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Curayacu, a Chavinoid Site. Archaeology 9 (2), 98-105, AUTOR: Federic Engel (1956) Traducción: Rodrigo Padilla Sinchi. Febrero 2020. primer artículo que presenta información sobre el sitio arqueológico de Curayacu localizado en el... more
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      ArchaeologyArqueologíaFormativoFormative Period
Siguiendo con las salidas de campo organizadas entre La Asociación Peruana de Arte Rupestre (APAR) en alianza con el Centro de Estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (CEAR) y, en esta oportunidad con el soporte logístico del... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)QuilcasChavin
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      ChavinPeruvian ArchaeologyPrehispanic peruvian archaeology
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      Pre-Columbian ArtChavin
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      ChavinPeriodo FormativoPeruvian ArchaeologyInitial Period Peru
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      IconographyAndean ArchaeologyChavin
In this monograph, Richard E. Daggett elucidates the life and work of pioneering Peruvian archaeologist Julio C. Tello. He emphases the influence that national and professional politics had upon Tello, often setting up obstacles that had... more
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      Paracas cultureParacasNepeña ValleyChavin
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      Pre-Columbian ArtChavin
Se presenta una revisión de los contextos de hallazgo, depósito y uso de las cabezas clavas del sitio Chavín de Huántar, Perú, correspondiente a un conjunto alrededor de 150 piezas litoescultóricas que fueron empotradas en los muros de... more
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      IconographyAndean ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Andean studies
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This article advances an archaeological theory of the state on the prehispanic andes, specially in the central and south central Andes based on their conditions and specific features of historical development. To develop this theory we... more
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      ArchitectureAndean ArchaeologyIrrigationArqueología
This is a comunication about a museum exhibition of original pieces of Andean Formative period and Chavin site in Museo de Arte in Lima during first semester of 2015. It was based in an exhibition in Zurich and was organized by Peter Fux... more
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      Art HistoryAndean ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Andean studies
El presente ensayo es una recopilación de los principales aportes al desciframiento de la iconografía chavín, que han utilizado como herramienta metodológica la comparación o la analogía con diferentes narraciones de la mitología... more
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      ArchaeologyArt HistoryAndesArqueología
This volume contains the following articles, research reports, and obituaries: "John Victor Murra (August 24, 1916 - October 16, 2006): An Interpretative Biography" by Monica Barnes with a "Bibliography of Works by and about John Victor... more
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      Forensic AnthropologyClimate ChangeAndean ArchaeologyTextiles
Abstract de la ponencia presentada en el Primer Simposio Internacional sobre la Cultura Recuay (Ancash, Perú 100-700 dC), organizado por Jorge Gamboa y George Lau Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Escuela de Arqueología &... more
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This dissertation identifies the particular urban design features that have aided people living in the varying environmental extremes of the Andes region of South America to be able to maintain an urban co-existence in pre-Hispanic times.... more
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      Ancient Urban PlanningTiwanakuUrban planning in Latin AmericaPachacamac
This thesis presents a typology for Formative Period ceramic styles from the Jequetepeque and adjacent valleys. The materials in question have historically been considered as Chavín or Coastal Chavín and more recently as Cupisnique,... more
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      Pottery TypologyFormative Andean archaeologyEarly Horizon PeruJequetepeque Valley
El presente artículo realiza una descripción analítica del periodo Formativo ecuatoriano (4500-300 ANE) teniendo como base comparativa los procesos descritos y conocidos para el Formativo peruano (1800-300 ANE), estableciendo los... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyState FormationAmazonian ArchaeologyComparative Civilizations (Archaeology)
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      Pre-Columbian ArtChavin
This article explores the relationship between craft production, exchange, and power in the pre-Incaic Andes, with a focus on recent archaeological evidence from Chavin, Nasca, Tiwanaku, Wari, and Moche. I argue that craft production and... more
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      ArchitectureAndean ArchaeologyIrrigationAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)
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      Andean ArchaeologyWar StudiesWarfareFortifications
Maritime resources played a significant economic role in the prehistoric coastal communities of Central and Northern Peru, and, prior to the current study, it was reasonable to assume they were equally important on the South Coast. In the... more
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      TextilesSurvey (Archaeological Method & Theory)Archaeological surveyArchaeological field survey
This article juxtaposes Viveiros de Castro’s theory of ‘perspectivism’ with carved stone monoliths from the Peruvian site of Chav ́ın de Huantar to explore the interactions between humans, animals, and things in Pre-Columbian material... more
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      Eduardo Viveiros de CastroAmerindian PerspectivismChavinPeruvian Archaeology
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      Andean ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Ancient Pottery AnalysisIntrasite Spatial Analysis
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      ArchitectureIrrigationArte RupestreFormative Period
Texto acerca de tres grandes manifestaciones del arte precolombino en los Andes: la figura humana en el Ecuador; dioses con colmillos y dioses psicodélicos, muertos ubicuos, sacrificios inhumanos.
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtEcuadorAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)
L’étude tomodensitométrique (TDM) d’un crâne avec mandibule siège d’une déformation crânienne intentionnelle de type bilobé est présentée pour la première fois à notre connaissance. Une étude macroscopique et TDM médicale et médico-légale... more
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      3D ReconstructionPeruvian HistoryArtificial Cranial DeformationIntentional Cranial Modification
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      Inca ArchaeologyPrehistoric exchange networksChavin
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      Olmec archaeologySouth American ArchaeologyMexican ArchaeologyChavin Culture
For the past century, Chavín has drawn the fascination of both art historians and archaeologists as one of South America's most mysterious "civilizations." As the earliest widespread cultural phenomenon in the Andes, it has been... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyCosmopolitanismAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Andes
Excavaciones realizadas en el 2005 al oeste del nucleo monumental de Chavín de Huantar en Perú, expusieron una estructura enlucida con un fogon circular central, en buen estado de preservacion, del estilo arquitectónico Mito. Este... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Chavin CultureFormative Andean archaeology
This article introduces the archaeological site of Chawin Punta, located in the Chaupihuaranga Basin of Pasco, Peru. Surface investigations there have identified a late Initial Period civic-ceremonial center with large-scale public... more
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      Andean Prehistory (Archaeology)Arqueología AndinaChavinPeruvian Archaeology
Un resumen a nivel popular, ilustrado en color de la campanha 2014 del Proyecto de Investigacion Arqueologica  y Conservacion en Chavin de Huantar.
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Formative Andean archaeologyChavin
A lo largo del desarrollo de la cultura peruana hay innegable presencia de la especialización de una minoría dedicada a las labores artísticas, que debió estar en un nivel intermedio en la estructura social. Debido al volumen y calidad de... more
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      IconographyAndesInca ArchaeologyArqueología
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      Latin American StudiesRock Art (Archaeology)PeruArte Rupestre
L’ipotesi dell’esistenza di un culto sciamanico presso il centro cerimoniale di Chavín de Huántar è stata sostenuta da diversi studiosi attraverso l’analisi di materiale archeologico, archeobotanico, iconografico e alla comparazione con... more
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      AnthropologyMedical AnthropologyIconographyAndean Archaeology
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      Andean ArchaeologyDevelopment of complex societiesAuthorityFormative Andean archaeology
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      Pre-Columbian, Inca, Andes, Peru, South America, Archaeology, AnthropologyEcologíaChavin CultureArqueoastronomia. Divulgación de la astronomía.
The life and work of Elizabeth P. Benson are discussed from multiple points of view.
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      Maya ArchaeologyMaya ArtMaya EpigraphyThe Moche of northern Peru
This study uses stable isotope analysis to identify the possible origin and taxon of unusually large worked bone artifacts recovered from the site of Chavín de Huántar in the central highland of Peru (3200–2200 BP). The site was... more
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      ZooarchaeologyStable Isotope AnalysisAndean ArchaeologyAndes
Trata sobre las quilcas de Huacon. Se presentan las nuevas hipótesis sobre el sitio bajo la luz de nuevas aproximaciones conceptuales, proveyendo bases para su comprension y su inclusion dentro de un contexto arqueológico.
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)PeruHistory of ArtAndes
Ever since historian Paul Kosok walked on the Nazca plateau with his wife on June 21st, 1941, and saw the sun setting over a Nazca-line, researchers have been trying to find evidence for the astronomical and ceremonial function of the... more
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      ChavinNazca LinesObelisco Tello
The site of Chavín de Huántar, Peru, lies at the heart of developing social complexity in the Andean Formative period. The archaeological contexts on the site's immediate periphery are assessed to investigate the nature of occupation,... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyCraft production (Archaeology)Social Complexity (Archaeology)Formative Period
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      ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyArchaeology of ReligionPrecolumbian Cultures
Los festines han sido comprendidos como el centro de diferentes tipos de interacción entre varios segmentos de una esfera social, auspiciados al nivel supracomunal pueden brindar información sobre las relaciones entre aquellos quienes lo... more
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      ArqueologíaSocial ComplexityPoderRitual Feasting
Among the grandest and most controversial proposals for a holistic, cross-disciplinary prehistory for humanity is the hypothesis that it was the adoption of agriculture that lay behind the dispersals of the world’s greatest language... more
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      TechnologyAgricultureAndesNeolithic Transition
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      IconographyCupisniqueChavinPeruvian Archaeology
Un resumen a nivel popular, ilustrado en color de la campanha 2013 del Proyecto de Investigacion Arqueologica  y Conservacion en Chavin de Huantar.
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Chavin CultureFormative Andean archaeology
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Chavin CultureFormative Andean archaeology