Recent papers in Etruscans
A little essay on the Spirit of Place, defining the difference between site and place. The case is Hampton's book on the Etruscans. The reader is ererred to my other texts on architecture and landscape, - Authoritarian... more
Abstract: Das Entstehen von protourbanen Zentren zeigt in den drei Modellregionen Etrurien, Venetien und Dolenjska zwar gewisse strukturelle Ähnlichkeiten, doch dürften diese Orte unabhängig voneinander entstanden sein. Ein globaler... more
L’iconografia della donna assisa con bambino costituisce senza dubbio il soggetto più significativo nel repertorio dei votivi fittili del santuario di Fondo Patturelli dell’anti-ca Capua. Oltre che nei piccoli votivi è rappresentato sulla... more
Kniha byla vydána v Praze roku 1990 / The book was published in Prague in 1990. ISBN 80-7066-161-5.
In this study, two of the most important Sabine deities, Sabus and Vacuna, are considered. Their names are analysed and derived from eponyms which are characteristic of Proto-Scythian global culture. Moreover, the ethnogesesis of the... more
A further examination of a most beguiling Etruscan krater from the seventh century B.C. that has fascinated scholars since its discovery in the nineteenth century.
The Mediterranean basin was a multicultural region with a great diversity of linguistic, religious, social, and ethnic groups. This dynamic social and cultural landscape encouraged extensive contact and exchange among different... more
""Etruscan is an Indo-European language, probably belonging to a sub-branch of Anatolian which does not include Hittite. This claim is based on the following evidence: • only lexical items for which Etruscologists have proposed a gloss... more
Keywords: Rjabchikov, archaeoastronomy, writing, solar eclipses, Pythagoras, Greek, Etruscan, Etruria, Egypt, Italy This paper was first read by the author on the scientific session of the Sergei Rjabchikov Foundation – Research Centre... more
The article aims to add a few thoughts on the position of the Etruscans and Trojans in the dramaturgy of Virgil's Aeneid, and to identify some values common to both peoples. The Roman historiography in fact put the Etruscans on the part... more
Funde, Eigennamen und Schriftzeichen beweisen Roms lange Zugehörigkeit zur etruskischen Kultur. Die historisch faßbaren Anfänge des Etruskertums in Italien fallen mit der mythischen Gründungzeit Roms (datiert auf 753 v. Chr.) zusammen.... more
It has been forty-one years since I presented my initial work on the Etruscan language to the curator of the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. It was about this time of the year and at the time I was thirtyeight years old. The curator... more
The Etruscans, a nickname of the prehistoric Pelasgo-Proto-Macedonic civilization from the Aegean. Erodot (Lat. Herodotus) recounts their origin in “Lydia” or “Phrygia,” both civilizations being also listed among the allies of Trojans in... more
In the past, many scholars have attempted to find tin sources, in the central Mediterranean area, for bronze production, mostly between the Medium Bronze and Recent Bronze Age (1,700-1,200 BC). In this period we can find, in the entire... more
Una storia di contadini, soldati, mercanti, aristocratici, vescovi e qualche re Dispensa per il corso di "Storia d'Italia 1" (Università d'Islanda) Versione 0.0 Forlagið Snorri Sturluson Reykjavík AD 2012
Thanks to the increasing multidisciplinary approach to the analysis of votive contexts, a meaningful amount of information about both archaeological finds and associated faunal remains is available, giving way to interpretations about... more
"The early 20th century excavation of Banditella cemetery at Marsiliana d’Albegna (Manciano, GR) provided a list of the grave-goods placed into the burials. A close analysis of all the tombs’ contents enables us to point out some... more
Updated attached exel file only, 3.09.2024. Updated to include corrections of mirrors. One mirror carries the name TIRANAII (Tyrhenni). It is the oldest extant document containing the name Herodotus referred to and may predate Herodotus'... more
The landing place of the Etruscan site of Alsium is not as well-known as the most important of Caere’s harbors, Pyrgi, and its supposed location has fluctuated between the promontory of Palo, where the Roman colonia maritima is located,... more
e s t r a t t o e s t r a t t o
Brief note about the iconography of Culsans and Culsu
In the context of an overall study of the production of the bucchero in Veii, the still unpublished materials found in the excavations of Enrico Stefani in the eastern sector of the sanctuary of Portonaccio bear witness of the level of... more
In this book, we review the studies concerning the genetic and cultural anthropology of the Po Valley (northern Italy), as far as they can shed light on its Celtic roots. As for genetic anthropology, we refer to the pioneering studies by... more
Emperor Claudius I who was born with cerebral palsy. Apart from being an emperor he was also a major Roman historian who was tutored by Livy (one of most significant Roman historians of all time). Claudius wrote a number of history... more
EGeA VOL.3 'ROMANIZZAZIONE' EGeA VOL.3 ABERSON, BIELLA, DI FAZIO, SÁNCHEZ, WULLSCHLEGER Nel 2011 Michel Aberson, Maria Cristina Biella, Massimiliano
In Etruria, the period of the " Romanization " is a phase of deep structural upheavals, which have an immediate impact both on the organization of the " minor " settlements, which are born in the late IV century, and on the system of "... more
In ogni tempo e in ogni luogo, le immagini hanno rappresentato un codice di comunicazione dalla straordinaria ricchezza semantica. Così fu anche per Etruschi, Italici e Greci, che attraverso esse crearono un vero e proprio mondo di... more
In: Etruscan Studies 14 (2011) pp. 187-199