European institutions
Most cited papers in European institutions
Agenda-setting in the EU takes place in two ways: ‘from above’through high-level political institutions urging EU action, and ‘from below’through policy experts formulating specific proposals in low-level groups andworking parties. This... more
The many faces of the European Council make it a core component of the institutional machinery maintaining relations between the EU and third countries, including Turkey. This chapter identifies the European Council’s roles as the EU’s... more
The European Union is at a make-or-break moment. The current crisis could be beneficial or detrimental for its future. We revisit Schmitter’s model of crisis-induced decision-making cycles (1970) and critically discuss why the current... more
With the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the European Council has become an official institution of the European Union (EU). According to the Treaty, it should provide the Union with ‘impetus’ and ‘general political directions and... more
The economic crisis showed the weaknesses of the institutional system of the European Union, raising questions about its shape. The article aims to determine whether internal structures of the EU institutions and their modes of operation... more
The outcome of the Brexit referendum is the apex of a long history of Euro-British relationships characterised by two opposing but coexisting stereotypes. On the one hand, England appears as the freedom-seeking nation resisting... more
This article examines the debates surrounding the Regulation 1303/2013 on structural funds, arguing that the rules adopted in the midst of the eurozone crisis to strengthen the governance of the euro area had spill-over effects on... more
This article helps to better understand the role orientations of the Central European Members of the European Parliament, the factors that influence their strategies, and the relationship between their roles and activities. Based on the... more The present study combines practical experience with the implementation of Union law 'on the ground' with an academic approach. It intends to facilitate the interpretation of the fundamental values... more
The chapter intends to discuss if there exist a common European media approach to the role and the responsibilities of the EU, at least at the level of the quality and business press. Some cross-national divergences in how media... more
In the post-Soviet states of today globalization is taking place predominantly to the West’s values for human rights and fundamental freedoms. This process is being driven by such interna- tional organizations as the European Union,... more
Revista de las Cortes Generales, número 70-71-72 - 2007 - I. ESTUDIOS - Pág. 187-213. EL CONSEJO EUROPEO Y EL CONSEJO EN EL TRATADO DE LISBOA ¿Unas instituciones más eficaces… o una Unión más intergubernamental?
Brexit has become one of the hot topics in the last few years. In June 2016, the UK voted for leaving the EU and, since then, the process has been going on. For the first time in the EU history, a member state has started a process for... more
This open access book explores the new complexities and ambiguities that epitomize EU-Turkey relations. With a strong focus on the developments in the last decade, the book provides full access to a comprehensive understanding of the... more
The primary goal of this book is to trace the European Commission’s strategies of dealing with the politicisation of EU legislation. In a case study on President Jean-Claude Juncker's term of office, the authors of this volume analyse how... more
The aim of this PhD thesis is to review and re-envisage the foundation and development of the European People’s Party (EPP). This Thesis is based on primary research data aiming to inspire the academic discussion on the Europarties within... more
Tras atravesar su crisis más profunda, los líderes europeos disponen de cerca de un año, hasta la celebración de las elecciones europeas de mayo de 2019, para poner en marcha algunas de las propuestas planteadas para reformar las... more
This chapter scrutinises how the EU deals with crisis in the quality of democracy (QD) in Member States, and how it seeks to safeguard European values at the supranational level. I argue that the past and current debates on the power of... more
Parlamentarna kontrola bezbednosne politike EU jedno je od ključnih pitanja institucionalnog sistema EU. Kako su nacionalni parlament država članica i Evropski parlament uključeni u proces razvoja i sprovođenja bezbednosne politike EU?... more
Looking for the way out of the current systemic crisis the European Union may transit in line with four scenario: “less Europe”, “more Europe” “consolidating Europe” and “flexible integration”. What are pro & contra of every scenario?... more
This case comment focuses on the recent decision Gauweiler and others v Deutscher Bundestag, in which the Court of Justice of the European Union upheld the Outright Monetary Transaction Programme of the European Central Bank. 3 Diritto... more
Commentaire de CJUE, grande chambre, 16 juillet 2015, Commission c. Parlement européen et Conseil, aff. C-88/14
The evolution of European citizenship reflects the limits and potential of European integration. Building on the analytical distinction between citizenship as status and citizenship as practice, this paper analyzes how conscientious... more
In his parting speech, Barroso argued that the EU is, 'now better prepared than we were before to face a crisis, if a crisis like the ones we have seen before should come in the future'.
I gabinetti non sono figure organizzative peculiari della Commissione europea. Uffici di staff o di diretta collaborazione dei rappresentanti politici sono presenti negli apparati amministrativi di molti ordinamenti statali. Come quelli,... more
According to Functionalist theory sovereign states are not the only agents of social changes. Through its expansion waves, the EU has operated as an agent of social changes and democratization within national environments. The economic... more
This article focuses on the role of regional institutions and political practices in strengthening multilateral disarmament and non-proliferation regimes. Particular attention is devoted to coordination between Brazil and Argentina with a... more
Que la Unión Europea es actualmente una organización supranacional dirigida por los estados que la forman es una obviedad. Sin embargo, no es menos cierto que muchas de las regiones que integran esos estados llevan un cuarto de siglo... more