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Ocean energy is a well-invested renewable energy resource. Although proven technologies for energy generation from the ocean exist, most of the developed systems are yet to be combined with storage devices for later use. In this paper,... more
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      Energy Conversionrenewable Energy sourcesAssemblyOcean Waves
This paper addresses the attack modeling using vulnerability of information, communication and electric grid network. Vulnerability of electric grid with incomplete information has been analyzed using graph theory based approach.... more
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      Graph TheoryTopologySmart GridSmart grids
This paper deals with the rough design of a Double-Stator Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machine (DSAFPM) for a rim-driven Marine Current Turbine (MCT). The DSAFPM machine will be compared to a previously developed and realized Radial Flux... more
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      CopperIronFirst-Order LogicGenerators
This paper deals with a smart algorithm allowing short-circuit faults detection and diagnosis of PV generators. The proposed algorithm is based on the hybridization of a support vector machines (SVM) technique optimized by a k-NN tool for... more
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      Computer ScienceLinear ProgrammingSupport Vector MachinesError Analysis
This study investigates a task in which discrete and rhythmic movements are combined in a single-joint elbow rotation. Previous studies reported a tendency for the EMG burst associated with the discrete movement to occur around the... more
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      Cognitive SciencePsychophysicsSkeletal muscle biologyBrain
Theoretical background included in part 1 of this work has shown the wide variety that the wind energy industry is offering in terms of electrical/electronic components and configurations. Though the first part of the course provides the... more
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      Electrical EngineeringPower ElectronicsWind EnergyTopology
We present a theoretical model developed for estimating the power, the optical signal to noise ratio and the number of generated carriers in a comb generator, having as a reference the minimum optical signal do noise ratio at the receiver... more
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      IrrigationOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)OFDMGenerators
A crucial challenge for scientific workflow management systems is to support the efficient and scalable storage and querying of large provenance datasets that record the history of in silico experiments. As new provenance management... more
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      XMLPerformance MeasurementPerformanceExperiment
| This paper presents a comprehensive study on the state-of-the-art and emerging wind energy technologies from the electrical engineering perspective. In an attempt to decrease cost of energy, increase the wind energy conversion... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringPower ElectronicsWind EnergyGenerators
Recent technological advances have given rise to the popularity and success of cloud storage. However, the prospect of outsourcing an increasing amount of data to a third party and the abstract nature of the cloud foster the proliferation... more
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      Computer ScienceTheorem ProvingGlobal Positioning SystemElliptic curves
This paper briefly discusses the design of a lowcost, versatile and configurable error generator for PROFIBUS DP. Using a PROFICORE ULTRA oscilloscope trigger pulse, a small circuit designed around an Arduino MEGA 2560 disrupts messages... more
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Cascading outages can cause large blackouts, and a variety of methods are emerging to study this challenging topic. The Task Force on Understanding, Prediction, Mitigation, and Restoration of Cascading Failures, under the IEEE PES... more
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      Computational ModelingPower SystemRisk ManagementRisk assessment
Around the world, conventional power systems are facing gradual depletion of fossil fuel resources, poor energy efficiency and environmental pollution. These problems have led to a new trend of generating power locally at distribution... more
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      Wind Energyrenewable Energy sourcesWind PowerFossil Fuels
The most scientific evidence-yet of simple perpetual motion.
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      EngineeringEngineering PhysicsEnvironmental EngineeringMechanical Engineering
The current version of the Concept Generator, an automated mathematically-based design tool, is studied in an effort to validate its general approach and establish research goals for further development. As part of the study, four... more
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      DesignDesign ToolGeneratorsValidation Studies
A review of issues referring to: design, exploitation, maintenance, tests and inspection of synchronous generators.
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      DesignMaintenanceGeneratorsSexual exploitation
This paper presents the modeling of wind energy systems using MATLAB Simulink. The model considers the MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) technique to track the maximum power that could be extracted from the wind energy, due the... more
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      Wind EnergyWind PowerWind turbineMaximum Power Point
Instructions for conducting and reporting the more generally applicable and acceptable tests of polyphase induction motors and generators are covered.
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      Electrical EngineeringInductionMotorsGenerators
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      Remote SensingLife StyleSouth IndiaUrban Sprawl
This paper summarizes ongoing research in the application of intelligent methods to the design, modeling, simulation and control of microgrids including optimal design of microgrids, and centralized and decentralized control.
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      Power SystemIntelligent ControlGeneratorsElectronic mail
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      Energy ManagementElectricityReal Time SystemsGenerators
Equations are presented whereby the authors' previous paper1 is extended to the design of coils for heating magnetic loads, where the load remains in a fixed position relative to the coil during the heat. In heating magnetic... more
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      Magnetic MaterialsGeneratorsImpedanceMathematical Model
In this paper, various performance equations are derived from phasor diagrams of a three phase non-salient pole (cylindrical rotor) synchronous generator of known armature resistance and of ignored armature resistance for lagging, unity... more
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      Synchronization in Complex NetworksGenerators
Fault current' is the flow of abnormal current through an improper path due to electric faults which causes enormous damages. In HVAC transmission system, Fault current due to electric faults is too large which affects the overall power... more
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      Power GenerationGeneratorsFault CurrentElectric Power Generation
A photovoltaic (PV) system's output power fluctuates according to the weather conditions. Fluctuating PV power causes frequency deviations in the power utilities when the penetration is large. Usually, an energy storage system (ESS) is... more
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      Fuzzy LogicPower SystemNumerical AnalysisFuzzy Control
ABSTRACT The paper proposes the use of ultracapacitor storage device in order to support the mismatch between the available PV source power and microgrid load requirement. A realistic simulation scheme was implemented to evaluate the... more
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      Power SystemSupercapacitorsEnergy MarketsMaximum Power Point
This paper presents the development of a dual channel, air coupled Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) targeting highway pavements and bridge deck inspections. Compared to most existing GPRs with a single channel and low... more
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      FPGAGround Penetrating RadarField-Programmable Gate ArraysData acquisition
While the exhaustion of carbon based fuels has become a certitude, the use of alternative fuels became more popular in the last decades. The renewable energy sector emerged, providing an alternative to conventional energies; amongst them... more
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      Renewable EnergyWind EnergyWave EnergyCarbon
Zydeco is a mobile and web based system that allows students to collect and annotate multi-modal data. With the support of Zydeco, students are expected to connect their learning experiences across different learning settings. In this... more
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      Information RetrievalInformal LearningMobile LearningMobile Computing
The concept of Reliability-Centred Maintenance (RCM) is applied to the two wind turbine models Vestas V44-600kW and V90-2MW. The executing RCM workgroup includes an owner and operator of the analyzed wind turbines, a maintenance service... more
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      Power SystemsWind EnergyStatistical AnalysisPower System
In this paper, the large scale Unit Commitment (UC) problem has been solved using Dynamic Programming (DP) and the test results for conventional DP, Sequential DP and Truncation DP are compared with other stochastic techniques. The... more
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      ProductionSimulated AnnealingCommunication systemsDynamic programming
This paper presents the concept and design of a novel roadway microgrid. It operates as a smart microgrid that optimally utilizes the public right-of-way and roadway infrastructure to provide cost-effective, highly efficient, and reliable... more
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      Power ElectronicsProductionPower SystemEnergy Consumption
The Society shall not be resporrsible for alatetIents or opinions 3daanced in pape,s or in=diecussion at meetings of the Society or of its Divlsinns or Sections or printed in its pubticat+oAS. M Discussion is printed only it the papor is... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringEngineering Design
The Fuzzy Vault scheme was proposed as a means to improve the security of biometric technologies. However, the originally proposed Reed-Solomon (RS) decoding algorithm was not well understood and the CRC decoder, introduced as an... more
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      Fuzzy set theoryBiometricGeneratorsDecoding
The concept of Reliability-Centred Maintenance (RCM) is applied to the two wind turbine models Vestas V44-600kW and V90-2MW. The executing RCM workgroup includes an owner and operator of the analyzed wind turbines, a maintenance service... more
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      Power SystemsWind EnergyStatistical AnalysisPower System
The constant current controllers at high voltage direct current (HVDC) rectifier stations and the outer loops which set the reference to the current controller have potential to introduce negative damping on the nearby generating units.... more
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      Power ElectronicsInteractionAnalysisDamping
In this paper, an acoustic feature extraction method based on mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) was implemented on FPGA for real-time respiratory sound analysis. The proposed technique was implemented using Xilinx System... more
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      FPGAField-Programmable Gate ArraysFeature ExtractionGenerators
This paper presents an advanced control strategy for the rotor and grid side converters of the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) based wind turbine (WT) to enhance the low-voltage ride-through (LVRT) capability according to the grid... more
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      Power SystemOscillationsGeneratorsWind Turbines
El estudio eléctrico de un aerogenerador superconductor para bajas velocidades de viento, se puede desglosar en dos etapas: diseño eléctrico y construcción. Para desarrollar el diseño eléctrico del aerogenerador, es necesario... more
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      Electrical EngineeringEnergy EconomicsEnergyEnergías Renovables
An innovative axial-field permanent magnet generator (AFPMG) with multiple stators and double rotors is designed and the structural and electromagnetic features are investigated. This generator has two permanent magnet (PM) rotors at the... more
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      Wind EnergyFinite element methodMagnetostaticsFinite Element Analysis
This paper investigates the possibility to use a power split electric driven continuously variable transmission as the core of a wind energy conversion system. The proposed power split transmission for WECS, called W-CVT allows to control... more
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      Power ElectronicsWind EnergyGearsFrequency
Active contour model has been widely used in image processing applications such as boundary delineation, image segmentation, stereo matching, shape recognition and object tracking. In this paper a novel particle swarm optimization scheme... more
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      EngineeringApplied MathematicsSoftware EngineeringImage Processing
Graphics processing units (GPUs) have the potential to greatly accelerate many applications, yet programming models remain too low level. Many language-based solutions to date have addressed this problem by creating embedded... more
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      Computer ScienceEmbedded SystemsParallel ProcessingProgramming
Developing technology and systems for future power systems requires an evolutionary approach where Distributed Renewable Energy Resources can be seamlessly integrated in to the system. As the diversity of the generation mix increases, the... more
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      Evolutionary ComputationPower SystemSystem DynamicsStability
Many wireless communication systems such as IS-54, enhanced data rates for the GSM evolution (EDGE), worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX) and long term evolution (LTE) have adopted low-density parity-check (LDPC),... more
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The multi-input integrated converters are synthesized from two or more single input converters to obtain a compact structure which has only one output filter and one control system. The proposed configuration is obtained from a hybrid... more
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      SynchronizationControl systemSimulationGenerators
Distributed Generation (DG) is increasing in penetration on power systems across the world. In rural areas, voltage rise limits the permissible penetration levels of DG. Another increasingly important issue is the impact on transmission... more
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      Power SystemsLinear ProgrammingPower SystemTime series analysis
The main purpose of this paper is to study the FPGA implementation of two 16 bit PN sequence generator namely Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) and Blum-Blum-Shub (BBS). We have used FPGA to explain how FPGA's ease the hardware... more
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      FPGAField-Programmable Gate ArraysComparative StudyCommunication System