Mass Balance
Recent papers in Mass Balance
During the last glacial-interglacial cycle, northern hemispheric (NH) ice-sheets experienced dramatic changes in radiative forcing, due to orbitally-driven insolation changes and varying greenhouse gas concentrations. This direct forcing... more
In small-scale mining in northeastern Brazil, the exploitation of industrial minerals, where kaolin bearing pegmatites are mined, is common. The mineral processing of kaolin is based in mixer and classification by screen and cyclone. The... more
Molybdenum (Mo) isotope studies in black shales can provide information about the redox evolution of the Earth's oceans, provided the isotopic consequences of Mo burial into its major sinks are well understood. Previous applications of... more
The UNMIX and Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) receptor models were used to investigate sources of PM 2.5 aerosols measured between March 2001 and February 2002 in Gwangju, Korea. Measurements of PM 2.5 particles were used for the analysis of... more
A simple climate model has been developed to investigate the existence of the small ice cap instability in the Southern Hemisphere. The model consists of four coupled components: an atmospheric energy balance model, a thermodynamic... more
The fate of black carbon deposited on the soil surface after burning of harvesting residues is poorly understood. In this study we quantified horizontal as well as vertical transport of total pyrogenic carbon and its chemically most... more
1] We present a new statistical method to construct a model for the chemical composition of Earth's primitive mantle along with its variance. Earth's primitive mantle is located on the melting trend exhibited by the global compilation of... more
We introduce a discrete fracture network model of stationary Darcy flow in fractured rocks. We approximate the fractures by a network of planar circle disks, which is generated on the basis of statistical data obtained from field... more
Solute transport rates within the uppermost 2 cm of a rippled continental shelf sand deposit, with a mean grain size of 400-500 mm and permeabilities of 2.0-2.4 Â 10 À11 m 2 , have been measured in situ by detecting the breakthrough of a... more
The transient response to projected climate change of two ice caps in the central Icelandic highland was simulated with a vertically integrated ice-flow model coupled to a degree-day mass-balance model. The ice caps, Langjökull and... more
This paper is the first part of a twofold contribution dedicated to the new version of the Louvain-la-Neuve sea ice model LIM3. In this part, LIM3 is described and its results are compared with observations. LIM3 is a C-grid... more
Detailed d13C stratigraphies have been published recently for several Cenomanian-Turonian pelagic sections of southern England, and the Lower Saxony basin of Germany. The observed changes in the d13C record provide a useful tool for... more
Pesticides are currently used inside hives, against the honeybee parasite Varroa destructor, producing unwanted contamination effects. To assess the distribution and fate of one of these pesticides (coumaphos), two experimental hives were... more
A regional atmospheric model, the HIRHAM4 regional climate model (RCM) using boundary conditions from the ECHAM5 atmosphere-ocean general circulation model (AOGCM), was downscaled to a 500-m gridcell increment using SnowModel to simulate... more
A prerequisite for the calculation of the proportion of a legume’s nitrogen derived from the atmosphere (%Ndfa) using the 15N natural abundance technique (NA) is the determination of the B value (δ15N value for a legume when completely... more
A system to turn a potentially harmful stream of solid waste into a set of substreams with either commercial value or highly concentrated residual streams is presented. The waste which is considered is metal impregnated (in particular... more
Application of cosmogenic radionuclide 22 Na to limnological research was first successfully performed in the Lake Biwa system, Japan. The 22 Na was determined from large water samples of more than 500 L by using the ultra low-background... more
Current practice in estimating mercury runoff from the watershed in TMDL analysis assumes much of the atmospherically deposited mercury is available for transport to receiving waters; such estimates are overly conservative, and do not... more
The physico-chemical characteristics of granulated sludge lead us to develop its use as a packing material in air biofiltration. Then, the aim of this study is to investigate the potential of unit systems packed with this support in terms... more
Screening level risk assessment models are used by many countries to assess the treatability of organic chemicals during the sewage treatment process, especially those that are new to commerce. The performance of one such model, the... more
The study of the water gas shift reaction performance in terms of complete conversions is presented. The behaviour of a membrane reactor (MR) consisting of a tubular microporous ceramic within a thin palladium membrane was compared with a... more
In mountain regions, wind is known to cause inhomogeneous snow distribution. Recently, it has been shown that this snow distribution can be explained by considering high-resolution flow fields created by numerical flow models. It has also... more
We show in this work that the heat flow signal as acquired applying DSC to systems in an excess of epoxy must be proportional to the rate of consumption of the excess component but not to the rate of reaction.
In the last few years, regulatory focus has been on nutrient management from animal feeding operations with recent emphasis on air emissions. The main challenge is establishing current emission levels and determining best methodologies... more
This review highlights the many roles mass spectrometry plays in the discovery and development of new therapeutics by both the pharmaceutical and the biotechnology industries. Innovations in mass spectrometer source design, improvements... more
Buffer strips are an efficient and economical way to reduce agricultural nonpoint source pollution. Local researches are necessary to gain information on buffer performance, with particular emphasis on narrow buffers. The effect of a 6 m... more
The European directive 2000/53/EC implies a "reuse and recovery" rate for end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) of 95% to be reached by the year 2015. One of the options to increase the actual average European "reuse and recovery" rate of... more
In order to quantify the fate of nutrients originating from shrimp pond waste, mass balances of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) were compared from a mangrove creek that received shrimp farm effluent to those in an adjacent control creek that... more
Ozone can cause many health problems, including exacerbation of asthma, throat irritation, cough, chest ache, shortness of breath, and respiratory infections. Air cleaners are one of the sources of indoor ozone, and thus the evaluation of... more
Soil-plant potassium (K) dynamics were studied using a long-term field experiment in order to evaluate the plant performance and K delivering capacity of the soil parent material. Rye grass (Lolium perenne L.) based rotations on a loamy... more
Continuous measurements of the surface water CO 2 partial pressure (pCO 2) and the chlorophyll a fluorescence were performed in the Baltic Sea using a fully automated measurement system deployed on a cargo ship. The ship commuted... more
Sub-basins within the New York/New Jersey (NY/NJ) Harbor host variable amounts and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Analyses of radionuclides 137Cs and 7Be were used to assign approximate dates to individual sections of... more
In the upper Hunter Valley of New South Wales a high level teschenitic sill complex emplaced into Permian coal measures derives from parent magmas which were themselves crystal fractionation products of alkali basaltic melts. The sills... more
High precision TIMS 230Th/ 232Th isotope ratios are presented from a suite of lavas which span the length of the Lesser Antilles island arc. Compositions vary from low K, tholeiitic lavas with low *'Sr/ 86Sr in the north, to high K,... more
Vacuum pyrolysis of pure PVC at various temperatures and under a total pressure of 2 kPa has been performed to identify and quantify the main pyrolysis products obtained during the different stages of thermal degradation. A system... more
Convection driven by sediment particles may play an important role in sedimentation from the base of buoyant (hypopycnal) plumes, for example, fluvial plumes in stratified estuaries and lakes, black smokers on the ocean floor, volcanic... more
Two a-alumina ceramic membranes (0.2 and 0.8 jam pore sizes) and a surface-modified polyacrylonitrile membrane (0.1 jam pore size) were tested with an oily water, containing various concentrations (250-1000 ppm) of heavy crude oil... more
An analytical method has been developed to differentiate the electrical and thermal resistance of the PEM fuel cell assembly in the fuel cell operating conditions. The usefulness of this method lies in the determination of the electrical... more
We have selected seven profiles located in a diapiric formation in the North of Spain. The profiles have been analyzed for the mineralogy and the chemical composition of original materials, soils developed above them and clay fractions.... more
Catch crops can effectively decrease nitrate leaching in arable cropping systems but their longterm impacts on nitrogen mineralization are not well known. This study quantified the effects of continuous catch crops on net N... more