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In many areas of industry, it is desirable to create geometric models of existing objects for which no such model is available. This paper reviews the process of reverse engineering of shapes. After identifying the purpose of reverse... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringGeometric ModellingComputer Aided DesignReverse Engineering
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer AnimationGeometric ModellingData Structure
Current geometric and solid modeling systems use semi-algebraic sets for de ning the boundaries of solid objects, curves and surfaces, geometric constraints with mating relationship in a mechanical assembly, physical contacts between... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer GraphicsComputational GeometryGeometric Modelling
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer GraphicsGeometric ModellingComputer Aided Design
An original method has been developed to model geology using the location of the geological interfaces and orientation data from structural field. Both types of data are cokriged to interpolate a continuous 3D potential-field scalar... more
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      GeochemistryGeophysicsGeometric ModellingGeomodelling
BSP trees have been shown to provide an effective representation of polyhedra through the use of spatial subdivision, and are an alternative to the topologically based b-reps. While bsp tree algorithms are known for a number of important... more
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      Computer GraphicsGeometric ModellingBoolean Algebra
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      StatisticsGeometric ModellingParameter estimationBayesian Inference
Generating realistic 3D human face models and facial animations has been a persistent challenge in computer graphics. We have developed a system that constructs textured 3D face models from videos with minimal user interaction. Our system... more
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer VisionGeometric ModellingGeometric model
The paper discusses the blending problem in geometric modelling, and it provides a comprehensive review of solutions that use parametric surfaces. A terminology and a classification are presented to help clarify the nature of blending,... more
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      Computer GraphicsGeometric ModellingIntegrated CAD/CAM systems
Industrial Geometry aims at unifying existing and developing new methods and algorithms for a variety of application areas with a strong geometric component. These include CAD, CAM, Geometric Modelling, Robotics, Computer Vision and Image... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringGeometric ModellingComputer Aided DesignReverse Engineering
Parameterization of 3D mesh data is important for many graphics and mesh processing applications, in particular for texture mapping, remeshing and morphing. Closed, manifold, genus-0 meshes are topologically equivalent to a sphere, hence... more
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      Geometric ModellingComputingMathematical SciencesParameterization
Self-organized TiO 2 nanotubes with packed, vertically aligned morphology and different lateral characteristics were grown on Ti metal substrates by controlled electrochemical anodization in phosphate/HF and ethylene glycol/HF... more
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      Geometric ModellingScanning Electron MicroscopyNanotechnologyAtomic Force Microscopy
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      MathematicsGeometric ModellingHeat TransferNuclear reactor
This article reviews the prevailing geometric modelling techniques, based on Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS). Emphasis is placed on the most important properties of NURBS surfaces and the available techniques for modelling real... more
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      EngineeringSoftware EngineeringGeometric ModellingThree Dimensional
The presence of holes in a triangle mesh is classically ascribed to the deficiencies of the point cloud acquired from a physical object to be reverse engineered. This lack of information results from both the scanning process and the... more
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      Geometric ModellingReverse EngineeringFinite Element AnalysisDegeneration
In contrast to the extensively researched modeling of plant architecture, the modeling of plant organs largely remains an open problem. In this paper, we propose a method for modeling lobed leaves. This method extends the concept of... more
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      Computer GraphicsGeometric ModellingSplines
The proximity and topology among particles are often the most important factor for understanding the spatial structure of particles. Reasoning the morphological structure of molecules and reconstructing a surface from a point set are... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringComputational GeometryStructural BiologyGeometric Modelling
Discrete fracture network simulations are computationally intensive and usually time-consuming to construct and configure. This paper presents a case study with techniques for building a 3D finite element model of an inhomogeneous... more
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      Software EngineeringGeometric ModellingMesh qualityGeometric model
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    • Geometric Modelling
Much work on special elements that simplify geometrical modelling of structures containing holes, cracks and/ or inclusions has been reported extensively in the literature. This paper presents a hybrid Trefftz element containing elliptic... more
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      EngineeringGeometric ModellingFinite ElementNumerical Method
In this paper, we present an FL-system, an extension of an L-system that allows us to generate any kind of object hierarchy and mesh on the fly. This has been made possible thanks to a modification of the classical L-system rewriting... more
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      Geometric ModellingProcedural Geometric Modeling
Computing boolean operations between general planar polygons is one of the fundamental problems in geometric and solid modeling. In this work we present a new algorithm to calculate intersection, union and di!erence, valid for general... more
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      Geometric ModellingEfficient Algorithm for ECG CodingComputer GraphicFormal Model
In our paper, we attempt to investigate methods of determining jersey porosity which is this fabric's principal physical characteristic. In fact, end use, liquid absorbency, thermal comfort and resistance are closely related to pore size... more
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      Image ProcessingGeometric ModellingPorosityPermeability
Fault-related folds in fold-and-thrust belts and accretionary prisms are commonly simulated by three end-member classes of geometric models: décollement folding, fault-propagation folding, and fault-bend folding. A given model produces a... more
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      GeologyGeometric ModellingGeometric modelSedimentary Geology
Geometrical modelling and field analysis of chevron folds suggest that these structures are a result of the combination of several kinematical mechanisms, whose magnitude and order of application vary within certain limits. A possible... more
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      GeologyStructural GeologyGeometric ModellingMathematical Modelling
In [1] Optimal Control methods over re-parametrization for curve and surface design were introduced. The advantage of Optimal Control over Global Minimization such as in is that it can handle both approximation and interpolation. Moreover... more
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      Optimal ControlGeometric ModellingNumerical AnalysisComputing
In the last ve y ears, there has been numerous applications of wavelets and m ultiresolution analysis in many elds of computer graphics as di erent as geometric modelling, volume visualization or illumination modelling. Classical... more
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      Geometric ModellingVolume VisualizationTheoretical FrameworkLarge Data Sets
Fast and accurate fitting of non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) curves and surfaces through large sets of measured data is an important problem in applications such as reverse engineering and geometric modelling. This paper presents a... more
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      EngineeringComputational ComplexityGeometric ModellingReverse Engineering
Existing 3-dimensional acoustic target tracking methods that use wired/wireless networked sensor nodes to track targets based on four sensing coverage do not always compute the feasible spatio-temporal information of target objects. To... more
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      Analytical ChemistryGeometric ModellingWireless Sensor NetworksTarget Tracking
Geometric Modellers based on a Boundary Representation scheme are well suited for display operations, but boolean operations require algorithms with quadratic complexity. Using a class of extended Octtrees which is presented here, boolean... more
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    • Geometric Modelling
An effective computer generation method is presented in this paper to more perfectly and rapidly generate the random distribution domains with large numbers of grains (pores). At first, the geometries of heterogeneous grains and the... more
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      CompositesGeometric ModellingMultiscale Computational Homogenization
Computer aided geometric design is an area where the betterment of surface generation techniques is an everlasting demand since faster and more accurate geometric models are required. The traditional methods for generating surfaces were... more
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      Cognitive ScienceGeometric ModellingGeometric modelComputer Aided Geometric Design
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      Computational GeometryGeometric ModellingMesh generationAutomatic differentiation
Objectives. The aim was to quantify the immediate eect of the Cheneau±Toulouse±Munster brace (worn at night) on scoliotic curvatures in vivo.
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      Mechanical EngineeringBiomedical EngineeringImage ProcessingSpine
Increasing complexity in structural shapes, the need for more detailed and precise numerical simulations, and shorter product development times request a tightly connected interaction within the design software environment since both... more
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      Geometric ModellingFinite ElementStructural DesignProcess Integration
Experimental studies of fatigue crack growth in aluminium alloys have shown that, at the low-to-mid stress intensity factor range, there is often a log-linear relationship between the crack length and the fatigue life. These observations... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringApplied MathematicsGeometric Modelling
In this paper we present some former results about properties of digital circles defined by neighbourhood sequences in the triangular grid. Das and Chatterji [Inform. Sci. 50 (1990) 123] analyzed the geometric behaviour of twodimensional... more
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      Cognitive ScienceImage ProcessingPattern RecognitionGeometric Modelling
Unlike many other works, where authors are usually focused on one or two quality criteria, the current manuscript, which is a generalization of the article [35] published in Russian, offers a multi-criteria approach to the assessment of... more
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      Computer GraphicsAestheticsDesignShape Modeling
The estimation of body segment properties is important in the biomechanical analysis of movement. Current subject-specific estimation methods however can be expensive and time-consuming, while other methods do not adequately take into... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAlgorithmsBiomedical EngineeringImage Processing
Digital elevation model (DEM) extracted from IKONOS along-track stereo images with photogrammetric method is evaluated. As few as 12 GCPs are enough for the stereo photogrammetric bundle adjustment, which also filters the errors of the... more
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      Geometric ModellingBundle AdjustmentLand CoverDigital Elevation Model
We present a simple, accurate and efficient algorithm for collision detection among moving ellipsoids. Its efficiency is attributed to two results: (i) a simple algebraic test for the separation of two ellipsoids, and (ii) an efficient... more
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      Geometric ModellingComputingMathematical SciencesEfficient Algorithm for ECG Coding
In this paper, a family of adaptive mesh generation schemes specially designed for finite element modelling of structural hollow section (SHS) tubular joint is presented. This family of adaptive mesh generation schemes is implemented... more
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      EngineeringGeometric ModellingMesh generationFinite element modelling
Several fields of mathematics are relevant to computer aided design and other software systems involving solid object geometry, topology, differential and algebraic geometry being particularly important. This paper discusses some of this... more
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      Shape ModelingGeometric ModellingComputer Aided DesignComputer Aided Geometric Design
In this study we analyze the chromatin state of human pluripotent stem cells by geometric and computational modelling of fibre conformation. The model takes into account local structure of chromatin organized into euchromatin, permissive... more
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      Geometric ModellingEpigenomicsPluripotencyEuchromatin
I will analyse the individual and collective activities of fourth grade students while trying to explain a schoolfellow's mistake in the use of a geometrical schema (shared by the class) of the sunshadows phenomenon. The study aims at... more
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      Mathematics EducationGeometric ModellingMathematical ModellingPrimary School
This paper presents a study of moisture retention and isothermal transfer in a cement and lime mortar. The extended range of pore sizes and the intrinsic heterogeneity of the medium do not allow the use of a single-scale percolation... more
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      EngineeringGeometric ModellingMultiphase FlowPercolation
Computer-aided surgical simulation is a topic of increasingly extensive research. Computer graphics, geometric modeling and finite-element analysis all play major roles in these simulations. Furthermore, real-time response, interactivity... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringGeometric ModellingComputer Aided DesignMedical Simulation
The Reverse Engineering process consists of a succession of operations that aim at creating a digital representation of a physical model. The reconstructed geometric model is often a triangle mesh built from a point cloud acquired with a... more
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      Geometric ModellingEngineering DesignReverse EngineeringGeometric model
This paper describes a new method for interactive segmentation that is based on cross-sectional design and 3D modelling. The method represents a 3D model by a set of connected contours that are planar and orthogonal. Planar contours... more
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceGeometric ModellingMagnetic Resonance Imaging
The next generation manufacturing technologies will draw on new developments in geometric modelling. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the desiderata of next generation geometric modellers, we present a critical review of the major... more
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      EngineeringGeometric ModellingReverse EngineeringSadhana