      Soviet HistoryRussian HistoryHistory of Everyday LifeEast Prussia
Masurian folk beliefs (East Prussia).
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      DemonologyHistory & Archaeology of folk beliefsOld PrussiansEast Prussia
Medieval settlement around Stary Dzierzgoń (Alt-Christburg) The surroundings of the village of Stary Dzierzgoń were already impacted by people during the Neolithic. Settlement was also concentrated here in the Bronze Age and the Early... more
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      Early Medieval And Medieval Settlement (Archaeology)Medieval rural settlementTeutonic KnightsBorders and Borderlands
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      BioarchaeologyPolandEast PrussiaPopularization of Archaeology
The book is based on the 320 interviews of the first settlers who came on the lands of the former East Prussia from different parts of the Soviet Union, shortly after the end of the World War II. Their stories complement the documents of... more
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      Soviet HistoryHistorical DemographyOral historyOral History and Memory
An essay about the black and white documentary photographic project by Dmitry Vyshemirsky about Kalinigrad (former Königsberg) city. A town by the sea. Familiar noise and light streaming upon it. Once upon a time a photographer had to... more
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      Documentary PhotographyEast PrussiaKaliningradPost-World War II history
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      HistoryHistory and MemoryMemory StudiesSecond World War
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      HistoryArt HistoryArchitectureMedieval History
Казалось бы, существует немало воспоминаний и дневников, отражающих участие русской армии в Первой мировой войне . Основной массив мемуарной литературы появился в эмиграции, где право слова в основном принадлежало офицерам и генералам. В... more
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      Great WarFirst World WarWWIWar Memoirs
Abstract Rafał Kubicki The inhabitants of Elbląg and the Dominican monastery since 13th century to the early 16th century This article endeavours to characterise the relationship between the inhabitants of Elbląg and the Dominican... more
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      History of PrussiaTeutonic KnightsElblągTeutonic Order
The book examines the memory policy of the Soviet state and its institutions in relation to the historical and cultural heritage of East Prussia in the first postwar decade. On the basis of previously unknown archival materials, the... more
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      Soviet HistoryHistory and MemoryCultural MemoryCollective Memory
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      Modern HistoryMuseologyHistory of PrussiaHistory of Archaeology
The paper provides an overview of the items identified as East European enamels from the collection of the Prussia Museum. The material is used as a basis for studying finds of different categories from the Baltic region. The data from... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEast PrussiaChamplevé EnamelsArchaeology of East Prussia
Vokiečių (saksų) dailininkas, tapybos restauratorius, menotyrininkas, pedagogas, bibliotekininkas, muziejininkas, literatas, istorikas, archeologas, kraštotyrininkas, keliautojas Julijus Dioringas (Julius Friedrich Döring) gimė 1818 m.... more
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      Everyday LifeTravelEast PrussiaHistory of Lithuanian
""Essays on the history of the Kaliningrad region cover the most important aspects of the development of the former East Prussia in 1945-1956: The effects of the war, demographic processes , the creation and characteristics of the local... more
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      Soviet HistoryHistorical DemographyStalin and StalinismOral History and Memory
St. Nicholas Church in Elbląg, next to St. Mary's Church, was one of the most important music centers of this city. As a result of the great fire of the church on April 26, 1777, the parish organ was also damaged. After many adventures... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryOrgan (pipe)Historic Pipe Organ
Over the years 1945-1965, the Masurian Museum (today: Museum of Warmia and Masuria in Olsztyn) received transfers from assorted sources, comprising multiple artefacts from past Malbork collections. The researched suite of archaeological... more
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      ArchaeologyHistory of MuseumsEast PrussiaArchaeology of East Prussia
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      ArchitectureCastlesArchitectural Preservation & RestorationCastle Studies
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      Medieval HistoryGerman HistoryMedieval StudiesCrusades
Am 9./10. April 1945 eroberte die Rote Armee Königsberg, die Hauptstadt Ostpreußens. Wo sich die deutschen Streitkräfte in der Provinz noch halten konnten, wurden sie bis Anfang Mai von den sowjetischen Truppen gezwungen, die Waffen zu... more
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      ViolenceGerman History after 1945WehrmachtEast Prussia
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyEast Prussia
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      Art HistoryPolish HistoryHistory of ArtTraditional Crafts
Im Preußenland, dem Gebiet zwischen Weichsel und Memel, existierte vom 13. bis zum frühen 16. Jh. der Staat der Deutschordensritter. In der Zeit der Ordensherrschaft entstand eine reiche Architekturlandschaft, die vor allem durch ihre... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCrusadesMedieval Church History
Рассмотрены практики коммеморации Кёнигсбергского университета, закрытого де-юре в 1945 г., в Калининградской области (Россия) и Германии во второй половине ХХ — начале XXI в. Сделан вывод о том, что с учетом опыта коммемораций в других... more
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      Commemoration and MemoryEast PrussiaUniversity of KönigsbergКенигсбергский университет
Kompendium zamków krzyżackich i biskupich Wydawnictwo ARTES Niniejszy tom ma na celu wprowadzenie w fascynującą historię architektury zamków w państwie zakonu krzyżackiego w Prusach, może być również przydatny jako przewodnik w podróży.... more
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      ArchitectureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCrusades
The unpublished Master thesis of the year 2003 focusses on the cemetery of Groß Ottenhagen/Berezovka in former East Prussia (today Kaliningrad, Russia). This graveyard of the Roman Iron Age (Phase B2 and B2/C1-C1a) and the Migration... more
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      Baltic archaeologyRoman Iron AgeEast PrussiaMigration Period Archaeology
The field research at Groß ottenhagen (Berezovka) conducted in 2003 and 2004 was the first international scientific collaboration between German and russian archaeologists in kaliningrad region since 1945. The Groß ottenhagen cemetery... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyViking Age ArchaeologyAncient PrussiansBaltic archaeology
Der vorliegende Band will in die faszinierende Geschichte der Burgenarchitektur im Preußenland einführen und ist auch als Reisehandbuch bestens geeignet. Den Schwerpunkt der Darstellung bildet die Zeit des Mittelalters. Die Erläuterungen... more
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      CrusadesGothic StudiesHistory of CrusadesMedieval Architecture
Die 2019 erschienene Publikation zum Gräberfeld von Linkuhnen ist aus einem DFG-Projekt zu den mittelalterlichen Funden der Königsberger Prussia-Sammlung am Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte Berlin entstanden. Ausgangspunkt für die... more
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      Viking Age ArchaeologyBaltic archaeologyRoman Iron AgeArchaeology Of The Migration Period And The Early Middle Ages
В статье анализируются особенности взаимоотношений русских войск и местного населения Восточной Пруссии в 1914-15 гг. Опровергается миф о жестокости русской оккупации
В приложении: текствая версия статьи, а также pdf обоих номеров журнала
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      Military HistoryGreat WarFirst World WarMilitary and Politics
Illustrated history of amber and its mining (under CC-BY-SA-4.0 license). ISBN 978-5-7164-0721-3 / Янтарная книга: история янтаря и янтарной отрасли. 70 лет Янтарному комбинату / Wissenschaftlich-populaere Darstellung unsere Information... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryPaleontologyMedieval History
Mortąg (former Mortung), is presently a village situated in the county of Sztum (Pomeranian Voivodeship) mentioned in sources for the first time in 1312. In the 14th century the seat of the Teutonic Procurator (Pfleger/provisor) and... more
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      Archival StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyTeutonic KnightsTeutonic Order
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      Baltic StudiesBaltic Sea Region StudiesViking Age ArchaeologyOre deposits
Война, со всеми ее победами и поражениями, героизмом и трагедиями, – неотъемлемая часть прошлого нашей страны, и еще многие аспекты требуют вдумчивого изучения. Эта книга - сборник статей по итогам I и II Всероссийских военно-исторических... more
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      Military HistorySecond World WarEast PrussiaFirst World War Literature
Leszek Wawrykiewicz, Magdalena Skarżyńska-Wawrykiewicz: Dwa gotyckie dzwony a kwestia datowania średniowiecznego kościoła fundacji Bażyńskich w Leszczu W przypadku gotyckiego kościoła Świętej Trójcy w Leszczu, jak przystało na kościół... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArchitectureMedieval ArtMedieval Churches