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The series consists of monographs, collected volumes, as well as original texts and translations of sources whose primary focus is contact or ongoing interactions between Eastern Christian communities from the age of Patristics down to... more
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      Eastern ChristianityArab Christian StudiesCoptic StudiesArmenian History
Сегодня Всехсвятский храм возле метро Сокол является одним из самых доходных в Москве. При это о том, что в XVIII-XIX вв. он служил усыпальницей грузинской аристократии, ныне почти не помнят из-за неоднократных изменений его интерьера и... more
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      ArchaeologyDeath StudiesLocal HistoryRussian Orthodox Church
Vaxt’ang I Gorgasali († 502), re di Kartli (Georgia orientale e meridionale) – la Iberìa delle fonti greco-latine – nella seconda metà del V secolo, ha informato di sé la storia della Georgia e del Caucaso meridionale in generale. È stata... more
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      History of ChristianityChurch of the EastHistory of Georgian Orthodox ChurchHistory of the Byzantine Empire
ანჩსხატის ეკლესია თბილისში აგებული პირველი ბაზილიკური ნაგებობაა, რომელმაც დღევანდელობამდე მრავალი ცვლილება განიცადა.
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      History of Georgian Orthodox ChurchGeorgian Art and Architecture
Tomos of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, signed on 25 January, 1990 recognizing and adopting the Autocephalous status of the Orthodox Church of Georgia. Translated into English from the official source: მიტროპოლიტი ანანია ჯაფარიძე,... more
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      Canon LawGeorgiaEcumenical PatriarchateHistory of Georgian Orthodox Church
George the Hagiorite (+1065) had a huge influence on the Orthodox Church of Georgia. He contributed enormously to the enrichment of the Georgian Church and its spiritual writings. The New Testament as translated by St George remains the... more
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      Medieval StudiesOrthodox TheologyEastern ChristianityCatholic Theology
ქვაშვეთის წმინდა გიორგის სახელობის ეკლესიის აგების ისტორია, მისი არქიტექტორი და მშენებლობაში მონაწილე ოსტატები
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      History of Georgian Orthodox ChurchTbilisi, GeorgiaGeorgian Art and Architectureქართული არქიტექტურა
The work represents historical research about relationship between Western Europeans and Georgians in high middle Ages (XI-XIII). The goal is to investigate an independent character of Georgian identity in this period. The viewpoint in... more
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      History of CrusadesCrusades and the Latin EastMedieval RomeHistory of Georgia
The text deals with the issue of the current role and place of the Georgian Orthodox Church over the centuries of its history, with special consideration of the issue of the restoration of autocephaly at the beginning of the 20th century... more
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      Christian Orthodoxy and NationalismFreedom of ReligionCaucasusNational Identity
Article devoted to the bilingual coins of Bayar, Christian ruler (nutsal) of Avaria (south-western Daghestan). This copper coins were struck in the middle of the thirteenth century. On the side with Georgian Asomt'avruli inscriptions... more
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      Georgian LanguageIslamic NumismaticsNorth CaucasusMuslim-Christian Relation
A fourth unit will be about the origins of the traditional methods of the thesis of the melos, and their books. One concern of this lecture is the cathedral rite, the surviving Greek and Slavonic manuscripts of kontakarion and asmatikon... more
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      Russian StudiesArmenian StudiesSyrian StudiesRussian Orthodox Church
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      Georgian LanguageGeorgiaGeorgian foreign policyGeorgian Politics
Die Orthodoxe Apostolische Kirche Georgiens gehört zu den ältesten Kirchen der Welt. Während der Sowjetzeit erlebte sie jedoch einen beträchtlichen Bedeutungsverlust in der georgischen Gesellschaft, was zum Teil auf Repressionen durch den... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionReligion and PoliticsDemocratization
This paper was prepared for the conference "Language and Territory 2" that took place from August 30 to September 04, 2015, in Tbilisi (Georgia) by Iliya State University. It covers the topic of gradual decrease of Georgian... more
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      History of Communism; Soviet; Post-Soviet; Russia; Eastern EuropeOttoman History, Republic of TurkeyHistory of Georgian Orthodox ChurchHistory of Georgia and the Caucasus of the XVI-XX Centuries
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryArmenian StudiesByzantine StudiesLate Antiquity
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      Georgian StudiesHistory of GeorgiaHistory of Georgian Orthodox Church
"Indeed, we began to believe that most Russians hope that if they live very good and virtuous lives, they will not go to heaven, but to Georgia, when they die." (John Steinbeck) 1
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      Russian StudiesRussianRussian PoliticsRussian Orthodox Church
This book comprises twenty-one selected papers from the Fourth Congress of the international scholarly Society of Oriental Liturgy, held at the Universities of Notre Dame and Balamand in Lebanon, July 2012. These articles reflect studies... more
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      EgyptologyLiturgical StudiesMiddle East StudiesHistory of Christianity
This chapter analyses the specific development of civil society in Georgia from the Tsarist Empire in the 19 th century until today. I will try to answer the question what was and is its specific function and role configured during its... more
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      Civil Society and the Public SphereGovernance and Civil SocietyGeorgiaCivil Society
მოქვის ტაძრის ისტორია და ლეგენდა მოქველი ხუროთმოძღვრის შესახებ
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      AbkhaziaGeorgiaHistory of Georgian Orthodox Churchსაქართველოს ისტორია
Georgian version of - "On Ecumenoclasm: Anti-Ecumenism in Orthodox Theology" Posts appearing on Public Orthodoxy (Orthodox Christian Studies Center of Fordham University, New York) (April-September 2016).
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      Orthodox TheologyGeorgiaEcumenismHistory of Georgian Orthodox Church
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      Church HistoryHistory of Georgian Orthodox Church
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      Eastern European StudiesReligion and PoliticsNationalismRussian Orthodox Church
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      Medieval Church HistoryChurch HistoryGeorgiaGeorgian Manuscripts
Wie kam es zu einer Entfremdung zwischen Russland und Georgien, zweier Länder desselben chalkedonensisch-orthodoxen Glaubensbekenntnisses, deren kulturelle Verbindungen bis ins Frühmittelalter zurückreichen? Georgische Einflüsse lassen... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRussian StudiesRussian Literature
An Historical Approach to the Question of the Autocephaly of the Georgian Orthodox Church.
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      Orthodox TheologyRussian OrthodoxyGeorgiaOrthodox Christianity
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      NationalismRussian EmpireHistory of Georgian Orthodox ChurchRussian Revolution of 1905-1907
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      PortraitsPortraitureHistory of Georgian Orthodox ChurchGeorgian Art and Architecture
В третьей части исследования речь идёт о том, как обустраивались могилы известных общественных и политических деятелей. На примере могилы Александра Грибоедова показано, как попытки обустроить одно погребение могли привести к... more
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      Death and Burial (Archaeology)Anthropology of DeathGeorgiaDeath and Dying, Mourning and Remembrance
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      Georgian literatureGeorgian StudiesHistory of GeorgiaHistory of Georgian Orthodox Church
Образъ каѵказскаго «Вырьяго сада» въ русской изящной словесности
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      Eastern European StudiesRussian StudiesRussian LiteratureMiddle East Studies
Эта книга - об истоках одного из конфликтов, дестабилизирующих ситуацию в стратегически важном регионе, которым является Кавказ. Она предлагает детальное описание военной, политической и дипломатической борьбы между Россией и Грузией за... more
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      HistoryHistory of Communism; Soviet; Post-Soviet; Russia; Eastern EuropeHistory of GeorgiaHistory of Russia
The eastern Georgian kingdom of Iberia was converted to Christianity at the beginning of the fourth century. One of the most important questions regarding the Christianization of Georgia was the relation of the Church of Iberia with other... more
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      Late AntiquityHistory of Georgian Orthodox ChurchAutocephaly
В статье предпринята попытка обобщить данные о сельском погосте, ставшем со временем небольшим городским кладбищем, и обозначить основные хронологические этапы его функционирования. Перечислены некоторые категории людей, которые там были... more
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      Death StudiesFunerary ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Old Rus'
The life and works of the King of Kartli, Vakhtang I Gorgasali (c. 440-502), a dominant figure in Georgian history and historiography of the second half of the fifth century, still present unresolved enigmas even after more than 150 years... more
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      Sasanian EmpireChurch of the EastHistory of GeorgiaHistory of Georgian Orthodox Church
My paper discusses the issue of gender, politics and asceticism in fifth century Georgian hagiographical work Martyrdom of Šušanik. The composition describes the torture of fifth century Armeno-Georgian queen Šušanik at the hands of her... more
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      Late AntiquityLate Antique HagiographyHistory of Georgian Orthodox Church
Ioane Sabanisʒe, Martirio di Abo, santo e beato martire di Cristo, Introduzione, traduzione, commento e indici di Gaga Shurgaia
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      History of GeorgiaHistory of Georgian Orthodox ChurchOld Georgian Literature
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    • History of Georgian Orthodox Church
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      History of Georgian Orthodox ChurchMedieval Georgian Christian Art
სტატიაში განხილულია რუსეთის ანტიდასავლური ორიენტაციის განმაპირობებელი ფაქტორები და მოკლედაა აღწერილი აღმოსავლელი სლავების დასავლეთთან ურთიერთობის საკვანძო მომენტები და ძირითადი ეტაპები. ორსაუკუნოვანმა მონღოლურმა ბატონობამ თავისი კვალი... more
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      GeorgiaGeorgian StudiesHistory of GeorgiaHistory of Georgian Orthodox Church
წინამდებარე ნაშრომი ასახავს საქართველოს უძველესი ავტოკეფალური ეკლესიასა და მსოფლიო საპატრიარქოს შორის ურთიერთობებს იმ მცირე ინფორმაციაზე დაყრდნობით, რაც ამ მომენტში ჩვენს ხელთ არსებობს. მსოფლიო საპატრიარქოსთან საქართველოს ეკლესიის... more
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      Church HistoryEcumenical PatriarchateHistory of Georgian Orthodox Church
Throughout history, the Georgian people have often dealt with outside threats, and Orthodox Christianity was one of the main factors which preserved a sense of distinctiveness among Georgians during times like these. The OCG has naturally... more
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      Orthodox ChristianityHistory of Georgian Orthodox ChurchHistory of the Orthodox ChurchGeorgian Orthodox Church
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      Byzantine StudiesHistory of Georgian Orthodox Church
Giorgi Macharashvili, ''This will be for you as the law of Orthodoxy'' (the question of procession of the Holy Spirit in the Georgian ecclesiastical literature of the Great Schism period) - III scientific conference dedicated to Ilia... more
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      ReligionDoctrine (Military Science)Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryTheology
The conference is organized by the Department of Church History and Patristic Theology of the Faculty of Theology at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. The Christian Orient is a specific space of the encounter of different... more
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      ChristianityTheologyArab Christian StudiesSyriac Christianity
This book is about the roots of one of the conflicts in what is now a strategically important area of the world – the Caucasus. It provides detailed analysis of the military, political and diplomatic struggle for Abkhazia and Sochi in... more
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      HistoryHistory of Communism; Soviet; Post-Soviet; Russia; Eastern EuropeHistory of GeorgiaHistory of Georgian Orthodox Church
All Saint Church, built by Georgian duchess Darejan in early 1730s on the basis of smaller one, previously constructed by boyars Miloslavskiye, had been surrounded by the churchyard which was officially liquidated in 1981. Since more than... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyRussian Orthodox ChurchFunerary ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)
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      Cultural StudiesRussian StudiesForeign Policy AnalysisRussian Nationalism