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Visual inspection by a human operator has been mostly used up till now to detect cracks in sewer pipes. In this paper, we address the problem of automated detection of such cracks. We propose a model which detects crack fractures that may... more
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      Image Based ModelingVisual Inspection
Mathematical Modelling has a long history in developmental biology. Advances in experimental techniques and computational algorithms now permit the development of increasingly more realistic models of organogenesis. In particular, 3D... more
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      Numerical SimulationsComputational BiologyComsol Multi PhysicsImage Based Modeling
... Jenssen Chang Shanghai Gaitech Scientific Instruments Shanghai, China Philippe Young, Gavin Tabor, Sam Coward School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics University of Exeter Exeter, United Kingdom ...
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceImage ProcessingUltrasound
: A tree is modeled using a set of input photographs. We show some examples of input and resulting 3D tree models. If image information is not available, e.g. the foliage is missing, the user is able to sketch it (right). The models... more
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      Information SystemsFirst-Order LogicImage Based ModelingFlow Simulation
In this paper we developed an approach to 3D modeling of complex architecture such as medieval castles using multiple types of data. The method creates independent models from each type then assembles and integrates them to form one... more
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      Cultural HeritageLevel Of Detail (LOD)Virtual RealityImage Based Modeling
Pri iskopavanju 1999. godine provedenom oko ostataka pročelja crkve cistercitske opatije, čiji se ostaci nalaze u parku Opatovina u Topuskom, pronađena je veća količina kamenih komada arhitektonskih elemenata. Tijekom 2018. godine... more
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      Archaeological documentationMedieval ArchaeologyCistercian architectureMonastic Architecture
We present a method of recovering high dynamic range radiance maps from photographs taken with conventional imaging equipment. In our method, multiple photographs of the scene are taken with different amounts of exposure. Our algorithm... more
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      Image ProcessingDigital Image ProcessingHigh Dynamic RangeComputer Graphic
U današnje vrijeme, moderna tehnologija se često mijenja i brzo napreduje. Korištenje 3D modela u arheologiji, mnogi smatraju kao nešto što nam je tehnologija omogućila tek unazad nekoliko godina, no njihova primjena u arheologiji... more
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      Archaeological documentation3d Reconstructions in Archaeology3D Laser Scanning (Archaeology)Image Based Modeling
A new method called TIP (Tour Into the Picture) is presented for easily making animations from one 2D picture or photograph of a scene. In TIP, animation is created from the viewpoint of a camera which can be three-dimensionally "walked... more
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    • Image Based Modeling
Image stabilisation (IS) is a family of approaches whose aim is to reduce motion blur in still images and shaking effect in video frames. A variety of techniques are currently implemented in cameras and camcorders: some involve hardware... more
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      Computer VisionPhotogrammetryDigital PhotographyDigital Photogrammetry applied to Archaeology
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      PhotogrammetrySpatial AnalysisLiDARGeo-spatial analysis with GIS and GPS
J. Reinhard, 3D-Dokumentation mit Drohne. In: M. Sauter (Hrsg.), Surenenpass. Archäologie und Geschichte in Attinghausen. Archäologische Prospektion - Archaeological Survey 1 (Hochwald 2016), 172-183. For the 3D models see... more
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      PhotogrammetryClose-range Photogrammetry3D visualisationDigital Photogrammetry applied to Archaeology
Computer Vision Photogrammetry allows users to simply upload a series of overlapping pictures of a scene into dedicated software in order to automatically generate an accurate three-dimensional model of that scene. In this master thesis I... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyComputer VisionPhotogrammetryArchaeological Graphics & Illustration
In various disciplines, particularly those that utilise techniques developed in the geosciences, the display, analysis and interpretation of three-dimensional (3D) data is very important. This is also the case in archaeology. Irrespective... more
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      Computer GraphicsComputer Vision3D GISAerial Archaeology
Automatic attendance system is one of the significant issues of today's research. Among other methods, human face recognition is highly used technique for attendance automation. Many systems have been proposed in literature using face... more
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      Image-based RenderingObject-based image analysisContent based image retrievalImage Based Modeling
A long standing goal in image-based modeling and rendering is to capture a scene from camera images and construct a sufficient model to allow photo-realistic rendering of new views. With the confluence of computer graphics and vision, the... more
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      Relevance TheoryReal-time renderingVirtual RealityComputer Graphic
A new method called TIP (Tour Into the Picture) is presented for easily making animations from one 2D picture or photograph of a scene. In TIP, animation is created from the viewpoint of a camera which can be three-dimensionally "walked... more
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      Computer GraphicsImage Based Modeling
Presentation given by Benjamin Wild at the 3D-ARCH conference and winner of the best paper award.
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      ArchaeologyPhotogrammetryPhotographyCultural Heritage
Project INDIGO wants to ensure the digital survival of a large part of Vienna's graffiti-scape by creating a long-term, accurate, exhaustive, open access and interactive online archive. The digital photographs of graffiti constitute one... more
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      PhotogrammetryPhotographyCultural HeritageIntangible cultural heritage
This paper reports in detail on the image-based modelling and unwrapping approach used to create a two-dimensional projected map of an astonishing ostrich egg globe from AD 1504. This miniature egg globe is not only the oldest extant... more
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      ArchaeologyPhotogrammetryDigital PhotographyRenaissance Studies
The excavated architecture of the exceptional prehistoric site of Akrotiri on the Greek island of Thera/Santorini is endangered by gradual decay, damage due to accidents, and seismic shocks, being located on an active volcano in an... more
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      GeophysicsPhotogrammetryPhotographyGround Penetrating Radar (GPR)
Using Montarice in central Adriatic Italy as a case study, this paper focuses on the extraction of the spectral (i.e., plant colour) and geometrical (i.e., plant height) components of a crop canopy from archived aerial photographs,... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyComputer VisionRemote SensingPhotogrammetry
Computer Vision Photogrammetry allows archaeologists to accurately record underwater sites in three dimensions using simple two dimensional picture or video sequences, automatically processed in dedicated software. In this article, I... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyComputer VisionPhotogrammetryArchaeological Graphics & Illustration
: From left to right: image of a visuo-haptic mixed reality scene where the haptic device produces visual obtrusion of the background; visual removal of the haptic device; background completion based on image-based rendering; and final... more
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      Augmented RealityMixed RealityData VisualisationVirtual Reality
Over the last few decades photogrammetry and laser scanning have been frequently considered valuable tools for creating three-dimensional models from which metric and radiometric information can be derived for the survey of cultural... more
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      PhotogrammetryCultural Heritage3d -ModelingImage Based Modeling
Nowadays, travel has become a popular activity for people to relax their body and mind. Taking photos is then often an inevitable and frequent event during one's trip for recording the enjoyable experience. To help people to relive the... more
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      User StudyImage Based Modeling
We introduce ideas, proposed technologies, and initial results for an office of the future that is based on a unified application of computer vision and computer graphics in a system that combines and builds upon the notions of the CAVE™,... more
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      Image-based RenderingAugmented RealityVirtual EnvironmentStructured Light
Die Großen Sloopsteene sind eines der schönsten und besterhaltenen Großsteingräber Westfalens. Die Anlage entspricht in ihrem Aufbau den sogenannten Ganggräbern und gehört damit zur Trichterbecherkultur, die von 3500 bis 2800 v. Chr. in... more
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      Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)OsteoarchaeologyMegalithic MonumentsMegaliths (Archaeology)
The 3D digitisation of small artefacts is a very complicated procedure because of their complex morphological feature structures, concavities, rich decorations, high frequency of colour changes in texture, increased accuracy requirements... more
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      3D ReconstructionFocus stackingImage Based Modeling
Most people like 3D visualizations. Whether it is in movies, holograms or games, 3D (literally) adds an extra dimension to conventional pictures. However, 3D data and their visualizations can also have scientic archaeological benets:... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationMedieval Croatian HistoryCroatia
This article presents a novel method for acquiring high-quality solid models of complex 3D shapes from multiple calibrated photographs. After the purely geometric constraints associated with the silhouettes found in each image have been... more
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      Computer VisionImage ProcessingModelingDynamic programming
A satellite sensor image based model suggested by Price was investigated for the estimation of Leaf Area Index (LAI) using data acquired by Linear Imaging Self Scanner-III (LISS-III) onboard Indian Remote Sensing Satellite-1C (IRS-1C)... more
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      Remote SensingNear InfraredSeasonalityGeomatic Engineering
In diesem Artikel präsentieren wir eine Anwendung von 3D-Modellierungen archäologischer Grabungen für die Beantwortung archäologischer Fragestellungen. Als Fallbeispiel dienen Ausgrabungsdaten eines frühbronzezeitlichen wiedergeöffneten... more
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      Archaeology3D GISBurial Practices (Archaeology)Bronze Age (Archaeology)
Il lavoro proposto vuole ottimizzare una metodologia di documentazione dell’architettura che, a partire dalle fotografie panoramiche, si misura di volta in volta con gli strumenti e le tecnologie a disposizione per proporre una soluzione... more
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      Image-based RenderingSurvey Research (Research Methodology)Virtual RealityPanoramic Photography
This research deals with an efficient and low cost methodology to obtain a metric and photorealstic survey of a complex architecture. Photomodeling is an already tested interactive approach to produce a detailed and quick 3D model... more
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      Survey MethodologyStructure from MotionVirtual RealityPanoramic Photography
In-situ micro X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) tests of concrete cubes under progressive compressive loading were carried out to study 3D fracture evolution. Both direct segmentation of the tomography and digital volume correlation (DVC)... more
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      Civil EngineeringMaterials ScienceComputed TomographyFracture
The influence of wall motion on the hemodynamic characteristics of the human femoral bifurcation and its effects on the development of peripheral artery disease has not been previously investigated. This study aimed in investigating the... more
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      EngineeringComputational Fluid DynamicsFluid structure interactionFluid Dynamics
The article deals with the use of an integrated GIS- and image-based modelling approach to archaeological field documentation, developed for the Borderlands: ARISE project. The project, established in 2014, examines social boundaries and... more
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      Image ProcessingPhotogrammetryNeolithic ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
This paper proposes an image-based modeling of clouds where realistic clouds are created from satellite images using metaballs. The intention of the paper is for applications to space flight simulators, the visualization of the weather... more
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      Computer GraphicsVisualizationComputational ModelingComputer Animation
Image-based modeling of tumor growth combines methods from cancer simulation and medical imaging. In this context, we present a novel approach to adapt a healthy brain atlas to MR images of tumor patients. In order to establish... more
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      AlgorithmsBiomedical EngineeringBrain ImagingBiomechanics
This paper presents a method to automatically calculate texture maps for a given three-dimensional object out of a sequence of images. It is used in our image-based modeling approach after the registration of the images and the geometric... more
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      Cognitive ScienceGeometric modelImage Based ModelingThree Dimensional
This thesis aims to use an approach based upon image-based 3D modeling in a comparative analysis of maquetas and ceremonial structures from the Late Moche Period in the Jequetepeque Valley, Peru, and determine if this approach is... more
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      Image Based ModelingMoche ArchaeologyMaquetas
The research aims to optimize a workflow of architecture documentation: starting from panoramic photos, tackling available instruments and technologies to propose an integrated, quick and low-cost solution of Virtual Architecture. The... more
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      3D ReconstructionSurvey Research (Research Methodology)Immersive EnvironmentsPanoramic Photography
A convenient new photogrammetric technique, the spherical photogrammetry, particularly suitable for architecture and archaeology metric recording, has been set up and already used in many projects (Fangi, 2007,2008,2009,2010). From a... more
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      Survey MethodologyClose-range Photogrammetry3D Modelling (Architecture)Structure from Motion
Atmospheric correction is an important preprocessing step required in many remote sensing applications. The authors are engaged in the project 'Human Dimensions of Amazonia: Forest Regeneration and Landscape Structure' in NASA/INPE's... more
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      Remote SensingLand CoverGeomatic EngineeringAtmospheric Correction
The surface of most heritage objects holds important clues about their creation. To answer specific research questions about a 16 thcentury mural painting located in the Bischofstor of Vienna's St. Stephen's Cathedral, the... more
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      Computer VisionPhotogrammetryPaintingMesh generation
Motivated by the need for an informative, unbiased and quantitative perceptual method for the development and evaluation of a talking head we are developing, we propose a new test based on the "McGurk Effect". Our approach helps to... more
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      Video AnalysisMcGurk EffectImage Based ModelingFacial Animation
Multi-image panoramas are normally used extensively for virtual tours and documentation of Cultural Heritage for their easiness and completeness. Moreover they have metric capabilities enabling the 3d evaluation of an object provided at... more
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      Virtual Environments3D ReconstructionClose-range PhotogrammetryImage Based Modeling
Visual inspection by a human operator has been mostly used up till now to detect cracks in sewer pipes. In this paper, we address the problem of automated detection of such cracks. We propose a model which detects crack fractures that may... more
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      Image Based ModelingVisual Inspection