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      Systematic TheologyBiblical Theology19th and 20th Century TheologyChristian Theology
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      Church History19th and 20th Century TheologyEucharistic TheologyThe Oxford Movement
This thesis examines Fr. William A. Van Roo's contribution to the wide field of theological reflection on the relationship between theological method and the religious experience of the theologian as believer. While the 'turn to... more
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      American CatholicismWilliam JamesDigital CultureKarl Rahner
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      Systematic TheologyReformed theologyKarl Barth19th and 20th Century Theology
Kekristenan, teologi, serta filsafat selalu mengalami pergerakan atau dinamika yang menarik dari masa ke masa, hal ini pun selalu memiliki ciri khas yang ada pada di setiap abadnya. Pada abad sebelumnya, khususnya abad ke 17-18, ada... more
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      19th and 20th Century TheologyTeologiaTeologíaModern Theology
This essay considers the ecclesiology of William Robinson (1888–1963), a British theologian from the Stone-Campbell Movement. It surveys some of the distinctive features of his thinking on sacraments, theological ethics, and the nature of... more
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      TheologyTheological EthicsRestoration (Stone-Campbell) MovementEcumenical Theology
This conclusive chapter of the thesis argues that Van Roo's analysis of the complex relationship between theological reflection on the religious experience of the believer in community successfully integrates the fragmentary insights... more
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      Epistemology Of Religious Experience19th and 20th Century TheologyReligious Experience20th Century Roman Catholic Theology
Jurgen Moltmann stands as one of the most important and influential theologians of the 20th century. After providing a brief biographical sketch and discussion of the philosophical commitment to a distinctly eschatological theology, the... more
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      TheologyTrinity19th and 20th Century Theology20th Century German Theology
In this paper I address how Karl Barth's doctrine of revelation moves from a Christological foundation into a Trinitarian portrayal of God's free act of disclosure He both has unveiled His truth, and veiled Himself from man. However, I... more
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      Systematic TheologyPhilosophical TheologyBiblical StudiesDoctrine of God
In this paper I will explore three different visions of ecumenism found in three Orthodox thinkers of the last century, Nikolai Berdyaev, Fr Sergius Bulgakov and Vladimir Lossky. With the exception of Bulgakov, they are not the most... more
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      TheologyOrthodox TheologyChristian Orthodoxy and NationalismRussian Orthodox Church
This book investigates the relationship between nineteenth-century German theological Wissenschaft and the emergence of confessional Lutheranism. James Ambrose Lee II argues that the fi rst generation of German confessional Lutheran... more
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      Historical TheologyLutheranismFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingSchleiermacher
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      LutheranismEucharist19th Century German History19th Century (History)
John Henry Newman spearheaded one of the first modern retrievals of the Christian doctrine of the Christian doctrine of deification. This article argues that, precisely because of the early date of Newman’s rehabilitation, his treatment... more
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      Doctrine of Justification19th and 20th Century TheologySoteriologyMartin Luther
The story of Orthodox Christianity's relationship with the West plays a pivotal role in the construction of Orthodox identity. That story took a decisive turn in the 20th century. Suddenly, Orthodox thinkers, particularly those from the... more
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      ChristianityEuropean HistoryEuropean StudiesRussian Studies
Orthodox theology in Western Europe in the 20th century is a fascinating phenomenon. Owing to the revolution in Russia and the economic and political migrations of Orthodox believers from many other European and Middle Eastern countries,... more
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      ReligionChristianityModern HistoryEuropean Studies
This is an advanced draft of a forthcoming essay on the concept of tradition, mainly in J. H. Newman's account of "development."
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      RomanticismHermeneuticsHistoricism19th and 20th Century Theology
This article explores how the Hesychast practices of prayer expand the notion of lex orandi as well as bringing lex orandi and lex credendi into an equal relationship of mutual exchange. It concentrates on the contributions of two... more
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      OrthodonticsTheologyPractical theologySystematic Theology
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      Karl Barth19th and 20th Century TheologyFriedrich SchleiermacherDivine Immutability
The article presents Florovsky’s annotations on a manuscript of his work on Patristics and Modern Theology, giving a new interpretation to his thought, and looking at his pre-War Jesuit contacts.
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      DialogueOrthodox TheologyEastern ChristianityJesuit history
The article is an expanded and updated version of the study published in Czech in Teologická Reflexe in 2013. On the examples of three theologians from different background, Tillich, Florovsky and Congar, it explores how tradition is... more
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      TheologySystematic TheologyUtopian StudiesEcumenical Theology
In this paper I argue that autism places an important restraint upon the use of relationality in theological anthropology. This argument proceeds by outlining how the appropriation of dialectic personalism, which initiated 'the relational... more
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      ChristianityAutismSystematic TheologyAutism Spectrum Disorders
The article explores how three representatives of the Neo-Patristic synthesis, Georges Florovsky, Alexander Schmemann and John Meyendorff, found within tradition permanent reference points, such as Christian Hellenism, Greek fathers of... more
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      ChristianityHistoryDevelopment StudiesTheology
Christians have traditionally conceived of the moral life as an imitation of Christ, whereby followers enter into fellowship with God. The American Transcendentalists can be understood as extending rather than subverting this legacy. For... more
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      Virtue Ethics19th Century (History)19th-Century American Literature19th and 20th Century Theology
Kniha zkoumá metody a témata pravoslavné teologie, jak se rozvinuly ve 20. století na Západě. Soustředí se na novopatristickou syntézu, hesychasmus, slavjanofilství a soviální angažmá, na sofiologii. Odkrývá pluralitu pravoslavných hlasů... more
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      TheologyOrthodox TheologyRussian Orthodoxy19th and 20th Century Theology
zweifellos einer der bedeutendste Theologen des 20. Jahrhunderts gewe-sen. 1 Sein umfangreiches Werk verlangt daher auch nach einer Kontextuali-sierung, wie sie etwa in biographischen Studien zu einigen der genannten Theologen vorliegen.... more
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      Catholic Theology19th and 20th Century TheologyHans Urs von BalthasarRoman Catholic Theology
Pablo Argárate I-E RENOUVEAU DES ÉTUDES PATRISTIQUES EN AU:|RICHE, EN ROUMANIE ET EN HONGRM ET IAE DEVELOPPEMENT DU DIALOGUE GCUMÉNIQTIE Je vous propose de faire un voyage dès la Mer Noire jusqu'auxAlpes ; on pourrait prendre le Danube et... more
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      Patristics19th and 20th Century Theology
The book investigates major currents of Modern Orthodox theology, including its use of patristic theology and tradition. Starting with the Neo-patristic synthesis, it shows other complementary ways of appropriating the mind of the... more
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      Orthodox TheologyRussian Religious PhilosophyRussian Orthodoxy19th and 20th Century Theology
In my first academic monograph (2016, V&R, FSÖTh 156, S. 509, written in German), based on a reworked doctoral dissertation, I offer the first historical and systematic-theological analysis and interpretation of the voluminous oeuvre of... more
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      EthicsSystematic TheologySocial EthicsDogmatic theology
Although nationalism attracts a great deal of attention in historical, political and social scholarship, the religious conceptual schemes of nationalism are not very popular in research. Gerhard Graf has pointed to the relevance of... more
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      Systematic TheologyNationalism19th and 20th Century Theology19th Century German Theology
EDITION 11-3 Erinnerungen an Friedrich Nietzsche : mit Briefen an Hein-rich Köselitz / Franz Overbeck. Und mit einem Essay von Hein-rich Detering.-Berlin : Berenberg, 2011.-156 S. : Ill. ; 23 cm.-ISBN 978-3-937834-44-3 : EUR 20.00 [#1941]... more
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      Friedrich NietzscheNietzsche19th and 20th Century TheologyFranz Overbeck
Wenn man an Franz Overbeck (1837 -1905) denkt, so kommt dem philosophiegeschichtlich interessierten Leser wohl als erstes Nietzsche 1 in den Sinne, dessen Freund der Basler Theologe war, der gemeinhin als ein Ungläubiger gilt. Es gibt... more
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      Friedrich NietzscheFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph SchellingChurch HistoryTrinitarian Theology
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      Historical TheologySystematic Theology19th and 20th Century Theology19th Century German Theology
It is well known that John Henry Newman’s Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine contains strong autobiographical elements. Equally, the essay is an important 19th century contribution to the development of the history of... more
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      History of IdeasTheologyBiographyCatholic Theology
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      Church History19th and 20th Century TheologyCatholic Church HistoryJohann Adam Möhler
My article offers a critical review of current strands and problems in the historiography of nineteenth century theology. This history is usually written by systematic theologians and has thus often been rather disconnected from the wider... more
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      Theology19th and 20th Century Theology19th Century German TheologyHistory of theology
My talk on German that discusses use of history in the Catholic Tübingen School
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      Catholic TheologyHistory of Roman Catholicism19th and 20th Century TheologyCatholic Church History
Co-edited with Johannes Zachhuber. The full contents and papers are available here: Contents 1. Foreword, Walter Kasper 2. Editorial Introduction, Daniel Whistler and Johannes... more
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      ReligionTheologyHistory of ReligionHistorical Theology
ETS, 2014
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      Historical TheologyNineteenth Century StudiesPresbyterianism19th Century (History)
A review of David Scaer's treatment of Baptism among 19th and earthly 20th century Lutherans. He explores how those who tended to deny the miraculous powers of the means of grace (that is to say, rejected the truth of infant faith) still... more
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      LutheranismHistory of SacramentsBaptismFaith
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      Political Theology19th and 20th Century Theology19th Century German Theology
In Kierkegaard and the Staging of Desire: Rhetoric and Performance in a Theology of Eros Carl S. Hughes develops an original approach to Søren Kierkegaard’s religious writings. As is well known, Kierkegaard published these religious... more
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionTheology19th Century Philosophy
This paper discusses three interrelated problems at the forefront of 19th and 20th century thought on subjectivity and the problem of God. These issues will be explored as they were worked out by Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834), G.... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionTheologyPhilosophical TheologyGerman Idealism
Using Augustine’s framework of sin as nonbeing I will give a brief exploratory account of how, since the Fall, humanity has been on a path toward nonbeing. I will highlight three areas of sin’s corruption as concerns humanity: the human... more
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      HumanitiesPhilosophical AnthropologyHistorical TheologyPhilosophical Theology
What does it mean to be human? A clue to the answer lies in the asking of the question, for this act presupposes both a [human] subject and object in a dialectic of self-transcendence. As Jenson observes, “in asking this question, we... more
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      AnthropologyTheologySystematic TheologyTheological Anthropology
Kniha stopuje, jak se pravoslaví dostávalo na Západ díky prvním pravoslavným misiím, ale pak zejména kvůli nucené emigraci statisíců věřících. Jak na Západě pravoslavná teologie zpracovávala byzantské, ale i ruské a osmanské dědictví, a... more
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      ChristianityHistory of ChristianityOrthodox TheologyEastern Christianity
This article explores how apophatic method re-emerges in contemporary theology. Using as examples three Frech thinkers: Jean-Pierre Jossua, Jean-Luc Marion, and Louis-Marie Chauvet it shows that, like in the Greek Patristic tradition,... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy Of LanguageGift ExchangePhenomenology