International institutions
Recent papers in International institutions
Japan’s strategic objective of the Quad Plus is not anti-China coalition-building, but to create an ad-hoc coalition-building device that serves the maintenance and enhancement of the rules-based international order in the Indo-Pacific... more
In June 2016, the European Union launched its new ‘Global Strategy for Foreign and Security Policy’. In less unusual times, it would have been received as merely the latest iteration of the main tenets and ambitions of EU external action,... more
Cours des Institutions internationales de Mme Hajer Gueldich de 2015
While legitimacy dynamics are paramount in global governance, they have been insufficiently recognized, conceptualized, and explained in standard accounts of international cooperation. This special issue aims to advance the empirical... more
¿Cómo se van configurando los términos, contenidos y sentidos de la categoría como PEA (Población Económicamente Activa)? Por medio de este acrónimo los sistemas estadístico-censales nacionales agruparon y aun recopilan datos de... more
IR scholars have recently paid increasing attention to unequal institutional orders in world politics, arguing that global governance institutions are deeply shaped by power inequalities among states. Yet, the literature still suffers... more
Los derechos humanos son un área temática muy importante en las relaciones internacionales contemporáneas. La doctrina de derechos humanos, que tras un proceso de desarrollo de más de tres siglos se concretó tras el fin de la segunda... more
Using objective measures of investor protections in 170 countries, I establish that the level of investor protection matters for cross-country differences in GDP growth: countries with stronger protections tend to grow faster than those... more
The adoption of the Cancun Agreements constitutes a remarkable shift in the promotion of state compliance within the climate change regime. Whereas the Kyoto Protocol involved robust enforcement mechanisms, the new Measurement, Reporting... more
This article examines the increasing relevance of Islam and religion in the institutional arrangement of the EU post-Maastricht and the future policy implications for the complex political system of the EU. By adopting a combination of... more
A concepção, formulação e execução de políticas públicas tem sido, tradicionalmente, prática rotineira da atuação dos Estados Nacionais. Contudo, atualmente tem-se assistido que essa mesma prática vem sendo exercida fora da esfera... more
This article profiles five recently-formed NGOs (non-governmental organizations), whose missions are explicitly Catholic or compatible with Church teachings on human dignity: Society of Catholic Social Scientists (SCSS), Catholic Family... more
The United Nations as a quintessential " universal " International Organisation, was established in 1945 to save succeeding generations from the scourge of another catastrophic world war, which till date, it has successfully precluded.... more
Il processo di costruzione di una politica estera dell'Unione Europea (UE), distinta da quella dei suoi paesi membri, è stato lungo e faticoso e, come dimostra l'impotenza dell'UE di fronte alle crisi recenti -in Ucraina piuttosto che in... more
This book traces the changing meanings of free trade over the past century through three sugar treaties and their concomitant institutions. The 1902 Brussels Convention is an example of how free trade buttressed the British Empire. The... more
Memorials are objects, structures, or (real or virtual) places that serve to focus the memory of conflict related violence. By pinning memory to a location, they fix it in place. Memorials serve as vessels for information in a... more
I write this essay according to the articles that focus on the Brazilian capabilities in the global governance. Brazil has an opportunity in BRICS which because of the factor of Brazilian leaders and also the members of the BRICS.
UN peacekeeping is a core pillar of the multilateral peace and security architecture and a multi-billion undertaking reshaping lives around the world. In spite of this, the engagement between the literatures on UN peacekeeping and... more
In this article, I try to describe the relation between China and the institution of sovereignty through the analysis of its engagement with it. After explaining what institutions are in international society, I describe the evolution of... more
World Politics is a free printable Trivia Board Game in which players must correctly answer a series of questions related to issues of international relations and geopolitics. This game is designed to offer international relations... more
The study of international relations is strongly influenced by the assumption of anarchy, i.e., that there is no central law enforcing authority in the international system. Absent such an authority, cooperation among states is hard. In... more
This thesis aims at studying the institutionalization processes of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) since its establishment in 1967 until the first half decade of ASEAN charter implementation during 2008-2012. The... more
La rapide expansion des sciences du numérique donne un visage nouveau à l'intelligence artificielle. Cette technologie de communication imprègne notre vie et s'adapte constamment à nos habitudes. Le droit tente de comprendre ce système... more
Treaty conflicts are not merely the contingent or inadvertent byproducts of the increasing juridification of international relations. In several instances, States have deliberately created treaty conflicts in order to catalyse changes in... more
Syllabus for my International Organization course in the spring 2020 semester at Lewis & Clark College, which was significantly modified in the midst of COVID-19.
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is focused under many areas; arms control, border management, combating human trafficking, combating terrorism, conflict prevention and resolution, democratization, economic... more
This guide was prepared with the aim to collect and disseminate a selection of parenting approaches and resources relevant for the context of Republic of Serbia. The collection brings together a list of programs that have been implemented... more
This article argues that the Protocol on Amendments to the Protocol on the Statute of the African Court of Justice and Human Rights (Malabo Protocol) re-conceptualizes the idea of transitional justice mechanisms as varying approaches... more
The establishment of the United Nations at the end of the Second World War in 1945 was a welcome development after the failure of the League of Nations to ensure the protection of international peace and security. After the war, the... more
This article analyses the role played by the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) countries within the context of the reform of international institutions, in primis the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). In recent... more
In this article, I analyze the World Bank’s response to the global financial crisis. I show that the World Bank significantly increased lending after the crisis began, and the majority of this lending went to middle-income countries... more
Power shifts and especially power transitions in the international system are often associated with (military) confl ict. Power Transition Theory (PTT) does offer an analysis of this phenomenon but no remedy. We suggest easing the... more
Berbagai teori bermunculan dengan adanya fenomena-fenomena kerja sama regional yang muncul pasca Perang Dunia II. Salah satunya adalah teori neo-fungsionalisme yang dipopulerkan oleh Ernest Haas. 1 Teori inilah yang diulas Jensen dalam... more
Tiragem 1000 exemplares Data Dezembro de 2005 Depósito Legal 235715/05 ISBN 972-98906-6-8 Dedicatória -Aos Homens e Instituições que ousam acreditar na possibilidade de fazer bolinar a nau da Lusofonia rumo ao ecumenismo universal. -Aos... more
ABSTRACT: this dissertation seeks to evaluate the Peace of Westphalia (1648) for the importance of discerning and validating its influential ramifications for the development of international law. It will argue that from the Westphalian... more
With the concretisation and expansion of international criminal justice, intergovernmental bodies other than the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) are increasingly becoming important role players. While African countries have been... more
This Article identifies an emerging regime complex in the field of international criminal law and analyzes the development of the regional criminal chamber to the African Court of Justice and Human Rights. A regime complex refers to the... more
In questo volume dedicato a Fausto Vicarelli si riprendono i grandi filoni della sua opera analizzandoli alla luce dei cambiamenti che sono avvenuti negli ultimi venti anni nella teoria e nella politica economica, nelle istituzioni... more