History of Charity
Recent papers in History of Charity
The study of the daily life of representatives of the imperial house is possible thanks to such sources as their correspondence with family members, maid of honor and friends; Diaries and memories of themselves and their surroundings. A... more
The article discusses the life and work of Mitropane Lagidze, a well-known Georgian non-alcoholic beverage specialist, prominent industrialist and philanthropist, creator of the famous brand of Lagidze Waters during the Soviet period.... more
With his solemn canonisation in 1450, Bernardin of Siena was officially presented as a model for preachers and as a re-founder of the Franciscan Order. His tireless commitment to preaching and his virtues as a friar made him a perfect... more
During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries Ragged Schools were a feature of many of Sydney’s overcrowded inner city suburbs. At their height over 500 children were taught across five Schools each day. This article charts the... more
(Sydney: UNSW Press, 2013)
An interpretive history of one of Australia's largest but least known Christian charities, from the 1930s depression to the present.
An interpretive history of one of Australia's largest but least known Christian charities, from the 1930s depression to the present.
Gina Bellafante wrote in the New York Times on 3/1/20 that the city would soon feel the impact of its hospital shortage when the Covid-19 Virus arrived. She specifically singled out the closure and sale of St. Vincent's Hospital, noting... more
L'associazione «Camini fumanti» trae origine da un antico legato disposto da Bartolomeo Panzerini (a volte chiamato Bortolo nei documenti), nel suo testamento rogato il 9 febbraio 1727. L'analisi dei documenti degli archivi locali... more
Franciscan confraternities were indispensable charitable institutions in early colonial Mexico. Confraternities encouraged Indigenous self-governance within Catholic spheres, and, most notably, they built social structures where the poor... more
Anderson's book does a masterful job of tracing the theory and practice of almsgiving from the Old Testament through Second Temple Judaism and the tradition of the Church.
The author analyzes how Medieval culture and civilization in Europe was able to manage cultural, social and religious plurality and diversity without posing a threat to solidarity, openness, dynamism and the actual functioning of society... more
A fresh translation of quaestiones from the Summa theologiae of Thomas Aquinas, edited by Robert Miner. This volume provides direct access to the medieval theologian’s deepest thinking about the supreme goal of human life—... more
Uvod Pri nas so različne socialne ustanove in uradi v moških rokah. Kolikor so se žene dosedaj udejstvovale na socialnem polju, se je vršilo na nekak amaterski način -z organizacijo prireditev, s prirejanjem denarnih zbirk in slično. V... more
Those who tune in to Televisa during the first weeks of December or who circulate in the subways or on city streets in Mexico are unlikely to avoid encountering images promoting the Teletón campaign. Through the display of images of... more
This thesis focuses on the city of Bristol to examine the British voluntary hospital system in its final decades. It will locate the voluntary hospitals in their final years – between the end of the First World War and the creation of the... more
Publicado en la revista Corintios XIII 147 (2013) En los tres años que duró su gobierno (360-363 d. C.), el emperador Flavio Claudio Juliano, a quien la historia conocerá más tarde como "Juliano, el apóstata", puso todo su empeño en... more
以往研究論及美國對華洋義賑總會捐助的論述,主要集中在這些捐款 如何運用於中國境內的合作事業與賑災,較少談到該會在包括美國在內之海外地區如何進行聯繫與募款。本文認為,華洋義賑總會募款策略牽涉到其繼承近代華洋義賑之傳統,同時須兼顧1930年代以後中國民族主義問題、中國政府對於慈善主權的控制,以及世界經濟問題,都有密切的關係,而這也導致其募款重心出現由外而內之轉變。因此,本文擬利用英美外交檔案以及華洋義賑總會雙語出版品《救災會刊》(Famine Commission... more
La publicació del Memorial dels infants de l’Hospital de la Santa Creu de Barcelona posa a l’abast dels estudiosos una font de primera mà per a l’estudi de la història hospitalària a la ciutat de Barcelona, i es mostra, una vegada més, la... more
In declining economies such as we now find ourselves (in 2008-12), individuals and families are historically at risk of losing employment and housing, and, for some, even becoming homeless. In this situation the normative and logical... more
Summary Summaries of last wills and donations made by citizens of 's-Hertogenbosch and the bailiwick of ’s-Hertogenbosch between 1274 and 1651. The archives of charitable institutions in this city contain many last wills and abstracts... more
Abstract: The aim of the essay is a thoroughly innovative interpretation of the outcome of Machiavelli’s intellectual curriculum: an anti-Lutheran interpreter of Erasmus of Rotterdam (Esortazione alla penitenza, 1525... more
Focusing on the charitable aspects of Freemasonry at the local level in the north-west of England, this article discusses ways in which Freemasons became involved in local education and charitable organisations in the late eighteenth and... more
A Máltaiak történetét bemutató könyv nem csak a Szeretetszolgálat, hanem a honi segélyezéstörténet vonatkozásában is egyfajta hiányt pótol. A szervezet kialakulásáról, országos hálózatáról és működési területeiről máig nem készült önálló,... more
Between the 13th and 14th centuries in Italy, especially in Florence, a new ideology of common good takes shape, related to the enforcement of the communal «state» during the epoch marked out by popular government (regime di popolo). A... more
In the first half of the fourth century CE, church leaders, heads of state, monks, lay Christians and Jews all began to provide charitable care for the destitute poor and sick in the form of food, shelter, medical care, baths, burial and... more
Modern voluntary associations are not the result of a slow evolution starting from medieval confraternities. They are rather a typical product of the contemporary society, but at the same time they share solidaristic purposes and... more
It is widely supposed that food banks and key aspects of the UK’s wider food banking system – referral networks, eligibility tests, food vouchers, corporate sponsorship and the close entanglement of food charity with local and national... more
This dissertation examines the travelers’ aid movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries through a case study of the Travelers’ Aid Society of New York. Travelers’ aid was part of a larger movement for moral reform that... more
The cagots were a poorly understood marginalised group found on both sides of the western Pyrenees. They started to become prominent from the thirteenth century before largely disappearing in the twentieth century. This paper describes a... more
L a lèpre est l'une des maladies les plus représentatives du Moyen Âge. Par son aspect repoussant, son caractère infamant et parce qu'elle n'entraîne pas la mort immédiatement -contrairement à la peste -, la lèpre a frappé les... more
The study provides an insight of the more than 100 years history of the second significant social institution from Trei Scaune, the Stephanie Asylum from Târgu-Secuiesc. Taking care of the elderly was a pressing problem for the 19th... more
This thesis examines the function of the Hospital of Saint-Esprit in Marseille between 1306 and 1457. It relies on daily account books produced by the hospital administrators to tell the social history of the institution, reconstructing... more