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The Generative Code If we consider our viewpoints , perceptions, and conceptions the results of political, economical, or cultural exposures which are themselves the results of hugely disparate human and non-human constructs; and if we... more
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      Art TheoryPhilosophy of ArtArt Theory and PoliticsCreative thinking
A research report commissioned by ACE West Midlands in partnership with Iniva (the Institute of International Visual Arts), exploring the ways to encourage young people from diverse cultural backgrounds to consider the possibility of... more
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      Arts EducationLearning And Teaching In Higher EducationVisual ArtsFine Arts Education
This is an essay about an experiment at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago to combine studio art and art history. It's the result of a wonderful class I taught with two studio instructors, Troy Briggs and Maggie Wong. The three of... more
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      Art HistoryArts EducationArt and Design EducationArt Education
Introduction to the Hologram
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      Fine Art PhotographyFine Art AnimationArt and Design-Fine MetalEducation of Fine Arts
In art and design education the relationship between student and tutor is close, developed through studio-based practice as described by Schön (1985) and others. Even when online learning is used in creative arts there is still an... more
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      CreativityDesign educationArt and Design EducationEnquiry Based Learning
W niniejszym artykule opisujemy sposób, w jaki kosztów funkcjonowania wdrażamy praktyczny profil studiów na Wydziale Zarządzania Kulturą Wizualną warszawskiej Akademii Sztuk Pięknych. Opisujemy techniki kształcenia ukierunkowane na rynek... more
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      Teaching and LearningVocational EducationNew Public Management and GovernanceFine Arts Education
What is Experiential Learning, and why does it matter

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      Teaching and LearningDesignCurriculum DesignDesign education
Art and design are at a crossroads in higher education. The choices we make now will affect the future of our disciplines. How will we move forward, making productive changes that enhance our position as vital and valued contributors to... more
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      EntrepreneurshipArtificial IntelligenceVisual StudiesTeaching and Learning
Child's growth and development is a parent's full attention, especially when the child is in the golden age. According to experts on mental development of children, 80 percent of children's brains develop in the golden age. So at that... more
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      Art TheoryFine Arts Education
A arte faz de conta. Crianças, artistas fazem de conta que um rabisco, um objeto, um fragmento, um pensamento se transformam em outra coisa. Desenhar, brincar, poetar. Manchar, riscar, construir, se encantar. Transformar retalhos de... more
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      Contemporary ArtEarly Childhood EducationArts EducationResearch with Children
Bill Viola (Nueva York, 1951) es seguramente el más influyente video creador de nuestro tiempo, y uno de los artistas más importantes del panorama museístico actual. Desde 1970, sus vídeos e instalaciones se han ocupado de temas tan... more
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      PhotographyVideo InstallationFine Arts Education
Hello!  If you should find this useful, please let me know at:
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      DesignDesign educationCritical PedagogyFirst Year Experience
This paper discuss about the development of Malaysia art since 1930 to present. How the pioneer Malaysian artists has contribute , shares and grow the Malaysia art scene from 1930s to contemporary and present .
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      Malaysia Contemporary ArtVisual ArtFine Arts EducationMalaysia Art
These articles explore the artistic potential of digital photography from the earliest days to today. Illustrated with more than 150 photographs, Doble talks about digital photography from a number of perspectives including the influence... more
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      Art HistoryArtArt TheoryModels of Creativity & of Creative Processes
Σχόλιο στην εικαστική παρουσία τού Γ. Σταθόπουλου
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      PaintingFine Art PhotographyPainting ConservationFine Arts
ÖZET Bu araştırmanın amacı sanat eğitiminde yaratıcı bir takım süreçler sonucunda ortaya çıkan günümüz Posta Sanatı’nın, sanat eğitimi sürecinde hangi nedenlerle öğretilmesi gerektiğini açıklamak ve öğretim süreci hakkında önerilerde... more
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      Contemporary ArtFine ArtsFine Arts Education
(Photo by Daniel Cilia - Malta)
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      AestheticsArt HistoryArtMedieval History
This study investigated the effect of an Interdisciplinary Approach impact on Creative Thinking & motivation among sixth grade students in studying Art & Craft in the schools of Salfit. To answer the questions about the study and testing... more
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      Fine Arts EducationTeaching method
ABSTRACT One increasingly reads about different aspects of the death of philosophy. One reason or cause being its institutionalization, as just another academic discipline, while research universities demand their tenured professionals... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryCreativity studiesArt
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      Dance HistoryModern and Contemporary DanceFolk danceClassical Ballet
Use of the word "art," or "arts," should be understood to broadly include all specialties associated with the scholarship of art and design, even if other distinctions are necessary for specific inquiries.
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      Art HistoryEducationDesignEducational Leadership
Visual and Performing Arts Education through Open and Distance mode of Learning.
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      Arts EducationVisual ArtsFine ArtsArts in Education
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      Special CollectionsDatabasesFine Arts EducationAcademies of Fine Arts
"Visualizing Art History: Experimental Animation and Its Mentor, Jules Engel" by Janeann Dill, phd, mfa A dictionary begins when it no longer gives the meaning of words, but their tasks. --- Georges Bataille It is most often the... more
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      Creative WritingScreenwritingCritical TheoryHistory
Abstract: In recent years, the concepts of recycling and sustainability have been common facts in the fields of textile design, garment design, accessory design and textile craft. The fact that environmental pollution increases and that... more
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      EducationRecyclingFine Arts EducationFashion and Textile Design for Education
The future of the arts in higher education--writ large--requires the examination, analysis, and synthesization of many central and peripheral issues if arts education is to be successfully sustained. Present-day and future leadership must... more
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      Art HistoryPerforming ArtsArtArt Theory
Giriş Bir yandan İstanbul’un içinde kentten kopuk ve kapalı bir yapı olarak kaldığı şeklinde eleştiriler yapılmış olsa da, iyi yönleri sıkça vurgulanan 12. İstanbul Bienali tasarlanırken, hem İstanbul ve dünya arasındaki ilişki, hem de... more
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      Installation ArtContemporary ArtModern and contemporary crafts (Art)Fine Arts
The first Culture/Justice protocol was co-signed on the 25 th of July 1986 by Jack Lang and Robert Badinter. Following the first international symposium about culture in prison (May-June 1985), this text formalised the interdepartmental... more
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      Cultural HistoryMusicPopular EducationDrama
In the Master of Fine Art, a new student charged two classmates with sexual harassment. The only black classmate for supposedly bumping into her at the narrow entrance door in a ‘rhythmic, hip-swaying manner.’ Unsigned statements were... more
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      EthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilityAssessment in Higher EducationLearning And Teaching In Higher Education
The history of the Sculpture class of the Fine Arts Academy in Venice (late XIX - early XX century)
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      DidacticsHistory of SculptureSculptureHistory of Art
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      Art HistoryContemporary ArtVisual ArtsFine Arts
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      Dance StudiesTurkeyAnatoliaFolk dance
This is a chapter from a book on artistic research, "SHARE: Handbook for Artistic Research Education," edited by Mick Wilson and Schelte van Ruiten (2013). My contribution is on "flavors" of the PhD for artists around the world -- i.e.,... more
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      Higher EducationThird Level TeachingArts EducationPhd Writing
¿Qué significa haber egresado de La Esmeralada como "artista visual" en el contexto mexicano del siglo XXI?
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      Art HistoryEducationArtArt Theory
Özet: Resim Bölümü lisans eğitimi almak için aday olan öğrenciler farklı lise eğitimleri alan öğrencilerdir. Resim bölümü sınavını kazanan öğrenciler yetenek sınavına girerken desen sınavı ile okula kabul edilmektedirler. Desen dersi... more
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      Computer ScienceContemporary ArtGraphic DesignFine Arts
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      Dance StudiesChoreographyCaucasusTurkey
The limits and definitions of art have become increasingly complex as a result of the conundrum addressed by numerous post-modern concepts and analyses on art and art history. Discussing artworks has been a rudimentary concept for... more
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      Ancient HistoryAnthropologyPortraitsArt History
Aİ WEİWEİ’NİN SANATI VE GELENEĞİN TARİH VE ANLIK ÜZERİNDEN ESTETİK YAPILANMASI Doç.Dr. Mustafa Cevat Atalay Özet: Çağımızın en önemli sanatçılarından sayılan Ai Weiwei birçok farklı şekilde sanatsal ifade araçlarını kullanmaktadır.... more
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      AestheticsFine ArtsFine ArtFine Arts Education
An exoploration and investigation into possible Graduate Art and Design Degree plans.

Uploaded: 04-15-2018 @ 11:27 AM, Mountain Time
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      DesignArtDesign educationHigher Education
Introduction to the catalogue of drawings in the Fondo dei disegni di Architettura in the Accademia di Belle Arti of Rome. Exhibited for the first time in Rome, Centro Studi Americani, July 2016 Catalogue contains also essays by P.... more
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      History of architectureEducation of Fine ArtsFine Arts EducationItalian Academies
In particular feminist perspectives have highlighted how the knowledge production practices of curators and of art educationalists are rarely considered to be of equal value. The fact that many artistic and curatorial formats draw on art... more
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      Museum StudiesArts EducationEmancipatory Adult EducationArtistic Research
Η Land Art στον σχολικό κήπο ως παιδαγωγικό εργαλείο - Θεοδώρας Χανδρινού - Άρθρο που δημοσιεύτηκε στον συλλογικό τόμο "Καρποί από τον κήπο της αειφορίας". «Η τέχνη δεν επαναλαμβάνει το ορατό,αλλά κάνει ορατό ό,τι μέχρι τώρα δεν ήταν.»... more
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      Land ArtEducation of Fine ArtsFine Arts EducationArt in Landscape
This is the first course in the series. If you write me at " " from your ".edu" institutional email address, I'll send you all three courses, including editable documents, the course map, syllabus,... more
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      DesignDesign educationArts EducationArts Administration
Ingeniously, this book combines new pedagogies with new syllabus: it connects the contemporary emphasis on active learning and the pressing challenge of environmental discourse. To a backdrop of many centuries of studio education—always... more
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      Environmental EducationDesign educationArt and Design EducationEnvironmental Sustainability
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      Fine ArtsFine Arts Education
This paper explores the conflicts engendered during the artist’s formation due to repeated submission to assessment in formal creative arts education. In a comparative qualitative study of two visuals arts practice undergraduate... more
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      AuthenticityLearning And Teaching In Higher EducationAuthentic AssessmentFine Arts Education
Before there were written words, there was art – communicating ideas across boundaries of time, space, language, and culture. Long after other creations of humanity have outlived their usefulness or crumbled to dust, art remains. Artists... more
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      ArtContemporary ArtArt StudioStudio Practice
This is the latest editorial for my journal Art, Design and Communication in Higher Education. It gives a taster for each of the wonderful articles included in this edition. Link to journal... more
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      Design educationArt and Design EducationCreative PedagogyEducation of Fine Arts