Hallstatt and Latene period Middle Europe
Recent papers in Hallstatt and Latene period Middle Europe
m a g a z i n z u r r e g i o n a l e n k u l t u r u n d g e s c h i c h t e a u s g a b e 1 -2 0 1 3 saargeschichte|n e i n z e l p r e i s 4 , -e u r o i s s n 1 8 6 6 -5 7 3 x Ein Hauch von Weltgeschichte Ältestes römisches... more
Abstract: Das Entstehen von protourbanen Zentren zeigt in den drei Modellregionen Etrurien, Venetien und Dolenjska zwar gewisse strukturelle Ähnlichkeiten, doch dürften diese Orte unabhängig voneinander entstanden sein. Ein globaler... more
Since the incidental discovery of the famous “cult cart” in Strettweg near Judenburg 1851, the site, situated in the large inner Alpine basin of Aichfeld in upper Styria, has become wellknown. As part of an opulently equipped grave with... more
English translation on pp. 110-112
Dynamics of death - burial rituals as an object of Iron Age archaeology. - Full title: H. Wendling, Zur Dynamik des Todes – Grabrituale als Gegenstand eisenzeitlicher Archäologie. In: H. Wendling et al. (eds), Übergangswelten –... more
The paper discusses the results of archaeological investigations carried out in 1935 by Zdzisław Durczewski at Ciążeń, site 3, Lądek commune, in the course of which the remains of an early medieval cemetery and a necropolis dating to the... more
The ongoing research at Bratislava castle is the largest archaeological project of the Municipal Monument Preservation Institute in Bratislava. It was initiated by the reconstruction and renovation of the Castle, where excavation works... more
A multi-author volume published at the occassion of a major exhibition on Iron Age in Bohemia organised in the National Museum in Prague (May 25 2018 - October 2019).
In later prehistory horse ownership was a manifestation of wealth and physical prowess, and demonstrated access to distant lands. Because of the expense and restricted availability of horses, they are often reduced to indicators of status... more
A Puzzle Piece for Understanding a Peripheral but Important Micro-region: Hallstatt Period Graves from Saxen-Saxendorf in the Machland Region This contribution presents two inhumation graves from North-East Upper Austria and discusses... more
The fortified settlement “Modla” or “Barborka” near Buchlovice has been known in the literature since the 19th century. The chronological position of the site is known thanks to test-trench excavations and surface survey and it covers,... more
This work is focused on conducting an archaeological topography of the Trnavská pahorkatina Upland and Lower Váh Alluvial Plain from the age of the paleolithic to the Hallstatt period. Based on studying Professional literature we created... more
Funde der Przeworsk-Kultur in ihrem sekundären Verbreitungsgebiet werden seit der erstmaligen Entdeckung als Hinweise auf eine Wanderungsbewegung aus Polen nach Westen gedeutet. In drei Regionen finden sich kleine Gräberfelder, auf denen... more
Kniha byla vydána roku 1961 v Brně / The book was published in 1961 in Brno.
Diese Veröffentlichung beinhaltet einen Überblickstext betreffend die geschichtliche Entwicklung der östlichen und südlichen Randgebiete des Waldviertels übergreifend in das Weinviertel und in den Bereich der südseitigen Gebiete der... more
This paper discusses six tombs from Sveta Lucija (Slovenia) that were bought in 1923 from Prof. Rudolf Much (Vienna) by Prof. Albert Egges van Giffen (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) for the collection of what is now the Groningen Institute... more
ABSTRACT. In the following article one touched upon a few of the most essential questions connected with the development of the Pomeranian culture in Great Poland which, with our current knowledge, still remain unanswered. One partly... more
The article presents the site of Grofove njive near Drnovo, where an unfortified lowland settlement and a tumulus from the Early Iron Age were found. The well preserved metal grave goods provide a clear date for the tumulus, while the... more
A b dem 5. Jh. v. Chr. breitet sich in Mitteleuropa ein neuer Kunststil aus, dessen Erscheinen in der Forschung bereits früh als Übergang von der Hallstattzeit zur Frühlatènezeit (frühe jüngere Eisenzeit) angesehen wurde 1 . Dieser neue... more
Kniha byla vydána roku 1995 v Praze ve 4 vydání. The book was published in 1995 in Prague in 4 editions. ISBN: 80-200-0526-9
Kniha byla vydána v roce 1988 v Mnichově : (Prähistorische Bronzefunde. Abteilung XV. Band 1) ISBN 978-3-406-32223-5/ The book was published in 1988 in München: (Prähistorische Bronzefunde. Abteilung XV. Band 1) ISBN 978-3-406-32223-5
During 1970-72 two tumuli were excavated near the long-known prehistoric hilltop settlement of Tihany-Óvár. Its significance is reflected by the fact that it was populated from the late Urnfield period to the Hallstatt Age, hence in this... more