Image Based Modeling
Recent papers in Image Based Modeling
Visual inspection by a human operator has been mostly used up till now to detect cracks in sewer pipes. In this paper, we address the problem of automated detection of such cracks. We propose a model which detects crack fractures that may... more
Mathematical Modelling has a long history in developmental biology. Advances in experimental techniques and computational algorithms now permit the development of increasingly more realistic models of organogenesis. In particular, 3D... more
... Jenssen Chang Shanghai Gaitech Scientific Instruments Shanghai, China Philippe Young, Gavin Tabor, Sam Coward School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics University of Exeter Exeter, United Kingdom ...
: A tree is modeled using a set of input photographs. We show some examples of input and resulting 3D tree models. If image information is not available, e.g. the foliage is missing, the user is able to sketch it (right). The models... more
In this paper we developed an approach to 3D modeling of complex architecture such as medieval castles using multiple types of data. The method creates independent models from each type then assembles and integrates them to form one... more
We present a method of recovering high dynamic range radiance maps from photographs taken with conventional imaging equipment. In our method, multiple photographs of the scene are taken with different amounts of exposure. Our algorithm... more
U današnje vrijeme, moderna tehnologija se često mijenja i brzo napreduje. Korištenje 3D modela u arheologiji, mnogi smatraju kao nešto što nam je tehnologija omogućila tek unazad nekoliko godina, no njihova primjena u arheologiji... more
A new method called TIP (Tour Into the Picture) is presented for easily making animations from one 2D picture or photograph of a scene. In TIP, animation is created from the viewpoint of a camera which can be three-dimensionally "walked... more
Image stabilisation (IS) is a family of approaches whose aim is to reduce motion blur in still images and shaking effect in video frames. A variety of techniques are currently implemented in cameras and camcorders: some involve hardware... more
J. Reinhard, 3D-Dokumentation mit Drohne. In: M. Sauter (Hrsg.), Surenenpass. Archäologie und Geschichte in Attinghausen. Archäologische Prospektion - Archaeological Survey 1 (Hochwald 2016), 172-183. For the 3D models see... more
Computer Vision Photogrammetry allows users to simply upload a series of overlapping pictures of a scene into dedicated software in order to automatically generate an accurate three-dimensional model of that scene. In this master thesis I... more
In various disciplines, particularly those that utilise techniques developed in the geosciences, the display, analysis and interpretation of three-dimensional (3D) data is very important. This is also the case in archaeology. Irrespective... more
Automatic attendance system is one of the significant issues of today's research. Among other methods, human face recognition is highly used technique for attendance automation. Many systems have been proposed in literature using face... more
A new method called TIP (Tour Into the Picture) is presented for easily making animations from one 2D picture or photograph of a scene. In TIP, animation is created from the viewpoint of a camera which can be three-dimensionally "walked... more
Computer Vision Photogrammetry allows archaeologists to accurately record underwater sites in three dimensions using simple two dimensional picture or video sequences, automatically processed in dedicated software. In this article, I... more
Nowadays, travel has become a popular activity for people to relax their body and mind. Taking photos is then often an inevitable and frequent event during one's trip for recording the enjoyable experience. To help people to relive the... more
Die Großen Sloopsteene sind eines der schönsten und besterhaltenen Großsteingräber Westfalens. Die Anlage entspricht in ihrem Aufbau den sogenannten Ganggräbern und gehört damit zur Trichterbecherkultur, die von 3500 bis 2800 v. Chr. in... more
This article presents a novel method for acquiring high-quality solid models of complex 3D shapes from multiple calibrated photographs. After the purely geometric constraints associated with the silhouettes found in each image have been... more
A satellite sensor image based model suggested by Price was investigated for the estimation of Leaf Area Index (LAI) using data acquired by Linear Imaging Self Scanner-III (LISS-III) onboard Indian Remote Sensing Satellite-1C (IRS-1C)... more
Il lavoro proposto vuole ottimizzare una metodologia di documentazione dell’architettura che, a partire dalle fotografie panoramiche, si misura di volta in volta con gli strumenti e le tecnologie a disposizione per proporre una soluzione... more
This research deals with an efficient and low cost methodology to obtain a metric and photorealstic survey of a complex architecture. Photomodeling is an already tested interactive approach to produce a detailed and quick 3D model... more
The influence of wall motion on the hemodynamic characteristics of the human femoral bifurcation and its effects on the development of peripheral artery disease has not been previously investigated. This study aimed in investigating the... more
The article deals with the use of an integrated GIS- and image-based modelling approach to archaeological field documentation, developed for the Borderlands: ARISE project. The project, established in 2014, examines social boundaries and... more
This paper proposes an image-based modeling of clouds where realistic clouds are created from satellite images using metaballs. The intention of the paper is for applications to space flight simulators, the visualization of the weather... more
Image-based modeling of tumor growth combines methods from cancer simulation and medical imaging. In this context, we present a novel approach to adapt a healthy brain atlas to MR images of tumor patients. In order to establish... more
This thesis aims to use an approach based upon image-based 3D modeling in a comparative analysis of maquetas and ceremonial structures from the Late Moche Period in the Jequetepeque Valley, Peru, and determine if this approach is... more
A convenient new photogrammetric technique, the spherical photogrammetry, particularly suitable for architecture and archaeology metric recording, has been set up and already used in many projects (Fangi, 2007,2008,2009,2010). From a... more
Atmospheric correction is an important preprocessing step required in many remote sensing applications. The authors are engaged in the project 'Human Dimensions of Amazonia: Forest Regeneration and Landscape Structure' in NASA/INPE's... more
The surface of most heritage objects holds important clues about their creation. To answer specific research questions about a 16 thcentury mural painting located in the Bischofstor of Vienna's St. Stephen's Cathedral, the... more
Motivated by the need for an informative, unbiased and quantitative perceptual method for the development and evaluation of a talking head we are developing, we propose a new test based on the "McGurk Effect". Our approach helps to... more
Multi-image panoramas are normally used extensively for virtual tours and documentation of Cultural Heritage for their easiness and completeness. Moreover they have metric capabilities enabling the 3d evaluation of an object provided at... more
Visual inspection by a human operator has been mostly used up till now to detect cracks in sewer pipes. In this paper, we address the problem of automated detection of such cracks. We propose a model which detects crack fractures that may... more