Image-based Rendering
Recent papers in Image-based Rendering
We advocate the use of point sets to represent shapes. We provide a definition of a smooth manifold surface from a set of points close to the original surface. The definition is based on local maps from differential geometry, which are... more
Image based rendering using undersampled light fields suffers from aliasing effects. These effects can be drastically reduced by using some geometric information. In pop-up light field rendering [18], the scene is segmented into coherent... more
This paper gives an overview of computer graphics representations of trees commonly used for the rendering of complex scene of vegetation. Looking for the right compromise between realism and efficiency has lead researchers to consider... more
. Synthesized images (top) of a CT head data set, created using proxy images (bottom). (a) Using multi-perspective proxy images, we can visualize multiple layers of a 3D object (shown in (b)) in multiple orientations. We can also... more
This paper presents a new hybrid Kinect-variety based synthesis scheme that renders artifacts-free multiple views for autostereoscopic/ auto-multiscopic displays. The proposed approach does not explicitly require dense scene depth... more
The purpose of this project was to create several methods for achieving non-photorealistic appearance of the objects or, in other words, the goal was to create several different implementations of the cartoonish shader, which can... more
Technological advances and challenges ] M ultiview imaging (MVI) has attracted considerable attention recently due to its increasingly wide range of applications and the decreasing cost of digital cameras. This opens up many new and... more
Este documento es un ejercicio elaborado durante el seminario de área impartido por el Dr. Peter Krieger en la Maestría en Arquitectura de la UNAM, en donde se abordan temas de interés actual que son parte de la producción arquitectónica... more
This paper presents real-time reconstruction of dynamic 3D avatar for interactive mixed reality. In computer graphics, one of the main goals is the combination of virtual scenes with real-world scenes. However, the views of the real world... more
This paper presents a novel solution for approximations to some large convolution kernels by leveraging a weighted box-filtered image pyramid set. Convolution filters are widely used, but still compute-intensive for real-time rendering... more
Automatic attendance system is one of the significant issues of today's research. Among other methods, human face recognition is highly used technique for attendance automation. Many systems have been proposed in literature using face... more
This paper presents a novel approach to creating full view panoramic mosaics from image sequences. Unlike current panoramic stitching methods, which usually require pure horizontal camera panning, our system does not require any... more
In this paper, we survey the techniques for image-based rendering (IBR) and for compressing image-based representations. Unlike traditional three-dimensional (3-D) computer graphics, in which 3-D geometry of the scene is known, IBR... more
We present an approach to convert a small portion of a light field with extracted depth information into a cinematic effect with simulated, smooth camera motion that exhibits a sense of 3D parallax. We develop a taxonomy of the cinematic... more
: Renditions of acquired objects with a mixture of highly specular and fuzzy materials.
In this paper, we survey the techniques for image-based rendering. Unlike traditional 3D computer graphics in which 3D geometry of the scene is known, image-based rendering techniques render novel views directly from input images.... more
We present a novel technique for texture synthesis using optimization. We define a Markov Random Field (MRF)-based similarity metric for measuring the quality of synthesized texture with respect to a given input sample. This allows us to... more
Valuable 3D graphical models, such as high-resolution digital scans of cultural heritage objects, may require protection to prevent piracy or misuse, while still allowing for interactive display and manipulation by a widespread audience.... more
Using coarse meshes with textures and/or normal maps to represent detailed meshes often results in poor visual quality along silhouettes. To tackle this problem, we introduce silhouette texture, a new data structure for capturing and... more
This paper presents a novel 3D plenoptic function, which we call concentric mosaics. We constrain camera motion to planar concentric circles, and create concentric mosaics using a manifold mosaic for each circle (i.e., composing slit... more
Interactive visualization of architecture provides a way to quickly visualize existing or novel buildings and structures. Such applications require both fast rendering and an effortless input regimen for creating and changing architecture... more
In this paper we present a sketch modelling system which we call Stilton. The program resembles a desktop VRML browser, allowing a user to navigate a 3D model in a perspective projection, or panoramic photographs, which the program maps... more
We present a system for rendering very complex 3D models at interactive rates. We select a subset of the model as preferred viewpoints and partition the space into virtual cells. Each cell contains near geometry, rendered using levels of... more
We present an image-based rendering system to viewpoint-navigate through space and time of complex real-world, dynamic scenes. Our approach accepts unsynchronized, uncalibrated multi-video footage as input. Inexpensive, consumer-grade... more
Il lavoro proposto vuole ottimizzare una metodologia di documentazione dell’architettura che, a partire dalle fotografie panoramiche, si misura di volta in volta con gli strumenti e le tecnologie a disposizione per proporre una soluzione... more
In this paper we present a set of efficient image based rendering methods capable of rendering multiple frames per second on a PC. The first method warps Sprites with Depth representing smooth surfaces without the gaps found in other... more
Image-based rendering takes as input multiple images of an object and generates photorealistic images from novel viewpoints. This approach avoids explicitly modeling scenes by replacing the modeling phase with an object reconstruction... more
In this paper we present an algorithm that accelerates 3D texturebased volume rendering of large and sparse data sets. A hierarchical data structure (known as AMR tree) consisting of nested uniform grids is employed in order to... more
We present an image-based approach to relighting photographs of tree canopies. Our goal is to minimize capture overhead; thus the only input required is a set of photographs of the tree taken at a single time of day, while allowing... more
We present an architecture for rendering multiple views efficiently on a cluster of GPUs. The original scene is sampled by virtual cameras which are used later to reconstruct the desired views. We show that this image-based approach can... more
We present a method that using only an uncalibrated camera allows the capture of object geometry and appearance, and then at a later stage registration and AR overlay into a new scene. Using only image information first a coarse object... more
The available technologies for the presentation of audiovisual scenes to large audiences show different degrees of maturity. While high quality physics based rendering of 3D scenes is found in many visual applications, the presentation of... more
This paper addresses the problem of synthesizing novel views of a scene using images taken by an uncalibrated translating camera. We propose a method for synthesis of views corresponding to translational motion of the camera. Our scheme... more
Integral photography (IP), which is one of the ideal 3-D photographic technologies, can be regarded as a method of capturing and displaying light rays passing through a plane. The NHK Science and Technical Research Laboratories have... more
When the shape of an object is known, its appearance is determined by the spatially-varying reflectance function defined on its surface. Image-based rendering methods that use geometry seek to estimate this function from image data. Most... more
Extrusion, bevel, chamfer, and lathe tools are widely used in a large variety of computer graphics applications such as architectural designs and industrial prototyping of manufactured goods. However, such modeling is usually based on... more
High quality, physically accurate rendering at interactive rates has widespread application, but is a daunting task. We attempt to bridge the gap between high-quality offline and interactive rendering by using existing environment mapping... more
We describe a new framework for efficiently computing and storing global illumination effects for complex, animated environments. The new framework allows the rapid generation of sequences representing any arbitrary path in a "view space"... more
This paper introduces a novel application of IBR technology for efficient rendering of high quality CG and live action stereoscopic sequences. Traditionally, IBR has been applied to render novel views using image and depth based... more
The paper addresses the problem of "class-based" imagebased recognition and rendering with varying illumination. The rendering problem is defined as follows: given a single input image of an object, and a sample of images with varying... more
Special relativistic visualization offers the possibility of experiencing the optical effects of traveling near the speed of light, including apparent geometric distortions as well as Doppler and searchlight effects. Early high-quality... more
In this paper we present an algorithm that accelerates 3D texturebased volume rendering of large and sparse data sets. A hierarchical data structure (known as AMR tree) consisting of nested uniform grids is employed in order to... more
This paper demonstrates the use of High Dynamic Range (HDR) fisheye images of the sky dome in lighting simulations. The objective is to improve the accuracy of simulations with site specific sky conditions. The luminance information... more