Industrial Archaeology and Heritage
Recent papers in Industrial Archaeology and Heritage
Between 1806 and 1865 alum was produced at three factories near Bonn-Niederholtorf. Archive research, field surveys, lidar data and trial excavations have revealed vast remains of the most important alum producing site within the kingdom... more
This report presents results of historical and archaeological investigations of the Vitrified Products Corporation manufacturing plant, an architectural ceramics factory that operated in San Diego from 1923 to 1942. The factory site is... more
The Amazon Rainforest is an anthropogenic forest in constant management of forest resources modifying the environment in persistent ways . Even though both hybrid and native rubber trees have been tapped industrially, rubber trees have... more
paper industriële archeologie voor prof Joeri Januarius VUB
The Ruhr region was an important mining and indus-trial production area for almost 150 years between 19th and 20th centuries due to the rich coal sources under the area between Ruhr and Lippe rivers. During inten-sive mining and... more
This model is designed to provide an interpretation of the original layout of the former Sudbury Hall gasworks. The gasworks are a rare surviving example of an ornate private gasworks built in the style of the surrounding estate... more
This paper analyses industrial buildings that were built at the beginning of the twentieth century, when technological progress represented the new future. These constructions possess a series of technological and cultural values that... more
LACKO, Miroslav. Robotnícke kolónie na Železníku - zabudnutý industriálny skvost [Workers' Lodgings in Železník - A Forgotten Industrial Jewel]. In: Z dějin hutnictví 42 - Rozpravy Národního technického muzea v Praze 219 (2012), pp.... more
Milyen lehetőségeket rejt magában a vaskohászati ipari örökség egy posztindusztrialista és posztszocialista településen? Erre a kérdésre keresem a választ két közép-európai iparváros, a vaskohászat egykori fellegvárainak számító Ostrava... more
Da tempo l'Industrial Heritage costituisce una delle leve strategiche per il rilancio culturale di città e territori e per nuovi programmi di rigenerazione urbana. Molti progetti e realizzazioni dimostrano come buone pratiche di... more
Binnen het totale proces van de vlasvezelbereiding neemt het roten, het 'losweken' van de vlasvezel van de stengel, steeds een belangrijke plaats in - omdat hier de basis gelegd wordt van de uiteindelijke kwaliteit van het vlaslint.... more
Today, lack of consciousness and acts of wrong preservation constitute a big threat for the demolish-ment of historical industrial buldings. These buildings which in time lost their functions have not been given as much importance as the... more
On the extreme Southern Edge of Orange County California, amongst the rolling grass covered hills and wooded canyons of Rancho Mission Viejo, lies a little known complex of plain nondescript buildings and large steel framed structures –... more
Industrial movement has changed the face of Iranian cities drastically so lots of Iranian cities inherited a considerable number of industrial heritage sites, buildings and monuments. Based on general review on the documentary evidence, a... more
RESUMEN: La industrialización valenciana se fundamentó sobre una base agraria, especializada en tres producciones orientadas al mercado: el arroz en las zonas de marjal, la naranja en los antiguos secanos transformados de las llanuras... more
A review of the archaeological evidence has found that with the exception of the kiln site and the chapel there are no other known heritage assets within the study area. The course of the former Roman road from Bath to Sea Mills is... more
Report on Coal Loading facilities at ports in NSW in order to place the Balls Head Coal loader into a comparative context to determine whether it was rare or common.
The paper studies the creation of public space from the reuse of old industrial buildings within the urban fabric of modern cities. The example that it analyses is the old oil mill of Elefsina, a coastal city of Attica that has been... more
Within the inner-city suburb of Balmain across the harbour from Sydney’s CBD lies the remnants of Australia’s first dry dock built in 1855. Scattered throughout the peninsula are surrounding elements of the maritime community that... more
An urban-character study of Abergynolwyn was prepared in 2017 in support of the Wales Slate World Heritage Nomination to be submitted to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). Abergynolwyn is a... more
In the summer of 2020 an archaeological investigation in the rear walled garden of The Old Vicarage at, Olney (Bucks) revealed a probable late 17th to early 18th century tanyard. The discovery was made during a fairly small area... more
An urban-character study of Deiniolen was prepared in 2017 in support of the Wales Slate World Heritage Nomination to be submitted to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). Deiniolen is an upland... more
The history of the ancient textile factory "Natividade Nunes da Silva", built in the XX century, in Belver (centre of Portugal) allow us to explore feminine work in a rural area and the ledearship under three generation of women... more
The industrialization process started in 18th century in Europe continued speeding in 19th century. The industrial buildings built at the end of 19th century in Ottoman Empire have great importance in terms of reflecting the technology of... more
Introduction Today Cocklawburn beach is a popular dog-walking destination and picnic spot, but in the 19th century it was a hive of activity with salmon fishing, quarrying, lime-burning, brick-making and coal mining, as well as farming... more
This report is a preliminary analysis of the phases of development for the collective sites of property numbers 85, to 107 (inclusive) Louisa Road, Birchgrove, New South Wales, for the period 1889 to 2013. The focus of the project is on... more
Günümüzde Bakırköy İstanbul’un en kalabalık ilçelerinden biri olma özelliği göstermektedir. İlçe konumu itibariyle özellikle deniz, hava, kara ve demir yolu ulaşım imkânlarına sahiptir. Bu durum bölgeyi tarihi boyunca, konut ve sosyal... more
En Dícido (Castro Urdiales, Cantabria, España), se desarrolló durante un siglo (último tercio del siglo XIX y dos primeros tercios del siglo XX) una intensa actividad de carga de mineral de hierro en mar abierta y lejos del abrigo... more
A new process of making iron, using a blast furnace and a forge, both powered by water, was introduced into the Weald in the 1490s, and spread to other parts of England and Wales from the 1550s. This book provides a history of every... more
The modern infrastructure to supply water and to remove and treat waste was retro-fitted to towns and cities across the world, pulling them back from a sanitary crisis which was threatening to make life intolerable. Faced with... more
Industrial heritage today is being taken even more seriously by academes. It is due to the instituting of heritage studies across humanities, social sciences and natural sciences and developments in contemporary archaeology. Industrial... more