Film archives
Recent papers in Film archives
The text explores the historicаl dialogue between Bulgaria and Asia in the context of moving pictures, as the theoretical focus is set on the earliest silent period of a “cinema of attractions”. The main question is: what is the stepping... more
Report commissioned by dLux Media Arts under a National Library of Australia Community Heritage Grant. The report uses Significance 2.0 to determine the significance of the archives of dLux. The archives include two predecessor... more
Les thèmes que nous allons traiter pendant ces deux séances: 1) Les archives audiovisuelles. 2) La question du patrimoine culturel et les archives audiovisuelles. 3) L’importance des archives numériques et, plus particulièrement,... more
An article about Kubelka's work as an historian and curator with the Austrian Film Museum.
Avec Bad Film Histories, Katherine Groo conduit un vaste travail archéologique, enquêtant sur des objets des trois premières décennies du cinéma (1895–1925)— les archives filmiques, leurs supports et représentations visuelles — tout en... more
Adaptarea cinematografică a romanului „Pădurea spânzuraților” de Liviu Rebreanu ar fi putut fi o coproducție româno-italiană regizată de Glauco Pellegrini. Înainte ca scenaristul Titus Popovici și regizorul Liviu Ciulei să fie implicați... more
Concentra-se no estudo do desenvolvimento do Sistema de Conservação do acervo audiovisual da Cinemateca Brasileira. Através da linha histórica, e a partir do olhar do técnico que participa diretamente das atividades de conservação,... more
In The Death of Cinema, Paolo Cherchi Usai suggests that the very writing of film history is contingent on the fact that films and their historical viewing contexts inevitably disintegrate and become lost over time. After all, if films... more
Inwiefern sind Filme als Kulturgüter geschützt? Welche Defizite bestehen beim Schutz des Filmerbes? Und welche Standards sollen für seine Sicherung gelten? In zwei Bänden stellt Anna Bohn unter Berücksichtigung zahlreicher Filmbeispiele... more
The Digital Repository Project, initiated by the National Film Archive in 2010, is just finishing its fifth year. The project’s aims were to digitize, archive, catalogue and make available the Polish cinema to a broader audience. The... more
Versión original en español del texto introductorio de la retrospectiva "Las tres Bes: Bardem, Berlanga, Buñuel", programada por el Museo del Cine de Austria, en colaboración con la Embajada de España en Viena, del 27 de febrero al 2 de... more
La ricerca, pubblicata sulla "Rassegna degli Archivi di stato" (nuova serie-anno XII, n. 1-2-3.Roma, gen.-dic.2016, pp.125-140), è stata condotta analizzando la cospicua documentazione conservata presso l'Archivio centrale dello Stato,... more
Sparked by a groundbreaking 1995 Amsterdam Workshop Colours in Silent Film, scholarly and archival interest in colour as a crucial aspect of film form, technology and aesthetics has enjoyed a resurgence in the past twenty years. In the... more
This paper examines the ways in which several Korean documentary films in the 2010s use archival footage of the distant or recent histories of Korea. It argues that the films testify to what I call the ‘post-vérité’ turn of recent Korean... more
This article presents a critical overview on how the formal and aesthetic variations of the Korean documentary cinema in the twenty-first century have differed from and simultaneously renewed the activist, cinéma-vérité tradition of... more
This essay examines the missing national film archive of Pakistan against the politics of competing cultural memory. Sharing a common past yet existing in the shadows of the Indian film industry, cinema in Pakistan found itself in an... more
Nota redazionale I testi di Ansano Giannarelli riportati nel volume contengono alcuni adattamenti di stile e la normalizzazione delle formattazioni, rispetto alla varietà di scelte stilistiche e di criteri redazionali che presentavano. I... more
This paper provides an in-depth examination of the relationship between cinema and Giorgio Agamben’s aesthetics and philosophy. Intersecting Agamben’s key concepts including gesture, mediality, biopolitics, historicity, and profanation... more
Film Museum Practice and Film Historiography is a meticulously researched work and a welcome addition to the already growing body of work related to film archiving practices. Lameris’ book is not only about engaging with the history of... more
Open Access:;keyword=fossati Almost a decade after its first publication, this revised edition covers the latest developments in the field. Besides a new general introduction, a new... more
Any archivists who have held a piece of film in their hands, wondering how to go about identifying it, recognize the true value of film preservationist Harold Brown’s work. In 1967 Brown delivered a pioneering lecture on the... more
Imagine opening the gates to a vault full of media apparatuses and letting loose thirty-two international media scholars and professionals on its heterogeneous content... Exposing the Film Apparatus collects the results of such an... more
Archives, just like museums or libraries, are agents which contribute to the creation of our cultural memory. Inextricably linked to the notion of cultural heritage, they highlight some narratives, while sidelining or excluding others.... more An alternative film history could be written by film archives, which let cinema tell its stories in a new way, through the relationship among cultural... more
En los años 1952-1967 se dieron dos procesos claves para la renovación cinematográfica en México e íntimamente ligados entre sí: por un lado se consolidó la apreciación y la preservación del patrimonio cinematográfico del país, y por otro... more
From early-twentieth-century stag films to 1960s sexploitation pictures to the burst of 1970s “porno chic,” adult cinema’s vintage forms have seen reappraisal by a new generation of historians, collectors, archivists, and fans—all figures... more
The task is to investigate the genesis and implementation of Art Nouveau in the works by the world-famous jewelry firm of Fabergé. Actuality of the problem is caused by appearance and accumulation of a huge amount of Faberge articles in... more
The archive, as a concept and a physical repository of historical traces, holds a central place within contemporary film and media studies. The archive is not only a location for historical research; it also functions as a source of... more
The advent of digital media is dramatically affecting the way films are made, presented, and consumed, as well as how they are archived and preserved as film heritage for future generations. Similarly, new digital media are changing the... more
The aim of this research is to unravel and interrogate critically the recent histories of the production and reproduction of Castlefield, Manchester. This unravelling is accomplished theoretically through the historicised application of... more
Film archiving and local exploitation films, let alone the trashy film archive, are marginal in the discourses of film journalism, scholarship, policies, and criticism in Indonesia (Imanjaya, 2009c; Imanjaya, 2012a; Imanjaya, 2014).... more
This article examines the history and curatorial strategies of the George Eastman Museum of Photography and Film in Rochester, NY. It reads the museum’s exhibition of rare nitrate films in the post-industrial context of Rochester, through... more
Dos cineastas checos y uno polaco se refugian en Argentina tras su paso por los campos de exterminio nazi durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Realizan piezas de animación para Cine Escuela Argentino, flamante departamento con fines... more
This paper characterizes the wide-ranging uses of archival of found footage in the contemporary Korean documentary since the 2010s as the ‘archival turn,’ while also arguing for its two implications. First, this term suggests that the... more
This article argues that despite their inherent illegality, forms of media piracy are an essential part of the memory of Bombay cinema. While Bombay cinema’s history is replete with its encounter with myriad pirate forms—cheaply... more
This paper discusses Ken Jacobs's short and feature-length films made with digital video since the 2000s from two perspectives. First, I investigate the ways in which Jacobs extends his celluloid-based found footage filmmaking to the... more
Archiving, as Michel Foucault reminds us, is an act of power. LGBTQ+ lives in the archive have been defined by neglect, amnesia, or misrepresentations due to criminalization or pathologization. This is why specialized LGBTQ+ archives are... more
Colour fades and colour balances shift. A comparative analysis of the colour red which operates across a series of releases of what is ostensibly the same film, but on different formats (35mm print, videotape, DVD) addresses the extent to... more
This article analyses a range of discourses articulated around the figure of the film archive between the late nineteenth and the early twenty-first centuries, accounting for the various possibilities that they open up for considering... more
L'evento sarà visibile in streaming. Per ricevere il link scrivere a: Università degli Studi di Firenze Dipartimento SAGAS Dottorato regionale Pegaso in Storia delle arti e dello spettacolo Home... more
На материале этнографического кинодокумента «Страна гольдов» классика советского кино, Амо Бек-Назарова, в статье проводится рассмотрение направления художественной документалистики как примера визуально-антропологических опытов в СССР на... more