Tang Dynasty
Recent papers in Tang Dynasty
(可直接下載 Preview is currently unavailable. You can download the paper by clicking the button below.) In the past, researchers who studied ceramics tended to focus on the imitation of marbled ware in the pattern, or to incorporate it into... more
Öz Birçok dinin tarih boyunca ortaya çıktığı coğrafi bölgelerde kabullenilmesinde zorluk yaşanılmıştır. İslamiyet de bu dinlerden biri olmuş ve ilk vahyin geldiği Mekke topraklarında belli sayıdaki insanların dışında kabul görmemiştir.... more
Free and open to all. For full program and registration, visit https://www.cosmopolitanpasts.sinologie.lmu.de
Constructed Worlds 通都大邑
Borders and Liminalities 四海為家
Inside Out 禮尚往來
Cosmos+Polis= 天下?
Constructed Worlds 通都大邑
Borders and Liminalities 四海為家
Inside Out 禮尚往來
Cosmos+Polis= 天下?
Focusing on tomb murals dated to the mid-late Tang dynasty in Anyang, including those in the tomb of Guo Sui and his wife, and the tomb of Zhao Yigong and his wife, this paper studies women's fashion of the times including makeup, hair... more
Рубель В.А. Хто і як почав Велику селянську війну 874-884 рр. в Китаї? (Несподіваний аспект проблеми) // Східний світ. 1998. №1-2. С. 135-144. Селянська війна в Китаї зовсім не була неорганізованим стихійним виступом селянських мас,... more
https://www.dasanderemittelalter.net/news/china-als-supermacht-des-mittelalters/ Vor 1400 Jahren leitete im Jahr 618 der Aufstieg der Tang-Dynastie eine besondere Epoche der chinesischen Geschichte ein "Seit alter Zeit hat jedermann die... more
Heqin和亲 policy, also known as “peace through kinship”, refers to historical agreements, that which has been established with peoples and nomadic empires living in the North of China during and after the Han Dynasty. The main aim of the... more
Poster designed for presentation at the inaugural Leiden Summer School in Chinese Digital Humanities (July 2016). Introduces current research project on cataloguing and analyzing exchange poetry of the Late Tang and Five Dynasties period... more
The figure of Emperor Taizong of Tang, for Chinese is undoubtedly the model of a Confucian inspired monarch. The greatest ruler in the entire history of the imperial era. In Poland, his character and achievements, apart from a narrow... more
This dissertation examines the sweeping changes in the themes, rhetoric, and forms of prose writing that occurred during China’s late-eighth and early-ninth centuries. I argue that the literary innovations of this period reflect ways in... more
Die Tang-Dynastie (618-907) – auch das goldene Zeitalter Chinas genannt – war eine blühende Epoche voller faszinierender Kulturphänomene. Das Zentrum des kosmopolitisch ausgerichteten Kaiserreichs bildete die vom heutigen Xi’an... more
This study analyzes the area outside the city walls of the Western Han and Tang imperial capitals of Chang'an. Although there has been considerable historical and archaeological research on the urbanized area within the walls of these two... more
Translation of the second Jewish-Persian Letter from Khotan in Hansen 2017, The Silk Road: A New History with Documents.
本文首先簡述《藝文類聚》成書背景以及初唐崇儒思潮之淵源,繼而羅列《藝文類聚》所載《列子》、《莊子》、《論衡》三書之非儒條文,復從「譏刺孔子」、「詆訿儒者」與「攻訐儒學」三大方面,逐加說明相關條文不合儒家思想之傾向,以及六朝與唐代文人對於相關典故之運用;最後根據《藝文類聚》「兩重意志」選文意識之架構,以及初唐時人對於《列子》、《莊子》、《論衡》之作者觀念,嘗試解釋《藝文類聚》得以取錄三書詆儒條文之原因。 Considering the official... more
Chapter on Chan ritual in Steven Heine and Dale Wright, eds., Zen Ritual: Studies of Zen Theory in Practice (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2008).
Pure-land Faith in China greatly grew in the Sui and Tang Dynasty. The research on the composition of Buddhist temples in the early Tang Dynasty influenced by Pure-land Faith, is important to the whole development of Chinese Buddhist... more
Women in the Tang dynasty Prescribed, dependent and scary ANNIKA PISSIN Images from the Tang dynasty 唐朝 (618-907) present us with independent and powerful women, conferring the idea that the Tang dynasty was the one era in Chinese history... more
The article is focused on the use of the term zhen 真in Chinese painting traditional theory. Tenth century Jing Hao's Bifaji 筆法記 shows the centrality of this concept, as well as its Daoist roots, particularly clear in some of the... more
Recent investigations carried out on behalf of the Hong Kong Archaeological Society at the coastal backbeach site of San Tau, North Lantau have produced evidence for a regionally unique Tang dynasty inhumation cemetery with four distinct... more
Abstract: Based on previous studies, the present paper makes a new research to the origin, clan and family background of Tonyuquq - the powerful minister of the second Türk Qaghanate. The Uighur ruler Shi-jian irkin and Pu-sa family... more
In the aftermath of An Lushan's 安 祿 山 (d. 757) rebellion-that virtually brought the imposing Tang 唐 empire (618-907) to its knees-the middle part of the dynastic epoch was marked by momentous and multifaceted changes, with major impacts... more
资中西岩罗汉洞难得地保存着诸多具题记的晚唐五代造像。本稿基于实地调查,首先报告造像内容,继而将造像分期断代,再分析造像题材及其组合情况。认为在巴蜀地区晚唐、五代之际动荡的社会背景下,罗汉洞造像反映其施主祈福禳灾,希望得到菩萨现世和地狱 救济,乃至往生佛国净土的诉求。
「建築考古學」是建築史學研究的基礎,而建築復原是其中最重要的一環。學者們雖然都以科學且準確的建築復原為目標,卻常得出迥異的結果,這種現象值得關注與討論。本文試以在中國建築史上具有重要地位的唐代大明宮含元殿為例,藉由耙梳各有所長的學者們針對其形制所建構出的不同方案,歸結出他們所運用的研究方法、對文獻解讀和遺跡現象判斷的差別,是導致其建築復原方案殊異的關鍵。在現存文獻和遺址的限制下,出現多元的建築復原方案實屬正常。本文期待能作為一個開端,引發對建築考古學研究方法的進一步探討。... more
According to the preliminary investigation, there are 54 Avalokiteśvara statues with precise dates of the Tang Dynasty in the Longmen Grottoes, and the Avalokiteśvara statues without dates are more than 140. By combining the historical... more
Evidence from Chinese documents supports the hypothesis that Sogdians dominated Silk Road trade in East Turkestan during the seventh and eighth centuries. The merchants lived and/or traveled among a diaspora of Sogdians who settled in the... more
The content of the Da Tang Xiyu ji, or The Great Tang Records of the Western Regions, drew upon Xuanzang’s long-term interest in secular things and its compilation was a response to the imperial order of Li Shimin, or Tang Taizong, with... more
This paper analyzes gold and silver vessels as burial goods during the Tang dynasty. It is based on a data collection of vessels found in tombs from the provinces of Shaanxi and Henan. An unexpected result is that although known from... more
En este trabajo presentamos las dos inscripciones relacionadas con la construcción del gran Buda Vairocana del templo Fengxian en Longmen, y una pagoda del monasterio Shaolin en el monte Song. Se expondrá como ambas construcciones... more
Li Po este é o quarto & último texto da série preparada por danilo augusto para o escamandro, com um ensaio sobre a sua visão & experiência pessoais diante das traduções de poetas da dinastia tang feitas pelo poeta norte-americano william... more