Recent papers in Ezra-Nehemiah
DNA and other evidence suggests the early history of the Hebrew Old Testament concerns two entirely separate people united by monotheism and military conquest. The first, taking the name of Israelites from Israel (Jacob), the grandson of... more
I argue, pace Thiessen, that the boundaries of restored Israel in Ezra 1–6 are porous: the texts that establish the community’s exclusivism do so only provisionally, in place of a working temple cult. This is shown especially in Ezra... more
The focus of this presentation is the character of Yhwh in the book of Ezra, specifically the construction of the masculinity of Yhwh. The analytical category I amploy is drawn from critical studies of masculinities and the growing... more
This paper calls into question the apparent, widespread failure to call into question their failures of the characters in Ezra-Nehemiah. Upon closer examination, Ezra and Nehemiah, along with Zerubbabel, like nearly all other biblical... more
Bibliografia (1989-2020 aggiornata al 30 settembre)
Bibliography (1989-2020)
Bibliography (1989-2020)
In this essay author argue that at the early stage of Ezra book in some scrolls the returning from Babilon has been shifted from the times of King Cyrus to the times of King Darius. This King Darius perhabs was not Persian King Darius I,... more
according to the Syriac version the main character of book of Ezra and Nehemiah is always Ezra
In this essay author investigates origin of youths story in 1 Esdras and how it has been incorporated in this book.
« Alors tout le peuple s’est rassemblé comme un seul homme sur la place qui fait face à la porte des eaux. Ils ont demandé au scribe Esdras d’apporter le livre de la loi de Moïse, prescrite par l’Éternel à Israël, et Esdras, qui était... more
Very few Bible scholars believe now in the historicity of the book of Esther, but what is really incomprehensible is that their conclusion is based only on the following prejudice: this story looks like a fairy tale, consequently, it is a... more
Siméon le Juste : l'auteur oublié de la Bible hébraïque (JAOC, 4), par Bernard BARC. 15,5 x 23 ; 538 p. Turnhout, Brepols, 2015. Br., 95 € (ISBN 978-2-503-55306-1).
The fourth quarter of the Old Testament with the extra-Biblical writings, arranged chronologically, with renumbered chapters and verses from the ancient Levitical verse numbering plan.
This article challenges popular prevailing opinion that the post-exile characters of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Zebabbabel are intended to serve as positive role models for godly leadership. On closer scrutiny, their sincere and zealous... more
This paper explores the Persian kings Darius & Artaxerxes in the context of the Divine "word" (dabar) to restore and build Jerusalem as given through the prophets Haggai and Zechariah and confirmed by Ezra 6:14.
This study finds that the classification of Neh 1:5-11 as a penitential prayer overlooks the distinctive ways it differs from other prayers in the genre and fails to explain its function in the narrative. Literary analysis suggests that... more
<b>Abstract/Intro:</b> In what follows, I outline a chronology of the activities of Haggai, Zechariah, Ezra, and Nehemiah. Post-exilic life in Judah has a distinctly Sabbatical rhythm, which is aligned with all the known observances of... more
Why the dominance of archaeology and the underestimation of theology are a problem when reconstructing factual history
Research monograph on Ezra 9-10 that explores the expulsion of the foreign women in the context of the discourse of gendered otherness in the Hebrew Bible.
These notes are covering the main lines of scholarship regarding the character Jahaziel the Levite who prophesies in 2 Chronicles 20:14-17. The mainly come from the book The Chronicler’s Prophet and the Temple Restoration , lulu.com by... more
This paper explores the Bible's description of the Persian king Darius I and the various titles applied to him in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah in relation to the known Persian titles and throne names of the same.
Название «4-я книга Эзры» 1 , или «Апокалипсис Эзры», носит в научной литературе основная часть (главы 3-14) второканонической библейской 3-й книги Ездры 2 . Согласно мнению современных исследователей, первоначально 4-я книга Эзры была... more
ABSTRACT NEHEMIAH’S BRICKS AND MORTAR STORY: STRATEGY FOR A SUCCESSFUL BUILDING PROJECT Carla M. Antoine Liberty University Baptist Theological Seminary, 2014 Mentor: Dr. Charles N. Davidson Nehemiah was given a task... more
An interim from a commentary on the Book of Daniel written from an evangelical (non-critical) perspective. To download a pdf version (where the fonts come out best), either sign up to academia.com or email me.
review of recent studies on Ezra-Neemia from the end of the twentieth century
Esdras 4.13 offre deux points de départ pour explorer le rapport entre la traduction biblique et les études bibliques. Dans l’araméen de ce verset le traducteur tombe sur deux mots dont le sens était moins clair pour les spécialistes des... more
In this essay the author argue that on some stage of the literary growth of the Book of Nehemiah the authorship of the list of exiles in Nehemiah 7 was attributed to Nehemiah himself.
Josephus paraphrased a Hebrew Bible that has affinities with the LXX and some Qumran fragments.
In this study I examine the linguistic and theological contours of the term תורה (tôrâ) in Ezra-Nehemiah—particularly the identification of תורה with the law (דת\דתא) of God promulgated by Ezra (Ezra 7:14)—through the lens of Old Persian... more
The intent of this paper is to provide a model for understanding a particular biblical book – Ezra-Nehemiah – in its culture and historical context. To this end, the paper is divided into four main sections. First, a method of... more
Table of Contents
See the longer treatment in Early Jewish and Christian Memories of Moses' Wives: Exogamist Marriage and Ethnic Identity (Mellen, 2005). In contrast to the book of Ezra, whose protagonists demand that Jews expel “foreign” wives, the... more
Regnant documentary theories do not account for the large amount of Aramaic narrative framing seen in Ezra 4–6. The discourse employed by this narrator shows him to be a Samarian in orientation. The implied author constructs this... more
This paper explores Ezra and what he brought with him from Babylonia to the Land of Israel, examining the view of rabbis of both locales. Using as an organizing principle the phrase "Hu Ezra Alah mi-Bavel" (Ezra 7:6), this study considers... more
The present study of the numerical features of the Book of Ezra-Nehemiah demonstrates that it is a well-planned literary unity consisting of an Ezra section and a Nehemiah section. It has not been written in time order, but is a... more
Le but de ce guide est de guider le traducteur à comprendre le texte biblique et des différences d’interprétation représentés par les versions. Le traducteur trouvera aussi des suggestions pour la traduction. Ce guide a également été... more
This paper looks at the chronology of Ezra 4-6 as it relates to the identity of the Persian king "Artaxerxes" mentioned in Ezra 6:14. In this paper I explain why I believe the evidence suggests that this "Artaxerxes" was the Persian king... more
The purpose of this paper is to address various introductory issues regarding a specific book of the Bible, i.e. the Book of Nehemiah.
This paper explores the basis for the claim that the Persian word "Artaxerxes" was only used as a throne name by Persian kings starting with Longimanus. This author believes that a reasonable case can be made for the more general use of... more
The textbooks on the textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible, while discussing all kinds of textual errors, rarely attempt to quantify the number of errors it might be reasonable to suppose exist in our Masoretic Bibles. The heyday of... more
After the temple was rebuilt, the golah community celebrated the Passover where “the sons of Israel” and “all those who had separated from the uncleanness of the nations of the land” partook of the Passover meal (Ezra 6:21). A critical... more
The textual material of the book(s) of Ezra-Nehemiah has been approached from several viewpoints, from the historical to the redactional, and has been recently investigated through sociological and anthropological methods. The present... more