Hurricane Katrina Disaster Response and Recovery
Recent papers in Hurricane Katrina Disaster Response and Recovery
Throughout the years, various presidential administrations have responded to the needs of American citizens in distress after the devastation caused by natural and technological disasters. This paper traces the history of natural disaster... more
This is an unpublished essay that I circulated privately in September 2005, several weeks after Hurricane Katrina struck the City of New Orleans. Having lived in the Big Easy while in college and having made it and its culture and its... more
Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans in August 2005, driving hundreds of thousands of residents out of the city and causing upwards of $55 billion in damage. Between August 2005 and New Year's Day 2006, New Orleans lost over half its... more
This Applied Research Project is an exploratory study seeking to establish a theoretical framework for long-term disaster recovery efforts. Through the use of qualitative interviews conducted with senior managers of national nonprofit... more
After World War II, members of a small black middle class in southern cities such as Dallas, Atlanta, and New Orleans settled in newly built suburban-style subdivisions of single-family homes. While scholars have examined the design... more
How social justice advocates responded to Hurricane Katrina and 13 lessons for people in the next disaster
After a disaster the role of the incident commanders and other decision makers, must eventually must shift from assisting coordination of emergency search, rescue, and relief operations to positioning resources and preparing personnel for... more
Analysis by specialists (medical, government, security personnel, etc.) enhances situational awareness, reduces situational analysis uncertainties, boosts the capacity to act and react with what Howitt and Leonard describe as situational... more
This is the first chapter of Capitalizing on Disaster: Taking and Breaking Public Schools (Routledge 2007). It details the way that neoliberal educational restructuring was accomplished through the use of the natural disaster.... more
Abstract Background A comprehensive review of the design principles and methodological approaches that have been used to make inferences from the research on disasters in children is needed. Objective To identify the methodological... more
This text later appeared as Chapter 7 of the book The Impossible Community: Realizing Communitarian Anarchism. It incorporates much of the material from the articles entitled "A Letter from New Orleans" and "Postscript to a Letter from... more
Konflikty zbrojne stanowi¹ce widmo dla bezpieczeñstwa pañstwa, dzisiaj nie s¹ postrzegane jako g³ówne zagro¿enie dla ³adu w pañstwie. Coraz wiêkszego znaczenia na-bieraj¹ zagro¿enia o charakterze niemilitarnym, które stanowi¹ nowe... more
ABSTRACT Because governmental structures put in place to mitigate disaster risks and aid communities in the disaster recovery process have, at times, proven to be inadequate, reliance on other types of organizations is necessary for some... more
From New Clear Vision (Sept. 21, 2015). A reflection on the recent Katrina commemoration events, on the true legacy of the Katrina disaster, and on what has been silenced in the name of resilience and redevelopment.
While the catastrophe following Hurricane Katrina, the "war on terror" and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are usually conceived of separately, this essay demonstrates their profound interconnectedness, from the siphoning off of natural... more
Was Hurricane Katrina a third world disaster in a first world country? Was it a natural disaster but a man-made catastrophe? Were the rights of the vulnerable, the poor, ethnic minorities, and women ignored? Hurricane Katrina momentarily... more
This article explores the ways in which Josh Neufeld’s documentary comic, A.D.: New Orleans After the Deluge, which was published first online from 2007 to 2008 and then collected in book form in 2009, offers a radical visual commentary... more
Alongside the ruins of asymmetrical warfare, we are now living in an era of unimaginable natural destruction. The irreversible effects of climate change, hurricanes, large-scale earthquakes and tsunamis haunt our social psyche and capture... more
This collection applies an interdisciplinary approach to the study of hazards and disasters producing contemplative but concrete case studies of disaster impacts, responses, and recovery.
Community Building in the Context of Project Recovery:
Reflections on the Role of Dr. Alma Dawson to Enhance the Sustainability of Library Services in South Louisiana Following Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita.
Reflections on the Role of Dr. Alma Dawson to Enhance the Sustainability of Library Services in South Louisiana Following Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita.
There is a perceived lack of longitudinal studies of urban recovery after disaster in general, and of research that integrates urban studies with disaster or vulnerability research and related models of disaster recovery in particular.... more
In 2005, the Surviving Katrina and Rita in Houston (SKRH) project formed in response to the largest sudden diaspora in United States history, which drove residents of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama into the Houston area. Within the... more
In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, it is plain to see that there was inadequate planning, preparation and mitigation by the federal government to handle such extreme circumstances as the “storm of the century”. The men and women... more
Purpose – Following a natural disaster the cleanup process usually takes place before reconstruction or rebuild can actually be implemented. Effectiveness of cleanup process determines the possible level of speed for implementing rebuild... more
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leading to wide distribution of the energy of
the hurricane
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PDFs of cover and complete text of FLOOD BOOK, an illustrated post-Katrina rant about natural and unnatural disasters, tragedies and triumphs.
While the United States has been willing to normalize relations with our previous enemies, including Vietnam, there are powerful factions in the United States that react whenever talk of relaxing current policies comes to the fore. Their... more
Volunteers and volunteer resource managers play critical roles in the response following a natural disaster. Episodic volunteerism, a key aspect of volunteerism today, has become increasingly important in the disaster recovery process.... more
Kammerbauer, M. (2013): This contribution deals with contradictions between recovery planning and urban masterplanning in the case of the urban mega-disaster in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. While recovery planning is intended to... more
Through a critical discourse analysis of news media after the US Gulf Coast hurricane Katrina and the Haiti earthquake disasters, we draw from Soss et al.'s (2011) ideas about US poverty governance – neolib-eral paternalism – to identify... more
“Photodocumentary of Returning Ninth Ward Residents” in: Rebuilding Community After Katrina: Transformative Education in the New Orleans Planning Initiative, eds. Ken Reardon and John Forester. (Philadelphia: Temple University Press), 2015.
The essay, which imitates the cadence and structure of poetry and includes singing, appears not only in print but as a recorded performance piece, videotaped specifically for the journal.
For many, the experience of long-term evacuation was more than simply being away from home; it encompassed trying to become familiar with the terribly unfamiliar.
... Capitalizing on Disaster: Taking and Breaking Public Schools By Kenneth J. Saltman. ElizabethVillarreal. Article first published online: 14 DEC 2009. ... Get PDF (36K). More content like this. Find more content: like this article.... more
In 2005, the Surviving Katrina and Rita in Houston (SKRH) project formed in response to the largest sudden diaspora in United States history, which drove residents of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama into the Houston area. Within the... more
“FEMA doesn't evacuate communities. FEMA does not do law enforcement. FEMA does not do communications...Many may be surprised to learn that, guess what, FEMA doesn't own fire trucks. We don't own ambulances. We don't own search and rescue... more