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The transient response to projected climate change of two ice caps in the central Icelandic highland was simulated with a vertically integrated ice-flow model coupled to a degree-day mass-balance model. The ice caps, Langjökull and... more
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      Civil EngineeringClimate ChangeHydrologyClimate
In mountain regions, wind is known to cause inhomogeneous snow distribution. Recently, it has been shown that this snow distribution can be explained by considering high-resolution flow fields created by numerical flow models. It has also... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringCase StudiesPrediction
A GPS network has been installed to monitor vertical crustal movement in the Lambert Glacier region, East Antarctica. The program commenced in January 1998 with a solar-powered GPS system installed at Beaver Lake. Solar-powered... more
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      GeodesyPower SystemPredictionGlobal Positioning System
The present study describes the hydrological characteristics of the Gangotri Glacier (286 km 2 ), which is one of the largest Himalayan Glaciers. The study involves collection and analysis of streamflow records near the snout of the... more
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Airborne and satellite remote sensing is the only practical approach for deriving a wide area, regional assessment of glacier mass balance. A number of remote sensing approaches are possible for inferring the mass balance from some sort... more
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      Earth SciencesRemote SensingSatellite remote sensingPatagonia
The melting of ice and the subsequent production of regelation ice from the melt water in a large-scale closed system beneath sub-polar and polar glaciers produces progressive fractionation between the melt water and the regelation ice... more
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A new element of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) has been inaugurated addressing the role of the cryosphere in climate. A Science and Co-ordination Plan has been issued for the Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) project. Topics of... more
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      HydrologyWater resourcesClimate variabilityClimate
We present concentrations of environmentally available (unfiltered acidified 2% v/v HNO 3 ) As, Cu, Cd, Pb, V, Sr, and major ions including Ca 2C
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringChemical WeatheringAdsorption
Headward and downward erosion near glacier sources, at rates exceeding fluvial erosion, is important in recent discussions of orogen development and the limits to relief. This relates to a long history of debate on how the form of glacial... more
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The recent loss of mountain glaciers in response to climate warming has been reported across a range of latitudes globally, but the processes involved are not always straightforward. In southern Pacific mid-latitudes, twentieth-century... more
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      GeologyClimate ChangeAtmospheric CirculationGlacier
Investigations have been made of the geomorphology, internal structure, and till fabric of small drumlins in a drumlin field exposed in front of the retreating northern part of Mýrdalsjökull, Iceland. The drumlins either comprise... more
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This study indicates the possible long-lasting impacts of deep-seated gravitational slope deformation (DGSD) on erosional and mass movement processes. DGSD-features are common large-scale landforms in the crystalline basement rocks of the... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologySlope StabilityRisk Management
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      GeologyClimate ChangeCarbonEarth
a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / j h y d r o l
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      HydrologyIrrigationClimate variabilityAgriculture
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringGlacierLong Term Monitoring
This paper discusses the Holocene evolution of two sites in the Central Italian Alps, the Foscagno Valley and the Stelvio–Livrio area, in terms of the interaction between permafrost distribution and glacial history. The applicability of... more
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Glacier volume and ice thickness distribution are important variables for water resource management in Norway and the assessment of future glacier changes. We present a detailed assessment of thickness distribution and total glacier... more
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Equilibrium-line all:itudes (ELAs) of modern glaciers in the northern Rocky Mountains are known to correspond with regional climate, but sl:rong subregional gradients such as across the Continental Divide in Glacier National Park,... more
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Keywords: DEM Relief Volume Drumlin Glacier bedform
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      GeologyGeomorphologyDigital Elevation ModelsPleistocene
We analyze a daily series of rainfall, snowfall, air temperature, and snow water equivalent at fixed dates from 40 high-altitude stations on the Adamello Glacier area (Italian Alps), for the period 1965–2007. Purposes of the study are (1)... more
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      Climate ChangePrincipal Component AnalysisTime series analysisWater Cycle
Within the framework of core-drilling through the permafrost of the active rock glacier Murtèl–Corvatsch in the Swiss Alps, subfossil stem remains of seven different bryophyte species were found at a depth of 6 m below surface and about 3... more
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The Tam Pokhari glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF), which occurred in 1998 in the Mt. Everest region of Nepal, was evaluated using hydrodynamic models to gain a better understanding of the flow behaviour. The flood wave was analysed... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringClimate ChangeHydraulics
The release of persistent organic pollutants (PCBs, HCB, HCHs and DDTs) accumulated in Alpine glaciers, was studied during spring-summer 2006 on the Frodolfo glacial-fed stream (Italian Alps). Samples were also taken on a non-glacial... more
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      AlpsPcbsSurface WaterChlorinated pesticides
Glacially deformed pieces of wood, organic lake sediments and clasts of reworked peat have been collected in front of Alpine glaciers since ad 1990. The palaeoglaciological interpretation of these organic materials is related to earlier... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologyClimate ChangeWood Anatomy
1] Hydropower accounts for about 20% of the worldwide electrical power production. In mountainous regions this ratio is significantly higher. In this study we present how future projected climatic forcing, as described in regional climate... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringClimate ChangeWater resources
Investigations in Alpine soils indicate that mineral weathering is much faster in ‘young’ soils (< 1000 yr) than in ‘old’ soils (∼ 10,000 yr). However, little is known about the initial stages of weathering and soil formation, i.e. during... more
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      Case StudiesChemical WeatheringWater ChemistryWeathering
Ice thickness data collected between 1993 and 1999 using a coherent icepenetrating radar system developed at the University of Kansas have been combined with data collected by the Technical University of Denmark in the 1970s to produce a... more
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      Remote SensingMultidisciplinaryTopographyVolume
Glacier and snow cover changes with related impacts on melt runoff can seriously affect human societies which are depending on fresh water from cryospheric sources. Observed trends and projected future evolutions of climatic and... more
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Mid-latitude maritime glaciers are responding quickly and directly to climate change. This response is expected to continue, and will result in maritime glaciers making a large contribution to sea level rise over the coming decades.... more
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      Earth SciencesClimate ChangeSeasonalitySea level rise
Glacier retreat on north Novaya Zemlya for the past century was documented by registering glacier terminus positions from expedition and topographic maps and remotely sensed images. Recession of tidewater calving glaciers on north Novaya... more
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| In the Himalayas, large area is covered by glaciers, seasonal snow and changes in its extent can influence availability of water in the Himalayan Rivers. In this paper, changes in glacial extent, glacial mass balance and seasonal snow... more
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      Remote SensingClimate ChangeClimatologyHimalaya
Fully-polarimetric UAVSAR data of Hofsjökull Ice Cap, central Iceland, taken in June 2009 was decomposed using Pauli-based coherent decomposition as well as Cloude and H/A/ᾱ eigenvector-based decomposition methods. The goals of this... more
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Remote sensing has served as an efficient method of gathering data about glaciers since its emergence. The recent advent of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) has created an effective means by which... more
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      Remote SensingImage AnalysisAerial PhotographyGPS TRACKING SYSTEM
Airborne and satellite remote sensing is the only practical approach for deriving a wide area, regional assessment of glacier mass balance. A number of remote sensing approaches are possible for inferring the mass balance from some sort... more
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      Earth SciencesRemote SensingSatellite remote sensingPatagonia
The lacustrine sediments of proglacial lake Russvatnet in eastern Jotunheimen, central southern Norway, comprise a combination of glacier-derived material from the glacier Blackwellbreen and several episodic paraglacial processes in the... more
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      GeologyClimate ChangePaleoclimateQuaternary
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      Stable IsotopesMorphologyGround Penetrating RadarAerial Photography
We present a new approach to derive control information from ICESat data that enables rigorous registration of aerial and satellite imagery. The technique, based on matching terrain features identified from ICESat measurements and aerial... more
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      Remote SensingMultidisciplinaryGlobal changeAerial Photography
The largely snow and ice free McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica are one of the coldest and driest locations on Earth. It has been proposed that during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) to the early Holocene large lakes up to 200 m deep and... more
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A carbon-rich black layer encrusted on a sandy pebbly bed of outwash in the northern Venezuelan Andes, previously considered the result of an alpine grass fire, is now recognized as a 'black mat' candidate correlative with Clovis Age... more
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The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. This... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologySnow and Avalanche ResearchMorphology
Assessment of potential future eruptive behaviour of volcanoes relies strongly on detailed knowledge of their activity in the past, such as eruption frequency, magnitude and repose time. The eruption history of three partly subglacial... more
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The effect of climate change on snow water equivalent, snowmelt runoff, glacier melt runoff and total streamflow and their distribution is examined for the Spiti river. This is a high altitude Himalayan river located in the western... more
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      Climate ChangeHydrologyMultidisciplinarySimulation
A robust understanding of Antarctic Ice Sheet deglacial history since the Last Glacial Maximum is important in order to constrain ice sheet and glacial-isostatic adjustment models, and to explore the forcing mechanisms responsible for ice... more
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      Earth SciencesGeologyGlacial GeomorphologyAntarctica
Glaciers and icefields are critical components of Earth's cryosphere to study and monitor for understanding the effects of a changing climate. To provide a regional perspective of glacier melt dynamics for the past several decades,... more
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      Remote SensingGlacierMelt
A simple flux model using twice-daily measurements of wind, humidity and temperature from standard upper-air levels in a distant radiosonde estimated winter balance of South Cascade Glacier, Washington, U.S.A., over 1959–98 with error... more
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      GlaciologyModelsGlacierMass Balance
China is the world's most populous country and a major emitter of greenhouse gases. Consequently, much research has focused on China's influence on climate change but somewhat less has been written about the impact of climate change on... more
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      Climate ChangeEconomic GrowthWater resourcesChina
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      EngineeringDecision MakingEarthRisk assessment
1] The basic features and terminology of terrestrial ''rock glaciers'' are reviewed together with associated forms termed ''protalus lobes'' and ''protalus ramparts.'' Two basic models of rock glacier formation and flow invoke either the... more
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      Finite element methodInterpretationMultidisciplinaryFinite Element Analysis
Forefields of receding glaciers are unique and sensitive environments representing natural soil chronosequences, where sulfate availability is assumed to be a limiting factor. Bacterial mineralization of organosulfur is an important... more
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      SoilBiodiversityBiological SciencesPhylogeny