Recent papers in Encyclopedia
Teaching research as a cognitive process rather than a set of skills and thereby ensuring critical thinking has been a concern of instructions librarians for some time. This article explains the design, rationale, and use of an innovative... more
This is the entry for "Documentary Media" in the SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society, published in December 2019. Focusing on documentary cinema, it deploys five contextual frames, considers academic fields and... more
本文首先簡述《藝文類聚》成書背景以及初唐崇儒思潮之淵源,繼而羅列《藝文類聚》所載《列子》、《莊子》、《論衡》三書之非儒條文,復從「譏刺孔子」、「詆訿儒者」與「攻訐儒學」三大方面,逐加說明相關條文不合儒家思想之傾向,以及六朝與唐代文人對於相關典故之運用;最後根據《藝文類聚》「兩重意志」選文意識之架構,以及初唐時人對於《列子》、《莊子》、《論衡》之作者觀念,嘗試解釋《藝文類聚》得以取錄三書詆儒條文之原因。 Considering the official... more
Fitness: the overall success rate of a replicator, as determined by its degree of adaptation to its environment, and the three requirements of longevity, fecundity and copyingfidelity. Longevity: the duration that an individual replicator... more
مدخل «درویشخان» در دائرةالمعارف بزرگ اسلامی
A modern roundabout is an intersection with a circulatory roadway at which the vehicle speed is low, and the traffic is continuous and circulating in one direction around the central island towards the exits at the approach legs. Modern... more
Culture of Belarus: Encyclopedia in 6 volumes. Optically recognized / Сінчук І.І. Грош пражскі
The cryptocurrency market is a very diverse place where it is hard to find reliable information. Moreover, it is nearly impossible to find all the important facts about more than one project in one place >>>> Cryptocurrency Encyclopedia... more
O Livro dos Seres Imaginários Impressão tipográfica, papel Canson Edition 250g 17 folhas, 21,5 x 28 cm cada. Edição de 100. Numerado e assinado. Andante, 2011. R$ 150,00 Após uma expedição a bibliotecas na cidade de Santos (SP), em busca... more
Secondary education is the second stage of formal education and traditionally begins after primary school, usually about age 11 to 13. The COVID-19 pandemic caused immeasurable changes to the educational system which inevitably greatly... more
Union Internationale des Chemins (UIC) defines the high-speed railway (HSR) as a high-speed railway system that contains the infrastructure and the rolling stock. The infrastructure can be newly built dedicated lines enabled for trains to... more
Over the past 20 years high quality research originating from the USA (Bond 2004, Bond et al. 2008) has revolutionised the way vocational rehabilitation is conceptualised and provided to people with the most severe forms of psychiatric... more
Culture of Belarus: Encyclopedia in 6 volumes. Optically recognized / Сінчук І.І. Артыкулы, 8 (Аверс, Алтын, Арлянка, Асігнацыі, Асмак, Аўгустдор, Баністыка, Барацінка)
Culture of Belarus: Encyclopedia in 6 volumes. Optically recognized / Сінчук І.І. Артыкулы, 2 (Боны, Віленскі манетны двор)
Ensiklopedi Islam Nusantara ini menjadi tolok ukur sekaligus pengakuan bahwa Islam Nusantara mempunyai sejarah panjang di Indonesia. Penerbitan ini juga menemukan momentumnya terutama setelah launching titik nol Islam Nusantara di Baros... more
The idea for this Encyclopedia of Sociology was in gestation for a long time. Probably the notion arose when, as Sociology Advisory Editor for Rand McNally and Company, I arranged for a series of handbooks that were published in the 1960s... more
Este trabalho buscará apresentar o calendário judaico moderno além de caracterizá-lo. Trataremos de questões acerca do uso do calendário, do seu lugar social e da sua crítica. Explicaremos particularidades do calendário dito lunissolar... more
"""В энциклопедию вошли биографии ключевых историков, хронистов, чиновников и миссионеров, действовавших в Южной Америке в XVI-XVII веках и составивших подробные описания индейских обществ, их обычаев, нравов, традиций, военного дела.... more
This volume contains definitions of all terms of art and science, with such additional explanations in some cases as serve to illustrate something more than the bare meaning of the word. A work of this kind ca» not fail to be acceptable,... more
his Encyclopedia uses Arabic morphology system to expand Luganda lexical application so that Luganda can reach global linguistic levels. The encyclopedia functionally uses English language to clarify all Luganda meanings prior to the... more
A history of Wikipedia: an exploration of why it is the way it is. Complete text
“Arabic Encyclopaedias and Encyclopaedism in the Ottoman Period: Forms, Functions and Intersections between Adab and Modernity”, in: Adab and Modernity. A « Civilising Process » ? (Sixteenth_Twenty-First Century), ed. by C. Mayeur-Jaouen,... more
An encyclopedia-style entry on the overarching history of Hindu-Buddhist relations in India from the ancient to the present times. The paper takes a look at political, social, cultural and religious aspects of the relationship shared... more
páginas criadas para a revista de literatura e arte