François Truffaut
Recent papers in François Truffaut
Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink Verlag 2019. Through filmic modelling of the adolescents’ perspective and experience, along with the topological confgurations of the plot, this study tries to understand the crucial role that... more
Dès ses premiers temps au cinéma, la Citroën DS est une voiture de notables, véhiculant déjà des artistes ou des personnages différents, décalés (comme ceux interprétés par Fernandel et Jean Gabin à la poursuite de leurs enfants dans... more
He comisariado el ciclo de cine Gandules 17 'Rebeldes y peligrosas' para el Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona. Entre los días 8 a 24 de agosto se han proyectado las películas 'No soy un ángel' (Wesley Ruggles, 1933) 'Johnny... more
Dev'essere stato effettivamente pubblicato, su qualche guida per gli studenti dell'Università degli Studi di Milano, il programma del corso di "Estetica contemporanea" su filosofia e cinema previsto per l'anno accademico 2009-2010. A... more
Abstract THE FIGURE OF MlEDEA IN MEDIEVAL LITERATURE: A THEMATIC METAMORPHOSIS by Joel N. Feimer Adviser : Professor Frederick Goldin The figure of Medea has undergone many thematic transformations since its first... more
Significant categories and examples of differences between the original recorded interviews and the published version; investigation of reasons for the differences, including the overly long production history of the interviews, editors... more
The following paper is a comparative study of the French Nouvelle Vague and its subsequent influences on the cinema of New Hollywood during the 1970's based around the artistic and cultural ideologies of Postmodernism as expressed in the... more
Les rapports de Chris Marker à la Nouvelle Vague seront complexes, car tout opposait ce proche de Bazin aux cinéastes des Cahiers du cinéma, tant sur le fond que sur la forme. Des liens entre Marker et Godard se constitueront au moment du... more
PDF z całą książką. Abstract: Ophelism should be defined as a visual code. It emerged at the turn of 18th century, when images of young female body immersed in water and/or flowers begun to function as the representation of the mystery... more
Since the appearance in the late 1950s and early 60s of the debut films of directors like Jean-Luc Godard, François Truffaut, Alain Resnais, Claude Chabrol, Agnes Varda and others, critics and scholars alike have devoted unprecedented... more
This article analyzes the bonds between cinema and psycanalysis, in special as for the use of the classic freudian concept of the "Oedipus complex" in the cinematographic productions, and i particular, on the film "the man who loved the... more
Ficcionalizar-se no cinema contemporâneo. A ambígua fusão das histórias pessoais do autor com personagens inventados da ficção transportou o realizador para o centro da narrativa fílmica. Se no cinema hegemônico tradicional a figura do... more
Comparaison entre Les 400 coups et Le grand bleu. La mer, le héros mal dans sa peau... Parmi les vannes de liberté de tournage et de narration qu’ouvre Les 400 coups, l’une consiste à donner au cinéaste le loisir de faire des pauses... more
FERNAND DELIGNY found many ways of describing himself: primordial communist, nonviolent guerrilla, weaver of networks, cartographer of wandering lines. A visionary but marginalized gure oen associated with the alternative and... more
Ces dernières années, Jean Eustache a fait l'objet de plusieurs publications consacrées à l'ensemble de son oeuvre - Au travail avec Eustache de Luc Béraud (2017), Jean Eustache de Philippe Azoury (2017), Jean Eustache ou la traversée des... more
Analisamos sequências de performances musicais diegéticas em três filmes do final dos anos 60 de Jean-Luc Godard (Weekend à francesa, 1967), François Truffaut (A noiva estava de preto, 1968) e Éric Rohmer (Minha noite com ela, 1969),... more
Longtemps je me suis gardée de revoir les films de la Nouvelle Vague qui, pour évoquer sans détour quelque jeunesse intemporelle, risquaient d'éveiller en moi le souvenir de celle qui nous était restée dérobée. La nostalgie d'une jeunesse... more
Resnais… Sinemada belleğin ustası… Tüm kaynaklarda belleğin sinemacısı olarak adı geçen Resnais daha çocukken sinemanın büyüsüne kapılarak, kamerayı eline ilk defa 14 yaşında almış ve 8 mm.'lik kamera ile amatör filmler çekmeye... more
Un breve resumen de lo que significó La Nueva ola francesa en la historia de la realización cinematográfica.
Everybody knows that Vertigo is one of Alfred Hitchcock’s cinematic masterpieces. However, only a few scholars have discussed the hidden correspondences between that film and the Surrealist poetics. The following text moves away from the... more
50 years after the birth of the Nouvelle Vague, the inheritance that the contemporary cinema receives from it is inevitable. Figures and visual motifs; stories, themes, faces or common places; aesthetic and language devices. The echoes... more
Aunque la ciencia ficción suele asociarse al futuro por su carácter de anticipación, desde la década de 1960 varios cineastas han decidido incorporar imágenes del pasado. Con ellas, no solo han querido reforzar la verosimilitud de sus... more
REMAKE. LA SPOSA AMERICANA, UN ROMANZO VISSUTO DUE VOLTE Il gennaio del 1931 fu un mese che Mario Soldati passò in nave: il mercantile Ida della Cosulich Line, che lo riportava in Italia dopo il suo primo soggiorno americano. Quelle... more
This essay analyzes François Truffaut’s L’Enfant sauvage (The Wild Child, 1970) as an early representation of autism that metaphorizes the neurodiverse child as the colonial subject. The film takes place in 1798, only a decade after the... more
Fahrenheit 451", un libro sempre attuale L"autore e sceneggiatore cinematografico statunitense Ray Douglas Bradbury è scomparso nella sua villa di Los Angeles il 5 giugno di quest"anno. Nato a Waukegan, nello stato dell"Illinois,... more
"Last Metro" is the story of the prestigious Théâtre Montmartre putting on a production in late autumn of 1942. Lucas Steiner (Heinz Bennent), the German-Jewish director of the theater is forced to go underground. His wife Marion... more
"YARININ FİLMİ bana bir romandan daha kişisel geliyor; bir itiraf ya da samimi bir günlük kadar kişisel ve otobiyografik olacak. Genç filmciler kendilerini birinci tekil şahıs olarak ifade edecekler ve başlarından geçenleri anlatacaklar —... more
The focus of my research is the “secret perdu” or “lost secret” of François Truffaut’s cinema, to wit, the means by which Truffaut engaged with silent cinema and how it greatly influenced his oeuvre. This study is important since no other... more
Based on the 1953 Ray Bradbury novel of the same name. Guy Montag is a fireman who lives in a lonely, isolated society where books have been outlawed by a government fearing an independent-thinking public. It is the duty of firemen to... more
Il ruolo del film d'esordio di Truffaut, I 400 Colpi, all'interno del cinema della modernità
Îmi doream de mult să fac un interviu cu Magda Mihăilescu, critic de film al cărui scris îl admir de când am început să citesc presa culturală, dar, cum obiceiurile nu neapărat bune ale jurnalisticii pretind un pretext, am aşteptatcâţiva... more
This article explores the dynamic relationship of François Truffaut’s adaptation of Ray Bradbury’s dystopian novel, Fahrenheit 451. Bradbury’s novel is known for its romanticization of books as a bastion of humanistic ideals, whereas... more
The research carried out in the present study comprises the media of literature and cinema, and it covers a timespan of about six decades, roughly starting from the beginning of the twentieth century. The two main foci of analysis are... more
Nieves Fernández Villalobos: "Un ardiente homenaje visual al mundo escrito. Fahrenheit 451 (1966) de François Truffaut" en en González Cubero, Josefina; Pérez Barreiro, Sara; Villalobos Alonso, Daniel (eds.): Interiores Domésticos y... more
El artículo hace una lectura de la película de François Truffaut, La noche americana, en clave fenomenológica. Rastrea los orígenes intelectuales del cineasta reconociendo la importancia que tuvieron en su vida y en su cine las teorías... more