Dialogical Teaching
Recent papers in Dialogical Teaching
La siguiente investigación analiza la educación con capacidad dialógica como principal característica de la pedagogía de la confianza como estrategia emancipadora contemporánea. Posibilidad que se sustenta sobre el reconocimiento de la... more
Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.informaworld.com/terms-and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution ,... more
Courtney Cazden en Sarah Michaels hebben beiden een belangrijke rol gespeeld in het onderzoek naar de waarde van gesprekken in het onderwijs voor het leren van kinderen. Dit interview met Cazden en Michaels vormt de opmaat naar de special... more
Jesus como um mestre excelente usou vários métodos em sua abordagem pedagógica, um dos mais expoentes: o diálogo. Este artigo faz uma breve análise do uso desse método no seu encontro com a mulher samaritana no poço de Jacó.
We live in a time of educational transformations towards more 21st century pedagogies and learning. In the digital age children and young people need to learn critical thinking, creativity and innovation and the ability to solve complex... more
Architectural discourse has often appropriated the dialogical construct to introduce and promote new ideas that would otherwise be uneasily accepted or polemically rejected. The dialectical dialogue is thus scripted -i.e. designed - from... more
While there is consensus that dialogic teaching should involve a repertoire of teaching and learning talk patterns and approaches, authorities who enjoin teachers to engage in dialogic teaching generally characterize classroom dialogue in... more
Stand-Up comedians have an array of communicative techniques, transferrable to the Educational industry. The goal of the research is not to introduce ‘funny teachers’ into the classroom; the focus will be on improving communication and... more
v Küreselleşen dünyada ekonomi ve teknoloji alanındaki gelişmeler en az bir yabancı dil bilmeyi zorunlu hale getirmiştir. Hatta iyi bir işte çalışabilmek için birden fazla yabancı dili iyi derecede konuşmak gerekmektedir. Avrupa... more
Despite the immense stability of the social structure of schooling, recent social, economic, and technological developments are widening the gap between schools and the surrounding societies so much as to challenge the foundations of... more
Abstract: This article relates common ways of conceptualising action research as “intervention”, “collaboration”, “interactive research”, “applied research”, and “practitioner research” to a number of different ways of knowing extracted... more
Actualmente la formación docente se ve interpelada por múltiples demandas tanto desde las variadas realidades de las prácticas en instituciones educativas cuanto desde los avances en los conocimientos disciplinares y educativos. La... more
Aristotle has been continuously at the frontier of philosophical reflection for almost 2400 years. Throughout the 20th century the influence of his practical philosophy has been growing. His «non-modernist» concept of phrónêsis or... more
“Dialogue” combines the Greek dia (“across”) with logos (“word” or “speech”) to mean a mutual exchange of meaning across space and time. A dialogue involves two or more entities in communication with each other, taking turns in some... more
This article relates common ways of conceptualising action research as "intervention", "collaboration", "interactive research", "applied research", and "practitioner research" to a number of different ways of knowing, extracted from the... more
This is my overall theory of Johannine composition, involving an early and a final edition of the Gospel, with the three Johannine Epistles composed by the Elder written between them--who was the final editor of the Beloved Disciple's... more
ABSTRACT What makes the co-construction of a new alliance between school-adolescents-family and territory topical, necessary, vital and imperative? The 21st century started with one of the most significant and profound educational... more
We examined the effects of a teacher development programme focused on the implementation of dialogic teaching. A change in classroom discourse parameters was identified. The amount of talk with reasoning increased. Student talk with... more
While grand claims have been made for the power of literature, there is a dearth of experimental research in English education examining the effects of reading literature-and specifically young adult literature-on students' attitudes and... more
Consultation is an important feature of research and, increasingly, researchers are required to work in partnership with stakeholders to increase the impact of their work. Our aim is to demonstrate what can be learned from the scholarship... more
In the following report the author will be attempting to outline the binary opposition of monologic and dialogic approaches so that an educational practitioner can move from the univocal to authentic communicative exchanges. To introduce... more
This article relates common ways of conceptualising action research as “intervention”, “collaboration”, “interactive research”, “applied research”, and “practitioner research” to a number of different ways of knowing, extracted from the... more
The ongoing literacy project I initiated at the temporary site of the Bahamas Primary School in October of 2009 involves the whole school across subject areas in long term literacy development in grades one through six, adoption and... more
Nessuno libera nessuno, nessuno si libera da solo: ci si libera insieme." (Paulo Freire) "Alla fine avevo bisogno di questo, sedermi, ascoltare, sentirmi ascoltata, lasciare i miei pregiudizi fuori dal cerchio, lasciarmi attraversare da... more
Del Prette, Z. A. P., & Del Prette, A. (2001). Habilidades sociais e educação: Pesquisa e atuação em psicologia escolar/educacional. In: Del Prette, Z.A.P (Org.), Psicologia Escolar, Saúde e Qualidade de Vida (pp. 113-141). Campinas:... more
The Philosophy for Children in Schools Project is an ongoing research project to explore the impact of philosophy for children (P4C) on classroom practice. This paper reports on the responses of head teachers, teachers and local... more
EDITORIAL Oľga Zápotočná: Pedagogy, Education and Society Today ARTICLES Anneli Frelin, Jan Grannäs: The Production of Present and Absent Presences in Education Metka Mencin Čeplak: Heteronormativity: School, Ideology, and... more
Abstract: The challenges of the leadership faced by the dialogical coach, are: to succeed in opening a permanent thoughtful and reflective space, focusing on dialogue. The dialogical coach faces the growing complexity and acts as a... more
In this essay David Kennedy argues that children represent one vanguard of an emergent shift in Western subjectivity, and that adult–child dialogue, especially in the context of schooling, is a key locus for the epistemological change... more
Kumpulainen, K., & Rajala, A. (in press). Dialogic teaching and students’ discursive identity negotiation in the learning of science. In C. van der Veen, & B. van Oers (Eds.) Special issue: Classroom discourse and learning outcomes.... more
This paper examines EFL classroom interaction patterns with a focus on students' questions and the role of the teacher in creating a space for students to join in classroom dialogues.
The research presented below is enquiring in to whether verbal and non-verbal learning behaviour increases after collaboration with an expert. The group participated in two differing learning dyads (i.e. expert-novice and same-ability)... more
Dialogic theories and practices in education have grown over the last decade; in the United Kingdom, however, most research in the field has been carried out in primary schools. Six leading academic researchers in the field are... more
In this research, it is aimed to investigate in depth the thoughts and practices of primary teachers regarding the practice of dialogical teaching. This research is designed as a phenomenological. Within the scope of the study, the... more
In this chapter, the authors introduce research-based strategies to engage beginning teachers in learning as reflexive praxis, a continuous inquiry into teaching. They argue that mastery of such mediational means of reflection as... more
The current 'activity' involved in active labour market polices, such as the UK's New Deal, is focused on interventions to increase the 'employability' of the unemployed person in the belief that this will offset health problems. This... more
This paper offers a genealogy of dialogic education, tracing its origins in Romantic epistemology and corresponding philosophy of childhood, and identifying it as a counterpoint to the purposes and assumptions of universal, compulsory,... more
Education is commonly considered to be a transformational practice that contributes both to forging the personality of individuals and to promoting social entanglements. For this reason, education always has a normative character that... more