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La transformación de conflictos y la interculturalidad son conceptos que se vienen usando de manera creciente en América Latina como propuestas para ayudar a hacer frente a la creciente conflictividad socio-ambiental en la región. Pocos... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesEnvironmental Conflicts ResolutionConflict TransformationEnvironmental Justice
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      Political EcologyWaste ManagementEnvironmental Conflicts Resolution
The production of liquid biofuels has become an issue of concern in many developing countries, due mainly to the establishment of large-scale biofuel feedstock plantations. These plantations present potential socio-economic benefits,... more
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      EconomicsPeace and Conflict StudiesGhanaConflict Resolution
Water rights as a fundamental human rights arises from the human right to life. Such a formulation shows the special meaning of water as a resource for every person. Human right to life derives from the right to a healthy environment,... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesHuman RightsConflict ResolutionConflict Management
Los glaciares andinos se encuentran fuera del “debate climático”. En nuestra opinión, la importancia ecosistémica y socioeconómica de estas fuentes de agua estratégicas no ha sido relevada por el trabajo de la Convención Marco de las... more
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      Climate Change AdaptationSustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental Conflicts ResolutionDesarrollo Sustentable
Il contributo intende analizzare l’impatto che l’introduzione di procedure tecniche e di standard di verifica (ex ante, in itinere ed ex post) possono aver avuto sulla tutela di quello che a pieno titolo va considerato un diritto sociale:... more
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      Policy Analysis/Policy StudiesEnvironmental policySociology of KnowledgeMonitoring And Evaluation
Transboundary river basins are under increasing pressure due to population growth, agricultural and industrial developments, and climate change, as well as river pollution. Water scarcity is on the increase due to the increasing gap... more
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      Dispute ResolutionConflictDisaster risk managementAfrica
Rural life in the Upper Hunter region of NSW is threatened by the mining and burning of coal and coal seam gas extraction. Extensive open-cut mining is a serious threat to productive rural enterprises between Singleton and Muswellbrook,... more
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      Rural SociologyHuman GeographyAir QualityClimate Change
A Amazônia é povoada por conflitos, muitos dos quais em torno das diferentes relações com o ambiente experimentadas pelos variados grupos que nela se encontram, mas não somente por esta motivação. Compreender tais conflitualidades é... more
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      Restorative JusticeAmazoniaEnvironmental Conflicts ResolutionEnvironmental Justice
Se presenta un análisis multidisciplinario sobre la problemática de la Tierra Sagrada de Wirikuta, frente a la minería.
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      Environmental Conflicts ResolutionHuicholConflictos SocioambientalesCONFLICTO MINERO WIRIKUTA
Esta investigación explora como se estudian los conflictos socio- ambientales en el eje minería-agua-agricultura en Chile. Para ello, se realizó una revisión sistemática de los artículos académicos en el período 2008- 2018 con el... more
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      Gender and EnvironmentGender and DevelopmentEnvironmental Conflicts ResolutionHuman-wildlife conflicts
Senior Lawyer AsM Law Office
Pelatihan Paralegal
Dalam Rangka Peningkatan Kapasitas Sdm
Penanganan Konflik Tenurial Di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur Tahun 2018
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      Environmental LawConflict ResolutionEnvironmental Conflicts ResolutionLawyer
Hay un progresivo desgaste, con tendencia hacia la autodestrucción, de las instituciones y organizacones de una economía mundial plutocráticamente controlada. Para sustituirlas, la humanidad del planeta tierra requiere darse, a sí... more
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      Rural SociologyContractsPeace and Conflict StudiesSociology of Work
Les richesses naturelles de Madagascar font l’objet de fortes convoitises à l’échelle internationale. Les projets extractifs et l’accaparement des terres, à l’oeuvre avec l’aval de l’État national, génèrent des coûts... more
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      Extractive industries (Economic Anthropology)Environmental Conflicts ResolutionMadagascarEnvironmental Justice in Madagascar
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesWaterConflictWater resources
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      Political EcologyEnvironmental Conflicts ResolutionOil and gasNatural Resource and Environmental Economics
Emerging water challenges in the 21st century perfectly demonstrate the possible climate change-related issues and the overexploitation. Water scarcity is already the source of many intrastate and interstate conflicts, the cause of food... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesGlobalizationWaterEnvironmental Studies
A wake-up call about the economic, social, environmental, political and legal implications of the disputed activity of commodities in Guatemala was the tragic explosion of a boiler in the Fenix Mine in El Estor, Izabal. The real threat to... more
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      EthnoNational ConflictsGuatemala (History)Environmental Conflicts ResolutionConflictos Socioambientales
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      History of IndiaPakistanSri LankaEnvironmental Conflicts Resolution
The study examined the effect of conflict resolution strategies on employee performance in selected commercial banks in Lagos State. The study sought to examine the impact of forcing strategy on employee competency; smoothing strategy on... more
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      Conflict ManagementEnvironmental Conflicts ResolutionEmployee PerformanceJob Stress and Employee Performance
Transboundary river basins are under increasing pressure due to population growth, agricultural and industrial developments, and climate change, as well as river pollution. Water scarcity is on the increase due to the increasing gap... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringInternational Relations
This introductory course presents a survey of theoretical, conceptual and practical approaches to the study of peace and justice. This includes examining theories of violence, peace, war and rights, as well as more focused discussions of... more
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      Critical TheorySocial ChangeGender StudiesInternational Relations
Este Manual ha sido escrito para apoyar la reflexión y el diálogo sobre cómo enriquecer la colaboración y abordar los conflictos entre los actores sociales de la gestión participativa (comanejo) de áreas protegidas. Se ofrece como una nueva... more
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      Environmental Conflicts ResolutionEcotourism, Tourism in National Parks and Protected Areas, Community Tourism
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      BusinessManagementBusiness AdministrationReligion
"The two big global crises that erupted in 2008 – the world food crisis and the broader financial crisis that the food crisis has been part of – are together spawning a new and disturbing trend towards buying up land for outsourced food... more
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      Agricultural PolicyEcological EconomicsLand managementEnvironmental Conflicts Resolution
"El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo primordial el análisis de los estándares de la tutela judicial efectiva y del Debido Proceso en los procedimientos establecidos por la Ley Nº 20.600 que crea los Tribunales Ambientales, desde una... more
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      LawEnvironmental LawAccess to JusticeEcology
Esta tese parte de um caso analisador-revelador, o duplo homicídio dos ambientalistas populares Maria do Espírito Santo da Silva e José Cláudio Ribeiro da Silva, no sudeste do Pará, na Amazônia Oriental, para investigar as contradições do... more
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      Political EcologyEnvironmental Conflicts ResolutionNeo-extractivism
This is hot off the (virtual) presses, and not yet released on Cap-Net's website ( as there are still a few little things to complete. This is the 2nd edition of our training manual. Following 5 years of use, it was clear... more
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      Conflict ResolutionSustainable Water Resources ManagementEnvironmental Conflicts ResolutionIntegrated Water Resources Management
This report sets out to provide evidence-based support for successful environmental justice (EJ) activism and assess the constituents and outcomes of contemporary socio-environmental mining conflicts by applying a collaborative... more
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      EconometricsEnvironmental EconomicsPolitical EcologyEcological Economics
Desde finales de la primera década del siglo XXI, en América Latina la presión por el uso y explotación de recursos naturales ha ido en un aumento. Frente a esta tendencia neo-extractivista y como resistencia a la misma se ha evidenciado... more
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      Political EcologyEcological EconomicsEnvironmental Conflicts ResolutionEnvironmental Justice
First Human Rights Impact Assessment of Goldcorp's Marlin Mine. Commissioned on behalf of Goldcorp by the Steering Committee, Guatemala. Prepared by On Common Ground Consultants Inc. Vancouver, BC, Canada. ISBN 978-0-9866321-0-5
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      Human RightsExtractive industries (Economic Anthropology)Environmental Conflicts ResolutionJohn Ruggie
This article argues for revisiting the institutional architecture of wildlife conservation in light of two recent trends: Increased popularity of landscape-level approaches; and, the recognition that conservation interventions must... more
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      Landscape EcologyPolitical EconomyCommonsEnvironmental Studies
Transboundary Conservation Areas (TBCAs), such as Parks for Peace, have been heralded for their potential to foster peaceful relations, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable development. Yet, critics point out failings of TBCAs,... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConservationEnvironmental Conflicts ResolutionEnvironmental Security
My master thesis investigate human wildlife relationship between Maasai people and local wildlife. The work analyse both socio-cultural aspects connected to wildlife, through the study of traditional folktales, and both historical and... more
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      Conservation BiologyTraditional Ecological KnowledgeFolktalesEthnobiology
Abstract The paper seeks to gain a deeper insight on an impending conflict on unsustainable use of environment in Kenya. The generation of the day seems to extract more from the environment with little regard to Mother Nature and future... more
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    • Environmental Conflicts Resolution
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      Climate ChangeInternational DevelopmentEnvironmental Conflicts Resolution
In this chapter, we consider comparative data on India and Latin America (and also for some variables on Africa and Europe) to explore the links between increases in the social metabolism (i.e. the flows of energy and materials in the... more
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      SociologyLatin American StudiesEnvironmental ScienceEconomics
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationBusiness EthicsEuropean History
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      Coastal ManagementEnvironmental Conflicts ResolutionDissemination of Scientific Research & Technological InnovationCoastal Tourism
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy (Special Issue on Environmental Social Movements in Latin America an Europe)
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      Environmental SociologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsEuropean Studies
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      Environmental SociologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsUrban Geography
Le Parc National du Haut Atlas Oriental a été imposé en 2004 aux populations les plus déshéritées du Maroc afin de protéger principalement le cèdre et le mouflon à manchettes. Cet encadrement par le haut pose la question classique de... more
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      Moroccan StudiesEnvironmental Conflicts ResolutionProtected areasEcotourism, Tourism in National Parks and Protected Areas, Community Tourism
This article examines why the Canaima National Park carries bad associations for the Pemon and suggests ways in which UNESCO and the World Heritage Committee could help to ensure that indigenous peoples’ and traditional inhabitants’ world... more
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      Indigenous Peoples RightsEnvironmental Conflicts ResolutionConflict TransformationEnvironmental Justice
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      UgandaConflict ResolutionIndigenous Peoples RightsEnvironmental Conflicts Resolution
This study explains aspects and strategies of critical decision in crisis management. Critical decisions enable organizations to cope with consequential environmental threats or take advantage of important opportunities in the presence of... more
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      Decision MakingCrisis ManagementBounded RationalityDecision Making Under Uncertainty
Environmental and resource governance models emphasize the importance of local community and civil society participation to achieve social equity and environmental sustainability goals. Yet authoritarian political formations often... more
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      Latin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesHuman RightsSecurity
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      DialogueMetaphorEnvironmental Conflicts ResolutionWorldview.
The purpose of this study was to examine the mediation role of organizational justice perception of administrators’ political and paternalistic leadership behaviors on conflict resolution behaviors. The study was conducted with 330 high... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationEducational LeadershipDidactics
Following on a pamphlet-style guide to consensus building principles, published by the Canadian National Roundtable on the Economy and the Environment, this volume unpacks and elaborates on the key principles and uses a case study... more
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      Environmental Conflicts ResolutionEnvironmental SustainabilityConflict Mediation StrategiesConsensus