Intralingual Translation
Recent papers in Intralingual Translation
Literary translation is a love affair. Depending on the context, it could be love at first sight or hot pursuits of a lover’s elusive nodding approval. In other instances it could be unrequited love, and still others a test of devotion... more
Since the 1990s literary production in Spanglish, the so-called “hybrid” language that mixes English and Spanish, has been increasing. With increasing publication has come a demand for translations of these texts. Some authors readily... more
Solmaz Sharif's debut poetry collection, Look (2016), has been hailed by critics for its formal experimentation and as a searing indictment of war. Using various words from the 2007 Department of Defense (DOD) Dictionary of Military and... more
This thesis describes the development of foreign language strategies (subtitling, dubbing, voice-over) in cinematography and describes same-language subtitling. This subtitling will be split in subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing... more
Flanders and the Netherlands have a long history of intralingual translation. By looking at the different aspects of this intralingual translation we can gain insight into the evolving power relations between both regions. In the long... more
Öz İlmî ve siyasi kimliğiyle on dokuzuncu yüzyıla damgasını vuran Ahmet Cevdet Paşa’nın kaleme aldığı Belagat-ı Osmaniyye; klasik belagat geleneğini devam ettiren, bunun yanında konuları çok sayıda Türkçe örnek eşliğinde ele alan önemli... more
This research investigates the effects of intralingual (or same language) subtitling on characterisation, with a specific focus on the AMC drama, Breaking Bad. A corpus-stylistic approach was used, with a focus on several characters.... more
Bu bölümün üçüncü yazısını Sadık Yazar’ın “Osmanlı Telif Geleneğinde Diliçi Çevirinin Sınırları” başlıklı yazısı oluşturmaktadır. Bu çalışma telif türleri bakımından hayli zengin olan Osmanlı telif geleneğinde, diliçi çeviri ile... more
Koridor Yayınlarınca hazırlanan elinizdeki bu çalışma, eserin bir diliçi çevirisi mahiyetindedir. Çalışmada, kitabın, zaten oldukça sade olan diline fazla müdahale edilmedi; sadece günümüz okuru için güncelliğini yitirmiş bazı kelimeler... more
The paper analyses a modern English translation of Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales" to determine the major features of the Middle English text which justify diachronic translation and to define the lines along which the... more
Впервые на русском языке исследуется «Заметка о Гегеле и Хайдеггере» Александра Кожева. Анализируется попытка Александра Кожева обосновать взаимную переводимость философии Гегеля и философии Хайдеггера. Изучены аргументы Кожева о единстве... more
This paper focuses on the practice of intralingual translations in Turkey, which are generally regarded as original writings and thus have remained outside the realm of Translation Studies. In an attempt to offer a different... more
The term "translation" is the process of transferring from one language to another language. In fact, translation is a procedure between languages. Therefore, the translation also means intercultural communication. In this study, we want... more
ABSTRACT Poetry is a textual genre that evokes remarkable aesthetic experiences, projecting the subjectivity of the message and author's creativity, both in oral and in sign languages. However, the researches about translation methods of... more
The goal of this presentation is to show part of the results of the author’s Master’s dissertation conducted at the Trinity Centre for Literary and Cultural Translation in 2020. This study builds on the work developed by Professor Michael... more
This article analyzes the intralingual translation carried out on the Harry Potter book series for their publication in the US, as well as the repercussions of this translation. Even though the analysis here presented is limited to a... more
Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies
Boğaziçi University, Istanbul
27-28 November 2014
Boğaziçi University, Istanbul
27-28 November 2014
The Universities of Tel Aviv and Bar-Ilan in Israel will host this International conference on intralingual translation. The event will take place on July 4-6 2021 and will bring together scholars interested in diverse aspects of the... more
The term yanyi (演義), the vernacular or pseudo-vernacular narrative elaboration of historical materials, is nowadays a term primarily associated with Chinese pre-modern narrative tradition. If considered in its diachronic configuration,... more
Σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης είναι να εξετάσει δύο από τις πλέον εμβληματικές για τη νεότερη Ελλάδα ομηρικές μεταφράσεις υπό το πρίσμα των πολιτισμικών συνθηκών στις οποίες εντάσσονται και των ερευνητικών εξελίξεων που απηχούν. Όπως... more
Intralingual translation has often remained on the margins of translation studies. Despite the ever-expanding research in this field since the discipline began to be constituted as such in the 1960s, interlingual translation has remained... more
The present study focuses on the challenges of the intralingual translation from the peripheral dialect into official, standard Slovak that has been performed on unique Šariš region dialect fairy tales preserved in the village Fintice.... more
Existing literary translations can be reused in a number of complex ways that extend their lives beyond their publication and reception. They can be used as the basis for intralingual (same language) or interlingual (different language)... more
Program for a future conference sponsored by the Israel Science Foundation
As some scholars view inter-and intra-lingual translation as a parallel activity, it is vital to establish to what extent the products of these processes are alike, and whether the processes themselves differ. This paper investigates... more
Albahari's short story "Learning Cyrillic", translated from Serbian into English by Elias-Bursać, combines three languages-Serbian, English, and Blackfootand two scripts-Latin and Cyrillic. This article uses the story and its English... more
Under the dynamic and diversified online mediascape in China, the traditional roles of intralingual subtitles have gradually shifted as they have become an integral part of entertainment and one of the main content types for consumption.... more
Belagat-ı Osmaniyye'nin açıklamalı günümüz Türkçesi çevirisi üzerine eleştiriler / Ö. Uyan (675-693. s.
This is part 2/2 of a joint presentation. The writing of commentary and subcommentary was such a well-established and common feature of literary and intellectual culture of traditional China that it is mostly taken for granted, while the... more
Rational foundations of conceptual translation. The case of Hegel - Heidegger Phenomenology in the works of Alexandre Kojeve. Article 1 Впервые на русском языке исследуется «Заметка о Гегеле и Хайдеггере» Александра Кожева. Анализируется... more
This article focuses on the Turkish Language Reform and the practice of intralingual translation in Turkey as the updating of archaic or older texts, an area that has been largely overlooked in previous theoretical discussions within... more
This paper presents a preliminary discussion of the status of translation practices embedded in the commentarial entries of the Yuan dynasty anthology Du lü yanyi 杜律演義 [Explanation of the Meaning of Du Fu’s Regulated Verse] by Zhang... more
Lienü zhuan yanyi 列女傳演義 (Volgarizzamento delle Biografie di donne, di seguito LNZYY) è un’opera in sei juan 卷 pubblicata a Suzhou 蘇州 nella seconda metà del XVII secolo e costituisce un volgarizzamento del te-sto Han 漢 (206 a.C.-220 d.C.)... more
This paper explores epitexts and peritexts (prefaces) written by translators to intralingual translations. It carries out a preliminary study on several translator's prefaces (here called 'translatorial prefaces') in the Japanese context... more
Esen, Esin, “The Intralingual Translations of Murasaki Shikibu Nikki: A Comparative Study through the ‘Reader-listener Responsibility’ Approach” International Workshop on Intralingual Translation, Boğaziçi University, 27-28 November 2014,... more