Interaction Ritual Theory
Recent papers in Interaction Ritual Theory
Short-term mission trips (STMs) are service trips, typically lasting from one week to a few months, which entails an individual travelling to a distant place to engage in a type of voluntary social service, often in tandem with... more
Ritual has been studied from a variety of scholarly disciplines; as a result, it has been approached and defined in a myriad of ways. In a widely read encyclopedia article on "Ritual" published in 1968, the anthropologist Edmund Leach... more
Building on Erving Goffman and Emile Durkheim, Randall Collins has demonstrated that situations have rules, processes, and constraints that are largely independent of more macro-social dynamics—this realm of action is referred to as the... more
This conceptual paper re-evaluates the concept of niches in tourism markets. As many regions are now attempting to address niche markets in tourism as a development strategy, understanding of the dynamics of niche markets is crucial.... more
The present paper explores the phenomenon of 'public ritual apology'. In our definition, this phenomenon covers an apology performed in front of public, and which is ritual in the sense that it is symbolic and expected to restore the... more
Events are per definition limited in time and space. However, the social interaction taking place during events, can continue virtually. This can result in hybrid communities, existing of an offline and an online dimension (Sechi,... more
The expanding gaming industry now includes a large group of consumers who watch others play games. On – the leading platform for gameplay streaming – influencers livestream themselves playing games while viewers watch and... more
В работе исследуется теория ритуалов интеракций с точки зрения её внутренней (теоретической) и внешней (эмпирической) непротиворечивости. Рассматриваются эмпирические исследования, подтверждающие достоверность и применимость в... more
This insightful book reappraises how traditional high culture attractions have been supplemented by popular culture events, contemporary creativity and everyday life through inventive styles of tourism. Greg Richards draws on over three... more
This book has been published through Zaphon Verlag. For more details and to purchase a copy:
This is a chapter from Relational Rituals and Communication, which studies relationally destructive ritual practices.
Violence was a key element of the interwar radical habitus and was particularly affirmed in far-right movements, which found fertile ground for their ideas among students. However, the influence of the systems of ideas advocated by... more
The sociological study of religion stretches back to the discipline’s foundation in the work of Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim (Borowik 2011). Durkheim’s (1915) broad conception of collective consciousness and the increasing... more
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The study of sport spectatorship has an increasing focus on the importance of fandom beyond fan violence. Fundamental to understanding fan behavior are the meaningful rituals and emotions experienced by fans. In this paper, I use the... more
This conceptual paper argues for a broader view of the role of events in social systems. When analysed as social phenomena, events can be seen as social actors that have the potential to both sustain and transform social systems. The... more
In polite cultures, praise serves as valuable social currency, yet, some compliments can be counter-productive. A cryptosemic compliment is a message in communication that is routinely exchanged on the virtue of its good intentions, while... more
Dans ce chapitre, je défends que les affects propres aux signes avant-coureurs de la transe de possession dans un culte afro-brésilien, le Xangô de Recife, gagneraient à être appréhendées en tant qu’affordances affectives,... more
W artykule porównuję trzy koncepcje dotyczące dystrybuowania idei – memetyczną, autorstwa Richarda Brodiego; antropologiczną, stworzoną przez Dana Sperbera i socjologiczną, rozwijaną przez Randalla Collinsa. Moim celem jest wskazanie... more
Research indicates that white middle-class families’ engagement with urban schools in gentrifying localities is often characterised by strategies of dominance and control, which support claims of belonging and identity, as well as... more
ABSTRACT This paper examines the (collective) performance of identities in an event context. During events, the participants not only engage in face-to-face performances, but also in the collective performances of crowds and audiences.... more
An exploration into the efficacy of Randall Collin's IRC theory as it is applied to online communities.
As Coupland and others show, Bauman's account of 'performance' provides a valuable perspective on speech stylisation across a range of public contexts. But this paper explores the limitations of performance as a window on crossing and... more
The expanding gaming industry now includes a large group of consumers who watch others play games. On – the leading platform for gameplay streaming – influencers livestream themselves pla...
Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии. 2015. №3 (80). Том. XVIII. C. 65-79.
This paper presents some preliminary insights into an important yet generally neglected discursive phenomenon which we define as ‘in-group ritual’. In-group ritual refers to ritual practices formed by relational networks. In terms of... more
Abstract This study adds to research on digital interactions by exploring the role of emoji use patterns in online dating among young adults. Focus group data suggest emojis play a similar role as non-verbal behaviors do in an offline... more
Language learners participating in inquiry-based science instruction are often faced with the challenge of interacting in a language they have not yet mastered. With this challenge at the fore, this study uses interaction ritual theory to... more
There is brilliance of Gregory Bateson in viewing structure as a dance of interacting parts. In my research I see this in visual ethnography, in Islamic space and time, kinship and in ritual. I content that this is the way we can... more
Since the 1960s various currents within social theory have been undermining the functionalist and structuralist conception of the human agent as a passive automaton moved by obscure forces. While the emerging picture emphasizes the part... more
This thesis examines how Chinese-Canadian evangelicals (CCEs) maintain social solidarity through short-term missions (STMs) to China. STMs are pilgrimage-like service trips that entails an individual to travel to a distant place to engage... more
Picturing the True Form investigates the long-neglected visual culture of Daoism, China's primary indigenous religion, from the tenth through the thirteenth centuries with references to both earlier and later times. In this richly... more
The paper focuses on the analysis of the role that microinteractions play in the emergence of network structures in 12-Step self-help fellowships. The fellowships are considered as networks that consist of groups with overlapping... more
Numerous sanctuaries in ancient Italy and beyond have yielded small figurative votive objects made of terracotta or bronze. Based on a model of symbolic communication adapted from the work of cultural anthropologist Victor Turner, my... more
Abstract Title | To like, or not to like: A study of meaning making in social media interaction
The present paper explores the phenomenon of 'public ritual apology'. In our definition, this phenomenon covers an apology performed in front of public, and which is ritual in the sense that it is symbolic and expected to restore... more
Dans ce chapitre, je défends que les affects propres aux signes avant-coureurs de la transe de possession dans un culte afro-brésilien, le Xangô de Recife, gagneraient à être appréhendées en tant qu’« affordances affectives »,... more
Łukasz Remisiewicz Uniwersytet Gdański randall collinS o kuliSach SWoJeJ pracy, emocJach oraz konfliktach W życiu Społecznym