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      Climate ChangeCentral Asian StudiesMongolian StudiesEurasian Nomads
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      European HistoryRoman HistoryMedieval HistoryByzantine History
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      Eurasian NomadsHunsHunok
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      Syriac StudiesSasanian HistorySassanian PersiaSassanid Empire
In this article it is attempted to survey historical developments from 379 through 568 A. D. in the territory of the two southern Pannonian Roman provinces established under the Emperor Diocletian, i.e. Pannonia Secunda or Sirmiensis and... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryCassiodorusOstrogothsGreat Migration period
Those Chinese scholars, who research the history of the Southern Huns, know the special construction method of Tongwancheng from the 130th coil of Jin shu. The Huns applied the so-called building sacrifice in order to strengthen its... more
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      Inner Asian StudiesHuns
Bu çalışmada rex ve regnum kavramlarının 6. yüzyılın ortasında İstanbul’da yazılmış bir Got Tarihi olan Getica’daki kullanımdan hareketle, yazarı Iordanes’in ve dolayısıyla bu devrin bir müverrihi için ne ifade ettiği incelenerek... more
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      Roman HistoriographyLate AntiquityHuns
Köszönjük mindazok munkáját, akik kötetünk megjelenését segítették. Tördelés: Simonkay Márton HU ISBN 978-963-89995-2-8 © Szerzők, szerkesztők, fordítók © Mika Sándor Egyesület 2016, Budapest Tartalomjegyzék Lecturis salutem! 7 Szabó... more
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      Eurasian NomadsEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyHungarian Archaeology
The Catalaunian Fields is a battle well known for the role of terrain in the battle, with Jordanes' description of the engagement focusing almost in its entirety on the hill. With the location of the battlefield now known and new research... more
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      Tactics (Military Science)Late AntiquityBattlefield ArchaeologyLate Roman Empire
Article from the American Journal of Ancient History 12 (1987 [1995]: 77-95, with a new introduction and translations of the Latin and Greek passages added (2014), but including the original pagination numbers.
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      Roman EmpireLater Roman EmpireAmmianus MarcellinusHuns
A narrative history of Central Asia after the Greek dynasties and before Islam Central Asia is commonly imagined as the marginal land on the periphery of Chinese and Middle Eastern civilisations. At best, it is understood as a series of... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesIndian studiesLate Antique ArchaeologyCentral Asian Studies
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      Religious HistoryEcclesiastical HistoryAncient RomeAttila the Hun
A jenyiszejiekkel kapcsolatban, mindössze egy hsziungnu–jenyiszeji etimológia alapján, elsőként Ligeti (1950) feltételezte, hogy a hsziungnu nép leszármazottai voltak. Pulleyblank (1962) ugyanezt állította több fonológiai és etimológiai... more
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      Historical LinguisticsEtymologyCentral Asian StudiesYeniseian Languages
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      Eurasian NomadsEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyHungarian Archaeology
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      Medieval FlandersFritz LangRichard WagnerHuns
This paper argues that the negative stereotyping of the Huns in the Western consciousness has to do with the geopolitical framework of Eurasia as outlined in the work of the influential British geographer Mackinder. By laying the... more
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      European HistoryCultural StudiesHungarianCentral Asian Studies
Choyke A. M. 2010. The Bone is the Beast: Animal Amulets and Ornaments in Power and Magic. In: D. Campana, P. Crabtree, S.D. DeFrance, J. Lev-Tov and A.Choyke (eds.) Anthropological Approaches to Zooarchaeology: Colonialism, Complexity,... more
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      ArchaeozoologyMagicMedieval ArchaeologyAmulets
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      Roman HistoryLate AntiquitySack of RomeAttila the Hun
The Huns have often been treated as primitive barbarians with no advanced political organisation. Their place of origin was the so-called 'backward steppe'. It has been argued that whatever political organisation they achieved they owed... more
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      Roman HistoryInner Asian StudiesCentral Asian StudiesEarly Medieval History
Battle of the Catalaunian Plains The last victory of the Romans. By Ziv Yoffe. אחרי שהשפיל את קונסטנטינופול והמזרח בשנת 449 , אטילה ההוני החל להביט לכיוון מערב. ניצחונותיו הרבים והפחד שזרע ברחבי שתי האימפריות נתנו לו כבר בשלב זה את... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryRoman HistoryRoman military history
This chapter seeks to highlight the dynamics behind the changing nature of the western Roman Army in the first half of the fifth century, through the concept of ‘Warlordism’. The term ‘warlord’ has often been used in a generic way in the... more
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      Ancient HistoryMilitary HistoryRoman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine History
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      HistoryLate AntiquityEarly Middle Ages (History)Barbarian Invasions
This essay, based on the newest researches about Huns and their costumes, analises Huns' origins and their long voyage to Europe. They were considered 'barbarians' as we today consider refugees and migrants and their king, Attila, has... more
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      Asian StudiesEuropean StudiesChinaMigration Studies
Около произхода на хуните се спори поне от XVIII в., когато Жозеф Дьогин (1721-1800) идентифицира европейските хуни с познатата от китайските извори народност сюн-ну (hsiong-nu) 1 . По-късно тази хипотеза е възприета и популяризирана от... more
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      Early Medieval HistoryHunsBarbarians and Romans in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages
The present research has focused on the comparative history of the Gepidic Kingdom in the Carpathian Basin from the early migration period till the disintegration of its political structures. The Gepids, who spoke an Eastern-Germanic... more
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      Early Middle Ages (History)Merovingian periodArchaeology of the AvarsLangobards
Музейні читання. Матеріали наукової конференції, грудень 2001 р. Київ, Музей історичних коштовностей України. — Київ: 2002. — 284 с. Статті та розвідки, вміщені в збірнику, присвячені різноманітним проблемам вивчення та збереження... more
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      Museum StudiesHistory of ReligionMuseumUkrainian Studies
Şubat 18, 2020 TÜRK KÜLTÜR VE SANATINDA: BALIK SEMBOLÜ VE TÜRKLERİN İLK YERLEŞİM ALANLARININ TASVİRİ Altay Yaratılış Destanında Tanrı, arşı su üzerinde yaratmıştır. Evrende canlılığın ve yaşamın varolması suya bağlıdır. (Burada Evrenin... more
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      SumerianScythiansHunsArkeoloji, Türk Sanatı
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      Late Middle AgesLate AntiquityDark Ages HistoryOstrogoths
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      Hunsethno-linguistic origins of Huns
As archaeological evidence confirms, the Germanic groups who established kingdoms in northwest Europe during the Age of Migrations were participants in a broad cultural zone extending well into Eurasia. Elements of Anglo-Saxon culture in... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesShamanismAnglo-Saxon archaeologyAttila the Hun
Bulgar diye anılan boylar birlikteliğinin oluşumunda ve Magna (Büyük) Bulgar ile Tuna Bulgar devletlerinin kurucu unsurları arasında yer alan Onogurlar, Oğuzların kardeşi ve batı kolu olan Ogurlara mensup idiler. Avrupa Hun Devleti’nin... more
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      HunsTurksethno-linguistic origins of HunsBulgars
Cultural and linguistic interaction between Turkic and Western languages, contrary to popular belief, started not in the period after Christ, but much earlier in the Scythian period. It is possible to find concrete examples of linguistic... more
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      Turkic Speaking PeoplesOld TurkicAncient Greek PhilosophyIndo-European Linguistics
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      Medieval HistoryInternational TradeAfghanistanCentral Asian Studies
Bozkırın Oğlu: Ahmet Taşağıl’a Armağan, Editör: Tuğba Eray Biber, İstanbul: Yeditepe Yay. 2019, s. 115-122 (ISBN: 978-605-7800-48-0).
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      Medieval HistoriographyTurkish HistoryLate AntiquityMerovingian period
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      Roman HistoriographyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesHistoriography
This is a complex analysis of the Battle of the Catalaunian Fields. It utilizes the latest in research on the Late Roman Period, as well as research in Roman, Germanic, and Steppe tactics, to reconstruct the campaign and battle as... more
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      Roman HistoryLate Roman ArmyAttila the HunHuns
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      Late AntiquityArchaeology of the AvarsProcopiusAncient Warfare
Various documentary and numismatic sources mention the Kidarites, an enigmatic group of nomads in Central Asian history. This article attempts to reconstruct the chronology of the Kidarites primarily on the basis of documentary sources,... more
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      BuddhismCentral asian historyHunsGandhara
The Hephtalites as a political entity, not a linguistic or ethnic one
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      Central Asian StudiesEurasian NomadsHunsVölkerwanderung
in Tirana. The title of the conference was 'The Balkans at a Crossroads: Evaluating Past, Reading Present, Imagining Future'.
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      PhilologyHistorical LinguisticsCentral Eurasian StudiesOld Turkic
See the abstract of the English version.
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      Central Asian History (Area Studies)HunsGandharaKidarites
У каждого народа есть своя легендарная история и «предфилософия»: у индусов – «Ригведа», у иранцев – «Авеста», у евреев – «Пятикнижие» и т.д. У тюркских народов Турана таковым является древнее учение «Жасау ізі» («Яссы», «Тропа... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryMedieval HistoryCentral Asian Studies
The present paper is a continued and enlarged version of the same title by the same author published in Central Asiatic Journal 56 (2012/2013). This approach identifies Hungarian and Yeniseian shared etymologies (etyma) and discusses... more
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      Historical LinguisticsEtymologyCentral Asian StudiesComparative Linguistics
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      MigrationHistorical EventsHuns
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval Archaeology
This thesis examines the evidence surrounding the Battle of Nedao, an engagement between Ardaric, leader of the Gepids and other rebelling tribes, and Ellac, the eldest son of Attila. It argues against the claim that, after Attila’s... more
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      Roman HistoryLate AntiquityAttila the HunGepids
On the relationship between the Xiongnu and the Huns: the Sogdian and Bactrian testimonies naming Xiongnu Huns and Huns Xiongnu are here vindicated
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      Eurasian NomadsMigrationsHunsVölkerwanderung
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      HunsIranian HunsHistory and civilisation of the Huns, ScythiansThe World of the Huns: Studies in Their History and Culture