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Any building can be perceived as the summation of specific actions surrounding the gathering and construction of a precise volume and variety of materials. By working backwards and quantifying its individual aspects, a structure can be... more
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      Virtual ArchaeologyGreek ArchaeologyArchaic Greek historyAncient Greek History
The study covers the geomorphological transformations of the area in which the city of Urbino rises, starting from the first Roman settlement, until reaching the nineteenth-­‐century nucleus and the current situation. The design of the... more
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      Urban HistoryUrban Studies3D ReconstructionVirtual Reconstruction
Etruscan terracotta artefacts often retain a substantial amount of their original polychromy providing us with the material clues essential to form a well-founded understanding of the original appearance and the way it was obtained. Six... more
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      Virtual ReconstructionPolychromy in Ancient ArtArchitectural terracottasReconstruction issues
1899 entdeckt Max von Oppenheim am Tell Halaf (Syrien) einen aramäischen Palast mit monumentalen Skulpturen und Bildreliefs aus dem frühen 1. Jt. v. Chr. Es folgten Ausgrabungen und Teile der Bildwerke wurden nach Berlin gebracht. Ein... more
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      Museum StudiesMuseums and Exhibition DesignAncient Near EastExhibition Design (Architecture)
This article presents some results achieved by the IBAM CNR for the reconstructive study of the Greco-Roman theater of Taormina, aimed at the realization of a CG film presented at the G7 summit (26-27 May 2017). The reconstruction is... more
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      ArchaeologyArchitectureAncient Greek and Roman TheatreVirtual Reconstruction
In 1928, the Ossolineum celebrated centenary of existence. The total number of numismatic objects at that time can be estimated at c. 21,500 specimens (coins and medals of Poland and foreign lands, and ancient coins). One of the most... more
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      HistoryMuseum StudiesHistory of MuseumsNumismatics
In dem Beitrag wird auf der Grundlage von konkreten Forschungserfahrungen der generelle Umgang mit digitalen 3D-Rekonstruktionsmodellen historischer Bauten als nachhaltigem Wissensspeicher und Kommunikationswerkzeug für die... more
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      Virtual ReconstructionCountry HousesBarockforschung
Trabajos planimétricos y reconstrucciones virtuales del urbanismo existente y de las hipótesis planteadas.
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      ArchaeologyComputer GraphicsIslamic HistoryArchaeology of Architecture
Augmented reality is a rapidly evolving technology that enriches reality with computer generated information as well as a powerful tool that provides innovative ways of information access at cultural heritage sites. In this paper, an... more
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      Computer VisionPhotogrammetryCultural HeritageAugmented Reality
"Towards a Scientific Model for Visual Reconstruction of Extinct Architectural Heritage" PhD. Thesis (in Arabic language with English Summary) Despite the value of monuments and historic buildings, they are subject to be destroyed or... more
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      Islamic' ArchitectureVirtual ReconstructionHistory of architecture3d Reconstructions in Archaeology
A iniciativa Simpósio de Arqueologia Virtual, de escala ibérica desde os primeiros passos, assume na sua filosofia o conceito inovador de “maratona” de Arqueologia Virtual e onde está inerente um espírito corporativo, interdisciplinar e... more
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      ArchaeologyDigital HeritageVirtual ReconstructionDigital Cultural Heritage
Tutti i sistemi di visualizzazione computer-based devono essere essenzialmente trasparenti, ad esempio verificabili da altri ricercatori o professionisti, dato che la validità - e quindi la finalità - delle conclusioni prodotte da tali... more
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      VirtualizationVirtual ReconstructionArchaeological Virtual Environments3d Reconstructions in Archaeology
In diesem Artikel wird auf den Umgang mit zeitgenössischen digitalen Medien hinsichtlich der Vermittlung bauhistorischer Themen eingegangen. In der Zwischenkriegszeit (vordergründig das Jahr 1938) wurde eine Vielzahl von jüdischen... more
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      Virtual ReconstructionArchaeology, Virtual Reconstructions, Computer Applications
In XVIII and XIX centuries the city of L’Aquila is described in two interesting cartographies dating back to 1753 and to 1858. The first one, by Antonio Francesco Vandi from Bologna, can be related to the map of Roma by Giovanni Battista... more
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      Urban HistoryHistory of CartographyVirtual ReconstructionArchitectural Representation
Развитие нового направления исторической информатики, связанного с разработкой вирту- альных реконструкций объектов историко-куль- турного наследия (основанных на использовании технологий 3D-моделирования), требует обобще- ния опыта... more
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      Digital Humanities3D visualisation3D Modelling (Architecture)Virtual Reconstruction
В исторических исследованиях технологии трёхмерного моделирования, фотограмметрии, виртуальных панорам, дополненной реальности и аэрофотосъёмки только получают достойное место в инструментарии исследователей. Особый интерес в разработке... more
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      Digital ArchaeologyDigital HistoryDigital Photogrammetry applied to ArchaeologyVirtual Reconstruction
Abstract. The article puts forward a new approach to the development of virtual reconstruction of historical and cultural heritage objects that is based on the advanced 3D modeling technologies and addresses the issues of historical urban... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Digital HumanitiesAugmented RealityVirtual Reconstruction
Lo studio costituisce un nuovo contributo alla conoscenza della Cappella Palatina nel Palazzo Reale di Palermo. In relazione alle vicende costruttive della cappella sono stati validati e confutati i dati già esistenti e sono state... more
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      3D Modelling (Architecture)Virtual ReconstructionDisegno E RilievoArchitettura normanna
The topic addressed in this article will be the subject of an upcoming book by the author. What was Michelangelo’s initial project for the Tomb of Pope Julius II? The hypothesis proposed here follows Vasari and Condivi’s descriptions of... more
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      Virtual ReconstructionMichelangelo Buonarroti
Простов В.А., Жеребятьев Д.И. Формирование источникового комплекса для построения виртуальной интерактивной реконструкции Скорбященского монастыря // Историография и источниковедение отечественной истории: Сб. науч. статей (Вып. 6). –... more
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      HistoryVirtual ReconstructionRussian monasteryAll of the Jow Sorrow
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      CommunicationVirtual EnvironmentsCinemaVirtual Reconstruction
This paper presents an integrated multi-analytical documentation of a bronze vessel discovered in a 2nd century Roman military fort from ancient Dacia. The process involved 3D digitization, X-ray and hyperspectral imaging, and molecular,... more
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      X-ray imagingVirtual ArchaeologyX-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) SpectroscopyVirtual Reconstruction
This paper describes the public archaeology approach and placemaking experiment at the Etruscan and Roman site of Podere Cannicci in Tuscany (Italy), drawing from the previous experience at three other archaeological sites along the... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyAnthropologyDigital Humanities
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      Virtual ReconstructionRoman ArchitectureArchaeology, Virtual Reconstructions, Computer ApplicationsArchitettura Romana
El presente artículo pretende servir de guía práctica para que tanto los solicitantes de reconstrucciones virtuales como los profesionales del sector vean facilitado su trabajo durante la primera de las fases de un proyecto de... more
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      ArchaeologyVirtual ArchaeologyVirtual ReconstructionVirtual Reconstruction, Blender, Archaeology
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      Technologies Applied to Cultural Heritage3D Laser scanning (Architecture)3D Modelling (Architecture)Virtual Reconstruction
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      Virtual ReconstructionLandscape ReconstructionExtended Matrix
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      Virtual ReconstructionMedieval Art HistoryUmbriaGothic Painting
Modified abstract of PhD thesis submitted in 2020 to the Archaeological Doctoral Programme, Doctoral School of History, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest under the supervision of László Borhy.
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      Virtual ReconstructionArchaeology of Roman PannoniaRoman building techniqueRoman domestic space
Italy is among the countries with the most important heritage in the world, in different sectors. The amount of historic villages and their centuries-old history is a source of pride, but on the other hand of concern due to the latest... more
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      ArchitectureCultural HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationHeritage Conservation
Some buildings in Hadrian's Villa, as the Maritime Theatre and Piazza d’Oro, show trabeation with a characteristic curvilinear shape decorated with figured friezes. The dispersal of most of the decoration of Hadrian’s Villa in public and... more
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      Virtual ReconstructionClassical Architectural Decoration3D Laser Scanning (Archaeology)Villa Adriana
The excavated architecture of the exceptional prehistoric site of Akrotiri on the Greek island of Thera/Santorini is endangered by gradual decay, damage due to accidents, and seismic shocks, being located on an active volcano in an... more
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      GeophysicsPhotogrammetryPhotographyGround Penetrating Radar (GPR)
Las campañas de excavación desarrolladas en la villa romana de Mitra (Cabra, Córdoba) pusieron al descubierto, entre otros, un importante conjunto musivario. La ausencia de una integración de los mismos en sus correspondientes ambientes... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyRoman VillaeArchaeology of Roman Hispania
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      CreativityImagingPoeticsArchitectural Theory
This volume is the first of a series of books dedicated to individual areas of Virtual Restoration, which today represents one of the possible ways to know, preserve, safeguard and enhance works of art. Through the examination of numerous... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyArt HistoryArchival Moving Image Preservation and Restoration
Light has been considered in various archaeological contexts from the Bronze Age to post-Classical periods, but largely in association with religion and ritual. The importance of light in the daily routines of a Neolithic dwelling is the... more
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      Computer GraphicsNeolithic Archaeology3D visualisationGreek Archaeology
El objetivo fundamental de la reconstrucción virtual de monumentos desa- parecidos o en peligro de desaparición, o de aquellos de los que solo quedan algunos restos, es profundizar en el conocimiento de los mismos y de sus ca-... more
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      Virtual Reconstruction3D modelling cultural heritageReconstrucción Virtual
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      3D Modelling (Architecture)Virtual ReconstructionVirtual ArchitectureVirtual Heritage
S. Vackimes & K. Weltersbach (eds.), "Wandering Seminar on Scientific Objects" [preprint n. 339]. MPIWG, Berlin 2007: 81-108
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      EpistemologyMethodologyHistory of ScienceHistory of Experimentation
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      Greek PapyrologyVirtual ReconstructionHerculaneumPhilodemus
Aim of this paper is to present the project of enhancement of the archaological heritage of Brescia (Italy) with the task of re-enacting the landscape of the ancient city, using contemporary technologies. Thanks to archaeological... more
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      ArchaeologyMuseum StudiesCultural HeritageVirtual Reality (Computer Graphics)
Emblematic icon of the classical language of architecture and sculpture, the building, rotunda Doric dated years 380-350 BC., is located on the terrace of Athena Pronaia in Delphi. Its outer order, climbed from three columns in 1938, has... more
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      Ancient Greek ReligionAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek IconographyDigital reconstruction (Archaeology)
O presente artigo constitui uma síntese dos resultados da quinta edição da Maratona de Arqueologia Virtual, centrada no Castro de Monte Mozinho (Penafiel). Inserido num projeto mais amplo de valorização patrimonial do qual faz parte o... more
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      Digital Heritage3D Modelling (Architecture)Virtual ReconstructionArchaeology, Virtual Reconstructions, Computer Applications
Over the last few decades, there has been a growing interest in the fusion of the humanities and the hard sciences. The continuous experimentation and contamination between these two disciplines has led to the emergence of new horizons of... more
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      Digital ArchaeologyLate AntiquityVirtual ArchaeologyRoman Villae
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      Romanesque ArtVirtual ReconstructionRomanesque SculptureCodex Calixtinus
U tekstu autorka upućuje čitaoce na kompleksnost polja kulturnog naseđa i na njegovu povezanost sa socijalnim, ekonomskim i političkim pitanjima društva. Kroz rad ona prezentuje različite pristupe naslovnoj temi, kroz objektiv... more
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      Cultural HeritageDigital MediaVirtual ReconstructionInterpretation and Presentation of Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites
L’articolo propone una riflessione sul ruolo che la ricostruzione virtuale digitale riveste nel campo della storia dell’architettura, sulla scorta degli esiti di tre esperienze di ricerca condotte nell’ambito del Dottorato di Ricerca in... more
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      3D Modelling (Architecture)Virtual ReconstructionHistory of architectureReconstrucciones Digitales
Virtual reality applications in archaeology are growing. Virtual reconstruction of architecture and artifacts is one such application. After a period of initial exploration and development, scholars know recognize the need for... more
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      Virtual ArchaeologyMaya ArchaeologyVirtual ReconstructionMaya Architecture
"В статье рассматриваются методы и технологии комплексного использования исторических источников при построении виртуальной реконструкции памятников историко-культурного наследия. Этапы создания 3D-модели с помощью современных... more
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      Virtual ReconstructionAll of the Joy SorrowRussian monastery3D technology in history
Lima, António Manuel; Muñiz, José António; Silva, Filipe C. – Genius Loci: o desafio de tentar representar a “alma” de um lugar, in Lima, António Manuel (ed.) – “Tongobriga. Coletânea de Estudos Comemorativos de 40 anos de Investigação”,... more
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      Digital media ProductionDigital MediaDigital Media & LearningInteractive and Digital Media