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В докладе рассматриваются статистические закономерности распределения ритмических масс по строкам и строфам русского классического сонета. Основной материал – 200 сонетов из сборника К.Д. Бальмонта «Сонеты Солнца, Меда и Луны».... more
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      RhythmTime SeriesPoeticsQuantitative Methods
Investment evaluation is a crucial part of investment decisions to measure will the project generate profit for the company. There is four Capital Budgeting technique used to measure this investment evaluation in this project Net Present... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationOptimization (Mathematics)Health Care and Social Service Access and UtilizationOptimization techniques
В книге рассматривается история возникновения и становления математико-гармонических идей (математики гармонии) от античности до конца XX века. История представлена последовательностью очерков, в которых в доступной для массового читателя... more
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      Applied MathematicsAestheticsArt HistoryHistory of Mathematics
Golden ratio is often denoted by the Greek letter, usually in lower case, Phi (φ) which is an irrational mathematical constant, approximately 1.6180339887. Because of its unique and interesting properties, many mathematicians as well as... more
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      Golden SectionFibonacci SeriesFibonacci numbersPhi
Introduction – Geometry and Architecture in Milan, design between art and science Printing an architectural guide on paper in this “tablet” era, might seem anachronistic. The idea of preparing this volume, which is not meant to be... more
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      Golden SectionRelationships Between Architecture and Mathematics
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      MusicMusicologyArchitectureErnst Krenek
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      Renaissance StudiesPolish LiteratureClassical Reception StudiesPetrarchism
In the theory of architecture, there is probably no more hotly debated and controversial issue than the use of the golden section as a tool for governing the proportions of forms and spaces. In this article, the author shows that the work... more
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      Golden SectionCarlo Scarpa
An analysis of Bartok's music using the 'elements' and 'principles' from writing by Lendvai: Golden Section and Fibonacci. This was an exercise during my undergraduate studies - Music Theory - at UNSW.
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      Music EducationMusicologyBela BartokGolden Section
Background in analysis. In an earlier study (Harper 2007) the direct occurrence of the crux in phi (φ) proportion was observed in a large percentage of two contrasting bodies of Scarlatti sonatas (Essercizi and Cantabile sonatas). In the... more
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      Golden SectionMusical Perception
The Golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence are used in proportions in design as symbols of harmony and beauty. The paper presents the use of tilings in spiral forms, created on the base the Golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence, in fashion... more
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      Fashion designGolden SectionFibonacci SeriesFibonacci numbers
In accordance to studies by G.S.Hawkins, the author of this paper continued decoding of ancient monument Stonehenge in Great Britain. The method of decoding by J.-F.Champollion was used with success. The author discovered mathematical... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringPhilologyReligion
Intentionally or unintentionally, from ages, architects, builders and construction experts have used mathematics as a very basic yet important tool for the soulful purpose of design, execution and finalization of building projects. In the... more
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      History of architectureGolden Section
The design method of Andrea Palladio, the famous Renaissance architect, has yet to be discovered. Although the room dimensions given in his woodcuts are the only data that can be used for this purpose, performing calculations around them... more
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      Golden SectionAndrea PalladioFibonacci numbers
The design method of Andrea Palladio, the famous Renaissance architect, has yet to be discovered. Although the room dimensions given in his woodcuts are the only data that can be used for this purpose, performing calculations around them... more
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The proportions of the Golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence associate harmony and beauty and by this reason they are used in design. The paper presents the use of geometrical forms and tilings, created on the base the Golden ratio and... more
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      Fashion designTextilesTextiles DesignTextile Design
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      Leon Battista AlbertiGolden SectionConservazione e restauroRestauro
Golden Proportion or Golden Ratio is usually denoted by the Greek letter Phi (φ), in lower case, which represents an irrational number, 1.6180339887 approximately. Because of its unique and mystifying properties, many researchers and... more
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      RenaissanceParthenonGolden SectionBeauty of nature
Secretul Apei de Piramida si Cuadratura Cercului
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      Golden SectionPYRAMIDGolden RatioPiramide
The paper presents and contextualises Milan Zloković's proportional interpretation of Viginola's system of the five orders.
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryArchitecture in Italian Renaissance and Baroque ArtArchitectural Theory
The Phi Ratio is an excerpt from the book "A Geometric Analysis of the Platonic Solids and other Semi-regular Polyhedra."

This paper examines the  mathematics of the phi ratio.
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      Sacred GeometryGolden Section
For over 150 years, many people have claimed that the number popularly known as the Golden Section has particularly appealing aesthetic properties when incorporated into the proportions of visual artworks. Although the empirical evidence... more
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      PsychologyAestheticsPsychology of artGolden Section
The numbers in the so-called Fibonacci Sequence express Euclid’s division in extreme and mean ratio (DEMR), popularly known as the Golden Section. Since the manuscript describing the sequence, Fibonacci’s Liber abbaci, was written in 1202... more
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      ReligionMusicologyPhilosophyHistory of Ideas
The Golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence are often used in the design for creation of beautiful and harmonic forms. The papers presents design of ladies' dresses using the both ways of constructing of Fibonacci series tiling with squares.... more
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      Fashion designGolden SectionFibonacci SeriesFibonacci numbers
Zu den pythagoreisch-platonischen Wurzeln des mittelalterlichen Geometrieverständnisses in Theorie und Praxis und der besonderen Bedeutung des Goldenen Schnitts im philosophischen Denken
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of MathematicsUrban PlanningUrban Morphology
This article deals with quantitative and typological approaches to Fibonacci Sequences. The presented typology is based on methods used in mathematical linguistics. It has a shape of triangle, in the apex of which there is a classic... more
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      TypologyApplied LinguisticsMathematical LinguisticsGolden Section
Книга содержит более 30 сонетов, посвященных выдающимся деятелям науки и искусства, причастным к созданию математического учения о гармонии. Это философы, математики, астрономы, искусствоведы, архитекторы, инженеры, языковеды, психологи.... more
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      MathematicsPhilosophy of ScienceHistory of MathematicsPhilosophy Of Mathematics
The Primitive Pythagorean Triples are found to be the purest expressions of various Metallic Ratios. Each Metallic Mean is epitomized by one particular Pythagorean Triangle. Also, the Right Angled Triangles are found to be more "Metallic"... more
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      MathematicsNumber TheoryGeometry And TopologyAlgebra and Topology
The Golden triangle is an isosceles triangle with the ratio of the base to the leg, which is equal to the Golden section or Golden ratio. Two quantities are in the Golden ratio (φ) if the ratio of the smaller quantity to the larger one is... more
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      Fashion designGolden SectionFashion Design and Pattern MakingGolden Ratio
The Golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence are used as proportions in design as symbols of beauty and harmony. That symbolism is a result of the strong connections in their mathematical nature. The Golden section is a number, introduced with... more
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      Fashion designGolden SectionFibonacci SeriesFashion Design and Pattern Making
The Golden Section is a geometric ratio often touted for its aesthetically perfect proportions and its use as a design blueprint found in both nature and in iconic works of architecture throughout history. The Parthenon is often cited as... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural HistoryReligious architecture20th Century Architecture
Considering the Madonna with the Child by Bartolomeo Vivarini kept in the throne hall of Palazzo Colonna in Rome and examine this for the first time in its entirety, is a very delicate operation today due to the vast bibliography... more
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      Renaissance StudiesCollections ManagementVeniceMedieval Rome
This paper intends to concentrate on the artists applying the Golden Ratio in the contemporary art, however, indicates, a quick inspiration for some of artists applied the Golden Ratio in the past and the modern era art. accordingly, the... more
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      Contemporary ArtGolden SectionArtistsThe Golden Section
The special case of the (р+1)th degree algebraic equations of the kind xр+1= xp+1 (р=1, 2, 3, ...) is researched in the present article. For the case р=1, the given equation is reduced to the well-known Golden Proportion equation x2=x+1.... more
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      Golden SectionGolden Ratio
Golden ratio is often denoted by the Greek letter, usually in lower case, Phi (φ) which is an irrational mathematical constant, approximately 1.6180339887. Because of its unique and interesting properties, many mathematicians as well as... more
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      IEEE Student MemberGolden SectionFibonacci SeriesFibonacci numbers
It's about a graduation conclusion work (in Portuguese) to obtain a bachelor's degree in Industrial Design (2011 – 2015) at Paulist Stadual University (UNESP). “Harpsichord, one of the ancestors of the modern piano along with the... more
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      PhysicsMusicEarly MusicMusicology
Klang ist hörbare Bewegung. Erschallt Klang im Raum und trifft auf dessen Begrenzungen, entsteht Echo: ein hör­barer Vorgang in Verbindung mit räumli­cher Vorstellung. Steigert man die Kom­plexität dieser Vorgänge und lässt aus Klang... more
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      MusicArt HistoryMedia StudiesArchitecture
This research provides more than 35 measurements rules derived from the perspectives of Vitruvian Man and Neufert and their basis of the golden proportion, to build a human body model on computers for the use of multimedia. The... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceArtificial Neural Networks for modeling purposesGolden SectionGolden Ratio
Modern natural science requires the development of new mathematical apparatus. The generalized Fibonacci numbers or Fibonacci р-numbers (р=0, 1, 2, 3...), which appear in the “diagonal sums” of Pascal’s triangle and are assigned in the... more
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      Golden SectionFibonacci numbers
This publication deals with the metamorphoses of the Brisbane Victoria Bridge. It includes an Appendix Palladiana where the ideological "matrix" of the Palladian Manifesto Villa "La Rotunda" is said to be the "Tetraktys" (the upper... more
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      Galileo GalileiJohannes KeplerLeonardo da VinciQueen Victoria
In diesem kurzen Artikel wird auf den Goldschmuck von Hiddensee und seine neue Präsentation im STRALSUND MUSEUM eingegangen.
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      Museum StudiesMuseumGolden SectionSammlungen, Museen
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      CubismArt CriticismGolden Section
The mosaic was designed with Fibonacci numbers.
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      Golden SectionZeugma
The goal of the present atricle is to develop the “continues” approach to the recurrent Fibo-nacci sequence. The main result of the article is new mathematical model of a curve-linear space based on a special second degree function named... more
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      Golden SectionFibonacci numbersFibonacci Sequences
The field theory of gravitation is developed on the basis of Kepler's third law. A formula with a golden section is obtained under the condition of considering complex solutions as real ones. The article shows the correspondence of the... more
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      GravitationAstronomyGolden SectionNew Theory of Gravity
This work consists of a preliminary look at the relationship between Phi and the spiral scaling structures that that can be seen in DNA and the cosmos. It is pointed out that fractals have a built in structural self similarity as part of... more
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      Number TheoryAlgebraic Number TheoryPhysicsTheoretical Physics
New model task for testing of quantum computer is suggested. Mathematical metrics of hydrogen atom is used. Future perspective of logical programming of atoms and elementary particles is declared.
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      BioinformaticsMathematicsLogic And Foundations Of MathematicsQuantum Computing
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      Fashion designGolden SectionGolden RatioFashion
In this study the efficiency of heat engines and the coefficient of performance of heat pumps are reconsidered following the idea of the golden section ratio. Two models are analyzed: the golden section Carnot cycle and the golden section... more
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      ArtsGolden SectionHEAT ENGINES
Геометрический анализ пропорций древнерусских христианских храмов X – XV вв. при помощи символической задачи «квадратура круга» выявил тесную связь с философско-богословскими понятиями и позволил описать общий принцип разбивки внутренних... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionTheologyHistorical Theology