Inner Asian Studies
Recent papers in Inner Asian Studies
The study of traditional societies continues to generate significant interest in social phenomena such as “taboos.” Within the framework of prohibitions and restrictions that govern daily life, food taboos emerge as a prominent aspect.... more
This article continues the studies of human anatomy in the traditional views of the Turkic and Mongolic peoples of Inner Asia. From the standpoint of mythological anatomy, typical of the traditional worldview of the Turkic and Mongolic... more
Mahmud Kashgari, who wrote his work to show that Turkish was equal to Arabic and to teach Turkish to the Arabs, presented his work to the Islamic caliph of the time. The work was written in Arabic; attempts were made to teach 11th century... more
Uvs Province, located in the northwestern region of Mongolia, is rich in ancient archaeological and cultural monuments. Among these, numerous stone monuments represent different historical periods. Since 2015, the joint Mongolian-American... more
Деятельность Государственного Эрмитажа в период 1927–1932 годов отражалась в ряде научных публикаций, но по понятным причинам достаточно обрывочно, поскольку акцент делался на музейных распродажах. Архив Государственного Эрмитажа... more
Special issue “Ideologies and Encounters of Ideas at the Crossroads of the Ancient World” Edited by Andrew Schumann, Zozan Tarhan, Vladimir Sazonov Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 30 (2), 2024 You may find it on the link below.... more
This issue of Ethnologia Polona is devoted to the integration of ethnic diversity in Russian warfare from an anthropological perspective. This is our response to repeated references in public discourse to the participation of non-Russian... more
La Chine d'aujourd'hui couvre une surface deux fois plus grande que l'Union européenne et abrite trois fois la population de cette dernière. Densément peuplé, ce pays est donc, surtout dans son tiers oriental, un immense chantier de... more
Catholic missionaries were active among rural populations in Manchuria, in northeast China, around the turn of the 20th century. Their presence influenced everything from the role of women in religious and family life, to the adoption of... more
In the 1920s and 1930s, the Communist Party and the Soviet Government strived to combine the pursuit of the country’s interests with the promotion of world revolution which resulted in serious political conflicts within the USSR and... more
《一神論》寫於約公元六四一年,發現於二十世紀初,佐伯好郎把它列為景教文獻,為阿羅本公元六三五年抵達長安後「翻經書殿」的作品之一,但他沒有就此提出實質的論證。相反,文中多處顯示《一神論》並不是上書皇帝之類的作品。另一方面,行40-41「喻如從此至波斯,亦如從波斯至拂林,無接界時節」顯示作者是在波斯以東一個與之接壤的地方,所以應是西域(見《漢書.西域傳》)。西域東部的高昌「國人風俗政令、文字亦同華夏」。本文發現,《一神論》內容所顯示的寫作地社會結構(聖主、國王、能自作)、字詞特徵... more
While there is no consensus as to when the Marāgha observatory, centre of a Eurasian-scale intellectual network, ceased to function, given that no historical sources mention such a date, by focusing more on the Īl-Khānid political context... more
Querfurti Brúnó kijevi útja: kérdések és feltevések a historiográfia tükrében Querfurti Brúnóra mártírhalálának ezredik évfordulóján kitüntetett figyelem irányult. 1 tevékenysége alapján joggal, és a kutatás szempontjából szerencsére,... more
- by Márta Font
Problémák és vitás kérdések a keleti szláv krónikák kutatásában A fogalomhasználat problémái Az "óorosz" nyelv Kelet-Európa középkori viszonyainak leírására nem könnyű egyértelmű fogalmakat találni, mivel a történet-, az irodalom-és a... more
- by Márta Font
“Монголын ургамлын аймаг” цуврал бүтээлийн 5-р дэвтэрт Холтсонцэцэгтэн овгийн 20 төрөлд багтах нийт 155 зүйл ургамлын адилцах нэрсийн тойм, төрөл ба зүйл таних түлхүүр, зүйл тус бүрийн дэлгэрэнгүй ойллого, цэцэглэх болон үрлэх хугацаа,... more
Globalization has changed traditional society's many aspects. The relevance of this study lies in the fact that one of the consequences of globalization is the loss of nomadic peoples' traditions, culture, ideology and uniqueness,... more
The Qing court produced an extensive history of the Ming empire in the Manchu language, which has survived in manuscript form in the Palace Museum under the title Ming gurun i suduri (History of the Ming State). Based on a close reading... more
third-party websites referred to or in this book. All internet addresses given in this book were correct at the time of going to press. The author and publisher regret any inconvenience caused if addresses have changed or sites have... more
The fall and subsequent sack of the city of Baghdad by Mongol armies commanded by Hülegü in 1258 CE is a turning point in the history of the city. The general understanding is that after the Mongol conquest, the Abbasid capital underwent... more
The word ovoo means “heap” or “pile” in Mongolian. The ovoo are highly significant features of Inner Asia’s sacred landscape and are present in Mongolian-speaking areas (Mongolia, Inner Mongolia, Buryatia, Kalmykia), as well as in... more
Newsletter of the International Institute for the Study of Nomadic Civilizations
Newsletter of the International Institute for the Study of Nomadic Civilizations
Newsletter of the International Institute for the Study of Nomadic Civilizations
Introduction. The problem of studying the history of the All-Union Pioneer Organization (AUPO) named after V.I. Lenin, which for a long time (1922-1991) played an important role in the education of the younger generation in the USSR, is... more
Kazım Mirşan'ın çeviri ve yorumlarının büyük resmi oluşturmamıza katkıları.
(Asya'daki iç denizler - Türklerin denizcilik yönü - Antik Mısır'ın Türk bağı - Avrupa'daki Türk kökenli halklar)
(Asya'daki iç denizler - Türklerin denizcilik yönü - Antik Mısır'ın Türk bağı - Avrupa'daki Türk kökenli halklar)
Bookreview on Susan Naquin, Peking: Temples and City Life, 1400-1900.
“МИНИМАЛ ШИНЖ ХӨГЖМИЙН ЗОХИОМЖИЙН АРГА БАРИЛ БОЛОХ НЬ” ХУРААНГУЙ Орчин цагийн өрнө дэхний хөгжимд минимал хэмээх нэр томьёог анх хөгжмийн урлагт Майкл Нимэн оруулж улмаар 1974 онд хөгжмийн зохиолч Жон Кейжийн бүтээлүүдэд хийсэн судалгааны... more
Хураангуй Морин хуур болоод түүнтэй холбоотой бүрдэл хэсгүүд нь монголчуудын уламжлалт ахуй соёл, уран сайхны салшгүй нэг хэсэг юм. Үүний нэг болох хуурын татлага нь өөрийн өвөрмөц шинж чанартай бөгөөд бүрдэл хэсэгт давтамж чухал үүрэг... more
This online newspaper article is about Pau Ti-san, the Soviet Chinese leader of a battalion (the Terek CHON Chekists were 800 in number). L. Kasimova is the author while JKC translated the article to English. In April 1918, at the... more
Leonid Maksimenkov wrote an article the life and death of the military commissar, Shen Chenhuo, for the formation of Russian Chinese detachments [regiments] during the Russian Civil War. It was originally published in Ogonyok in the 1950s... more
This is an article by Grigorii Tsidenkov. JKC has merely translated it into English. All of the stories have been collected and collated from Soviet newspapers mostly from Ukraine and Russia that ran stories about Chinese contributions to... more
The article considers the present stage of early medieval stone sculpture study in the Altai-Sayan region including the Altai Republic, the Tuva Republic and the Republic of Khakassia. This work summarizes results of the researches... more
Архив Государственного Эрмитажа располагает достаточным массивом письменных источников, которые позволяют пристально рассмотреть отдельные на первый взгляд незначительные события, каждое из которых превращается в отдельную увлекательную... more