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      Book of DanielSon of Man ProblemUgaritic LiteratureEnuma Elish
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      Hebrew BibleHistoricismBiblical StudiesBiblical Theology
Complete view and Download at _______________________________________________________________________________________ The great Poem of Babylonian Creation, the myth of Enmeduranki, the book of secrets of... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMetaphysics of TimeQumranic StudiesEnoch literature
1. Creation ex nihilo ………………………………………. 1
2. The deities Apsú and Tiamat …………………… 2
3. Heaven (An) and Earth (KI ………………………. 3
4. Negative Theology …………...…………….………… 4
5. The Past and the Future …………………..…..…. 4
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      Negative TheologyPrimeval HistoryCreation mythsEnlil
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      ReligionTheological Interpretation of Christian ScriptureBook of GenesisOld Babylonian period
In 'Weapons of Words: Intertextual Competition in Babylonian Poetry' Selena Wisnom offers an in-depth literary study of three poems central to Babylonian culture: Anzû, Enūma eliš, and Erra and Išum. Fundamentally interconnected, each... more
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      IntertextualityEpic poetrySumerian & Akkadian literatureEnuma Elish
English title: "Doom Messiah": Myth in the Religious Narratology of Science Fiction and Superhero Comics | Abstrakt: Diese Masterarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Verwendung von Mythen in Science Fiction- und Supermenschencomics. Für... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyCosmology (Anthropology)Storytelling
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      AssyriologyMesopotamian ReligionsAkkadianBabylonian Wisdom Literature, Akkadian Literature, History of Religious Concepts
Analysis for an astronomical interpretation of the Mesopotamian creation myth Enuma Elish in reference to the theory of Zecharia Sitchin - with analysis of 9 points of criticism posed by the scholar Ian Lawton. Original Italian: 2009,... more
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      MythologyMesopotamian ReligionsAncient Astronaut TheoryCosmogony
My three-year degree thesis, which is a brief study on a possible common mythology between Greece and the Near East from the point of view of literariness. Thanks to my mentor, professor G. Avezzù.
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      Hesiodic PoetryGreek EpicAncient Near EastAncient Greek Religion
In this thesis for a Masters in Theology at Åbo Akademi written in swedish  I compare the cosmogony and the overall purpose in Gen 1:1-2:3 and  Enuma Elish. The result is very clear Gen 1:1-2:3 show no dependance from Enuma Elish.
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      Genesis 1-11Primeval HistoryCreationEnuma Elish
Cultura e Mitologia da Antiguidade
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      HistorySumerian & Akkadian literatureMitologyEnuma Elish
Although pictographic writing was developed in the Climactic Phase of Old Europe between 5300-4300 BCE and equaled a script of its own kind (COG: 319), another or later form of writing was invented in Sumer, or southern Iraq, in the 4th... more
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      IraqSumerOld EuropeEnuma Elish
The first monotheist human, Adam, was originally a god, in the Mesopotamian mythology, just as the Hebrew Genesis reluctantly revealed, and the assertive Quran slightly hinted. Specifically, he was the pre-monotheist, Sumerian god, Idim,... more
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      ReligionSumerian ReligionAncient Near EastBook of Genesis
Çivi yazısıyla yazılmış Sami yazıtları arasında , adını destanın başlangıç sözcüklerinden alan Enuma Eliş (Vaktiyle yukarda ) kadar ilgi uyandırmış yazıt azdır. İlk parçaları Asurbanipal'in N inova'daki büyük kütüphanesinin yıkıntıları... more
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Los mitos de las más diversas culturas, que tienen como propósito relatar el origen del mundo, describen siempre un tiempo primigenio, heterogéneo al actual, caracterizado principalmente por la indiferenciación de los seres o su... more
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      MitologyPsicoanálisisEnuma ElishNeoplatonismo
The mythology of Babylonian Creation Epic, “Enuma Elish” suggests that goddesses, nature, and chaos represented forces to conquer similar to the Garden of Eden Epic. In both the “Enuma Elish” and the “Garden of Eden,” the centerpiece is... more
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      SnakesEnuma ElishDragonGarden of Eden
The prevailing understanding among critical scholars is that Genesis is made up of stories that are parochial versions of popular mythological stories and what they consider to be the unquestionable proof is the story about Noah and the... more
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      MythologyGilgamesh EpicCommon SenseTartarus
En el horizonte de una investigación amplia acerca de las solidaridades entre las configuraciones de lenguaje (usos poéticos y formas de escritura incluidos) y las maneras de concebir lo real y habitar el mundo, se interrogará el legado... more
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Jordan Peterson’s books and lectures have struck a deep chord with audiences hungry for the kind of insights that Carl Jung, Mircea Eliade, and Joseph Campbell once extracted from mythological sources. Central to Peterson's cosmology is a... more
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As the title itself shows, we do not aim to complete a study that seeks for evidence to promote an atheistic identity in Antiquity, whether Classical or not. Here, we will discuss the possibility of the study of Atheism as a theme, by... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryAtheismMesopotamia History
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      AssyriologyHermeneuticsSumerian & Akkadian literatureCommentary
In his publication "Die Physik der Finsternis" (in German) the author postulates a 3rd Millennium Cosmology and sheds revolutionizing lights on Jewish mysticism and rabbinical Kabbalah. Proceeding from his groundbreakuing discovery of... more
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      Special RelativityTantraLurianic KabbalahNephilim
The Dragon, the Mountain, and the Nations investigates the origins, manifestations, and meanings of a myth that plays a major role in the Hebrew Bible and a substantial role in the New Testament: the dragon-slaying myth. The... more
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      TheodicyMormonismComparative mythologyBook of Revelation
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      Hittite ReligionRigvedaUllikummi und VrtraShahnameh
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      ProverbsInner-Biblical ExegesisEnuma Elish
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      MythologyPhenomenologyPhenomenology of Space and PlacePlace
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      Ancient Near EastRabbinic LiteratureHebrew Bible and Ancient Near EastGenesis
The Enuma Elish as an ancient comic strip Scenes from the Enuma Elish are depicted on many neo-Assyrian cylinder seals. If we link these scenes to the text, then a kind of comic strip emerges. In this essay I begin to elaborate the Enuma... more
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyMesopotamian ReligionsAncient Near EastAssyria
Sumeria and Babylon departed from goddess religions as discussed previously in the Babylonian myth of Tiamat and Marduk. Son (God) Marduk killed his mother then smashed her carcass but kept her skin. (BAC: 18.) (See, Killing of Rahabsu,... more
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      BabylonEnuma ElishMardukTiamat
Vi invito a preparare uno zaino leggero e ad unirvi a me, addentrandovi in queste pagine come fareste in un antico viaggio nel mare primordiale, nel cuore dell’Abisso e del Chaos. In queste acque nessuna meta finale è prefissata, nessun... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminist TheologyChaos TheoryFeminism
This is a chapter from Part 3 of 'The Sacred History of Being' (forthcoming 2015). It looks at the names of the gods listed as aspects of Marduk in the Enuma Elish (the liturgy of the Babylonian New Year Festival), and their... more
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      Mesopotamian ReligionsAncient PhilosophyBabylonMesopotamian literature
In 1650 BCE, migrating Hurrians entered Syria–Palestine. Their presence and contributions were significant including ancient Middle Eastern languages and the Hurrian Creation Epic known as the Enuma Elish, initiated a new order. Various... more
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      Enuma ElishMardukMigrating HurriansSyria–Palestine
A brief examination of differing exegetical approaches to Genesis 1, and the development of their main arguments, inevitably leads to the conclusion that the biblical creation account is best understood in its proper polemical/idolatrous... more
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      Ancient CosmologiesCreationismGenesis 1-11Cosmogony
The metaphor is a hallmark of Classical Hebrew poetry. Some metaphors, such as “Yhwh is king” or “Yhwh is warrior,” play a foundational role. The same does not hold for metaphors from the fishing industry. Because they had access to only... more
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      EgyptologyAssyriologyDeath StudiesArchaeology of Ancient Israel
The Book of Isaiah eloquently incorporates a plethora of references to mammals and birds, which have yielded different interpretations by theologians and translators. The context of Ancient Near East mythology and the themes throughout... more
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      ZoologyAnimal TheologyBiblical StudiesImagination
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      MythologySpace and PlacePhenomenologyTraditionalism
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionHittitologyMiddle East StudiesIraqi History
This article discusses the opening word of the Hebrew Bible
and proffers a proposal to interpret it, namely as a subjunctive
adverbial phrase best rendered in English by “initially.”
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      TheologySemitic languagesHebrew LanguageHebrew Bible
Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal are well known to scholars of ancient Near Eastern prophecy, thanks to their affinity for prophecy and the prophetic goddess Ištar in particular, which resulted in the preservation of oracular material in a... more
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      AssyriologyAncient Near EastAssyrian EmpireAncient Near Eastern History
El seminario abordará la tradición de la filosofía del lenguaje, con énfasis preferente en la antigüedad griega y la época moderna, reconociendo sus matrices fundamentales y proponiendo un contrapunto con el trabajo y la eficacia poética... more
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      MythologyPhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguagePlato
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      Space and PlaceAncient myth and religionTimaeusEnuma Elish
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      Biblical StudiesOld TestamentComparative mythologyEnuma Elish
Resumo Este artigo examina as conexões da filosofia grega com as sabedorias pré-platônicas da Grécia e das culturas do Oriente Médio, detendo-se no exemplo de Tales, considerado tanto um dos sete sábios, quanto escolhido como o primeiro... more
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      Greek LiteratureAncient Near EastAncient Greek PhilosophyEnuma Elish
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      AssyriologyBiblical StudiesAncient Near EastAncient myth and religion
A brief study on the Enuma Elish arriving at a description of the same.
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      IntertextualityCreationismOld Babylonian periodGenesis 1-11
ABSTRAK. Artikel ini merupakan sebuah kajian untuk menyodorkan gagasan teologis narasi penciptaan berdasarkan kebudayaan Timur Dekat Kuno. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan historis-kultural dan memakai metode studi komparatif, artikel ini... more
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      Book of GenesisLiterature and culture of the ancient Near EastEnuma ElishStudi Komparatif
The Babylonian Enūma eliš opens with the well-known motif of the primeval waters covering the world. Although this motif is very important in Enūma eliš itself and in other cosmogonies of the Ancient Near East, it is not attested in... more
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      Combat MythEnuma ElishTiamatAbzu